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Horror on German train as 'more than 20 people are injured' in axe attack


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At least the German police dispatched the heavily bearded 'teenager'. It did occur that had this attack happened in Israel many of our esteemed members would have been bleating about extra-judicial killing of an 'alleged' attacker.

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There will be no end to this Islamist horror show, you can apologise and excuse and try to apply logic and reason to the illogical and unreasonableness of those who are wrapped up in religious fervour that is as hysterical as it is barbaric.

The simple truth is they love to be nihilistic, they pray for the end times much like Christian fundamentalists do for their "rapture ".

They are convinced of their cause and equally convinced that they are justified in their murder, torture, rape and enslavement of non muslims.

They are convinced of this because their religious teachers show them the verses in the Koran that extoll these actions and demand such behaviour from them.

The idea of death does not worry them unduly as they are just as convinced of a glorious hereafter where they will be rewarded for their sadism and murder here on earth.

So, what you going to do with a problem like Islam?

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Smart people always knew that Merkel had made a huge

mistake letting the Muslim refugees in. This act, plus

the incident of the mass rapes , simply proves it. And

yet another reason why America should not allow

Muslims in. They are a wacky people, with a religion

that says killing infidels ( us ) is a good idea. If I am ever

in a public place and someone starts yelling Allah Akbar,

he is going to meet his 72 virgins in short order.....

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There will be no end to this Islamist horror show, you can apologise and excuse and try to apply logic and reason to the illogical and unreasonableness of those who are wrapped up in religious fervour that is as hysterical as it is barbaric.

The simple truth is they love to be nihilistic, they pray for the end times much like Christian fundamentalists do for their "rapture ".

They are convinced of their cause and equally convinced that they are justified in their murder, torture, rape and enslavement of non muslims.

They are convinced of this because their religious teachers show them the verses in the Koran that extoll these actions and demand such behaviour from them.

The idea of death does not worry them unduly as they are just as convinced of a glorious hereafter where they will be rewarded for their sadism and murder here on earth.

So, what you going to do with a problem like Islam?

You missed this one:-


French police find dynamite & ISIS image at home of cab driver

French police have arrested a Parisian taxi driver after explosives were found at his home during a raid over a separate criminal case. They also found a picture of an Islamic State flag on the phone of the man, who was on a watch list of dangerous individuals.

Terror in Europe is becoming a daily occurance.

Looks like 9/11 inspired the world of Terrorists.

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There will be no end to this Islamist horror show, you can apologise and excuse and try to apply logic and reason to the illogical and unreasonableness of those who are wrapped up in religious fervour that is as hysterical as it is barbaric.

The simple truth is they love to be nihilistic, they pray for the end times much like Christian fundamentalists do for their "rapture ".

They are convinced of their cause and equally convinced that they are justified in their murder, torture, rape and enslavement of non muslims.

They are convinced of this because their religious teachers show them the verses in the Koran that extoll these actions and demand such behaviour from them.

The idea of death does not worry them unduly as they are just as convinced of a glorious hereafter where they will be rewarded for their sadism and murder here on earth.

So, what you going to do with a problem like Islam?

CBS news about the same "single incident"*:

One muslim said somewhere that "we will win because we are willing to die - you're not"

* They call all these hundreds of cases "single incidents" (or thousands if you count sexual harassment in) that happen in Scandinavia per year.

Edited by FinChin67
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At least the German police dispatched the heavily bearded 'teenager'. It did occur that had this attack happened in Israel many of our esteemed members would have been bleating about extra-judicial killing of an 'alleged' attacker.

These heavily bearded teenagers are terrorising schools, specially girls in classes, in Sweden and elsewhere. Lot's of parents are worried and against placing these into classrooms but they are shut up with racism cards.

Would you let your kids to play with Saad Alsaud, the fastest 14 year old Swede?


Maybe at one point the parents will take the law into their own hands if their daughters are too scared to go to school where they are groped and molested?
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You don't know the story behind these people. Maybe his whole family was murdered by western troops in Afghanistan. There is a hell of a lot of collateral damage going on over there. Maybe he came to Europe to take revenge, an eye for an eye. Western nations need to lock down their borders and have much more observation and treatment for people who are let in from these war torn nations. And with Turkey going to Islamists, Europe needs to keep Turkey out of the EU and control that border more. Nato needs to move its nukes out of Turkey. Times have changed.

Wow. Such thinking here really does display the moral depravity that passes for reason these days. Both terrifying and dizzying that a person can offer this post without any sense how demented it is.

Maybe his whole family was killed in Kabul. Therefore, he'll allow it to change him into the same quality of human and kill innocent others. Nice reasoning...how can you reconcile the circle here? In suggesting this animal was prompted to massacre by others who masacred, he nevertheless massacres...yet you offer a pass...

This reasoning is why the world is so effed up! ...the notion that depravity is victim is anti life.

he's offering a possible explanation...........not a reason!

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The "revenge for family killed by western troops" theory looks really shaky now it has been revealed the initial victims were a family of Chinese tourists.

THAT is going to be hard to spin.

do you think it could be more of an attack on a NATO country affiliate?........

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There will be no end to this Islamist horror show, you can apologise and excuse and try to apply logic and reason to the illogical and unreasonableness of those who are wrapped up in religious fervour that is as hysterical as it is barbaric.

The simple truth is they love to be nihilistic, they pray for the end times much like Christian fundamentalists do for their "rapture ".

They are convinced of their cause and equally convinced that they are justified in their murder, torture, rape and enslavement of non muslims.

They are convinced of this because their religious teachers show them the verses in the Koran that extoll these actions and demand such behaviour from them.

The idea of death does not worry them unduly as they are just as convinced of a glorious hereafter where they will be rewarded for their sadism and murder here on earth.

So, what you going to do with a problem like Islam?

Mmm.......Here's an idea...........The US can start by not funding them by funneling weapons thru the turkish border(islamist borderwub.png )

For <deleted>sake....these nuttters are driving around syria in US armoured vehicles obtained from the mess the US left in libya!!

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The "revenge for family killed by western troops" theory looks really shaky now it has been revealed the initial victims were a family of Chinese tourists.

THAT is going to be hard to spin.

do you think it could be more of an attack on a NATO country affiliate?........

Sorry, I hadn't heard that China had joined NATO.

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Terrorism Death Count Since 2015: The West 658 - 28,031 The Rest Of The World


Is that supposed to be a good reason to allow migration? I don't care that much if they want to kill each other at home, but I don't want them coming to my country to kill me and mine.

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A 17 year asylum seeker from Afghanistan it's now being reported as being the culprit.

Let the spin begin as this will have to be downplayed considering he's a Muslim ' refugee '.

And he had mental issues, suffered from depression and had rejected attempts by Islamic extremists to radicalise him.

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A 17 year asylum seeker from Afghanistan it's now being reported as being the culprit.

Let the spin begin as this will have to be downplayed considering he's a Muslim ' refugee '.

And he had mental issues, suffered from depression and had rejected attempts by Islamic extremists to radicalise him.

Do you think it makes much difference to those smacked with an axe whether he was a mad muslim or a radicalised muslim?

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A 17 year asylum seeker from Afghanistan it's now being reported as being the culprit.

Let the spin begin as this will have to be downplayed considering he's a Muslim ' refugee '.

And he had mental issues, suffered from depression and had rejected attempts by Islamic extremists to radicalise him.

Yes, I bet it was dementia whistling.gif It seems to be the new epidemic of quranic proportions!

Two Hongkongers critically hurt in German axe attack by Afghan refugee who kept Islamic State flag at home
Hong Kong immigration officials to fly to Germany with relatives of injured
‘Kill these infidels’: Islamic State video shows youth who attacked Hongkongers with axe on German train
The comments are pretty clear where the people here stand...
Edited by FinChin67
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The "revenge for family killed by western troops" theory looks really shaky now it has been revealed the initial victims were a family of Chinese tourists.

THAT is going to be hard to spin.

do you think it could be more of an attack on a NATO country affiliate?........

Sorry, I hadn't heard that China had joined NATO.

i mean't to say the attack happened in germany..........It was an attack on them as part of NATO.........

As for the innocent chinese........they could of easily been muslims(like him) and he in his state of mind, would not of noticed.....

It was about hurting germany/west!!

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A 17 year asylum seeker from Afghanistan it's now being reported as being the culprit.

Let the spin begin as this will have to be downplayed considering he's a Muslim ' refugee '.

And he had mental issues, suffered from depression and had rejected attempts by Islamic extremists to radicalise him.

Do you think it makes much difference to those smacked with an axe whether he was a mad muslim or a radicalised muslim?

I think what yogi is trying to say is that he never considered himself a devout muslim...might not of been all about west vs muslim...

Maybe just severe mental illness....

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And he had mental issues, suffered from depression and had rejected attempts by Islamic extremists to radicalise him.

Do you think it makes much difference to those smacked with an axe whether he was a mad muslim or a radicalised muslim?

I think what yogi is trying to say is that he never considered himself a devout muslim...might not of been all about west vs muslim...

Maybe just severe mental illness....

Wow - consecutive posts with contradictory claims. First he's attacking Germany by wounding Chinese tourists, now it "might not of been all about west vs muslim".

Do you notice the common theme in "mad muslim" and "radicalised muslim"? If they had stopped him at the border and told him to pi$$ off back where he came from, then he could have gone postal in his own country. Nobody much would care, as he would just be one more in your big statistic.

BTW I consider devout islam as a severe mental illness, usually caused by your parents.

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i was just trying to convey what i thought yogi might be saying......he seemed to suggest radicals had not got to him(not my opinion)

And yes.....it was an attack on germany!.......the chinese were in the wrong place at the wrong time..

And FYI.......i'm all for closing european borders to any african,asian,middle eastern.....non european!

So you can do with that statistic what you likebiggrin.png

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There's nothing to be gained by demonising all Muslims, nor is it reasonable. In my experience Muslims are sincere and warm-hearted, and very hospitable to foreigners. I've had happier experiences travelling in Muslim countries than western ones.

Of course there are radical elements and fanatics, and divisions within the Muslim world, and of course tight limits should be kept on any kind of immigration because that's just common sense to protect everyone's culture, but for ordinary Muslims everywhere, we should wish them well.

The solution for this problem is not some kind of western jihad against them all. We should be working poltically to help them gain secure homelands.

Edit: Yes, that's what Tony Blair wanted to do. He was naive. Start again, only with a much better understanding of their culture, and not by war.

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Theres an incoming event in France, Moroccan stabs woman and her daughters due to their dress or lack of it.


I think we are close to tipping point, the next economic downturn will be possibly be accompanied by vigilantism on a continent wide scale.

I agree........you've just added one more reason to close those damn borders!!

governments will have a hard enough time looking after their own let alone this johnny come lately brigade...

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I think it's funny people saying "he had mental issues". As if this is somehow some sort of an excuse.

He attacked people on a train with an axe and a knife - I think at that point, it's pretty safe to assume he wasn't right in the head dontchathink?

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Think this as an opportunity and mental institutions will be a good investment. SJW's have almost me convinced that islam is a mental health issue. No matter what they do and how it's always "he/she suffered from mental issues". It seems there's lots of potential customers, app. 15% of 1.6 billion or even more, so it's not a small figure. Charge the government (taxpayers) €80 - €180 per day per nose and you get a nice income. If taxpayers complain charge them with hate speech and racism. Tell that you're in "humanitarian" rescue and helping mission and join a green party. Keep a nice imago and start raking in the money.

The whole refugee business is already running in 10s of billions €uros. At least in Finland, many officials and elected representatives - or their wives, husbands or close relatives - are in this business taking in money that put's 5 star hotels in shame (accommodation, translators, healthcare which is taken care of by a private company etc...).

Edited by FinChin67
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