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Horror on German train as 'more than 20 people are injured' in axe attack


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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

What you seem to be doing is taking your theory that the cause of the attack was because of collateral damage in the boy's home country and trying to sell it.

Of course, this is a possible reason for the attack. But so to would him being drug or alcohol fuelled, mentally unstable or having just been denied a counsel flat in an area of his own choice.

Who knows the mind of any 17yo now-a-days? Or the thought process of the 'experts' that eventually come up with the official reason as to why it actually happened.

Not saying you are wrong, but......

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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

Don't get me wrong, Im not riding a horse with crusaders raping and pillaging these ppl. They want to live their lives and the decision made by specific allied nations to do this in the first place was wrong on numerous levels. Yes, collateral damage was done in a big way but vietnam also lost approx a million ppl from that war with other wars having big numbers too and there was no craziness from them. Maybe apples and oranges, as we're talking religion, but my point is that this is directly and not indirectly against civilians. Target the ones that brought the atrocities, not the ppl.

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Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

What you seem to be doing is taking your theory that the cause of the attack was because of collateral damage in the boy's home country and trying to sell it.

Of course, this is a possible reason for the attack. But so to would him being drug or alcohol fuelled, mentally unstable or having just been denied a counsel flat in an area of his own choice.

Who knows the mind of any 17yo now-a-days? Or the thought process of the 'experts' that eventually come up with the official reason as to why it actually happened.

Not saying you are wrong, but......

I certainly may be wrong. Just throwing up the possibilities that others deny. You have a lot of valid possibilities as well.

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Earlier I posted about spin to downplay the situation.

I'm not saying this was deliberate but BBC have aired a report from a correspondent in Germany who reported the injured toll was less than first reported but no inference of ' thankfully ', the Bavarian Interior Minister was shown confirming the assailant was an Afghan refugee but he didn't know how long he's been in Germany and would have to check with the family he's been living with.

Finally it was reported that witnesses said the assailant MAY have been shouting in Allua Akbar in Arabic but these reports should be treated with caution until confirmed.

I apologise if I'm reading too much into this, I'd like to think that the BBC are only being objective.

I'd like to think it.

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Going in there isn't the reason. The reason is despite good intentions you killed tens of thousands in collateral damage. What about those people? I guess you think that the Germans shouldn't react to this and just take it and follow Christianity(the good religion) and forgive. Wow, that's a god idea. If you do that, maybe you won't add flames to the fire. That's what you want the Afghans who lost their families to do. You think they should just shut up and not react. That's not the way of today's Christians or Muslims. I'm just pointing out the truth not defending this crazy killers acts. Just pointing out other possible reasons for these acts. Some here would murder all the Muslims in the world for their 'peace'. They really are no different than those crazy terrorists they call out.

Don't get me wrong, Im not riding a horse with crusaders raping and pillaging these ppl. They want to live their lives and the decision made by specific allied nations to do this in the first place was wrong on numerous levels. Yes, collateral damage was done in a big way but vietnam also lost approx a million ppl from that war with other wars having big numbers too and there was no craziness from them. Maybe apples and oranges, as we're talking religion, but my point is that this is directly and not indirectly against civilians. Target the ones that brought the atrocities, not the ppl.

I agree but this kid isn't a soldier either. You can't expect angry revengeful people to care about the difference soldiers and civilians. A crazed murderous civilian attacks other civilians. I doubt this act took a lot of planning. It's more like a nutter on a rampage. Anyways, I get your point.

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I agree with controlling the borders. Not with the prejudice that so many here show. Many here are straight out xenophobes and racists. If you ask me to support their posts, I wouldn't. But controlling borders and having more processing of immigrants and migrants I would say absolutely yes. I'm an atheist. I see Christians and Muslims as quite hateful people who are very willing to murder for their insanity. Most blacks killed in the American south in the past 100 years were murdered by supposed Christians. And of course the Christians supported slavery in the first place. And today's racists are supporting the same party as the fanatical Christians. As an American, I feel more of the threat from Christians with guns than foreigners. I just wish the media would say 'Christian' or 'Christian terrorist' when a Christian kills for his religion. Many gays were murdered by Christians over the past century too. Collectively many more than were killed in Germany or Paris. Let's remember that history too. These endless murders were inspired and commited by Christians.

I'll go one better, most Mexicans are murdered by catholics, because that's what most of them are. Why is what happened one or more hundred years ago relevant to what is happening today? As an atheist, are you afraid to go to Spain because the Inquisition might get you?

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I don't know why folk here are hell bent on arguing 'the toss' ?

The guy went on a rampage with an ace, he yelled "Alaha Akbar' as he went about his business.

The guy before that went on rampage with a truck, he also yelled "Allah Akbar" as he went about his business.

So did the douchebags in Paris, London, Sydney and numerous other places.

Why sugar coat it?

You can put lip stick on a pig but it's still a pig !

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We need background checks on ax purchases and a Federal Database.

Just as well people in Europe are unable to walk into a gun shop and buy a gun like they can in the US

and "legally" buy "and possess" a gun like they can in the US.

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I agree with controlling the borders. Not with the prejudice that so many here show. Many here are straight out xenophobes and racists. If you ask me to support their posts, I wouldn't. But controlling borders and having more processing of immigrants and migrants I would say absolutely yes. I'm an atheist. I see Christians and Muslims as quite hateful people who are very willing to murder for their insanity. Most blacks killed in the American south in the past 100 years were murdered by supposed Christians. And of course the Christians supported slavery in the first place. And today's racists are supporting the same party as the fanatical Christians. As an American, I feel more of the threat from Christians with guns than foreigners. I just wish the media would say 'Christian' or 'Christian terrorist' when a Christian kills for his religion. Many gays were murdered by Christians over the past century too. Collectively many more than were killed in Germany or Paris. Let's remember that history too. These endless murders were inspired and commited by Christians.

I'll go one better, most Mexicans are murdered by catholics, because that's what most of them are. Why is what happened one or more hundred years ago relevant to what is happening today? As an atheist, are you afraid to go to Spain because the Inquisition might get you?

I see your point. Yes, there aren't too many fanatical Christians these days but they are still around. But it should be said that in America Christian racists were terrorizing and murdering blacks with impunity most of the last decade which shows that the US is/was a terrorist nation. Was that ever written in the newspaper when it was happening? It should be in all school books as it is absolutely TRUE! And we still have some Christians terrorizing gay and black people in the US today. There are not so many murders but they are there. That's all I am saying.

I probably would trust you as a Christian as I would trust a Muslim, Halloween but maybe I shouldn't. Thailand should really stop letting Muslims and Christians come in for its own safety and for the fact that Thailand is a Buddhist nation. People of these middle eastern religious backgrounds show much more intolerance than Buddhists.

Anyways, getting back to the point, Europe should control its borders. It should also put a watch on any Europeans who have worked long term in Muslim nations. I'm talking about teachers, oil workers, etc. These people should be considered potential threats to Europe and should be put through a harsh screening prior to re-entering the west. You don't now what warped values they may have picked up in those god-forsaken Muslim nations. And once in Europe, the government should read their emails and monitor their phone calls for a few years just to be sure. You have to ask why these 'western' individuals would even chose to work in those nations. Do they really have Christian values? Put them all on watchlists for life to be safe and keep them out of government positions!

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Im glad my estern european eu country refused to take immigrants and faced scrunity of eu. Now its one of safest places in europe.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Gosh, PattayaBoy how do you live in Pattaya? There are more Muslims there than in most urban places in Thailand. You are in danger. Yet, you don't have any fear? You should. When are you leaving?

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He said authorities were still investigating the motive of the attack and were looking into reports that the suspect had yelled out "an exclamation" during the rampage. He was responding to reports that some witnesses had heard the suspect shout "Allahu Akbar" ("God Is Great") during the attack.


Comments of German politicians, police, media:

No! No! No!

Nothing to do with Islam. Impossible

It is the religion of peace.

They are so peaceful. All of them!

Let them all in - they are soooo good for our economy

And we are soo happy to do good

Edited by sweatalot
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Halloween my speculation is as legit as your speculation. Thousands of innocent people were killed in Afghanistan. Anything is possible.

How many were killed by German commuters?

Exactly. Gotta love the "but we deserve it because we went in there argument" Take it out on the military and government, not it's ppl.

Now this guy is dead and will be forgotten.

Couldn't agree more, but this rarely happens.

I can remember the IRA attacking the hotel in which politicians were staying during the course of their conference - but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Even the well-funded and organised 9/11 attack didn't kill any politicians or military AFAIK.

Its far easier to attack civilians sad.png .

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He said authorities were still investigating the motive of the attack and were looking into reports that the suspect had yelled out "an exclamation" during the rampage. He was responding to reports that some witnesses had heard the suspect shout "Allahu Akbar" ("God Is Great") during the attack.


Comments of German politicians, police, media:

No! No! No!

Nothing to do with Islam. Impossible

It is the religion of peace.

They are so peaceful. All of them!

Let them all in - they are soooo good for our economy

And we are soo happy to do good

I bet in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Syria the local politicians, police, and media have the same comments after the western bombs fall on local civilians.

No! No! No!

Nothing to do with Christianity. Impossible.

It is the religion of peace.

They are all so peaceful. All of them!

Let the foreign armies in - they are soooo good for our country.

And we are soo happy to do good

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"The attackers motive is not yet know" says CNN.

I can tell them now: malevolence stemming from bitterness stemming from crisis of identity and low self-esteem stemming from a sense of alienation and inferiority and cultural repression stemming from being outside his ethnic mileu, stemming from insane EU immigration policy.

To summarise: culture clash. Reason enough not to let them in.

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He's been named already on BBC

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Let me guess..."Swen Karlsson"...was I right?


And looked like this.

I wondered at first if this was the Scandinavian guy who massacred more than 80 youngsters in a youth holiday camp!

But no, a quick google search revealed that the Scandinavian 'holiday camp' killer was Anders Breivik.

Edit - For some reason there have been a number of lone, deranged people about over the last few decades that are happy to kill innocent people indiscriminately - even though they know that they will die at the end of the killing spree.

Edited by dick dasterdly
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"The attackers motive is not yet know" says CNN.

I can tell them now: malevolence stemming from bitterness stemming from crisis of identity and low self-esteem stemming from a sense of alienation and inferiority and cultural repression stemming from being outside his ethnic mileu, stemming from insane EU immigration policy.

To summarise: culture clash. Reason enough not to let them in.

We are rapidly reaching the tipping point where every 'motive unknown' statement will result in scores of recruits for the far right.

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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

Most Europeans (in my opinion) would rather shake the hands of those Americans and buy them a drink, explaining all the while that they would have loved to get involved themselves, but being European passport holders could well find themselves charged with unreasonable force, hate crime, assault, racism, littering, breach of the peace, you name it.

Getting involved for we Europeans is a coin toss between being hailed as a hero or a prison sentence. Bear in mind we are fighting on two fronts: against the scum who want us dead and the authorities who have their back. It isn't a matter of cowardice.

America is very litigation-happy, but we act when we circumstances dictate.

Dirty Harry said it best: "When I see a naked man chasing after a woman with a hard on and a knife, I know he's not out collecting for the Red Cross, so I shoot the bastard."

You only have a finite number of cheeks to turn, before you say Enough, and slap them back to Kingdom come.

As always, it depends on the circumstances.

Women being attacked (in Western countries) are told to shout 'FIRE' rather than 'HELP'....

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I do think, but who am I, in the last 40-50 years the islam induced attacks on the west were answered by the west, sometimes for "misguided" reasons, to bring the terror back to the places of origin.

Rightly so, but definitely not enough, resulting in the rightful idea that the west is weak.

In comes the do-gooders that blame the west, Christianity, atheism, for the Quran induced hatred and terror from the islam.

In the eyes of the muslims, another sign of weakness.

Don't try to see the muslim way of life with judeo/Christian eyes, it is a huge mistake.

As long as the west does not see, or does not want to see that islam is trying to conquer the world, we will always be subjects of terror.

If the light breaks through, maybe, just maybe, we will answer back in kind, ten- or hundredfold.

That the islam mind, most of all the Arab mind, will understand.

We, the west, are at war.

Deny it, don't believe it, even condemn it, but it is the truth.

A relatively few muslims are terrorists, thousands if not millions support them, and the rest know it but keep silent.

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I do think, but who am I, in the last 40-50 years the islam induced attacks on the west were answered by the west, sometimes for "misguided" reasons, to bring the terror back to the places of origin.

Rightly so, but definitely not enough, resulting in the rightful idea that the west is weak.

In comes the do-gooders that blame the west, Christianity, atheism, for the Quran induced hatred and terror from the islam.

In the eyes of the muslims, another sign of weakness.

Don't try to see the muslim way of life with judeo/Christian eyes, it is a huge mistake.

As long as the west does not see, or does not want to see that islam is trying to conquer the world, we will always be subjects of terror.

If the light breaks through, maybe, just maybe, we will answer back in kind, ten- or hundredfold.

That the islam mind, most of all the Arab mind, will understand.

We, the west, are at war.

Deny it, don't believe it, even condemn it, but it is the truth.

A relatively few muslims are terrorists, thousands if not millions support them, and the rest know it but keep silent.

hansni, I just wonder why you personally support the terrorists. I mean you want western oil companies in those nations and you support having troops there. You use oil from the middle east in your car despite knowing it comes from these regimes and some of the money you pay for that oil no doubt goes to terrorists. How can you justify western soldiers and companies being in that region. That's the reason Osama (a partner of the CIA) attacked the US in the first place. He just wanted to get rid of the Saudi regime but the west kept the Saudis in power. SHouldn't the west just leave the middle east and the religious fanatics in Israel to their own? Let them kill each other. Isn't that a better way or are you too greedy for oil to do that?

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Im glad my estern european eu country refused to take immigrants and faced scrunity of eu. Now its one of safest places in europe.

Sent from my SM-G935F using Tapatalk

Gosh, PattayaBoy how do you live in Pattaya? There are more Muslims there than in most urban places in Thailand. You are in danger. Yet, you don't have any fear? You should. When are you leaving?

There are quite a few on Phuket too, and I've generally found them nice people.

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"The attackers motive is not yet know" says CNN.

I can tell them now: malevolence stemming from bitterness stemming from crisis of identity and low self-esteem stemming from a sense of alienation and inferiority and cultural repression stemming from being outside his ethnic mileu, stemming from insane EU immigration policy.

To summarise: culture clash. Reason enough not to let them in.

I'd agree, except the 'Pakistani corner shops' that I was happy to use at times in the UK were great - as were their owners.

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That's reality. Most religious people aren't really religious at all from my experience. Even in Thailand, most Thai Buddhist go through the motions and rituals without really following the precepts or even knowing Buddhism. Hypocrisy and apathy rule over real religious belief for most all people in the world. Many in fact live the lives of atheists while claiming to belong to one religion or the next, especially the Christians who spend their time in the bars and out in the Thai nightlife.

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The majority of "homegrown" or "lonewolf" terror act are committed by people with a history of mental illness, most often depression. "


Most fo this has little to do with religion or even politics at all. These are just "ready made delusions" adopted by people that are ready to die anyway.


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That's reality. Most religious people aren't really religious at all from my experience. Even in Thailand, most Thai Buddhist go through the motions and rituals without really following the precepts or even knowing Buddhism. Hypocrisy and apathy rule over real religious belief for most all people in the world. Many in fact live the lives of atheists while claiming to belong to one religion or the next, especially the Christians who spend their time in the bars and out in the Thai nightlife.

I've met some genuinely good/moral Christians - and far more hypocritical Christians. I'm sure the same applies to Moslems.

Experience has taught me to treat anyone who declares themself as 'religious' with suspicion sad.png .

Edited by dick dasterdly
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"a man armed with an axe stormed a train in Germany and went on a bloody rampage"

Unlike the train in Belgium last year, pity there were no brave Americans on this German train.

Some Europeans like to vilify Americans, until a crisis happens.

Most Europeans (in my opinion) would rather shake the hands of those Americans and buy them a drink, explaining all the while that they would have loved to get involved themselves, but being European passport holders could well find themselves charged with unreasonable force, hate crime, assault, racism, littering, breach of the peace, you name it.

Getting involved for we Europeans is a coin toss between being hailed as a hero or a prison sentence. Bear in mind we are fighting on two fronts: against the scum who want us dead and the authorities who have their back. It isn't a matter of cowardice.

America is very litigation-happy, but we act when we circumstances dictate.

Dirty Harry said it best: "When I see a naked man chasing after a woman with a hard on and a knife, I know he's not out collecting for the Red Cross, so I shoot the bastard."

You only have a finite number of cheeks to turn, before you say Enough, and slap them back to Kingdom come.

A woman with a hard on and a knife? Usually you wouldn't see that outside of Pattaya

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Couldn't agree more, but this rarely happens.

I can remember the IRA attacking the hotel in which politicians were staying during the course of their conference - but this is the exception rather than the rule.

Even the well-funded and organised 9/11 attack didn't kill any politicians or military AFAIK.

Its far easier to attack civilians sad.png .

"....9/11 attack didn't kill any politicians or military AFAIK." You really should educate yourself. Or did you think a plane flying into the pentagon wouldn't kill military staff working there?


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The majority of "homegrown" or "lonewolf" terror act are committed by people with a history of mental illness, most often depression. "


Most fo this has little to do with religion or even politics at all. These are just "ready made delusions" adopted by people that are ready to die anyway.


You're probably right sad.png .

But why is it happening so frequently over the last few decades?

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