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Obama urges Americans to tamp down inflammatory rhetoric


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Obama urges Americans to tamp down inflammatory rhetoric

WASHINGTON (AP) — Confronting another killing of police officers, President Barack Obama on Sunday urged Americans to tamp down inflammatory words and actions as a violent summer collides with the nation's heated presidential campaign.

Obama said the motive behind Sunday's killing of three officers in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, was still unknown. It was the latest in a string of deadly incidents involving law enforcement, including the police shooting of a black man in Baton Rouge and the killing of five officers in Dallas.

"We as a nation have to be loud and clear that nothing justifies attacks on law enforcement," Obama said in remarks from the White House briefing room.

The president spoke on the eve of the Republican Party's national convention, where Donald Trump will officially accept the GOP nomination. The businessman has cast the recent incidents as a sign that the country needs new leadership, often using heated rhetoric to make his point.

Obama said that going into the political conventions, elected officials and interest groups should focus their words and actions on uniting the country, rather than dividing it.

"We don't need inflammatory rhetoric. We don't need careless accusations thrown around to score political points or to advance an agenda. We need to temper our words and open our hearts ... all of us," Obama said.

The president also seemed intent on demonstrating again his support for law enforcement. Some organizations have cast doubt on that support. The National Association of Police Organizations said after the Dallas shooting that America was in the midst of a war on law enforcement officers. The group said the administration needed to show political leadership by "supporting them and giving them the resources they need to protect themselves and their communities."

"Attacks on police are an attack on all of us and the rule of law that makes society possible," Obama emphasized Sunday.

The president spoke earlier Sunday with Louisiana Gov. John Bel Edwards and Baton Rouge Mayor Kip Holden to hear the latest on the investigation into the shootings and pledge federal support.

Obama has spent most of the last week focused on defusing tensions and rebuilding trust between police departments and the communities they serve.

On July 7, an Army veteran opened fire on law enforcement in Dallas, killing five and wounding seven other officers. The shooter, who was black, said he wanted to kill white people, especially white officers. Obama spoke at the memorial service for the officers killed and told Americans not to despair, that the nation is not as divided as it might seem.

In his remarks Sunday, Obama reminded people that he had also said the Dallas shooter would not be the last person to try to make Americans turn on each other.

"Nor will today's killer. It remains up to us to make sure that they fail. That decision is all of ours," Obama said.

Following the Dallas memorial, Obama held an extraordinary four-hour meeting at the White House's executive offices with police officers, community activists and elected leaders. He emerged from the session saying "we're not even close" to the point where minority communities could feel confident that police departments were serving them with respect and equality or where police departments could feel adequately supported at all levels. He also said the country would have to "just grind it out" in solving the tensions.

The shooting of the police officers in Dallas and Baton Rouge were preceded by police shootings of two black men, Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge and Philando Castile in suburban St. Paul, Minnesota, which sparked protests around the country. Dallas police were defending protesters in that city when the gunman opened fire on them.


AP White House Correspondent Julie Pace in Cleveland contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-18

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Barry is definitely feeling the heat:whistling.gif

"The president has blood on his hands and it will not be able to come washed off...
How the hell did we ever become the bad guys in this country? I can not imagine how we got here. It is the irresponsible reporting of the media and irresponsible statements from people who are credible - like the president, like celebrities."


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The President is right- the rhetoric and news media are fanning the flames of violence in America and it plays into the hands of those who are prone to violence and the mentally ill. The number of guns in the hands of Americans is staggering and the fact that there are laws in some States that people can openly carry weapons strapped to their hip is absolutely ridiculous. Even in the Old West days of the 1800's , people entering a town were required to check their guns with the local constable or sheriff. You could not walk around town carrying a weapon for obvious reasons. America is a country in turmoil and those who advocate no limits on guns are the ones with blood on their hands. How many more people have to die at the hands of a gun before the politicians and leaders do something.

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Obama is right. He's doing what a sage leader should do; lessening hysterics, calming runaway fears.

180 degree different is prez candidate Trump who does all he can to fan fears, exaggerate rifts, and pour petrol on the fire of alarmism.

Obama should follow his own advice, if anyone is still listening to the guy. If he ever had any credibility, he has lost it.

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Irregardless, it's now finally becoming apparent that Barry has played a very central role in the widening divide in American race relations. thumbsup.gif

and he accomplished all that just by being black.

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Wouldn't want to say anything to upset the wallowing in pitty parasite scum bags.

Obamas brethren.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sooooo, I'm guessing you want Trump to continue with the inflammatory rhetoric? Parasite scum bags. Obama's brethren. Beautifully written. An 8.5 on the hate scale!

Trump: "Our country is a divided crime scene, and it will only get worse!" bah.gif

You know, that's what the wingnuts really want...anarchy. It's the only possible way Trump gets elected. The Army in the streets.

Do they have any grasp of how pathetic that is? America's not a crime scene. It's America. Show a little respect for your country, Cheeto Jesus.

What a load.

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Irregardless, it's now finally becoming apparent that Barry has played a very central role in the widening divide in American race relations. thumbsup.gif

You love that non-existent word "Irregardless" don't you. I laugh every time you use it in front of the latest nonsense.

Irregardless (?) , if you want to point fingers, point at the hate dispensed by the racist wingnut Republican party. Fox News works it's tail off dividing America.

Cops killing black people on a regular basis and they're getting sick of it. How do you tie Obama to that? He's Black so he's responsible? Why is it his fault? I'd really like to hear that one explained.

Better yet, how in the world would electing Trump or any Republican make anything better? whistling.gif What solution does Trump offer? All Trump has is, elect me and I'll fix everything. Bullshit, he's got nothing.

This comes down to hate and fear, something the wingnut Republicans line up for. The more fear, the more people will say we need to elect Trump? That's Trump's transparent plan.

How about less inflammatory rhetoric? Wouldn't that be the first thing we might do? Trump and his minions want to instigate more violence. The perfect candidate for the crazed wingnut Republican party.

On a lighter note...open carry in the streets of Cleveland is going to make this a very entertaining week. clap2.gif Go Trump! Right off a cliff.

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Obama is right. He's doing what a sage leader should do; lessening hysterics, calming runaway fears.

180 degree different is prez candidate Trump who does all he can to fan fears, exaggerate rifts, and pour petrol on the fire of alarmism.

Irregardless, it's now finally becoming apparent that Barry has played a very central role in the widening divide in American race relations. thumbsup.gif

Who is Barry, and how does one person have such sway over how Americans think?

You don't appear to know too much about the president. huh.png

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Well....he did break the barricade......and has proven. With his rhetoric that Ameicans are all better off.....Vote vote and vote. then foeget about it......Well what did anyone expect electing someone to office with little or no political experience?.....Time to change.

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The President is right- the rhetoric and news media are fanning the flames of violence in America and it plays into the hands of those who are prone to violence and the mentally ill. The number of guns in the hands of Americans is staggering and the fact that there are laws in some States that people can openly carry weapons strapped to their hip is absolutely ridiculous. Even in the Old West days of the 1800's , people entering a town were required to check their guns with the local constable or sheriff. You could not walk around town carrying a weapon for obvious reasons. America is a country in turmoil and those who advocate no limits on guns are the ones with blood on their hands. How many more people have to die at the hands of a gun before the politicians and leaders do something.

I have been to the United States several times and to several different states and to be honest I never saw people walking around with guns strapped to their sides unless they had a badge to go with that. I also never heard of people openly carrying weapons on them unless it was hunting season, which is to be expected. But even then you don't see them walk into a Liquor Store or Supermarket with there Deer Rifle strapped on there back.

As far as I am concerned I see nothing wrong with a man keeping a gun in his house for personal protection for him, his family, and his property, as long as he takes safety measures to insure kids can't get at them. There are plenty of safety devices on the market like Trigger Locks and Gun Cabinets to be able to do that properly and safely.

A person has the right to defend himself and his family. I think that a gun in his house would act more as a deterrent to house break-ins than not. When you really think of it "Gun Control" doesn't keep guns out of the hands of criminals. It just keeps them out of the hands of law biding citizens who only want to protect themselves or there family, and not rob the closest bank.

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Wouldn't want to say anything to upset the wallowing in pitty parasite scum bags.

Obamas brethren.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Sooooo, I'm guessing you want Trump to continue with the inflammatory rhetoric? Parasite scum bags. Obama's brethren. Beautifully written. An 8.5 on the hate scale!

Trump: "Our country is a divided crime scene, and it will only get worse!" bah.gif

You know, that's what the wingnuts really want...anarchy. It's the only possible way Trump gets elected. The Army in the streets.

Do they have any grasp of how pathetic that is? America's not a crime scene. It's America. Show a little respect for your country, Cheeto Jesus.

What a load.

So by implication, Trump will turn the US into a 'united crime scene'.

What a moron.

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Too little, too late Obama. He has no credibility and his racist colors have shown through during the last 7 years. He had a great opportunity and plenty of support in the beginning but instead will be the worst POTUS in my lifetime.

He's leaving office with the highest approval rating since Reagan. Unemployment #'s have gone down. The US hasn't entered a war in his the entire two terms. For the first time in the US's history, many people can get health insurance who ordinarily couldn't afford it. Pot is legal in half the states - which is easing away from the completely failed War on Drugs which has been dragging the US through the gutter since Nixon. Easing pot is also enabling millions of Americans a joyful way to relax and, for some, relief from pain and anxiety. Por legalization also enables a lot of regular Americans a way to make a few extra thousands of dollar/annually .....something which drives Big Pharma crazy and makes holier-than-thou Bible Thumpers want to punch holes in sheetrock.

Lest attention-deficit-of-pigeons Republicans forget: Obama took office 7.5 years ago when the US was on the brink of economic collapse and had just been thrown into two wars by its prior Republican president. Obama took on an ugly mess and did quite well. Who could have done better? Palin ?!? Newt? The Republican senator looking to give blow jobs in a Minneapolis bathroom? Romney and Ryan, who promised to increase military spending far beyond what the Joint Chiefs wanted? The best the Republicans have are sick parodies of themselves. Trump is the poster boy proving that factoid.

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Obamas overall performance is disappointing but expected considering his background and experience.

Just another arrogant corrupt delusional racist leaning hard toward socialism.

What we expect to hear from a sour grapes loser who backed the wrong horse.

Well, to your credit, at least you didn't call him a Kenyan muslim. And you didn't stoop as low as The Divider by insinuating Obama was rooting for the Orlando murderer to kill more gays.

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I don't vote for liberals. When Obama became president, I wished him nothing but the best. I wanted him to be a champion. He has never missed an opportunity to disappoint.

At home and abroad, epic failure.

I take no pleasure in saying this.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I don't vote for liberals. When Obama became president, I wished him nothing but the best. I wanted him to be a champion. He has never missed an opportunity to disappoint.

At home and abroad, epic failure.

Agreed. I voted for him the first time too. What a mistake. sad.png

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Irregardless, it's now finally becoming apparent that Barry has played a very central role in the widening divide in American race relations. thumbsup.gif

Who is Barry, and how does one person have such sway over how Americans think?

Barry is the name the really stupid conspiracy nuts use. They think Obama is a border hopping, muslim terrorist that ran for president.

He is instigating the racial tensions and mass shootings in order to take the guns and order martial law and rule forever under sharia law.


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Obama: Police Can 'Make the Job of Being a Cop a Lot Safer' by Admitting Their Failures


Tell us this putz isn't trying to provoke a further situation? facepalm.giffacepalm.giffacepalm.gif

“There are legitimate issues that have been raised, and there’s data and evidence to back up the concerns that are being expressed by these protesters. “And if police organizations and departments acknowledge that there’s a problem and there’s an issue, then that, too, is going to contribute to real solutions. And, as I said yesterday, that is what’s going to ultimately help make the job of being a cop a lot safer. It is in the interest of police officers that their communities trust them and that the kind of rancor and suspicion that exists right now is alleviated.”


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