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Clinton nod in sight, Sanders still seeking platform changes


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Clinton nod in sight, Sanders still seeking platform changes

CATHERINE LUCEY, Associated Press
KEN THOMAS, Associated Press

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — For Bernie Sanders, a campaign that began as a liberal crusade will probably end that way, with the Vermont senator still fighting for the issues that made up his "political revolution" even as his clout fades.

In the weeks since Hillary Clinton clinched the Democratic nomination, her irascible primary rival won a few policy concessions and influenced the party's platform. But he's also angered fellow lawmakers for not promptly endorsing his primary foe and has seen his influence wane as President Barack Obama and Sen. Elizabeth Warren stepped in to unify the party behind its presumptive nominee.

Sanders' fights are not fully finished — he is seeking more platform changes at a party meeting in Orlando that kicked off Friday — but he appears to be winding down this period of denouement, with his endorsement of Clinton now expected to come at a joint event next week.

The meeting of the Democratic National Convention full Platform Committee began slowly in an Orlando hotel ballroom on Friday, but Sanders scored a key win late in the night, when the committee approved an amendment to the platform backing raising the federal minimum wage to $15 per hour "over time," indexed to inflation.

But Sanders' supporters want more changes during the meeting, which continues Saturday. Many were wearing stickers stressing that they want the platform to oppose the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which Clinton has come out against but Obama supports. They also want a carbon tax to address climate change and seek a freeze on hydraulic fracking.

The roughly 15,000-word platform is a nonbinding document that serves as a guidepost for the party. After the Orlando meeting, the document will be voted on at the convention in Philadelphia this month. The draft under review already shows Sanders' influence, as it endorses steps to break up large Wall Street banks and urges an end to the death penalty.

Also on Friday night, the committee narrowly backed an amendement to strike presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump's name from the platform.

Sanders has avoided endorsing Clinton for weeks as he focused much of his energy on shaping the platform to mirror his liberal campaign, citing his millions of supporters as motivation to keep pushing his agenda. But he says the party will ultimately unite.

Two Democrats with knowledge of Sanders' plans told The Associated Press that Sanders is closing in on offering his public endorsement of Clinton. The Democrats spoke on condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations they were not authorized to disclose. Clinton's campaign has announced a stop in New Hampshire on Tuesday but did not say that Sanders also would attend.

The Sanders and Clinton campaigns are still discussing policy areas where they can reach agreement, including ways to expand access to health care coverage. Clinton's campaign outlined plans earlier this week to expand college affordability and place a three-month moratorium on student loan payments, a proposal that was developed with the Sanders campaign.

For many Democrats, the endorsement is overdue. Sanders' reluctance to endorse Clinton drew catcalls from Democratic lawmakers during a private meeting this week. While he has hung back, other party leaders have coalesced around Clinton.

"He ran a remarkable campaign; he didn't win," said Bob Shrum, a longtime Democratic strategist and politics professor at the University of Southern California. "Hillary Clinton and her campaign have handled him very well. I think the time is coming to resolve this and to prepare for a convention where hopefully he will give a powerful speech."

Back in 2008, after a bruising primary race against then-Sen. Barack Obama, Clinton ended her presidential bid and endorsed him in a speech on June 7. The two then campaigned together in Unity, New Hampshire, three weeks later. Asked Wednesday why he was not doing the same, Sanders told CNN he was working to ensure "we have the strongest Democratic platform out there that represents working families, and we have made good progress on that."

Sanders could take these issue fights to the Democratic convention and his campaign is making sure it is ready to do so. His aides stress his millions of votes and his highly motivated delegates to the convention. Still, Clinton will have more delegates in attendance.

"He's earned the right to stay on the clock," said Rep. Raul Grijalva of Arizona, a Sanders delegate who has endorsed Clinton since she became the presumptive nominee. Sanders' presence and voice, Grijalva said, will be important to unity.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-09

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He should never endorse Clinton. Campaign against the orange fascist monster, hell yes. Clinton and their operatives screwed him and the American voter in more ways than can be counted or will ever be known. I would say go to the Green Party if they get on enough states. Clinton won't loose to the fascist, her operatives have learned how to manipulate voting as well as the Republicans.

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Sgt - have you gone over to the dark side with this conspiracy nonsense?

HRC is a strong woman who will make a great President. The things that make her a strong woman are the very things that some people hate. It doesn't matter who hates at this point, she'll win in a landslide against Cheeto Jesus.

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He should never endorse Clinton. Campaign against the orange fascist monster, hell yes. Clinton and their operatives screwed him and the American voter in more ways than can be counted or will ever be known. I would say go to the Green Party if they get on enough states. Clinton won't loose to the fascist, her operatives have learned how to manipulate voting as well as the Republicans.

Yeah...They have learned how to manipulate a lot more than just voting.

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"The roughly 15,000-word platform is a nonbinding document that serves as a guidepost for the party."

They could have had Bernie and company onboard weeks ago since all they ever had to do was lie. whistling.gif But Clinton is NEVER going to concede to needing Bernie. After all, SHE'S God. But even God had to give a little to the devil.

I'm really not sure why these reporters keep writing and rewriting this same story. For the past 3-4 months now, every week, Bernis has "Been on the verge of endorsing Clinton" but it never happens.

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"The roughly 15,000-word platform is a nonbinding document that serves as a guidepost for the party."

They could have had Bernie and company onboard weeks ago since all they ever had to do was lie. whistling.gif But Clinton is NEVER going to concede to needing Bernie. After all, SHE'S God. But even God had to give a little to the devil.

I'm really not sure why these reporters keep writing and rewriting this same story. For the past 3-4 months now, every week, Bernis has "Been on the verge of endorsing Clinton" but it never happens.

Really, the last 3-4 months? Data, please. Like facts. They come out of something called Reality. Get familiar with it.

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He should never endorse Clinton. Campaign against the orange fascist monster, hell yes. Clinton and their operatives screwed him and the American voter in more ways than can be counted or will ever be known. I would say go to the Green Party if they get on enough states. Clinton won't loose to the fascist, her operatives have learned how to manipulate voting as well as the Republicans.



I expect reality denial and conspiracy theories from the right. Why sink to their level?

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