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Foreigner Beaten in Walking Street A-Go-Go

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I know the story brought my dad to Pattaya for a holiday he had bought 4 drinks when he was leaving the lady behind the bar tried to charge him 3000 baht she didnt realize I was listening my dad was about to pay her when I intervened and asked her 3000 baht for what she said he bought all lady bar a drink which he didnt so I asked her the price of 4 drinks and told thats all she was getting and told my dad when you get you pay as you go thus no problems.

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The injured tourist was treated at the hospital and then quickly discharged himself after being told that this particular venue has a record of beating up guests and he feared somebody would turn up to look for him in the emergency room.

There have been many warnings on social media about this venue and westerners have been warned before to avoid it.

The question needs to be asked.

Why hasn't this place been permanently closed by the police or City Hall?


Anybody aware of this from the report -

There have been many warnings on social media about this venue and westerners have been warned before to avoid it.

If so they seemed to have passed me by?

And, if that is common knowledge; why do the authorities allow the place to exist--oh, silly me, TIT


4,130 baht drunk by one person would put most people on their arse let alone walk around after being beaten . something stinks with this story from the go go bar and maybe a lot of lady drinks added to his check bin without his knowledge .

Where does it say he drunk it himself? I imagine he was the toast of the bar buying LD's until it was time to pay, try not paying a bar bill in any red light area around the world and see what happens

Just looking at the photo's the bar has produced his bill, looks fine to me, its not a bar where chits are put in the bin, its POS bill and he brought a shed load of LD's

Wow, the bar has produced his bill. Must be true then. Because it's been scientifically proven that it is impossible to add items on a POS system that haven't been ordered by a customer to a bill.

Quote; The injured tourist was treated at the hospital and then quickly discharged himself after being told that this particular venue has a record of beating up guests and he feared somebody would turn up to look for him in the emergency room.

So this go-go place apparently have staff that like to beat up customers, <deleted>?? I wish the army would give some payback big time, send in 25 troops after they been told to trash the place including the bouncers.

Seems some of the bouncers in Pattaya loves to beat up westerners but off-course not one on one, but 4 to 1 minimum. Brainless cowards.

+4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

So they have staff that like to beat up customers? But they said it was the other customers that beat him up. They also said the cameras are not working,and they were open at 4o'clock coffee1.gif ------ come on Prayut,where's your boys now??????


Being a tourist of the mongering kind, carry certain number of risks to life and limbs, be it known

to all ' tourists ' that comes to Thailand looking for action that there're limitations as how far

you can let your hair down and play the field thinking that the locals are bunch of morons.....

I think it's more a case of thinking the locals are a bunch of kind, smiling, civilised people.


My vote is this punter got screwed.

Go-gos are notorious for overcharging.

Each lady drink turns into three and then they add another 400 baht for a bit of fun.

Especially true if the customer comes across as inebriated.



I am going to give a sincere advice to anyone falling into the same situation, never reject openly to pay the bill, explains that you have forget your wallet in the hotel room for example

pays 20% deposit to calm down the owners and ask them to send someone with you to pick up the money, once you arrive at the hotel or otther safer place starts arguing, runaway from you current residence ASAP before the local mafia runs after you !!!


All those places do some form of rip-off if the opportunity arises. Years ago when I was younger I went to a bar like this (for the show). I also read playboy for the articles! Anyway, I made the mistake of paying with a 1,000 baht note. Things were much cheaper then. The waiter brought change from a 500 baht note. I signaled him to return and told him and he said no. U give 500 baht. I said ask the cashier. We went to the cashier who said,"No you give 500 baht!" I had not been able to speak or ask a question of the cashier. He didn't even say HELLO. He must have been psychic. I knew I was had! Then a man with a body that looked like a Thai Hulk Hogan stepped up next to me. I thought my face has launched a 1,000's a ships and I am going to keep it. I said,"oh so sorry! my mistake!" Smiled. I still have my face. You need to be careful with your money in those places and they have too many distractions. You know what I am talking about! I don't go them anymore. I promise! I swear! Oh So sorry, my mistake!


This is becoming an all to frequent occurrence in Pattaya. These Thai guys only fight in gangs and with weapons. There is no such thing as a fair fight. It is always heavily weighted in favor of the Thais. They do not mess around either. They just start bashing! Welcome to Thailand


When are they going to tire of us?When the money stops rolling in i suppose.Can anybody tell me what other "resort" town in the world has this type of carry on,tourist beaten up regularly,rip offs galore,inefficent police force,murder mayhem,balcony jumping capital of the world.Any other town other than Phuket.


This has been going on forever. Even Thais check their bill before paying. You see it every day in restaurants. GoGo bars are notorious for this nonsense. Whether the guy bought all those drinks is of no consequence at this point. If this story goes viral- it is another black mark against Pattaya. There is already a lack of business and this helps to ensure that continues. Why do you think the Thai government wants to close all these places. GoGo businesses are a dying breed. Another 10 years they will all be gone. Too much trouble.


Quote; The injured tourist was treated at the hospital and then quickly discharged himself after being told that this particular venue has a record of beating up guests and he feared somebody would turn up to look for him in the emergency room.

So this go-go place apparently have staff that like to beat up customers, <deleted>?? I wish the army would give some payback big time, send in 25 troops after they been told to trash the place including the bouncers.

Seems some of the bouncers in Pattaya loves to beat up westerners but off-course not one on one, but 4 to 1 minimum. Brainless cowards.

+4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

Not all bouncers are bad.Tiger bar bouncers used to come with me after hours to "take care" of me.I used to let my hair down a bit,when i had it,and the lads kept me safe.Good times.


This has been going on forever. Even Thais check their bill before paying. You see it every day in restaurants. GoGo bars are notorious for this nonsense. Whether the guy bought all those drinks is of no consequence at this point. If this story goes viral- it is another black mark against Pattaya. There is already a lack of business and this helps to ensure that continues. Why do you think the Thai government wants to close all these places. GoGo businesses are a dying breed. Another 10 years they will all be gone. Too much trouble.

They've been saying that for the last 20... But they do seem like sort of a holdover. Old habits die hard.


When are they going to tire of us?When the money stops rolling in i suppose.Can anybody tell me what other "resort" town in the world has this type of carry on,tourist beaten up regularly,rip offs galore,inefficent police force,murder mayhem,balcony jumping capital of the world.Any other town other than Phuket.

In Preston in the UK, there is no need to be a tourist. They are equal opportunity thugs. That said you can still have a pleasant time if you don't behave like a cock.


+4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

He had an automated bill very clearly itemising all the lady drinks he bought, and there were a lot, so where's the "typical scam"?

Bill padding, they add additional items to your bill (if you're drunk they add far more).

Even respectable bars do that. I know that and I don't go to bars.

But the mom and pop stores also add extra items to foreigner bills if you don't watch them.

It's common behaviour for Thais to steal from foreigners (and out of town Thais).

What a load of crap.Mom and pop stores certainly do not rip me or my farang friends off.Now go go bars would be a different matter.Pay as you go has been my motto for 30 years.


Uh huh. It seems some people here really don't get out that much.

I have spent a lot of time in go-go bars all over Pattaya over the last 23(ish) years and in all that time guess how many times I've seen staff in an establishment attack a customer for NO reason ? ZERO.

Now guess how many times I've seen drunk, ignorant, @sshole tourists start fights, try to run out on bills, try swapping bills with unsuspecting customers (even try to crumple up a bill and throw it away thinking the staff won't notice). Or try to start fights with other customers because they're pissed that pretty girls are sitting with other people. Or order a beer and get pissed off because it's more expensive than 7/11. Or drunk morons staggering around knocking over everyone else's drinks and shoving people around. Yeah, I've seen a lot of that over the years.

4,000 baht bar bill ? Chump change for off shore workers. &lt;deleted&gt;, when Polo was still running my average bill for an evening was nearly twice that much (Polo was also one of the most expensive places to drink on WS at the time). I distinctly remember one "quiet" night when my bin was just over 4,500 baht and the waitress noted that was more than her salary for the whole month. I used to count how many drinks I had in an evening (Jack-Coke) and 12 drinks in an evening was fairly normal (add on lady drinks for various staff of course). I was drinking Jack so I could tell if a bar was trying to pull a fast one by substituting cheap whiskey instead. Only had that happen twice that I recall, in different bars in different years. As soon as I suspected it, one of the girls would yak at a service staff and have the drink replaced. No hassles, no extra charge and no threats.

A friend of mine used to manage a go-go that had a lot of girls but few customers (poor location). I used to ring the bell just so the girls would have a few extra bath for som tam. Cost me around 2,200-2,500 baht each time and they'd put your name and the date up on one of the mirrors. I think my name was up there 40-50 times or so (over the course of a couple years). I have a bag full of brand new FLB Bar shirts that I collected back between 2004-2006 (when Ben was managing the place and they'd give you a free shirt every time you rang the bell). I'd have birthday and "close-out" parties there that'd cost me 12-15,000 baht by the time the night was through.

4,000 baht ? Sheesh - that's barely $115 US. Half (or more) of the guys I used to work with would spend that sitting in an airport bar while waiting to catch a flight home.

Some time ago (last year) I was talking to another friend that owns a couple go-gos and beer bars on Walking Street. I always ask for a straw when I order a drink, so I can stir the **** out of it as they (mostly) serve them by adding the whiskey last. I thought the reason for that was so that your first couple of sips would be mostly alcohol so you'd get drunk quicker. Buddy told me that the real reason was so that customers wouldn't think they were being ripped off. If they ordered some cheap booze and that went into the glass first, then the ice, then the mix, the customers would think they were only be served mix with no booze.

I have, on 2 occasions, had a bin that was more than the cash I had on me at the time (poor planning on my part). Once a serving girl went with me to show me the closest ATM (and make sure I came back of course) and on the other occasion the mamasan told me "no problem, pay next time" (to be fair, she knew me, her boss was my friend and my Harley was parked outside her bar so she wasn't too worried that I wouldn't come back). I did make a point of going straight to an ATM and then straight back to pay the bill (more because I was worried I might actually forget about it than anything).

NEVER been threatened by any staff for ANY reason in any establishment I've EVER been in. Maybe that's because I don't act like a drunken POS and run around looking for trouble, unlike so many others that we often see in the news ?

All of which leads me to believe that the chances are, when someone does get the crap knocked out them, there was probably a VERY good reason for it. One that they aren't going to willingly admit, and we've seen numerous examples of that over the years. Can you imagine ? "Oh sorry officer, it was all my fault. I spent the night buying lady drinks for all the girls but I have no money so I was trying to sneak out without paying and when they tried to stop me I figured I threaten to beat them. Imagine my surprise when they didn't cower in fear and let me leave ! Don't worry about me though, I'll just go to the hospital and then disappear - without ever paying the bill of course !" dry.png

Yeah, like any of them would ever openly admit they were to blame. Wonder why he didn't want to file a complaint or stick around the hospital or be identified ? Probably because he was scared he'd be arrested for trying to do a runner on his bill, not because he was scared "someone" would track him down at the emergency ward. What a putrid crock of buffalo effluent.

Bars are supposed to have CCTVs but of course what go-go is going to have working ones when there may be bare flesh on display. "Officer - here is CCTV footage of the foreigner trying to skip out on his bill. Oh yeah, just ignore all the nude women in the footage. Honestly, I have no idea why they are all running around naked !" rolleyes.gif

Bars don't make money by beating up customers, especially for no reason. Like most of the news we get here though, we often only hear one side and a lot of people won't even consider that "one of theirs" could possible be full of sh*t and lying to save his own @ss. "Oh gosh golly darn ! It has to be the evil Thais at fault because I heard someone say he knew a guy that overheard someone talking about another guy who met someone that once worked with someone else that had a cousin who read a story about how the staff at some bar in Thailand beats up customers for no reason at all !"

These days it's not hard for a half-@ssed rumour to make the rounds on social media and get blown out of proportion. Sheesh - there are still people running around out there that think you can go to Thailand, rent a villa on the beach, hire a maid and a cook and sleep with both of them, for $50 US a month ! I actually had people tell me that a few years ago when I was working in Kabul. "Oh you were in Thailand ? A friend of mine (it's always "a friend of mine") told me you can rent a villa (etc, etc)". It was almost comical to watch their faces when I would reply with "The Vietnam war ended 30 years ago". They were just spouting some BS that they'd overheard someone telling someone else about something someone else said they'd heard (etc, etc, you get the picture) and didn't have a clue, but prattled on about it like they were the Wiki on all things Thai.

Meanwhile - it's seems the last "incident" at this club was back in March 2015 when 3 bikers and the (Australian) manager were injured after the staff forcibly ejected the bikers - for being involved in an earlier altercation. Many of the initial articles touted the incident as "3 tourists beaten by bouncers" or "3 foreigners beaten by bar bouncers" and so on. In fact what apparently happened was the bikers got into an altercation with some other customers and then the manager and staff tried to escort the bikers out and that started another fight that lead to the bikers, the manager and the bouncers all being detained. (Note: the "bikers" apparently all refused to give their names or nationalities to the police.)

Wow - what a surprise. A BS news story makes the rounds and now the bar has a "reputation" for beating up customers.

Some of you people really need to get out more.


Actually, I have been saying this since the current government came in although I knew it was a dying business 10 years ago simply from the trends emerging on tourism. Don't shoot the messenger. Just look at the facts. The government is conservative- they do not like this type of business and the military government will be in power in some form for another 5-10 years.. The business itself is its own worst enemy- constant trouble- staying open past curfew hours- beating patrons- getting in the news and raising Thailand's profile as a dangerous spot. Couple all this with a decline in the economy of the EU and the distance of America from Thailand and you get less and less Western tourists. Now we see Pattaya being developed to attract more Thai tourists and their families as well as the Chinese- neither of whom ever go to GoGo bars. If business is so good why is almost every bar trying to sell it. The handwriting is on the wall- believe it or not- up to you


Well another excellent incident to improve tourism in Thailand specially Pattaya. They should close down this place to give a strong signal to the rest. If he had not paid the bill the GoGo bar have all the rights to call police and they care of the problem. Beating the person doesn't bring the money.


Uh huh. It seems some people here really don't get out that much.

I have spent a lot of time in go-go bars all over Pattaya over the last 23(ish) years and in all that time guess how many times I've seen staff in an establishment attack a customer for NO reason ? ZERO.

Now guess how many times I've seen drunk, ignorant, <deleted> tourists start fights, try to run out on bills, try swapping bills with unsuspecting customers (even try to crumple up a bill and throw it away thinking the staff won't notice). Or try to start fights with other customers because they're pissed that pretty girls are sitting with other people. Or order a beer and get pissed off because it's more expensive than 7/11. Or drunk morons staggering around knocking over everyone else's drinks and shoving people around. Yeah, I've seen a lot of that over the years.

4,000 baht bar bill ? Chump change for off shore workers. <deleted>, when Polo was still running my average bill for an evening was nearly twice that much (Polo was also one of the most expensive places to drink on WS at the time). I distinctly remember one "quiet" night when my bin was just over 4,500 baht and the waitress noted that was more than her salary for the whole month. I used to count how many drinks I had in an evening (Jack-Coke) and 12 drinks in an evening was fairly normal (add on lady drinks for various staff of course). I was drinking Jack so I could tell if a bar was trying to pull a fast one by substituting cheap whiskey instead. Only had that happen twice that I recall, in different bars in different years. As soon as I suspected it, one of the girls would yak at a service staff and have the drink replaced. No hassles, no extra charge and no threats.

A friend of mine used to manage a go-go that had a lot of girls but few customers (poor location). I used to ring the bell just so the girls would have a few extra bath for som tam. Cost me around 2,200-2,500 baht each time and they'd put your name and the date up on one of the mirrors. I think my name was up there 40-50 times or so (over the course of a couple years). I have a bag full of brand new FLB Bar shirts that I collected back between 2004-2006 (when Ben was managing the place and they'd give you a free shirt every time you rang the bell). I'd have birthday and "close-out" parties there that'd cost me 12-15,000 baht by the time the night was through.

4,000 baht ? Sheesh - that's barely $115 US. Half (or more) of the guys I used to work with would spend that sitting in an airport bar while waiting to catch a flight home.

Some time ago (last year) I was talking to another friend that owns a couple go-gos and beer bars on Walking Street. I always ask for a straw when I order a drink, so I can stir the **** out of it as they (mostly) serve them by adding the whiskey last. I thought the reason for that was so that your first couple of sips would be mostly alcohol so you'd get drunk quicker. Buddy told me that the real reason was so that customers wouldn't think they were being ripped off. If they ordered some cheap booze and that went into the glass first, then the ice, then the mix, the customers would think they were only be served mix with no booze.

I have, on 2 occasions, had a bin that was more than the cash I had on me at the time (poor planning on my part). Once a serving girl went with me to show me the closest ATM (and make sure I came back of course) and on the other occasion the mamasan told me "no problem, pay next time" (to be fair, she knew me, her boss was my friend and my Harley was parked outside her bar so she wasn't too worried that I wouldn't come back). I did make a point of going straight to an ATM and then straight back to pay the bill (more because I was worried I might actually forget about it than anything).

NEVER been threatened by any staff for ANY reason in any establishment I've EVER been in. Maybe that's because I don't act like a drunken POS and run around looking for trouble, unlike so many others that we often see in the news ?

All of which leads me to believe that the chances are, when someone does get the crap knocked out them, there was probably a VERY good reason for it. One that they aren't going to willingly admit, and we've seen numerous examples of that over the years. Can you imagine ? "Oh sorry officer, it was all my fault. I spent the night buying lady drinks for all the girls but I have no money so I was trying to sneak out without paying and when they tried to stop me I figured I threaten to beat them. Imagine my surprise when they didn't cower in fear and let me leave ! Don't worry about me though, I'll just go to the hospital and then disappear - without ever paying the bill of course !" dry.png

Yeah, like any of them would ever openly admit they were to blame. Wonder why he didn't want to file a complaint or stick around the hospital or be identified ? Probably because he was scared he'd be arrested for trying to do a runner on his bill, not because he was scared "someone" would track him down at the emergency ward. What a putrid crock of buffalo effluent.

Bars are supposed to have CCTVs but of course what go-go is going to have working ones when there may be bare flesh on display. "Officer - here is CCTV footage of the foreigner trying to skip out on his bill. Oh yeah, just ignore all the nude women in the footage. Honestly, I have no idea why they are all running around naked !" rolleyes.gif

Bars don't make money by beating up customers, especially for no reason. Like most of the news we get here though, we often only hear one side and a lot of people won't even consider that "one of theirs" could possible be full of sh*t and lying to save his own @ss. "Oh gosh golly darn ! It has to be the evil Thais at fault because I heard someone say he knew a guy that overheard someone talking about another guy who met someone that once worked with someone else that had a cousin who read a story about how the staff at some bar in Thailand beats up customers for no reason at all !"

These days it's not hard for a half-@ssed rumour to make the rounds on social media and get blown out of proportion. Sheesh - there are still people running around out there that think you can go to Thailand, rent a villa on the beach, hire a maid and a cook and sleep with both of them, for $50 US a month ! I actually had people tell me that a few years ago when I was working in Kabul. "Oh you were in Thailand ? A friend of mine (it's always "a friend of mine") told me you can rent a villa (etc, etc)". It was almost comical to watch their faces when I would reply with "The Vietnam war ended 30 years ago". They were just spouting some BS that they'd overheard someone telling someone else about something someone else said they'd heard (etc, etc, you get the picture) and didn't have a clue, but prattled on about it like they were the Wiki on all things Thai.

Meanwhile - it's seems the last "incident" at this club was back in March 2015 when 3 bikers and the (Australian) manager were injured after the staff forcibly ejected the bikers - for being involved in an earlier altercation. Many of the initial articles touted the incident as "3 tourists beaten by bouncers" or "3 foreigners beaten by bar bouncers" and so on. In fact what apparently happened was the bikers got into an altercation with some other customers and then the manager and staff tried to escort the bikers out and that started another fight that lead to the bikers, the manager and the bouncers all being detained. (Note: the "bikers" apparently all refused to give their names or nationalities to the police.)

Wow - what a surprise. A BS news story makes the rounds and now the bar has a "reputation" for beating up customers.

Some of you people really need to get out more.

Long but good post. Wake up tourists. Behave the same in your wonderful first world countries and you are liable to get the same treatment. Why so many Westerners think they are so superior is a mystery to me.


Kerryd has a point- in my many decades in Thailand and going to all manner of bars in Bangkok and Pattaya- I have never seen a beat down of a patron that was started on the Thai side. I have seen many western customers of all nationalities become belligerent- some while drunk and some while not; argue over prices; attempt to stiff the bar; abuse the help to include the girls and generally put themselves in a position to get thrown out. Most of the time- the Thai staff have been quite patient- probably more patient than I would have been. The problem is that whoever is right or wrong- it gets reported in such a way that it impinges on Thailand's reputation. I am not going back on my prediction that it is a dying business. Times are changing- the new sheriff does not like this type of business- too prominent in what it sells- and Thailand now has another choice- it has the Chinese and a developed Thai middle class to replace it all. Yes- it is the end of en era. I and others had great times in the past- but we all have to move on.


I have seen first hand Drunks losing all sense of everything. Thinking they had just arrived for one drink. Or leaving then coming back later. forgetting about paying or buying drinks. Well now that the green light has been given for 4am closings...expect more to come.

Drunks are hopeless.In another life i was the hot dog man selling dogs outside of a 4am closer.One lad ate his dog and wandered off into the dark,a couple of minutes later he came back demanding his hot dog.You ate it i said.After denying this several times i said,"where did that tomato sauce come from all over your beard".He wiped his beard with his hand and apologized.Another satisfied customer.Being sober for the year i did this part time job gave me a different perspective on drunks and myself.


Farang hooligan apologists crack me up. Meanwhile another 200k tourists breeze through the night with zero drama

I bet he had no insurance so that broken jaw is gonna hurt like a bitch on that looong flight home laugh.png


+4000 baht bar bill, another typical scam some venues practice when the times are hard.

Pay for each drink, don't wait until you want to leave.

He had an automated bill very clearly itemising all the lady drinks he bought, and there were a lot, so where's the "typical scam"?

Bill padding, they add additional items to your bill (if you're drunk they add far more).

Even respectable bars do that. I know that and I don't go to bars.

But the mom and pop stores also add extra items to foreigner bills if you don't watch them.

It's common behaviour for Thais to steal from foreigners (and out of town Thais).

It's common behaviour for Thais to steal from foreigners (and out of town Thais)".

I am really starting to enjoy your posts MissAndry, but it is not common behaviour by the Thais.

It may be in some tourist places, but 99% of the time I shop at local shops and markets, I have only seen good service and plenty of honesty.


...maybe that is what they tried to charge him for 1 drink....

...and very doubtful that other customers jumped him....nothing in it for them....

...so right away the owner's story doesn't add up......

...being open after hours too to boot.....


These Walking Street Go-Go Bars are notorious for both padding the bill and pouring all the girls drinks and saluting the naive unwitty tourist who then get an enormous bill...and the shock of his life...these folks are scammers and criminals and should either stop their criminal activity or close their doors...

nobody working at the venue was involved and that he had been beaten by other guests.

Let me think back...how many times have tourists been beaten by other guests when arguing over their padded bill...NONE!

Shut the scumbag place down...


4,130 baht drunk by one person would put most people on their arse let alone walk around after being beaten . something stinks with this story from the go go bar and maybe a lot of lady drinks added to his check bin without his knowledge .

Where does it say he drunk it himself? I imagine he was the toast of the bar buying LD's until it was time to pay, try not paying a bar bill in any red light area around the world and see what happens

Just looking at the photo's the bar has produced his bill, looks fine to me, its not a bar where chits are put in the bin, its POS bill and he brought a shed load of LD's

However, in other red light districts around the world, bar workers do not help themselves to your bin tab..

to shout for all and sundry of there mates without you knowing.

And if they did, at least they would probably be real drinks, not some kind of coloured water :0)


4,130 baht drunk by one person would put most people on their arse let alone walk around after being beaten . something stinks with this story from the go go bar and maybe a lot of lady drinks added to his check bin without his knowledge .

Where does it say he drunk it himself? I imagine he was the toast of the bar buying LD's until it was time to pay, try not paying a bar bill in any red light area around the world and see what happens

Just looking at the photo's the bar has produced his bill, looks fine to me, its not a bar where chits are put in the bin, its POS bill and he brought a shed load of LD's

However, in other red light districts around the world, bar workers do not help themselves to your bin tab..

to shout for all and sundry of there mates without you knowing.

And if they did, at least they would probably be real drinks, not some kind of coloured water :0)

snap out of it. The rest of the world charge $50 -$100 for just a lap dance...no touching allowed or you will end on the street , on your head !!

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