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Secret chapter of 9/11 inquiry released after 13-year wait


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So now we know, but what will be done- invade Saudi and hang the culprits? NAH, nothing will ever be done as long as the black stuffs still flows.

Did you read some other article? It appears to me that all the major accusations are refuted by the CIA or FBI.

The only real unanswered charge in this article is: “ . . . Saleh al-Hussayen, a Saudi interior ministry official who stayed at the same hotel in Herndon, Virginia, as one of the hijackers . . . was able to depart the United States despite FBI efforts to locate and re-interview him . . ."” Herndon is the site of D.C.'s Dulles International Airport--a lot of people stay there.

Who allowed al-Hussayen to leave? Sounds like it had to be an American official to me. So, if you want to hang someone on this evidence why not hang Bush, he's the one who classified this chapter, whose administration was in the position to allow al-Hussayen to leave, and whose family had dealings with bin Laden's family for years.

There are way too many unanswered oddities about 9/11.

There are some people that believe Bush was involved, but it seems unlikely to me that he was directly involved, as he just looked confused when advised of what had happened/was happening.

Bush looked confused during a lot of his presidency.

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