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Plagiarism charges mar Melania Trump's moment


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It would be interesting to see what she put on her immigration papers under education.


Are there any potential legal implications for such blatant lies on applications after the person has officially become a citizen?

Of course the Clinton campaign needs to be very careful about pursuing anything that might seen as dissing on the pretty lady.

There is such a blatant double standard in play here.

trump can and is a vile disgusting bully pretty much daily, against women, against minorities, against anyone on his sheit list and he's got a very big one of those (unlike his hands) etc. but people EXPECT that from him, and he gets a pass.

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When she has an idiot like this guiding her, it's little wonder she's closed down her website.

Donald Trump mixed up Hillary Clinton's running mate, Virginia Sen. Tim Kaine, with the former governor of New Jersey during a news conference on Wednesday.

"Her running mate Tim Kaine, who by the way did a terrible job in New Jersey -- first act he did in New Jersey was ask for a $4 billion tax increase and he was not very popular in New Jersey and he still isn't," Trump said.

Corrected by reporters, who suggested he might be confusing Kaine with Thomas Kean, a Republican who governed New Jersey from 1982 to 1990, Trump clarified.

"What? I mean Virginia."



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It would be interesting to see what she put on her immigration papers under education.


Are there any potential legal implications for such blatant lies on applications after the person has officially become a citizen?

Of course the Clinton campaign needs to be very careful about pursuing anything that might seen as dissing on the pretty lady.

There is such a blatant double standard in play here.

trump can and is a vile disgusting bully pretty much daily, against women, against minorities, against anyone on his sheit list and he's got a very big one of those (unlike his hands) etc. but people EXPECT that from him, and he gets a pass.

I don't think the Clinton campaign would pursue the matter, but Homeland Security might. When you apply for residency, you swear under oath that the information you are giving is true. On that basis, it would be fraud and perjury.

Since she is not a security risk and she is very unlikely to run the risk of having been a public charge, they likely wouldn't do much, but she could be charged with perjury since she would have a hard time explaining that she didn't remember not completing University.

If the shoe was on the other foot, I am sure that there would numerous congressional investigations on the matter and probably a special prosecutor appointed. It would be pursued for years and we would hear terms like malicious Melania and crooked used.

Nothing is likely to happen, but I have a feeling someone in Homeland Security will take a quick peek at her file. I sure hope it doesn't get leaked because to quote someone else, "What does it matter now."

Edited by Credo
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Ehhh... if it wasn't a big deal that Michelle plagiarized Saul Alinsky and Barry plagiarized yet another person, I don't see any reason why this should be a big deal. I suspect there's a touch of xenophobia involved with leftists. That thick Eastern European accent likely scared many. I have no problem with Melania. She seems like a fine woman to me. And having a First Lady that loves America would be a nice change.

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I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

What, when they stand on a political stage and give a speech in front of millions?

Get real.


Whatever happened to your keen intellect? Now you are resorting to intentionally removing the post I was responding to so you could take my message out of context.

The proper context was my response to a poster who had this to say about Melania--obviously this is a very personal attack and not limitied to the issue of plagiarism:


The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

Let me explain how it works.

You make a blanket statement.

I respond to it.

It's not rocket science.

Added: I'm sure if Chelsea had nicked something off anybody, the republican squeals would have been positively deafening, and they would have been perfectly entitled.

Edited by Chicog
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Ehhh... if it wasn't a big deal that Michelle plagiarized Saul Alinsky and Barry plagiarized yet another person, I don't see any reason why this should be a big deal. I suspect there's a touch of xenophobia involved with leftists. That thick Eastern European accent likely scared many. I have no problem with Melania. She seems like a fine woman to me. And having a First Lady that loves America would be a nice change.

The Lefties are beating a dead horse here - nobody cares one whit re the laughable charges of plagiarism. facepalm.gif

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It would be interesting to see what she put on her immigration papers under education.


Are there any potential legal implications for such blatant lies on applications after the person has officially become a citizen?

There is such a blatant double standard in play here.

A Democrat Hillary supporter accusing a rival of lies and double standards.


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I can appreciate the hate against Trump but aren't family members of politicians supposed to be off limits?

What, when they stand on a political stage and give a speech in front of millions?

Get real.


Whatever happened to your keen intellect? Now you are resorting to intentionally removing the post I was responding to so you could take my message out of context.

The proper context was my response to a poster who had this to say about Melania--obviously this is a very personal attack and not limitied to the issue of plagiarism:


The candidates wife is a plagiarizing, communist foreign supermodel, half his age, lied about her education, lied & cheated on her Federal tax form, sends jobs offshore by operating sweat shops in China to produce her fashion line and is probably in the USA on bogus citizenship paperwork..

Let me explain how it works.

You make a blanket statement.

I respond to it.

It's not rocket science.

Added: I'm sure if Chelsea had nicked something off anybody, the republican squeals would have been positively deafening, and they would have been perfectly entitled.

I always figure kids and wives are off limits.

But to each their own.

BTW, is she actually a Commie? Lol.

And do you not see any irony at Democrats suggesting Melania gained citizenship by possibly lying about her under-graduate education (no proof at all) and she should have her citizenship revoked yet these same Dems support amnesty for all illegal immigrants in the US who have ignored our Laws from day one?

No, it ain't rocket science, and its a good thing because even you would not be allowed to play.


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She's not 'off-limits' from political scrutiny. Neither are Trump's children. If they stayed in the background and never made public comments, then ok, they'd be off-limits from political pundits. But the moment they start making public statements, they're fair game.

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She's not 'off-limits' from political scrutiny. Neither are Trump's children. If they stayed in the background and never made public comments, then ok, they'd be off-limits from political pundits. But the moment they start making public statements, they're fair game.

The moment a wife makes a positive comment about her husband is the moment she is fair game?

This is starting out an amazingly entertaining Saturday morning...I may have to leave my Sudoku for later.

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Deport her!:cheesy:

It's clear now both trump and Melania have told some serious LIES about Melania's transition towards U.S. citizenship.

Almost definitely illegal working and lies on immigration applications.



Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions
Visa fraud would call into question a green card application and subsequent citizenship application, said immigration lawyers — thus raising questions about Melania Trump’s legal status, even today, despite her marriage to a U.S. citizen.




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6 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Deport her!:cheesy:

It's clear now both trump and Melania have told some serious LIES about Melania's transition towards U.S. citizenship.

Almost definitely illegal working and lies on immigration applications.





Sorry guys, but US citizenship is essentially irrevocable. Unless she's served in a foreign military or committed treason. Lies on applications are immaterial now. Too late. The time to sniff that out has come and gone. She can renounce her citizenship, but it can't be revoked involuntarily. I guess you could throw her in jail, but a jail cell would be more fitting for HRC.  

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7 minutes ago, tuktuktuk said:

Sorry guys, but US citizenship is essentially irrevocable. Unless she's served in a foreign military or committed treason. Lies on applications are immaterial now. Too late. The time to sniff that out has come and gone. She can renounce her citizenship, but it can't be revoked involuntarily. I guess you could throw her in jail, but a jail cell would be more fitting for HRC.  


Not true at all.  Birthright citizenship is probably irrevocable, naturalization can be revoked if it was obtained fraudulently.



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8 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Deport her!:cheesy:

It's clear now both trump and Melania have told some serious LIES about Melania's transition towards U.S. citizenship.

Almost definitely illegal working and lies on immigration applications.






Not to worry.  After Trump becomes president he will deport Melania along with the other illegal immigrants.

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8 minutes ago, CaptHaddock said:


Not true at all.  Birthright citizenship is probably irrevocable, naturalization can be revoked if it was obtained fraudulently.



I stand corrected. I just had this discussion with my wife's immigration attorney and researched it for a while myself. I'll send him this article.  

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It's very unlikely that her citizenship would be revoked.

But the situation amplifies the hypocrisy of the trump immigration rhetoric.

Also his rhetoric is of course RACIST. He doesn't mention issues with WHITE immigration violators specifically. It's Mexicans and Muslims that rile up his racist base.

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As mentioned, her citizenship most certainly could be revoked.   I am aware of SE Asians who left as refugees and became citizens and then had it revoked due to fraud.   I believe this is quite rare, however, and it is only done in serious cases.


The problem is that in this case some of her claims were mostly likely fraudulent, but not necessarily significant to the acceptance or denial of her application to enter the US or to ultimately become a citizen.  For example, as a successful model she would most likely be allowed to come to the US and there was very little danger of her becoming a public charge, so whether she had 4 year degree or not, it would not affect her acceptance.  


Other than some sort of political gain, her situation would probably not warrant any action.   In the end as a wife and mother of US citizens, she would be allowed to remain.   It would be very hypocritical of the current administration, which has been quite forgiving of others, to suddenly apply the letter of the law in a drastic fashion.  



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I don't think trump opponents really want to punish Melania and her dear boy Baron. It's more about the revealed HYPOCRISY. trump's racist vile hateful anti-immigrant rhetoric vs. the reality of marriage to a now revealed immigration violator. 

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1 minute ago, Boon Mee said:

The whole issue is politically driven.:thumbsup:

Democrats should be ashamed.

Especially now that Barry has reached his target of importing 10K Syrian migrants:



Politically driven? Of course it is. But if her handlers hadn't stupidly (I mean, did they really think they would get away with it??) had the First Lady's speech copied and delivered by the trophy wife then this would not have been an issue. So, her speech was fake, but I'm sure her tits are real...aren't they???

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Actually, I should make a small adjustment to what I said, I actually don't know i they had received citizenship, but they had applied and were on track to receive it until the fraud was uncovered.  

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On the plus side, perhaps there will be a path to citizenship which Melania can utilize to become legal? Or The Donald may get his cheap "Mexican" divorce?


So she plagiarized her speech, lied about her degree, seems to have fudged her immigration/work status. Not sure she could do many more stoopid things; marry The Donald, invite the Clintons to her wedding? (Yes, I know they didn't bring a present.)

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I keep wondering why DT did not check himself  his wife's speech. This was his duty to monitor his wife's preparation for the event.  

I imagined they would have together scrutiny each and every word , compared the draft to other speeches in similar circumstances.

She's not the one to blame because she's not the one running for presidency.

This shows how motivated for the job her husband really is.



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41 minutes ago, Opl said:

I keep wondering why DT did not check himself  his wife's speech. This was his duty to monitor his wife's preparation for the event.  

I imagined they would have together scrutiny each and every word , compared the draft to other speeches in similar circumstances.

She's not the one to blame because she's not the one running for presidency.

This shows how motivated for the job her husband really is.



Not sure I agree on this.

trump is not a politician. 

Checking speeches at high levels for plagiarism is a professional speech writer's job.

There is SOFTWARE for that.

That would be too low level for any nominee.

I would have expected a spouse to at least heard her deliver the speech one time in practice for feedback but he wouldn't have known to catch plagiarism from that. 

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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

The whole issue is politically driven.:thumbsup:

Democrats should be ashamed.

Especially now that Barry has reached his target of importing 10K Syrian migrants:



I do think we are drifting a bit off topic.   Melania did not enter the US as a refugee, she was immigrant.   They are both immigrants, and subject to a vetting process.   It would be mildly interesting to know if she was less than truthful about her education, but only of mild interest and I would guess that she was honest because her work history and her education history wouldn't match and that would have been obvious on her paperwork.   It's pretty difficult to be working as a model in Paris and attending a University in Slovakia at the same time.   A lot of people review those applications and most are very adept at catching any mis-match and overlaps in the dates of certain events.  


As far as plagiarism is concerned, it is a non-starter for any fraud charge, because at the end of the day, I doubt very much she wrote the copied words of Michelle Obama.   She spoke them, but any needless investigation will probably show she wasn't the responsible party for plagiarising the text.   There is probably no loss or gain of money because of what she did. 


So, it may be of interest, but it is not really very significant.  

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