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Eyewitness: Truck slams into crowd in Nice


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Both French TV station BFM and local newspaper Nice-Matin are reporting that the driver is a 31-year-old with dual French-Tunisian nationality.

BFM is quoting a police source via Agence France-Presse who said that an ID card was found inside the truck. Reports say the man was a Nice resident.


Wild ass guess, but I am betting that his name is not Francois or Pierre.

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There are hundreds of thousands if not millions of first, second, and even third generation refugees from Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Myanmar living in the US and Europe. I don't remember any of them committing a terrorist attack (maybe someone can find one!). And there are now first, second, and third generation refugees from Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, and Afghanistan, too. And they seem to commit a terrorist act every other week or so. Gee, I wonder why that is? What COULD the difference possibly be???

Edited by Usernames
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Shocking and Sad......

Are we safe anywhere.......

Maybe Japan. The last terror attack I remember there was some religious cult using sarin gas on the Tokyo subway. Otherwise, they don't seem to import the sort of people into their country who do these type things.

They dont get these sort of people, primarily because thy wont give visa's to Muslims

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France as a whole is under the threat of Islamic terrorism. We have to demonstrate absolute vigilance and show determination that is unfailing.

I have decided that the state of emergency which was supposed to end on July 26 will be extended by three months.


Extended by 3 months. Time to drag your head out of your French Derriere and come back to reality.

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Death toll sadly has risen to over 80. Another Terror attack whether by Domestic or International Agenda. The killing of Civilians may cause Terror but leads to the hardening of attitudes.

Only feeds into the hate talk of Extremist Xenophobes , racists and Re colonialists. Very Sad and Sympathy to all the families and victims of this mindless act

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And yet we still pander and bow down to islam out of fear of being labeled racists. Stop being so scared of name calling and wipe this evil barbaric cult off the face of the earth.

So you think "name calling" will solve the problem? Seriously?

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I've been wondering when such a simple and easy to arrange and inexpensive attack would occur. There have been small scale car attacks in the West before but noting involving a large truck. A fast moving Mack-sized truck is an ideal weapon...cheap to acquire and operate and once it has been accelerated to a high speed almost impossible to stop. It's a perfect weapon to attack large outdoor crowds and even small buildings.

Just wait until they use a cheap drone loaded with low grade radioactive material and crash it into a crowded gathering.

How you going to stop that?

They've already stolen the radioactive material which could be anywhere in the world ATM.

This only gets worse, it doesn't get better.

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I've been wondering when such a simple and easy to arrange and inexpensive attack would occur. There have been small scale car attacks in the West before but noting involving a large truck. A fast moving Mack-sized truck is an ideal weapon...cheap to acquire and operate and once it has been accelerated to a high speed almost impossible to stop. It's a perfect weapon to attack large outdoor crowds and even small buildings.

Just wait until they use a cheap drone loaded with low grade radioactive material and crash it into a crowded gathering.

How you going to stop that?

They've already stolen the radioactive material which could be anywhere in the world ATM.

This only gets worse, it doesn't get better.

Wait until they fly some of those drones into some cable news networks or government offices. THEN watch the reaction.

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BBC - Papers (ID ?) found in the truck belonging to a French Tunisian.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And of course when you go out on a mission to kill as many innocent people as possible, as part of your battle preparations you always make sure your ID, papers and passport are in the cab. Quite handy. Not to dissimilar as to when a gazillion tons of building collapsed and within hours an undamaged passport was found on top of the rubble. There is an agenda to start civil war in Europe, I do not know why, but it will work.

Edited by Andaman Al
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Well, what will be the insipid response this time? More unity parades? A new internet meme? More hugging and saccharine hashtags? And whatever will people put on their FB photos this time?

I guess a bunch of "i am Nice" thsirts and that's about it. Up for the next one.

Don't worry. The politicians are en route for crisis meetings. Again.

Junker and Tusk will sort it out

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The Latest: Nice jazz festival, Rihanna concert canceled

NICE, France (AP) — The Latest on a truck that drove into the crowd in Nice (all times local):

3 a.m.

The president of the region that includes Nice has announced that the city's jazz festival, due to open on Saturday, and a Rihanna concert planned for Friday evening, have both been canceled after the deadly truck attack.

Christian Estrosi said flags would be lowered across the city on Friday. He gave the latest death toll as 77 after a truck plowed into people celebrating Bastille Day at a fireworks display on the city's famous Promenade des Anglais.


2:45 a.m.

European Council president Donald Tusk says it is a "tragic paradox" that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating "liberty, equality and fraternity" — France's motto — on the country's national day.

Tusk tweeted a photograph of himself and other European and Asian leaders standing in tribute to the Nice victims at the Asia-Europe meeting in Mongolia.


2:15 a.m.

U.S. President Barack Obama has condemned what he says "appears to be a horrific terrorist attack" in Nice.

Obama says, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved-ones of those killed."

Noting that the attack occurred on Bastille Day, Obama praised "the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world."

Obama is offering French officials "any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice."

France's ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, characterized the events in Nice as a "terrorist attack."

"Our democracies — France, the United States, our other partners , we are besieged, we face a terrible threat," Araud said at a Bastille Day reception at the French Embassy in Washington late Thursday.


2:05 a.m.

The ranking politician of the Alpes-Maritime department that includes Nice says the truck plowed into the crowd over a distance of two kilometers (more than a mile), killing 75 people and wounding 50.

Eric Ciotti said on BFM TV that police killed the driver "apparently after an exchange of gunfire."

The Paris prosecutor's office opened an investigation for "murder, attempted murder in an organized group linked to a terrorist enterprise." The probe is being handled by France's intelligence agency and judicial police.


1:45 a.m.

Writing online, Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand who was at the waterside said the fireworks display had finished and the crowd had got up to leave when they heard a noise and cries.

"A fraction of a second later, an enormous white truck came along at a crazy speed, turning the wheel to mow down the maximum number of people," he said.

"I saw bodies flying like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget."

Allemand said people took shelter in a nearby restaurant, where he continued to hear people shouting for missing family members. He ventured out and saw bodies, blood and body parts all along the road.

"This evening, it was horror," Allemand concluded.


1:20 a.m.

The president of the region that includes Nice says a truck that slammed into revelers celebrating Bastille Day on the city's waterfront was loaded with arms and grenades, and that the driver of the truck has now been killed by police.

Christian Estrosi told BFM TV that "the driver fired on the crowd, according to the police who killed him."

Estrosi said the truck was drivien by someone who appeared to have "completely premeditated behavior." He added that "the truck was loaded with arms, loaded with grenades."


1 a.m.

The head of the French department in which Nice is located says at least 60 people have died in what officials say was a deliberate attack when a truck drove into Bastille Day revelers in the resort city.

Eric Ciotti said on France Info radio that "It's a scene of horror." He said he was speaking from the scene.

The Nice prosecutor Jean-Michel Prette said bodies are strewn about along the roadway.


12:45 a.m.

A spokesman for France's Interior Ministry says there are likely to be "several dozen dead" after a truck drove into a crowd of revelers celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice.

Pierre-Henry Brandet told BFM TV: "it's going to be a very high toll."

The president of the Nice regional council also gave a similar number.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-15

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When I see this sort of thing I often think what the end game will be and for the life of me, I can't see one.

Every few months, boom! Over and over as long as there are radicalized Muslims in our midst. How do you weed out these people? Impossible, 99% of the time they just carry on as normal immigrants. Then one day something makes them angry enough to do something like this.

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BBC - Papers (ID ?) found in the truck belonging to a French Tunisian.

Sent from my SMART_4G_Speedy_5inch using Tapatalk

And of course when you go out on a mission to kill as many innocent people as possible, as part of your battle preparations you always make sure your ID, papers and passport are in the cab.

Well if it is Islamic extremist terrorism, which we all suspect it is, then yes, they'd carry papers because they want the world know that they are coming.

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Extremely graphic video of aftermath of attack


The French government has asked everybody to NOT post pictures of movies of the scene online.

I don't understand why? Europeans have never seen the massacre after the shooting in the cinema in Paris, it was not broadcasted because too cruel for their weak hearts.

How much more cruel can this war get? They are just waiting for the next one, like sitting ducks.

One of the most ridiculous posts I have ever seen on TVF.

They don't want people posting as it is a propaganda boost for the perpetrators not to mention that victims families may see them.

European's have been at war for centuries so they are not unused to seeing carnage and bloodshed. Nothing to do with weak hearts. Europe has seen terrorism for decades now. You do know that terrorism wasn't invented on 9/11?

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The Latest: Trump says 'This is war' after Nice attack

WASHINGTON (AP) — The Latest on Campaign 2016 ahead of the Republican and Democratic National conventions (all times EDT):

10 p.m.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says in the aftermath of a deadly truck attack in France that if he's elected president he would ask Congress for a declaration of war on the Islamic State.

In an interview with Fox News Channel's "The O'Reilly Factor," Trump says, "This is war." He spoke after a truck carrying weapons and hand grenades drove onto a sidewalk in Nice, France, and plowed through people celebrating Bastille Day, killing at least 77 people.

Trump says to fight the Islamic State, which he calls a "cancer," NATO should be used "for a purpose."

It was not immediately clear Thursday night who was behind the attack.

In a separate interview on Fox, Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton says the U.S. needs to "stand strongly" with France and strengthen our alliances, including with NATO, to ferret out terrorism and prevent future attacks. Clinton says she would intensify efforts to put together a more effective coalition against terrorism.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-15

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This is the world Europe's feckless leaders have made, and its citizens are now being sacrificed on the alter of multiculturalism. Whatever were they thinking when they allowed tens of millions of culturally dissimilar people from violent and dysfunctional countries to migrate to their socities?

They are allowed in because society has become addicted to economic growth, and the politicians have discovered that cheap labour is the sure-fire way to achieve it. They had no inkling of the pervasive cost to society and culture.

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The Latest: Nice jazz festival, Rihanna concert canceled

NICE, France (AP) — The Latest on a truck that drove into the crowd in Nice (all times local):

3 a.m.

The president of the region that includes Nice has announced that the city's jazz festival, due to open on Saturday, and a Rihanna concert planned for Friday evening, have both been canceled after the deadly truck attack.

Christian Estrosi said flags would be lowered across the city on Friday. He gave the latest death toll as 77 after a truck plowed into people celebrating Bastille Day at a fireworks display on the city's famous Promenade des Anglais.


2:45 a.m.

European Council president Donald Tusk says it is a "tragic paradox" that the victims of the attack in Nice were celebrating "liberty, equality and fraternity" — France's motto — on the country's national day.

Tusk tweeted a photograph of himself and other European and Asian leaders standing in tribute to the Nice victims at the Asia-Europe meeting in Mongolia.


2:15 a.m.

U.S. President Barack Obama has condemned what he says "appears to be a horrific terrorist attack" in Nice.

Obama says, "Our thoughts and prayers are with the families and other loved-ones of those killed."

Noting that the attack occurred on Bastille Day, Obama praised "the extraordinary resilience and democratic values that have made France an inspiration to the entire world."

Obama is offering French officials "any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack and bring those responsible to justice."

France's ambassador to the United States, Gerard Araud, characterized the events in Nice as a "terrorist attack."

"Our democracies — France, the United States, our other partners , we are besieged, we face a terrible threat," Araud said at a Bastille Day reception at the French Embassy in Washington late Thursday.


2:05 a.m.

The ranking politician of the Alpes-Maritime department that includes Nice says the truck plowed into the crowd over a distance of two kilometers (more than a mile), killing 75 people and wounding 50.

Eric Ciotti said on BFM TV that police killed the driver "apparently after an exchange of gunfire."

The Paris prosecutor's office opened an investigation for "murder, attempted murder in an organized group linked to a terrorist enterprise." The probe is being handled by France's intelligence agency and judicial police.


1:45 a.m.

Writing online, Nice Matin journalist Damien Allemand who was at the waterside said the fireworks display had finished and the crowd had got up to leave when they heard a noise and cries.

"A fraction of a second later, an enormous white truck came along at a crazy speed, turning the wheel to mow down the maximum number of people," he said.

"I saw bodies flying like bowling pins along its route. Heard noises, cries that I will never forget."

Allemand said people took shelter in a nearby restaurant, where he continued to hear people shouting for missing family members. He ventured out and saw bodies, blood and body parts all along the road.

"This evening, it was horror," Allemand concluded.


1:20 a.m.

The president of the region that includes Nice says a truck that slammed into revelers celebrating Bastille Day on the city's waterfront was loaded with arms and grenades, and that the driver of the truck has now been killed by police.

Christian Estrosi told BFM TV that "the driver fired on the crowd, according to the police who killed him."

Estrosi said the truck was drivien by someone who appeared to have "completely premeditated behavior." He added that "the truck was loaded with arms, loaded with grenades."


1 a.m.

The head of the French department in which Nice is located says at least 60 people have died in what officials say was a deliberate attack when a truck drove into Bastille Day revelers in the resort city.

Eric Ciotti said on France Info radio that "It's a scene of horror." He said he was speaking from the scene.

The Nice prosecutor Jean-Michel Prette said bodies are strewn about along the roadway.


12:45 a.m.

A spokesman for France's Interior Ministry says there are likely to be "several dozen dead" after a truck drove into a crowd of revelers celebrating Bastille Day in the French city of Nice.

Pierre-Henry Brandet told BFM TV: "it's going to be a very high toll."

The president of the Nice regional council also gave a similar number.


-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-15

That sounds pretty Islamophobic to me...nothing should go wrong right...Islam being a religion of peace and all.

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Why is Japan the only country smart enough to not let these people in ? Assuming the perpetrator is muslim, let,s wait and see, but my money would be on these odds sad.png

My theory is that Europe's experience of genocidal fascism has led to a knee-jerk rush towards liberalism, and they have radically over-compensated with a new language of political correctness, devised for that purpose. All nationalism is now labelled as Nazism, and all rational debate as to protecting culture has been taboo.

In any case, Japan has always been protective of its cultural integrity.They have never succumbed to political correctness on that point.

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