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Cameron to quit Wednesday; Theresa May to be new British PM


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One early test of May will be see how she controls the rabid Sturgeon and insists that the EU doesn't talk separately to regions within the UK, as they stated they wouldn't, doesn't offer Scotland a back door based on Scottish independence. and doesn't try and cherrypick parts of the UK. Sturgeon will do all she can to try and link staying in the EU as guaranteed by a successful new independence referendum, even though she knows this can't be automatic. She thinks if she can get independence she can promise to stay in. Even though the EU have made it clear that is not an option. May must silence this and stop the lies which will only confuse the negotiations and increase the mistrust and hostility in attitudes. Good luck with that one.

Why on earth would either the EU or Sturgeon listen to a woman who has no mandate to be PM? Sturgeon is doing tremendous work securing a bright and prosperous future for Scotland. May has neither the power nor the mandate to get in her way.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!



Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Fair enough. V worrying sad.png .

Not really, there is not a hope in hell of Sharia law ever becoming anything but a Muslim belief. It will never ever be passed as enforceable law. Can you really see the British public allowing for stoning of adulteress women and gay people and cutting the hands off shoplifters, get real.

Sharia law won't be cherry picked and any laws that are passable are probably in force in some manner within existing laws.

It will never happen.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law

Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Fair enough. V worrying sad.png .

Not really, there is not a hope in hell of Sharia law ever becoming anything but a Muslim belief. It will never ever be passed as enforceable law. Can you really see the British public allowing for stoning of adulteress women and gay people and cutting the hands off shoplifters, get real.

Sharia law won't be cherry picked and any laws that are passable are probably in force in some manner within existing laws.

It will never happen.

It will sir after muslims 100% takeover.

U got muslim major of london already.

He banned bikini posters in underground already heh

They on they good patch to do so.

Thats why if I would be british I would be.more then happy about poles coming in.

And to show what I mean I was trying find my dash cam vid from my going through some town in england.

Cant find it but heres what I mean. Look for urself.

Vid https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1005624856246023&id=808375319304312&_rdr


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk Edited by Scott
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Many ppl voted out cuz they immigration.

They shoot thmself in foot i guess

Donald Tusk: Freedom of movement is non-negotiable if Britain wants access to single market


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Don't forget there are many people that voted to leave who were considerate about their vote and were not stupid enough to believe right wing scaremongerers about how "immigrants are the problem and its the EU's fault".

People on here do seem to forget that however slim the margin a huge amount of people did vote to leave and thats the end of it. No point in harping on about how all the people who voted stay are not happy, thats the whole point of a referendum and the bedrock of democracy so time to move on and stop reflecting.

The thing that is not being mentioned is the terrible mess the EU is in. There are many countries (mostly poorer, Southern European) who have terrible unemployment and failing economies, so how is the EU helping them exactly? It isn't really, its not as if the EU is new and the Euro has just been introduced, the EU has had a long time to get it's affairs in order and it has failed to do so. There are far too many laws passed within the EU that gives member states less and less control over their own countries. I don't believe this is what Europe and the free market is supposed to be about at all.

So, yes the UK will have to concede freedom of movement to access the free market but it will also cut itself away from a shed load of laws and EU bureaucracy that currently exists.

I am going to sound contradictory now because i thought it was safer to stay in, however I am now looking at the possibilities and frankly when the dust finally settles, and it will, Britian has a real change of accepting the EU basics of freedom and access to the free market, plus the ability to negotiation its own independent trade deals with other non EU countries and control its laws outside of the EU laws.

This, in the medium term could be the future of the EU,, a free market with member states maintaining independence.

Lets hope so anyway... cause right now it doesn't work and something has got to change.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


Forgive me if I NEVER read anything written by the Express....

Many years ago on entering a 'plane I was offered a copy of the Express. I politely asked if there was a choice of newspaper, and the stewardess said 'No, and I agree with you. I wouldn't read the Express either'!



Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Fair enough. V worrying sad.png .

Not really, there is not a hope in hell of Sharia law ever becoming anything but a Muslim belief. It will never ever be passed as enforceable law. Can you really see the British public allowing for stoning of adulteress women and gay people and cutting the hands off shoplifters, get real.

Sharia law won't be cherry picked and any laws that are passable are probably in force in some manner within existing laws.

It will never happen.

It will sir after muslims 100% takeover.

U got muslim major of london already.

He banned bikini posters in underground already heh

They on they good patch to do so.

Thats why if I would be british I would be.more then happy about poles coming in.

And to show what I mean I was trying find my dash cam vid from my going through some town in england.

Cant find it but heres what I mean. Look for urself.

Vid https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=1005624856246023&id=808375319304312&_rdr


Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Clearly, judging by all the parking and people jostling about they have just left a temple, what the problem?

Engliand is a multi cultural country, people have been settling there for decades. There are people from all over the World that live there and many pockets of communities,, Southall in London has been known as "Little India" for most of my life.

Sorry but you have no idea what you are talking about. The facts are this,,less then 5% of the population are Muslim, over 70% are Chrisitan and 20% dont know, the rest across other religions.

Your clip is no different from the right wing scaremongerers that polluted so many people before the referendum.

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Doomsday with May becoming the next PM ..

I don't really have much of an opinion on her but interested to know why you say that.

Right now I think the country needs a leader and quick to try and regain something that resembles normality.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

Not sure how you managed to miss it, but here is how The Express reported it..

NO parliament vote on Article 50: MPs told 'people have spoken' and 'Brexit means Brexit' MPs who want to overturn the EU referendum result have been told “the people have spoken" and there will be no parliamentary veto.

please enlighten us who has the political clout to "tell MPs". the Fairy Queen?

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Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

Not sure how you managed to miss it, but here is how The Express reported it..

NO parliament vote on Article 50: MPs told 'people have spoken' and 'Brexit means Brexit' MPs who want to overturn the EU referendum result have been told “the people have spoken" and there will be no parliamentary veto.

please enlighten us who has the political clout to "tell MPs". the Fairy Queen?

oops! cancel question. found it... gigglem.gif

The warning by junior minister John Penrose came amid accusations that the Labour Party is manoeuvring to ignore the Brexit majority.


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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

Not sure how you managed to miss it, but here is how The Express reported it..

NO parliament vote on Article 50: MPs told 'people have spoken' and 'Brexit means Brexit' MPs who want to overturn the EU referendum result have been told “the people have spoken" and there will be no parliamentary veto.

please enlighten us who has the political clout to "tell MPs". the Fairy Queen?

I REALLY wish you hadn't found the answer Naam ! biggrin.png

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Does anyone really think that any politician gives a toss about you and me and the country?

The only politician who comes out with any credit over the last 50 years is Andy Burnham following his work over Hillsborough.

The rest of them are in it for themselves.

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

We had a resounding victory in the Brexit referendum - talk about short memories! We will Brexit, the alternative would be to sack London in protest and go from there. Just because a few thousand dole bludgers, teachers and soap dodgers are having a right old public moan doesn't mean Brexit will not happen. It just makes the whole show of the butt-hurt libs/elite/foreigners more satisfying for us Brexiteers.

Recent months have seen a significant shift in public desires to stop the UK existing to serve N African and middle eastern religious zealots, and to concentrate on the lives and futures of British people instead. This clearly does not suit many forum members, but then the UK does not exist merely to pleasure a few socialist forumers whinging about change. May really is the wrong choice - we need somebody with conviction, someone like Nigel Farage.

Well,if they amount amount to just a few thousand, and the vote was 52-48 percent that means the pro-brexit voters amounted to about just a few thousand plus a little bit more. I thought the turnout was larger. My mistake.

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Personally i dont.think they will trigger art. 50 any time soon.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


She has split families to reduce the numbers coming by imposing the £18,600 rule, yet she has done very little about the Illegals already here.

Splitting families, as the daughter of a vicar her farther must be proud of her?

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Hard to follow current politics. May should be charged with treason for her efforts in destroying sovereignty and be awaiting beheading in the tower of London, not becoming prime minister. Farage was clearly the man for the job, remember Brits just voted to take back their country. I get the feeling May will try to weasel out of Brexit or water it down, which would be totally unacceptable.

Brexit hasn't yet been ratified by parliament, hopefully it wont be.

It is questionable whether it has to be...

I do hope Parliament is allowed to vote on it, I expect it would be carried, I see there being no way back, best action is to first consider were we may have common agreement.

Important is those European and British Expats who at this time maybe feeling more than a little insecure at this time and I am sure there is a sensible and easy to agree solution to this.

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Well done Britain, what a monumental co*ck-up​. All the Brexit boys conveniently run for cover leaving the rest to sort out the mess. Not one of them had the guts to pick up the chalice once they realised the consequences of what they had done. So we are left with a Prime Minister who wasn't elected or voted for who, like all the other main party leaders voted for remain. A wonderful break for Theresa May who now has the best of excuses when it all goes pear shaped. Just blame it all on Brexit. Hopefully she won't call an election any time soon, what the country desperately needs at the moment is stability and she is the best pair of hands for that out of the rabble out there.

But what if we do have a general election? Well you have the bitterly divided Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats limping along behind. If either (or both) of those contenders get into government then you may well get a U-turn on the referendum. With May I think she will sign the article and trigger Brexit. However she will almost certainly want the free trade agreement which means free movement of people. Without an FTA we would suffer higher prices and the loss of companies to EU countries.

For example look at the agriculture industry in this country. At the moment EU subsidies make up almost half of the farmers income and 65% of their exports go into the EU. They will lose the subsidy anyway but without the free trade agreement their exports will be subject to tax and they will no longer be competitive.

Fortunately as soon as Theresa May was confirmed as PM the markets strengthened and even the pound went a little higher.

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Doomsday with May becoming the next PM ..

Why ?

The Home Secretary or now Prime Minister tends to deny a problem exists, then lays the blame elsewhere or other people within the establishment's these days or over the years ... And before i forget there goes every bodies human rights

Edited by Nicolas32
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Now I am no expert on British politics, but as an Anglophile I have had a passing interest over the years.

I'm looking at a slightly tangential point, one that I find fascinating.

For all the Labor parties commitments to mandatory female candidate lists etc etc, it's the right wing Conservatives that have produced the only two female British Prime Ministers, just through talent and will.

As a US liberal, I think that's a lesson we all should learn from!

I'm no expert on US politics, but confess myself to be in many ways an admirer of the USA (yes, I have spent time there). There does not appear to be an equivalent term to Anglophile.

Anyway, as a US liberal, you will most probably be selecting the first female President of The United States. I honestly don't know about talent but she certainly seems to have the will and determination to get the job.

Now that will certainly put an interesting twist on the "special relationship" - if it exists.

Of course, if you don't end up with a female President, you will at least have one that relies on his hairdresser more than Mrs May!

"We shall overcomb?"

Edited by JAG
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Doomsday with May becoming the next PM ..

Why ?

The Home Secretary or now Prime Minister tends to deny a problem exists, then lays the blame elsewhere or other people within the establishment's these days or over the years ... And before i forget there goes every bodies human rights

Yep.......... sounds perfectly qualified for the task.

'Doomsday' was somewhat over the top but then, the world is littered with sensationalist statements at the moment.

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I REALLY wish you hadn't found the answer Naam ! biggrin.png

i wonder what's going on in the heads of people who make utmost silly statements such as "MPs were told...". don't they realise they are only ridiculing themselves? quoting journàrselists from the rainbow/sensation press is no excuse.

all afore-said as always based on my notorious [not so] humble opinion! thumbsup.gif

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And Brits complain about poles.

Yeh get more muslims instead, good luck.

Personally i dont.think they will trigger art. 50 any time soon.

Theresa May says many Britons BENEFIT GREATLY from Sharia Law


She has split families to reduce the numbers coming by imposing the £18,600 rule, yet she has done very little about the Illegals already here.

Splitting families, as the daughter of a vicar her farther must be proud of her?

The £18,600 rule.

That would be about the same amount needed for a retirement extension in Thailand..

Based on the comparative cost of living I would say that makes England cheap. If you are going to set immigration rules for your own country then they should be realistic - that figure doesn't sound to too far off the mark.

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Well done Britain, what a monumental co*ck-up​. All the Brexit boys conveniently run for cover leaving the rest to sort out the mess. Not one of them had the guts to pick up the chalice once they realised the consequences of what they had done. So we are left with a Prime Minister who wasn't elected or voted for who, like all the other main party leaders voted for remain. A wonderful break for Theresa May who now has the best of excuses when it all goes pear shaped. Just blame it all on Brexit. Hopefully she won't call an election any time soon, what the country desperately needs at the moment is stability and she is the best pair of hands for that out of the rabble out there.

But what if we do have a general election? Well you have the bitterly divided Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats limping along behind. If either (or both) of those contenders get into government then you may well get a U-turn on the referendum. With May I think she will sign the article and trigger Brexit. However she will almost certainly want the free trade agreement which means free movement of people. Without an FTA we would suffer higher prices and the loss of companies to EU countries.

For example look at the agriculture industry in this country. At the moment EU subsidies make up almost half of the farmers income and 65% of their exports go into the EU. They will lose the subsidy anyway but without the free trade agreement their exports will be subject to tax and they will no longer be competitive.

Fortunately as soon as Theresa May was confirmed as PM the markets strengthened and even the pound went a little higher.

Can we get this straight, are you for remaining or leaving the EU?

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I ended up voting remain because as a father I was concerned for my childs future more than anything else. I took some time to put my X on the ballot paper. Like most people I considered both sides and saw the benefits and downside of both. For me it was never about immigration but whether we should remain and try to get reforms for the mishmash that the EU had become or leave in the hope that the EU would effectively collapse and be re-formed again with policies that work for today.

Both sides lied and exaggerated but reading between the lines the economic risks and instability was not worth the risk. To add to that the buffoons on the leave side clearly had no idea what they were doing and ran their campaign on fear of increased immigration. Johnson wanted Cameron's job but couldn't see the cost to the country. They all ended up where they belonged, stabbed in the back and laying in the gutter

As for whether I was for remain or leave, This is far more complex than that. I was for no referendum at all, especially with the luxury of hindsight. There are no winners here, we are all losers, worse off than before the damned vote!

Edited by dunroaming
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I ended up voting remain because as a father I was concerned for my childs future more than anything else. I took some time to put my X on the ballot paper. Like most people I considered both sides and saw the benefits and downside of both. For me it was never about immigration but whether we should remain and try to get reforms for the mishmash that the EU had become or leave in the hope that the EU would effectively collapse and be re-formed again with policies that work for today.

This half of your post was exactly how I felt (except I wasn't concerned whether the EU collapsed or not).

We both saw the same facts, evaluated them..................... and came to different conclusions for our children's future.

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Many people did that too and whatever way we voted we are now worse off than before. I totally respect everyones choice but people need to get real and not keep on trying to justify one side or the other just because that is the way they voted. It's a complete screw up but we will come through it, scarred but hopefully with all our limbs in tact!

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Well done Britain, what a monumental co*ck-up​. All the Brexit boys conveniently run for cover leaving the rest to sort out the mess. Not one of them had the guts to pick up the chalice once they realised the consequences of what they had done. So we are left with a Prime Minister who wasn't elected or voted for who, like all the other main party leaders voted for remain. A wonderful break for Theresa May who now has the best of excuses when it all goes pear shaped. Just blame it all on Brexit. Hopefully she won't call an election any time soon, what the country desperately needs at the moment is stability and she is the best pair of hands for that out of the rabble out there.

But what if we do have a general election? Well you have the bitterly divided Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats limping along behind. If either (or both) of those contenders get into government then you may well get a U-turn on the referendum. With May I think she will sign the article and trigger Brexit. However she will almost certainly want the free trade agreement which means free movement of people. Without an FTA we would suffer higher prices and the loss of companies to EU countries.

For example look at the agriculture industry in this country. At the moment EU subsidies make up almost half of the farmers income and 65% of their exports go into the EU. They will lose the subsidy anyway but without the free trade agreement their exports will be subject to tax and they will no longer be competitive.

Fortunately as soon as Theresa May was confirmed as PM the markets strengthened and even the pound went a little higher.

Can we get this straight, are you for remaining or leaving the EU?

It won't be long before some of the bitter Brexiteers are spitting out the words traitor at Theresa May.

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Many people did that too and whatever way we voted we are now worse off than before. I totally respect everyones choice but people need to get real and not keep on trying to justify one side or the other just because that is the way they voted. It's a complete screw up but we will come through it, scarred but hopefully with all our limbs in tact!

I believe - genuinely believe - that we will come out of this better on the other side. A rocky ride at times I am sure but I REALLY feared for what the EU had become and feared even more for where it was going.

This was never about immigration - all Europeans that can support themselves themselves are welcome as far as I am concerned. It is up to the UK government to overall the benefits system on a fairer basis.

Enough of that though, because now the country needs, as best it can, to come together to secure the economic future of the UK.

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