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Foreigner punched out by Thai...


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Rule one - Don't be a dick.

As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.

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Rule one - Don't be a dick.

As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.

It's not a sucker punch when you're fronting up to the whole bar.

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Rule one - Don't be a dick.

As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.

It's not a sucker punch when you're fronting up to the whole bar.

He was outside the bar, shouting, not threatening anyone with physical harm. If you think sucker punching an old guy for doing that is necessary, it says a lot about you.

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Rule one - Don't be a dick.

As for those commenting about a younger guy hitting an older one- you don't get carte blanche to be a dick just because you're old.

You don't get any medals for sucker punching one either, not like the old guy went in swinging.
It's not a sucker punch when you're fronting up to the whole bar.

He was outside the bar, shouting, not threatening anyone with physical harm. If you think sucker punching an old guy for doing that is necessary, it says a lot about you.

It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

Edited by giddyup
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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

RE: Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?
They do. And then they grow up.
Some of these silly old fools here in Thailand need a helping hand. Trust me, a deft uppercut does wonders.
A well-aimed punch can add a decade or more to a born loser's maturity in just seconds.
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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

RE: Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?
They do. And then they grow up.
Some of these silly old fools here in Thailand need a helping hand. Trust me, a deft uppercut does wonders.
A well-aimed punch can add a decade or more to a born loser's maturity in just seconds.

How many have you had then,before beginning your career as an internet hardman? rolleyes.gif

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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

RE: Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?
They do. And then they grow up.
Some of these silly old fools here in Thailand need a helping hand. Trust me, a deft uppercut does wonders.
A well-aimed punch can add a decade or more to a born loser's maturity in just seconds.

How many have you had then,before beginning your career as an internet hardman? rolleyes.gif


Crawl back under you bridge.

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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

RE: Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?
They do. And then they grow up.
Some of these silly old fools here in Thailand need a helping hand. Trust me, a deft uppercut does wonders.
A well-aimed punch can add a decade or more to a born loser's maturity in just seconds.

I guess you'd be pretty good at taking on grandpa on his Zimmer frame. I'd like to see how far your heroism stretches when it was a mouthy, young bull who needed a "helping hand". Your nose would be buried in your beer and you'd turn deaf as a post.

Edited by giddyup
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It's not a sucker punch if you were the one who incited it. Age is irrelevant - grey hair doesn't earn you the right to be a dick and avoid the consequences.

So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug? You're a prince. I wonder if it was a young, well built buck the Thai hero would have been so quick to lash out? Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy? Next time some drunk, mouthy cage fighter puts on an act perhaps you can sort him out.

RE: Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?
They do. And then they grow up.
Some of these silly old fools here in Thailand need a helping hand. Trust me, a deft uppercut does wonders.
A well-aimed punch can add a decade or more to a born loser's maturity in just seconds.

How many have you had then,before beginning your career as an internet hardman? rolleyes.gif


Crawl back under you bridge.

No, he's dead right. Too many keyboard "hard men".

Edited by giddyup
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yes its always fun to possibly kill someone all for a gesture.

The guy shouldn't have a passport and should be more culturally aware.

Stupid is as stupid does, I guess.

no need to smack someone for what they "say" unless it turns physical

Ohhhh, I don't know mate, I reakon if you ran into an Aussie, English. American bar and started yelling obscenities at folk there for absolutely no reason, I'd say you might end up cleaning your teeth through you backside.

There's plenty of examples of this, but it doesn't fit in with the anti Thai sentiment of all the happy expats living in their paradise.

Sounds like the guy got exactly what he had coming. He should consider himself fortunate that he didn't end up with half a dozen guys stamping on his pot belly soiling his wife beater.

What a Loser. Som nom na, springs to mind.


I'm pretty sure your wrong about that. Now maybe your choice of bars are different ..but in what I would call civilized societies, most people would ignore a man as described in the opening post and do nothing at all. Next, if somebody did punch him, they would be arrested.


Actually, idont do bars, haven't been into one for a couple of decades but I do recall seeing many Australians flogged for giving 'hand signals' to people, I've also seen it in the UK and Thailand.

I use to get called in to mop up the pieces, you'd be surprised how many fights start because some moron gets lippy or finger happy.

There's such a big problem in Australia with folks getting punched and killed (usually a king hit from behind) for NO REASON whatsoever, that the Aussies changed laws to try and stop it.

Anyhow, just sayin ;) & I realise it doesn't flow nicely with the anti Thai sentiment that flows so often on this forum. ;) ;)

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Any chance of going back to the original story......(he was).. like "late 40's early 50s".....that became --

I guess you'd be pretty good at taking on grandpa on his Zimmer frame.


He does'nt seem drunk at all.....bacame


So you think an old drunk being mouthy deserves to be king hit by a young thug

or-Or don't young guys ever get drunk and mouthy?


(A = as in single ) Thai guy comes and punches him right in the face.The loudmouth goes flying backwards....that became


Thais are never known to have a one-on-one fight

or I wonder if the Thai guy had five or six mates standing nearby in case the Faring was able to get the better of him


Yes every Thai bar I have been into, there have always been 5-6 Thai men on the pay roll-- just lurking around all day & night----just in case , a farang comes in to a farang bar.


He staggers to his feet..and surprisingly the bargirl helps him up. And helps him to a stool at the bar next door.


No comment whatsoever ................


The sucker punch-----

It's rare they go it alone, but it was a sucker punch so who knows.

Sucker punching because of a few words is a pussy's game.


To Face someone who is standing and being aggressive..... to throw the first punch in that sort of fight--is not a sucker punch.

In fact a sucker punch is not usually delivered by the person you are confronting--but I suppose it can be called that if you happen to be sitting down reading a newspaper or minding your own business.

The Anti Thai stuff that is posted on Thai-Visa of late------ its got to be far worse then any other forum that I go on. What's up with you guys --are you that unhappy living here---even the guy who posted the story gets called a lair 3 times---told it didn't happen, if it was reversed & a Thai got hit---no doubt that would not be suggested.


Please don't bother posting the next ficteous story this one was boring enough.

Pics or it didn't happen.


The Real Definition of a Sucker Punch


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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

I can only go with the OP eye witness account---Quote "He does'nt seem drunk at all" unquote, but you keep writing that he was drunk---so you obviously have some inside information that you would like to share with us all...................coffee1.gif

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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

I can only go with the OP eye witness account---Quote "He does'nt seem drunk at all" unquote, but you obviously have some inside information that you would like to share with us all...................coffee1.gif

Whether he was or not, maybe he had some mental problems, who know? Still doesn't change the fact that it was a gutless cowardly act. Or do you think the Thai attacker was some kind of hero? There's enough violence in Thailand as it is, Thai teenage gangs killing each other over nothing, motorists killing each other because they've been overtaken, seems some falangs can't get enough of it.

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It was a gutless, unprovoked attack on a defenseless drunk. He wasn't threatening anyone with physical harm, just being mouthy. I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality, it was a cowardly act.

I can only go with the OP eye witness account---Quote "He does'nt seem drunk at all" unquote, but you obviously have some inside information that you would like to share with us all...................coffee1.gif

Whether he was or not, maybe he had some mental problems, who know? Still doesn't change the fact that it was a gutless cowardly act. Or do you think the Thai attacker was some kind of hero?

Do I think he is a hero...?? yes he should get the George Cross....& the purple heart.....Please stop asking silly questions........coffee1.gif

Quote-suddenly he looks inside the bar raising both middle fingers and screams at the top of his lungs ''<deleted> THIS PLACE !!! <deleted> ALL OF YOU.!!!

You want to do the maybe he was mental projection now----OK maybe the guys wife owned the place, and he took offence to her being told XXX ALL OF YOU..... maybe you wouldn't have taken offence if someone said this to your wife. maybe--maybe maybe.

quote "Still doesn't change the fact that it was a gutless cowardly act"

I don't agree.... let me tell you what I think is a gutless cowardly act----- after being hit the person then goes up and beats him more while on the ground, ---or he uses a knife---or he has friends help him.

This guy got up (with a Thai girls help) went sat down in the next bar......yer a real hospital case.


quote -"I don't care if the attacker was Thai or any other nationality"

Sorry giddyup-----from your posts I find that also hard to believe.....

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

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If I was a retired Muay Thai champ....I guess I would be working as a bouncer too. Never underestimate size here. Either get the first punch in there...or get out of that place quick.

"If I was a retired Muay Thai champ....I guess I would be working as a bouncer too"

IF.........I was a retired Muay Thai Champion.........IF--oh wow, that's better than Rudyard Kipling

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

Quote--an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight,

giddyup, what are you smoking---he was the reason for the fight

Quote--I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy

Well apparently you can do---because he has now been morphed into Thailand's Muay Thai Champion , see if you can get a ticket for his next title defence from SlipperyLobster.

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Believe what you like, I don't discriminate. If you want to keep trying to justify an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight, keep going. As I said, I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy who was being mouthy, the outcome may have been quite different. A gutless attack IMO is when the attacker already knows the outcome and only picks on a weaker individual who he knows is going to be an easy mark. Kind of gives away the character of those who defend the actions.

Quote--an unprovoked attack by a bar patron who had no dog in the fight,

giddyup, what are you smoking---he was the reason for the fight

Quote--I would have liked to see the Thai guy take on a fit, young guy

Well apparently you can do---because he has now been morphed into Thailand's Muay Thai Champion , see if you can get a ticket for his next title defence from SlipperyLobster.

There was no fight, and I don't see someone who is either drunk or mental shouting as provoking a fight. Was the Thai guy threatened in any way, did the falang throw a punch? No, the Thai came from the back of the bar to purposefully attack the falang, and somehow you see that as being justified. If the falang had been built like Mike Tyson you wouldn't have heard a peep out of the Thai.

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You guys might consider that the "crazy guy" might have been at the bar before, he might have been provoked in some way, ripped off, whatever ...then he is walking by later, the woman pinches his butt, and he yells at everyone.

But he only yelled a few things. It really is illegal to physically attack someone in those circumstances. So that is the first point. Next, isn't Thailand trying to "crack down" on bar workers beating up on patrons, or just people walking by? Especially foreigners? Isn't this bad for tourism? Shouldn't they be used to dealing with different cultures and drunks who can be rude (I am not saying he was drunk ...but in the case many are drunk)? Therefore those workers should not be operating on the standard hair trigger many Thai men are or they should have other jobs.

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