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Thais warned: Don't go to Thaksin's birthday party - we might not let you back home


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Let the guy enjoy his birthday, what a miserable government Thailand now has.

Ah, so you only see it as a private matter, nothing 'political', or divisive in that kind of a (-n aborted) mega-party, do you...? As about Thailand having now a miserable government, what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?

", what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?"

Well, I know what word is the most damning for you and the rest of the junta lovers; "ELECTED".

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

Edited by MZurf
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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Please Sir Give Me Your definition of a Red Whacko. I cannot understand Generalisations? Are you referring to Red Shirts, Communists ? I am always amused by peoples generalisations. Would just appreciate some clarity of definition.

Here is a red shirt whacko.


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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Please Sir Give Me Your definition of a Red Whacko. I cannot understand Generalisations? Are you referring to Red Shirts, Communists ? I am always amused by peoples generalisations. Would just appreciate some clarity of definition.

Here is a red shirt whacko.

He was asking for a definition, do try to pay attention.

  1. 1.
    a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.
  2. 2.
    the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound, especially of an image in a photograph or on a screen.
    synonyms: clarity, visibility, sharpness, crispness, acuteness; More
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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Please Sir Give Me Your definition of a Red Whacko. I cannot understand Generalisations? Are you referring to Red Shirts, Communists ? I am always amused by peoples generalisations. Would just appreciate some clarity of definition.

Here is a red shirt whacko.

He was asking for a definition, do try to pay attention.

  1. 1.
    a statement of the exact meaning of a word, especially in a dictionary.
  2. 2.
    the degree of distinctness in outline of an object, image, or sound, especially of an image in a photograph or on a screen.
    synonyms: clarity, visibility, sharpness, crispness, acuteness; More

He is a red shirt wacko personified!



mad or eccentric
n, pl wackos
a mad or eccentric person
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My goodness those who hate Thaksin border on Jihadists with their venomous hate.

Why did this man find it easy to commit these acts

Because there is not transparency of Government.

Why do such things continue.

And why will it never improve significantly

Because no one pushes for transparency or accountablility

Yellow or Red are all Fanatical

None of them that I can see really want change for the positive

In the end the Thai people will decide.

And not self appointed Foreign Judges nor Armed Forces will change that

That is the Thailand I wait for. And I am patient. And know the people needed are out there

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My goodness those who hate Thaksin border on Jihadists with their venomous hate.

Why did this man find it easy to commit these acts

Because there is not transparency of Government.

Why do such things continue.

And why will it never improve significantly

Because no one pushes for transparency or accountablility

Yellow or Red are all Fanatical

None of them that I can see really want change for the positive

In the end the Thai people will decide.

And not self appointed Foreign Judges nor Armed Forces will change that

That is the Thailand I wait for. And I am patient. And know the people needed are out there

Well, patience is good; definitely going to need lots & lots of that. But also long life (bordering on immortality) most likely also required. Good luck with all that.

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Let the guy enjoy his birthday, what a miserable government Thailand now has.

Ah, so you only see it as a private matter, nothing 'political', or divisive in that kind of a (-n aborted) mega-party, do you...? As about Thailand having now a miserable government, what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?

", what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?"

Well, I know what word is the most damning for you and the rest of the junta lovers; "ELECTED".

You mean like 'his' first government, when he should have been banned because he had malicioulsly hidden his assets, or 'his' second one, where it has, at last, been ruled the election was rigged..., not even speaking of vote buying...?!

As for 'elected', IMHO, the one to go for is: an 'elected democratical government', rather than a 'democratically elected government' (of cause both together would be the best) like what the US and EU are advocating, ...purely for business matters! Wouldn't you agree on that one?

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that, but, yes, IMO, he is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too),dangerous for Thais and Thailand. That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit...

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

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Let the guy enjoy his birthday, what a miserable government Thailand now has.

Ah, so you only see it as a private matter, nothing 'political', or divisive in that kind of a (-n aborted) mega-party, do you...? As about Thailand having now a miserable government, what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?

", what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?"

Well, I know what word is the most damning for you and the rest of the junta lovers; "ELECTED".

You mean like 'his' first government, when he should have been banned because he had malicioulsly hidden his assets, or 'his' second one, where it has, at last, been ruled the election was rigged..., not even speaking of vote buying...?!

As for 'elected', IMHO, the one to go for is: an 'elected democratical government', rather than a 'democratically elected government' (of cause both together would be the best) like what the US and EU are advocating, ...purely for business matters! Wouldn't you agree on that one?

I think the word "rambling" describes your post best....coffee1.gif

"You mean like 'his' first government, when he should have been banned because he had malicioulsly hidden his assets..."

Why 'his'? Why not his? So he should have been banned in retrospect??? "Maliciously hidden his assets!" Are there people who hide their assets without malice?

"...or 'his' second one, where it has, at last, been ruled the election was rigged..., not even speaking of vote buying...?!"

Again, why 'his'? Why not his? Or do you perhaps (erroneously) believe that using apostrophes conveys your disdain for more clearly??cheesy.gifcheesy.gif

"As for 'elected', IMHO, the one to go for is: an 'elected democratical government', rather than a 'democratically elected government' (of cause both together would be the best) like what the US and EU are advocating, ...purely for business matters! Wouldn't you agree on that one?"

Agree on what?? Is that sentence supposed to make sense?

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Let the guy enjoy his birthday, what a miserable government Thailand now has.

Ah, so you only see it as a private matter, nothing 'political', or divisive in that kind of a (-n aborted) mega-party, do you...? As about Thailand having now a miserable government, what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?

", what is the more damning adjective you would use for the previous governments, like the ones owned by Thaksin &Co., for instance...?"

Well, I know what word is the most damning for you and the rest of the junta lovers; "ELECTED".

You mean like 'his' first government, when he should have been banned because he had malicioulsly hidden his assets, or 'his' second one, where it has, at last, been ruled the election was rigged..., not even speaking of vote buying...?!

As for 'elected', IMHO, the one to go for is: an 'elected democratical government', rather than a 'democratically elected government' (of cause both together would be the best) like what the US and EU are advocating, ...purely for business matters! Wouldn't you agree on that one?




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A flurry from a junta-hugger. Or is it a Thaksin-hater? Either way, I didn't think there were any of those left.

Worth keeping for it's reminiscence value...something to show the grandkids..."Pay attention now kids, and do your homework, or you'll end up like this..."


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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that, but, yes, IMO, he is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too),dangerous for Thais and Thailand. That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit...

"I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that..."

OK, good. So you agree that Thaksin is just one of a vast number of people who "is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too)", so then can you explain to me why you're obsessing about Thaksin as that description fits a great many people, including a certain cantankerous one?

"That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit..."

What is "the Thaksin power thing"? If you want people to reply to your posts you should at least make an effort to make yourself understood.

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

That might be your question, but mine was and still is "Who is on the run?" There were lots of attendees at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

That might be your question, but mine was and still is "Who is on the run?" There were lots of attendees at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

And the door was arguably deliberately left open for his visit to China, in the confident hope that he would not return.


Edited by Winniedapu
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that, but, yes, IMO, he is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too),dangerous for Thais and Thailand. That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit...

"I wouldn't go as far as you do, to call Thaksin 'the root of all evil in the country', as he for sure can't be big enough to be in- nor behind- all of that..."

OK, good. So you agree that Thaksin is just one of a vast number of people who "is an evil man, and a megalomaniac (and a narcissist too)", so then can you explain to me why you're obsessing about Thaksin as that description fits a great many people, including a certain cantankerous one?

"That there still are individuals, like you, not at all confused, wanting to defend the 'Thaksin power' thing, is, IMO, the amazing bit..."

What is "the Thaksin power thing"? If you want people to reply to your posts you should at least make an effort to make yourself understood.

Don't put words into my mouth! I agreed there is, indeed, a lot of evil in the country which is not related to Thaksin, but, IMO, he was, and still is the most evil an divisive(!) personality menacing this country's future.

'The Thaksin power thing' refers to his attempt together with his clan to gain total power over the Kingdom(!) in order to establish an hereditary dictatorship. Clear enough?

Edited by bangrak
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

That might be your question, but mine was and still is "Who is on the run?" There were lots of attendees at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

Even 'Winniedapu' seems to understand I meant Thaksin, did you forget...?

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I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

That might be your question, but mine was and still is "Who is on the run?" There were lots of attendees at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

Even 'Winniedapu' seems to understand I meant Thaksin, did you forget...?

Leave me out of your games friend, I'm really not interested.

I will say this though:

'On the run' eh? Lives in air-conditioned luxury in Dubai, holds various passports and citizenships. Free to travel wherever he likes. Nobody interested in helping the royalists extradite him for another trumped-up show trial. Richer than you or I will ever be, lots of friends. Hot and cold girls on tap. Life of luxury. Can buy anything he wants including you me and all your royalist mates without blinking an eye..

I should be on that kind of run, friend, and you and all of your 'Thaksin humbug' mates would trade places with him in a heartbeat, so please... a little less of the humbug and faux outrage if you please... Humpty and Dumpty aren't listening and if they were, they wouldn't cross the road to meet either one of us, we're only keenok farang. The people you and your junta-hugging mates try so hard to please would cut your throat for 100 baht and a feed of somtam. Wise up, friend, Thaksin is not your enemy, you are and this illegal coup d'etat government is..


Edited by Winniedapu
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Reply to Winniedapu´s post #199

Yes because it was Thaksins brother-in-law Somchai Wongsawat and PPP (People´s Power Party) who was running the country when Thaksin left for China. So of course the let him (the party boss) go.

And your point is...?

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A post containing a Thai language news post has been removed. As this is an English language forum, please use English language news updates. English is the only acceptable language anywhere on ThaiVisa including Classifieds, except within the Thai language forum, where of course using Thai is allowed.

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

I'm afraid the phrase 'Fair and balanced' is already taken, also by people who are anything but, and who like to fire accusations of propaganda and bias around as though they don't do the same themselves...

Who is on the run?

'Who is on the run?' Erm, what about someone who left to watch the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics, but did not come back as promised, f.i.?

'Who's next?' would rather be my question...

That might be your question, but mine was and still is "Who is on the run?" There were lots of attendees at the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics.

Even 'Winniedapu' seems to understand I meant Thaksin, did you forget...?

Nope, just wondering why you go on about propaganda and PR in tones of righteous indignation while embellishing your own post with patently untrue terms such as "on the run" when he clearly isn't.

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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Oh you mean his incapable yes men immoral and unethical servants masquerading as politicians who all received / receive a monthly salary from him.

Edited by scorecard
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Thaksin has a birthday party and all the red whackos come out to play.

Oh you mean his incapable yes men immoral and unethical servants masquerading as politicians who all received / receive a monthly salary from him.

Mister, the tactic of singling out a Heavy Metal fan at a Judas Priest concert and clasping your hand to your mouth in 'shocked disbelief' as to why they would be there really isn't all that effective.

What I mean is, your post has described Thai politics from the year dot, from all factions. Thaksin is just another one.

Edited by baboon
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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

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When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe...

My present regret being these posts are not eulogies written at the auspicious occasion of his passing-away, but only follow (self-propagated) rumours about (self-claimed) harsh consequences for sycophants (potentially) attending a next birthday party from a convict on-the-run, which was self(!)-aborted.

"When one reads the panegyric posts about 'the great master' many here today still seem able to produce, one can only conclude the PR and propaganda serving Thaksin and his 'clan' have done a great job over the years in creating a positive legend around this evil megalomaniac dictator in-spe..."

And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!

PS. A friendly tip; Your attempt at sounding grandiloquent fails spectacularly due to your rather poor writing skill, so you should really tone it down a notch.

"And one can conclude that the junta/old elite propaganda ingeniously claiming that Thaksin is the root of all evil in the country is actually swallowed by a few, confused individuals. Amazing!!"

And you would not hesitate to state that he is as white as the driven snow?

Suggest you ask around a bit more you might find that a lot more folks agree that the paymaster is a troublemaker and is still very active and will stop at nothing to derail all attempts to get Thailand back on course.

This may surprise, given our respective posting histories and out respective views, which are well known if not well understood.

I agree with you. Thaksin is a dishonest and corrupt man. I agree he is a very terrible person, but the answer is not to stitch him up with false charges then use that as a reason to have him in exile. And that, despite the propaganda which you and many others chose to buy, is exactly what happened. The answer is to create a real judicial system in Thailand, with reputable judges who are not all beholden to one man, but are beholden to the people of the country - the highest power in the land.

That way, people like Thaksin will not be elected.

Right now, were I Thai and were I in the position of electing my choice of MP and PM, I would choose Thaksin in a heartbeat. Because as corrupt as he is, as dishonest and conniving as he is, he is a product of the existing Thai system, and to retain the existing system of feudal barons owning the country and the people and 95% of the wealth as an alternative to Thaksin would be a great deal worse.


Edited by Winniedapu
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So if Thaksin is such a big threat that you warn people of visiting him, Why haven't you just brought him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence? What is keeping you from doing that?

Or is it because it is mighty convenient to have a bogeyman to blame?

ROFLMAO. "bring him back to Thailand to serve his prison sentence". "What is keeping you from doing that?" Sure! Why they could've just sent a taxi to pick him up! Or maybe a Thai invasion of Dubai to fetch him is what you had in mind? Really funny. 'Like the govt is keeping him from coming back... Folks, we have another hopeful here for the Comedy Award!

(Psssst! I don't think he WANTS to come back! That prison sentence waiting for him seems to be, strangely enough, acting as a bit of a deterrent. He wasn't exiled; he FLED the country, genius.)

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