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Egypt urges “two state solution” to Israeli-Palestinian conflict


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Pure propaganda piece. Utter hypocritical baloney for domestic consumption.
If anyone bothers to view it, Netanyahu simply labels not 5 steps to peace, but 5 criticisms of Palestinian leadership whom he accuses of incitement, while ignoring the incitement to violence by members of his own cabinet.
Netanyahu is simply raising the bar once more.
I am willingly to engage in direct negotiations without any preconditions...except...
1) Palestinians, having already recognized Israel's right to exist, must now recognize the Jewish State of Israel.
2) Abbas must now sack his own cabinet.
No mention by Netanyahu as one of the recent Quartet's chief obstacles to peace being his expanded colony building on land intended for a future Palestinian state, or no mention of the Arab Peace initiatives.
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Your own link is hardly a ringing endorsement of your earlier claim that "Israel strongly desires a harmonious two state solution."

"Netanyahu appeared to back away Thursday from his declaration that he would not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state."

There is no reason to believe that those who pull the strings in Israel are in any way interested in a two state solution. That is not to say that the Palestinians are either.

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Your own link is hardly a ringing endorsement of your earlier claim that "Israel strongly desires a harmonious two state solution."

"Netanyahu appeared to back away Thursday from his declaration that he would not allow the establishment of a Palestinian state."

Hogwash. "Appeared" is the opinion of some reporter and we don't know what their politics are. Netanyahu made a definitive statement.

"I don't want a one-state solution," he told NBC News in an interview. "I want a sustainable, peaceful two-state solution."

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Pure propaganda piece.

Pot, kettle, black. False propaganda is pretty much all the Israel-haters contribute to this forum - post after post without an actual fact. bah.gif

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Maybe Netanyahu could deliver a two state solution. He certainly craves the international fame. If he dumped the fanatical right wing nationalist parties in his coalition, who would not even countenance a Palestinian state. It's possible that in another election he might form a coalition with the Zionist Union whose platform is definitely a two state solutiion.

Perhaps together they could deliver a viable contiguous state acceptable to the Palestinians.

Personally I feel change will only come with carrot and stick pressure from the US and EU.

Meanwhile under the current government's intransigence using only the failed military option and colony expansion grabbing more land I think Israel is sleepwalking its way into a de facto one state solution. If Israel annexes the West Bank and makes it de jure, it will then truly be an apartheid situation if it refuses to give equal rights to the existing Palestinian residents. The world will then respond accordingly.

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Well, if Bibi could deliver a two state solution that would be one HUMDINGER of a legacy! Not saying he can though. Not sure anyone can.

A two-state solution is not going to become a reality as long as Israelis occupy Palestinian land outside their 1967 borders.

The radical Zionist objective of ​Eretz Israel is what is behind the illegal settlements and land grabs.

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