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North Korea threatens tough response against US missile defence deployment


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Don't know why the press pays so much attention to this guy. That's all he wants. He's not going to do anything. Because he knows if he does, his country will be incinerated.

Paying so much attention to them provides reasons to stay in that area and perhaps a cover to have an 'accidental' pop at the Chinese into the bargain.

Switch the D.P.R.K. and Zimbabwe, then wait to hear about how Bob Mugabe is a demented megalomaniac hellbent on destroying the planet and who must be stopped at all costs...

I didn't mean ignore them, but we shouldn't lavish attention on them as if they were a legitimate world power. I'm not concerned regarding security because the US Gov has got a pretty good handle on what N. Korea is doing. The US military has more than enough resources in the region that could deal with N. Korea pretty quickly and decisively, if need be.

The last sentence is what every missile factory CEO in USA wants to hear...more war ...more missiles used...more ballistics stuff shot over civilians....hooray to arms !

what we need is to neutralise him alone if there is an able leader who can step in and create peace...in the absence of such a long term plan, the only thing now is to hope he chokes on his popepye tonight....a refugee situation and power vacuum will happen if he just disappears...China wont and cannot handle millions pouring into its border nor can South korea or Japan....anyone else has some spare land and food ?

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Nothing would please me more than regime change and Fat Boy put on trial for crimes against his people. How he can be permitted to exist on this planet is beyond me. Unfortunately as long as he has the protection of China it is impossible to sort this little tosser out.

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Nothing would please me more than regime change and Fat Boy put on trial for crimes against his people. How he can be permitted to exist on this planet is beyond me. Unfortunately as long as he has the protection of China it is impossible to sort this little tosser out.

China is not protecting him.

Think this through....Bring him to a court ? what court mate ? what will you do with the rest of the population 25 million people ...what's the plans , what's the governance, what's the economic plans, what passports will they get, how would you process 24 million people ?

The world has no money to assist and this is the sad part of it...people like to talk but if china removes its influence, the refugee flow will start.....how's Europe looking right now ? Be careful what you wish for as South Korea / Japan has no means to take care of them and they will flow downwards towards Asean...any space in your moobaan for them ?

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America can not stop antagonising and provoking North Korea. They are acting like a school yard bully, they know that can mess about with them with little danger to themselves.

America has bombed far more countries that North Korea, no wonder they feel they have to defend themselves against the USA.

Yea and what ever country you are from you can bet that The US bully has saved your countries ass at least once through their Military Might and proberly many times through their financial might.Every body is always envious and jealous of Number One .

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One thing the US and South Korea do not want is immediate reunification similar to what happened in Germany. This would as others have said 'break the bank' and cause mass chaos. The US and South Korea position is to keep Kim bottled up with sanctions and let him experiment with his missiles. The problem is if one of the missiles goes astray and lands in Japan or South Korea killing many people. Then it's a new ballgame. Many thousands of US Forces pour in South Korea and its eyeball to eyeball not to mention the cost of such an operation. Kim better hope his missiles don't go where they do not belong.

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One thing the US and South Korea do not want is immediate reunification similar to what happened in Germany. This would as others have said 'break the bank' and cause mass chaos. The US and South Korea position is to keep Kim bottled up with sanctions and let him experiment with his missiles. The problem is if one of the missiles goes astray and lands in Japan or South Korea killing many people. Then it's a new ballgame. Many thousands of US Forces pour in South Korea and its eyeball to eyeball not to mention the cost of such an operation. Kim better hope his missiles don't go where they do not belong.

I have always thought this was the best option. A strategic well thought out reunification. Not just America a coalition of the World would be required not just to fight the war but to fund the repair and reconstruction of North Korea.

During the Korean war China threw a million soldiers into the conflict with 440,000 dead and that is the only thing shielding Fat Boy from being wiped off this planet.

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