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Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama


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Many in law enforcement feel frayed relationship with Obama

DALLAS (AP) — After each fatal shooting of a black man by an officer, President Barack Obama has swiftly spoken out against bad policing, giving voice to the generations of African-Americans who have found themselves at the wrong end of a baton, a snarling dog or a gun.

As much as those words have comforted blacks, they have rankled many of the nation's men and women in blue. Some have described the remarks as an insult, an all-too-quick condemnation before all the facts are in and a failure to acknowledge the thousands of cops who do a good job and routinely risk their lives.

"It would just be nice for him to say 'Hey, I support what you're doing,'" said Scott Hughes, chief of police in Hamilton Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. "The president doesn't defend the police. It's very one-sided."

On Tuesday, Obama traveled to Dallas to pay tribute to the five officers who were slain by a sniper at a peaceful protest. The president offered perhaps his strongest words yet of support for law enforcement, praising the dead as heroes who died while preserving a constitutional right.

"Like police officers across the country, these men and their families shared a commitment to something larger than themselves," Obama said.

He spoke before an audience that included police officers, relatives of the slain — and five empty seats, each representing a fallen officer. A folded flag and a police hat rested on each chair. The president mentioned the slain officers by name and offered a few personal tidbits about each one.

Calling the attack the act of a "demented" man," Obama appealed for Americans to find a way to bridge the divide, noting that black communities often feel maligned and police officers feel underappreciated.

"I understand how Americans are feeling. But Dallas, I'm here to say we must reject such despair. I'm here to insist that we are not as divided as we seem," Obama said before launching into a defense of police and the sacrifices they make.

"We mourn fewer people today because of your brave actions," he said pointing at the audience filled with officers.

But for many in law enforcement, Obama's words, while welcome, are greeted with suspicion. Does he really believe it and feel it? They point to perceived slights dating back to his first term, and they believe he has helped stoke the flames of hatred for police.

Soon after Obama took office, police said, they sensed they wouldn't get the same appreciation as shown by his two predecessors, who seemed to have officers' backs.

Under President Bill Clinton, the Crime Bill of 1994 provided money to hire tens of thousands of new police. The image of President George W. Bush, who also attended the memorial service, gathering with first responders in the rubble of the World Trade Center also sent a powerful message.

Just seven months into Obama's first term, Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates was arrested as he returned home late one night and tried to open his jammed front door. The white officer who responded to a report of a possible break-in arrested him for disorderly conduct.

The incident sparked a debate about racial profiling with Obama saying police had acted "stupidly."

Pinal County (Arizona) Sheriff Paul Babeu, a longtime Obama critic whose jurisdiction sits between Phoenix and Tucson, said the president has undermined law enforcement throughout his tenure by raising issues of race and casting aspersions about officers in highly publicized police encounters.

The Gates incident also irritated Travis Yates, a major with the Tulsa, Oklahoma, police department and editor of lawofficer.com.

"That really was the tell-tale sign of his ideology" against police, Yates said.

The distrust has only deepened with each police shooting of a black man as they see the president or one of his representatives attend services for the victims. But until Tuesday, they said, the president had not shown that same outpouring whenever an officer has died in the line of duty.

It's more than just the symbolism that troubles them.

They point to Obama's opposition to providing police with surplus military equipment, which officers generally believe is essential to ensuring their safety and responding effectively to acts of terror or other mass violence. It feels like Obama isn't interested in giving them the tools they need to do their jobs and stay safe.

"His policies, time and time again, put officers back on their heels," Yates said.

For some, the relationship is so frayed that Obama's words of support for law enforcement ring hollow.

"Maybe it's not fair because we look at everything he says and think he's not genuine," Yates said.

If Obama's attendance at the memorial offered some solace to police, it didn't seem to satisfy some black activists.

LaShadion Anthony, 29, with the Dallas Action Coalition and the Huey P. Newton Gun Club, named after one of the founders of the Black Panthers, watched as Obama's motorcade traveled through Dallas. The president's decision to visit Dallas rather than Baton Rouge or suburban Minneapolis was, he said, "a slap in the face."

"I think he needs to really address the issue of unjust police departments across the country," Anthony said. "Coming here, he's putting a Band-Aid on a very large, open wound."


Associated Press writers Jacques Billeaud in Phoenix and Emily Schmall in Dallas contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-13

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Obama is a flip-flopper (a politician) and says what people want to hear for the most part. He can't win, however, no matter what he says or does -- in this situation, being black himself is probably more of a hindrance from the perspective of blacks in general.

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While I certainly do not condone the deaths of the police- there is a huge issue that must be addressed. the police, in general, seem to have a policy to shoot when in doubt and unfortunately it is exacted on the African American community more often than not. The police need to have a policy of using the lowest level of violence needed to neutralize a potential attacker or bring in a suspect. All of the incidents that have riled the Black community could have been ended without death and little violence. If the police cannot figure out out to handle suspects or criminals without resorting to deadly force- they should not be on the force. Their is a lack of professionalism evident in the majority of these incidents. Being a policeman or woman is a tough job and is dangerous but that does not mean every suspect needs to be treated as a potential killer. The reason the Black Lives Movement exists is that black people feel oppressed and that must be addressed by the leaders of America and everyday citizens.

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OBAMA TURNS OFF COPS=> Officers REFUSE TO APPLAUD During Obama’s Race Lecture at Dallas Police Memorial

You suppose he's not been devisive enough? Go for it Barry!

On scrutiny, it's primarily the darker-skin-color attendees that are applauding.

Edited by MaxYakov
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"Hey, I support what you're doing,'" said Scott Hughes, chief of police in Hamilton Township, a suburb of Cincinnati, Ohio. "The president doesn't defend the police. It's very one-sided."

Let me guess,Scott is a white guy.It is about time somebody in authority came out and condemned what is happening or you will have a Thai style police force.

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Many in the community feel frayed relationship with law enforcement...

Funny how that goes around.

Somehow, the last words that come to mind with photos like this are "to protect and to serve"

attachicon.gifmilitarized-police-force (1).jpg

I'm thinking "maybe I should check my taillights and put my gun under the seat"

and "safer tourism" or, more likely, "Where can I get one of those?"


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While I certainly do not condone the deaths of the police- there is a huge issue that must be addressed. the police, in general, seem to have a policy to shoot when in doubt and unfortunately it is exacted on the African American community more often than not. The police need to have a policy of using the lowest level of violence needed to neutralize a potential attacker or bring in a suspect. All of the incidents that have riled the Black community could have been ended without death and little violence. If the police cannot figure out out to handle suspects or criminals without resorting to deadly force- they should not be on the force. Their is a lack of professionalism evident in the majority of these incidents. Being a policeman or woman is a tough job and is dangerous but that does not mean every suspect needs to be treated as a potential killer. The reason the Black Lives Movement exists is that black people feel oppressed and that must be addressed by the leaders of America and everyday citizens.

Do you know what the BLM is about? Are you black? Are you in the BLM? Or do you just read the news?

"Black Lives do not matter to most black people. Only the lives that make the national news matter to them. Only the lives that are taken at the hands of cops or white people, matter. The other thousands of lives lost, the other black souls that I along with every cop, have seen taken at the hands of other blacks, do not matter."


Here are the typical thugs cops have to deal with day in and day out. Do you really think this scum cares about black lives?


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I am not black but I am American and I have lived and worked with black people my whole life. I have a complete understanding of American history related to the suffering of black people. I will never say I know how they feel because I can't ever know that. However, I am certain black people care as much about other black lives lost as a result of black violence as they do those lost as a result of police unprofessionalism.

You quote a black policeman who actually does not understand the real issue which is that the police represent the authority and most times that authority is what has led to the bigotry and discrimination that black people are subjected to. There is no doubt in my mind that the police often shoot first and do not resolve issues with the least force possible. Often the investigation into these incidents is handled by the very people that blacks mistrust. They feel their is no justice. In essence, when black on black crime occurs, there is no protest because black people feel there is no hope. They have been forced into ghettos because of systemic discrimination and a lack of education and job opportunities. Black Lives Matter is simply a reaction against a mainly white police force that is not trusted or respected. The police need to be retrained and add many more minorities so the population can relate to what they are trying to do. Remember this, if you never see anyone that looks like you and what you do see has a history of discrimination from the past, how would you feel?

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Finally! Someone that understands the problem and knows how to clean up this mess!

You need to get on the first plane to Washington DC and explain all this to Obama. Better yet, tell Congress you're available for a hearing.

Now we can move on to more important things... like why is Taylor Swift hooking up with a Brit?

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Finally! Someone that understands the problem and knows how to clean up this mess!

You need to get on the first plane to Washington DC and explain all this to Obama. Better yet, tell Congress you're available for a hearing.

Now we can move on to more important things... like why is Taylor Swift hooking up with a Brit?

Who is Taylor Swift?

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Obama- doesn't need my help. He knows well what the problems are. His speech at the memorial service was brilliant and explained the problems quite well. You may want to listen to it in its entirety , unless you are too busy being sarcastic and uninformed.

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All of the incidents that have riled the Black community could have been ended without death and little violence. If the police cannot figure out out to handle suspects or criminals without resorting to deadly force- they should not be on the force.

Most of Those same incidents couldve ended with the death of one or more police officers, which is exactly why they tend to shoot first and ask questions later. Subduing a suspect is not a sure thing. Check out some of the videos where police were shot at and you will see how fast a situation of non-compliance can turn into a gunfight. Or even a knockout punch. Remember, officers are trained to protect their weapon as if their life is at stake, and they cant do that if theyre unconscious.

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If you look at the death stats for young black males 15-34, #1 is homicide, and nearly all that is carried out by other YBM. young black females 15-34 also rank homicide highly, if not as high, and from the same group of perpetrators. With such a high number of violent offenders, is it a surprise to anyone, other those that don't want to know, that there is a high interaction with police, and that the interaction can get very violent?

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I am not saying that there are not incidents where the police have to use deadly force- however, the incidents that rile the black community are those in which the police had another option and that was to defuse the situation without shooting. A man charges the police with a knife in hand. The police can surely shoot the man in the leg or arm to stop his coming forward or use a stun gun to incapacitate him. A 12 year old has a fake gun and the police kill him because they think he might 'shoot'. Complete over reaction. They did not take the time to try and determine what was actually happening. A man in New York is wrestled to the ground by police and succumbs because of a choke hold. The police could have backed off and let him calm down before the arrest or come back another day. His offense- selling cigarettes singly instead of in a pack. I could go on and on. All of these people were black and they are dead. None of them had to die. The police need to be retrained. They look at black people as if they are the enemy.

This is a serious problem in America caused by institutionalized discrimination. You can't expect a community that is forced into a ghetto because of bigotry ; lack of education ; and economic access to act any different. They resort to crime because they have no money. I can guarantee you that the majority of black people would love to have a job that pays a living wage and live their lives the same way the rest of America lives theirs.

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I am not saying that there are not incidents where the police have to use deadly force- however, the incidents that rile the black community are those in which the police had another option and that was to defuse the situation without shooting. A man charges the police with a knife in hand. The police can surely shoot the man in the leg or arm to stop his coming forward or use a stun gun to incapacitate him. A 12 year old has a fake gun and the police kill him because they think he might 'shoot'. Complete over reaction. They did not take the time to try and determine what was actually happening. A man in New York is wrestled to the ground by police and succumbs because of a choke hold. The police could have backed off and let him calm down before the arrest or come back another day. His offense- selling cigarettes singly instead of in a pack. I could go on and on. All of these people were black and they are dead. None of them had to die. The police need to be retrained. They look at black people as if they are the enemy.

This is a serious problem in America caused by institutionalized discrimination. You can't expect a community that is forced into a ghetto because of bigotry ; lack of education ; and economic access to act any different. They resort to crime because they have no money. I can guarantee you that the majority of black people would love to have a job that pays a living wage and live their lives the same way the rest of America lives theirs.

In the time it takes to make those determinations, they could be killed. So when they encounter non-compliance coupled with aggressive behavior, they shoot. A better solution would be to encourage compliance, or better yet civilized behavior.

Btw, Im not naive enough to believe some of these situations were not mistakes. And hopefully those officers will be held accountable. But people should also understand its a tough job and people make mistakes, unfortunately sometimes critical ones.

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I am not saying that there are not incidents where the police have to use deadly force- however, the incidents that rile the black community are those in which the police had another option and that was to defuse the situation without shooting. A man charges the police with a knife in hand. The police can surely shoot the man in the leg or arm to stop his coming forward or use a stun gun to incapacitate him. A 12 year old has a fake gun and the police kill him because they think he might 'shoot'. Complete over reaction. They did not take the time to try and determine what was actually happening. A man in New York is wrestled to the ground by police and succumbs because of a choke hold. The police could have backed off and let him calm down before the arrest or come back another day. His offense- selling cigarettes singly instead of in a pack. I could go on and on. All of these people were black and they are dead. None of them had to die. The police need to be retrained. They look at black people as if they are the enemy.

This is a serious problem in America caused by institutionalized discrimination. You can't expect a community that is forced into a ghetto because of bigotry ; lack of education ; and economic access to act any different. They resort to crime because they have no money. I can guarantee you that the majority of black people would love to have a job that pays a living wage and live their lives the same way the rest of America lives theirs.

In the time it takes to make those determinations, they could be killed. So when they encounter non-compliance coupled with aggressive behavior, they shoot. A better solution would be to encourage compliance, or better yet civilized behavior.

Btw, Im not naive enough to believe some of these situations were not mistakes. And hopefully those officers will be held accountable. But people should also understand its a tough job and people make mistakes, unfortunately sometimes critical ones.

Case in point... "He's not resisting arrest" http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=17c_1468400142

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America is a sewer,punks can kill at will and destroy the society,but men and women who protect the homes and lives of honest working people are the ones are constantly up for scrutiny and the president leads the parade. What an ass backward country. I am glad I am not American.

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The Five dead police officers is a direct result of police executing African American citizens. The racist attitude of police will only change when the judicial system charges these officers and gives them the death penalty for their crimes. If the police feel Obama does not support their racist attitudes that African Americans can simply be shot dead then they are 100% correct.

This isn't new they have been doing it for decades the only thing that is catching police doing these executions is they are being live streamed and they cannot make the video evidence disappear as they have in the past.

The clowns sit back and ignore a President as if he is to blame. The only people who should take responsibility is the police who look the other way and defend and protect racist police amongst them.

It doesn't go unnoticed it is the white officers not clapping. Truth may sting a little.

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I would suggest that the poster who indicated he was not American but appears to indicate he knows anything about the US to research American History before posting. You do not understand anything about America, its history or diverse background. Your entitled to your opinion but frankly speaking it shows a lack of depth.

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The Five dead police officers is a direct result of police executing African American citizens. The racist attitude of police will only change when the judicial system charges these officers and gives them the death penalty for their crimes. If the police feel Obama does not support their racist attitudes that African Americans can simply be shot dead then they are 100% correct.

This isn't new they have been doing it for decades the only thing that is catching police doing these executions is they are being live streamed and they cannot make the video evidence disappear as they have in the past.

The clowns sit back and ignore a President as if he is to blame. The only people who should take responsibility is the police who look the other way and defend and protect racist police amongst them.

It doesn't go unnoticed it is the white officers not clapping. Truth may sting a little.

I would be careful about jumping to any conclusions about why some attendees were not applauding.

I took the trouble to transcribe Obama's two sentences that preceded the questionable applause:

"We cannot simply turn away and dismiss those in peaceful protests as troublemakers or paranoid. We can't simply dismiss it as a symptom of political correctness."
A very strange and thoughtless, even insulting statement to make considering that five officers had died and several more were wounded in the duty of protecting those BLM protestors, before and after the shooting started. So they were hardly being "turned away" or "dismissed",
I, quite frankly, don't even understand the second sentence, but maybe that's just me. Just trying to figure out what he meant by it might have interfered with my applause, not being a trained seal.
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The Five dead police officers is a direct result of police executing African American citizens. The racist attitude of police will only change when the judicial system charges these officers and gives them the death penalty for their crimes. If the police feel Obama does not support their racist attitudes that African Americans can simply be shot dead then they are 100% correct.

This isn't new they have been doing it for decades the only thing that is catching police doing these executions is they are being live streamed and they cannot make the video evidence disappear as they have in the past.

The clowns sit back and ignore a President as if he is to blame. The only people who should take responsibility is the police who look the other way and defend and protect racist police amongst them.

It doesn't go unnoticed it is the white officers not clapping. Truth may sting a little.

You really have been brainwashed, Look at the statistics of murder rates, people killed by police, races of those killed, and you will see that the numbers are actually quite low and that most police killings are justified. We are being manipulated by SJWs, BLM and the media. Luckily there is a pushback against the lies and the real story is available if you take the time to get the facts and can see beyond the lies. All lives matter.

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OBAMA TURNS OFF COPS=> Officers REFUSE TO APPLAUD During Obama’s Race Lecture at Dallas Police Memorial

You suppose he's not been devisive enough? Go for it Barry!

Of course Obama betrays cops. Its not subjective, its a measurable alienation. Obama betraying cops serves two purposes: It further fractures and thus motivates to action an already fractured population and it sets up his false argument that police should be nationalized. Well, lets just see if the second one proves true but he is already trying to fold police under the radical DOJ Civil Rights Division, the race baiters who went to Ferguson and taught people how to protest!

Obama is a misanthrope.

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The Five dead police officers is a direct result of police executing African American citizens. The racist attitude of police will only change when the judicial system charges these officers and gives them the death penalty for their crimes. If the police feel Obama does not support their racist attitudes that African Americans can simply be shot dead then they are 100% correct.

This isn't new they have been doing it for decades the only thing that is catching police doing these executions is they are being live streamed and they cannot make the video evidence disappear as they have in the past.

The clowns sit back and ignore a President as if he is to blame. The only people who should take responsibility is the police who look the other way and defend and protect racist police amongst them.

It doesn't go unnoticed it is the white officers not clapping. Truth may sting a little.

You really have been brainwashed, Look at the statistics of murder rates, people killed by police, races of those killed, and you will see that the numbers are actually quite low and that most police killings are justified. We are being manipulated by SJWs, BLM and the media. Luckily there is a pushback against the lies and the real story is available if you take the time to get the facts and can see beyond the lies. All lives matter.

Your little bleeding heart games don't work with me. I have seen more unedited videos of what can only be described as US police executing African Americans than I need to see. It is blatantly obvious Black lives simply do not matter. It's an absolute disgrace. Worst police force on the planet.

The poor little dears feel they have a frayed relationship with the President. Damn straight they do for very good reason.

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Until the police begin to police their own, until the prosecutors give harsh sentences to cops that brutalize citizens, nothing will change. The police forces are filled with psychopaths nowadays. They don't feel badly at all and they don't see what the problem is. It isn't an act, it's because they are psychopaths; they have no conscience. The police forces seem to be actively recruiting low IQ psychopaths.

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