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Tiger Temple sues animal rights activist for libel


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Tiger Temple sues animal rights activist for libel
By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter

Jars containing dead tiger babies found June 2 during a raid on the Tiger Temple in Kanchanaburi province.

KANCHANABURI — A Buddhist temple under criminal investigation for alleged animal trafficking filed a defamation complaint Thursday against an Australian activist.

The charge against animal rights activist Sybelle Foxcroft was filed by a representative of Wat Pha Luangta Bua Yannasampanno, aka the Tiger Temple, that until being raided and shut down last month charged tourists to pose for photos with the 147 tigers kept there.

Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/news/crimecourtscalamity/2016/07/21/tiger-temple-sues-activist-libel/

-- Khaosod English 2016-07-21

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Thailand becomes more of a joke of a country by the hour in International eyes.

I'm sure these ridiculous 'charges' will be silencing Ms Foxcroft down in Australia......

I hope she goes for their throats and really dishes out ALL the dirt she has on these imbeciles because, knowing someone who has worked with her, she has a lot.....

This could get her on ALL international TV stations dishing the dirt ALL of which will be easily accessible in Thailand and across the World and there is nothing these bald headed villains and this joke of a country could do to stop it....

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Just a shame! Abuse and idiocy rule as usual. There will come a day when someone in Thailand will change the laws and stop the insanity. Hmm, well, no, no, I'm probably wrong about that.

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Whatever else.....kill the messenger, to save what little face we have ..........thankfully, after much adverse reporting, the authorities finally did something about these animal killers....and traders.

Rotten laws to protect the rotten people!

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During a recent trip back home I felt emdarrassed telling friends where I lived. Because of how polite people are. How carefully they drive. How they have genuine respect for other people. And how adult discussion is encouraged.

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Truth is not a defense in cases of defamation here, which folks from countries with laws find unbelievable.

Perhaps in future reports like these need to be written with touch of sarcasm (which seems beyond most Thais):

"The temple, being strong supporters of self sufficient economy, developed international markets in indigenous wildlife to aid in returning happiness to both those of the holy order and selfless volunteers who spent countless hours processing the product to the highest standards. The display jars of young felines were kept to show the close attention to animal husbandry shown by staff in order to ensure sustainable economy"

Or something like that....

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I hope she retaliates and reveals all of what she has learnt and names these people.

It is irrelevant that she stated the truth as she still defamed them!!! Madness.

She has nothing to lose now with this case so fire back with all guns blazing.

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Not only in this case Thais manage to make loose their face by themselves. Happens again and again. In this case managed by Buddhist monks. I do not get it...

They are acting against all advises given by Buddha.

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Not only in this case Thais manage to make loose their face by themselves. Happens again and again. In this case managed by Buddhist monks. I do not get it...

They are acting against all advises given by Buddha.

What has Lord Buddha got to do with this excuse for a temple and the complete disregard of anything to do with Buddhism, put a bulldozer thru' the place, turn it into a park or similar and jail all the pretend monks involved, from the top down together with any outsiders involved that can be rounded up.

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Wat has Wat Pha Luang Ta Bua Yanasampanno got to do with Buddhist?

I ask myself wat do they do for the community? Do they distrubute their wealth? Reach out to vunerable members of society? Work for the good of the community, expecting nothing in return? Seek out those in need?

Or do they suffer from greed?

Who's in charge here?

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