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It's Trump's big night before the nation - and GOP skeptics


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BLM? Initially, I wondered why y'all were talking about the Bureau of Land Management. Now I see it's Black Lives Matter.

as for 'on topic': Trump's speech was over an hour of red-faced blustering about how terrified Americans should be. It was a shouting spree that only a mother a redneck 'better-dead-than-red' Mussolini fan could love.

I didn't watch it.

I wish you could avoid using names like "Redneck" since it is disrespectful and offensive not unlike the "N" word. If you are not a "Redneck" then you have no right to use it.

Sorry, that's about the nicest word I can pick. Maybe I'm crude. I'm an American. I've spent many years there and have met many thousands of Americans. There is a segment of the population (perhaps 13%) who fit the description of 'redneck.' They encompass some of the following character traits: very selfish, gun-loving, mostly anti-foreigner (unless one of their brothers marries a foreigner, then they think she's great), speak one language, lower-than-average-IQ, eat animals, hunt animals, talk loud, drink fermented sugars (alcohol), eat sugary crap, eat trans-fats, are fat, women slap on lots of make-up and perfume, are right-wing Christian, wear leather. I'm not saying all rednecks do all those things or that any of those things are necessarily bad, ......but am saying that Trump fans are solidly in that group. Some liberals fit some of those characteristics also. It's not a clean line between the two.

That's what people do: they categorize, like it or not.

Incidentally, I (as a white guy) wish I could use the word 'nigger.' It's a bit annoying to me that there are words that white people can't use, but black can use. For perspective, are there any words that a white person can use but are off-limits to a black person? No, of course not.

In a better world, people would not be so thin-skinned, easily offended, and quick to anger. For decades, I've been free enough, that no disparaging word tossed at me will offend me. None. I'm rare in that way. You can't say the same for religious people, as they have tons of words/phrases which will make them frantic. To not be able to get offended, is a type of freedom very few people have attained. Try it, you may appreciate it.

.....and then there are billions of people who get offended for other people (who may or may not get offended). Wow, that puts a whole other layer on paranoia and anger.

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BLM? Initially, I wondered why y'all were talking about the Bureau of Land Management. Now I see it's Black Lives Matter.

as for 'on topic': Trump's speech was over an hour of red-faced blustering about how terrified Americans should be. It was a shouting spree that only a mother a redneck 'better-dead-than-red' Mussolini fan could love.

I didn't watch it.

I wish you could avoid using names like "Redneck" since it is disrespectful and offensive not unlike the "N" word. If you are not a "Redneck" then you have no right to use it.

Hmmm, pretty much every redneck that I've ever met are sort of proud to be one and aren't bothered by the term. So I'm not sure why you're being so overly sensitive...

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BLM? Initially, I wondered why y'all were talking about the Bureau of Land Management. Now I see it's Black Lives Matter.

as for 'on topic': Trump's speech was over an hour of red-faced blustering about how terrified Americans should be. It was a shouting spree that only a mother a redneck 'better-dead-than-red' Mussolini fan could love.

I didn't watch it.

I wish you could avoid using names like "Redneck" since it is disrespectful and offensive not unlike the "N" word. If you are not a "Redneck" then you have no right to use it.

Hmmm, pretty much every redneck that I've ever met are sort of proud to be one and aren't bothered by the term. So I'm not sure why you're being so overly sensitive...

Foxworthy is always good for a laugh.

Its interesting that time and again on this forum a Trump supporter is denigrated with name-calling by the Libs yet no such response is directed to Liberals by the Republican community.

Why do liberals have so much hostility ?

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His remark is pretty accurate actually.

Fake outrage from the numbskulls that support the insulter in chief.

They love it when Trump mocks POWs and disabled people but their feeling gut hurt when somebody on Thai Visa does it.

Whaaaaaa. Mommy will give you a hug.

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His remark is pretty accurate actually.

Fake outrage from the numbskulls that support the insulter in chief.

They love it when Trump mocks POWs and disabled people but their feeling gut hurt when somebody on Thai Visa does it.

Whaaaaaa. Mommy will give you a hug.

Buzzz, your posts are becoming more immature and more "ugly" in nature with each passing day.

Some of them contain obvious rule infractions.

This forum is in good fun...maybe it would be good for you to take a personal time out and put some distance between you and subject matter. Y'know, get things back in perspective.

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His remark is pretty accurate actually.

Fake outrage from the numbskulls that support the insulter in chief.

. Number one, I do not support him. Number two, Trump is not a member of this forum. He is not the one breaking the forum rules. Edited by Ulysses G.
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His remark is pretty accurate actually.

Fake outrage from the numbskulls that support the insulter in chief.

. Number one, I do not support him. Number two, Trump is not a member of this forum. He is not breaking the forum rules.


I didn't know your position on Trump until now.

Its pretty funny but I do not support Trump either...yet the majority of the attack posts by some members on the forum are constantly making that incorrect assumption.

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Is the history repeating itself?

To be honest, I do not follow ststements attributed to Trump very closely.

1) Because some of what he says is not worth listening to;

2) Because so many lies are attributed to him by those that dislike him.

So I have to ask you did Donald actuslly say he wants to deport all Mexican immigrants as your posting states?

Or has Trump just made the claim that he wants to deport Mexicans in the US illegally?

did he actually say "Mexicans" specifically?

Thanks for any insight.

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Is the history repeating itself?

To be honest, I do not follow ststements attributed to Trump very closely.

1) Because some of what he says is not worth listening to;

2) Because so many lies are attributed to him by those that dislike him.

So I have to ask you did Donald actuslly say he wants to deport all Mexican immigrants as your posting states?

Or has Trump just made the claim that he wants to deport Mexicans in the US illegally?

did he actually say "Mexicans" specifically?

Thanks for any insight.

He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

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Is the history repeating itself?

To be honest, I do not follow ststements attributed to Trump very closely.

1) Because some of what he says is not worth listening to;

2) Because so many lies are attributed to him by those that dislike him.

So I have to ask you did Donald actuslly say he wants to deport all Mexican immigrants as your posting states?

Or has Trump just made the claim that he wants to deport Mexicans in the US illegally?

did he actually say "Mexicans" specifically?

Thanks for any insight.

He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

Was there mention made of "illegal" or "legal" ?

EDIT: I found the answer on CNN.


Trump said he wants to deport 11 million "undocumented" immigrants.

You are mistakenly placing the focus on a race instead of where it belongs--"undocumented".

The original post you made, now removed, was a fabrication. It was a lie because it specifically stated that Trump wanted to remove all Mexicans.

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Is the history repeating itself?

To be honest, I do not follow ststements attributed to Trump very closely.

1) Because some of what he says is not worth listening to;

2) Because so many lies are attributed to him by those that dislike him.

So I have to ask you did Donald actuslly say he wants to deport all Mexican immigrants as your posting states?

Or has Trump just made the claim that he wants to deport Mexicans in the US illegally?

did he actually say "Mexicans" specifically?

Thanks for any insight.

He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

Was there mention made of "illegal" or "legal" ?

Illegal, they who pick you´r fruits and vegetabeles.

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If you are one of those people like me who recognize Trump will be horrible for the country, but are also honest enough to admit that he is likely going to win, then there is an article in the Huffington Post you should read.


Michael Moore gets most of the logic right. However his most insightful comment is when he says:

millions are going to vote for Trump not because they agree with him, not because they like his bigotry or ego, but just because they can. Just because it will upset the apple cart... Remember back in the '90s when the people of Minnesota elected a professional wrestler as their governor? They didn't do this because they're stupid or thought that Jesse Ventura was some sort of statesman or political intellectual. They did so just because they could. Minnesota is one of the smartest states in the country. It is also filled with people who have a dark sense of humor -- and voting for Ventura was their version of a good practical joke on a sick political system.

It is the recognition by the vast majority of the people out there that the status quo is unacceptable that is going to put Trump in the Whitehouse.

This doesn't make me happy, but to pretend it isn't true is just disingenuous. To be honest, I hope I am wrong. I hope Trump does not win. Like most everyone else here, I benefit from the existing system. I have learned how to play it, at least in a small way. The disaster Trump will bring to the country (and the world) is a complete unknown, but it is highly unlikely to be better than what we have right now. That is despite that fact that I know what we have right now is a disaster in itself. Still, I'd like more time to try and extract what I can from the existing system before I let it go.

Unfortunately, most people don't have the logical mind that I do. They are driven by emotion and Trump is inflaming that emotion. They are going to vote for the train wreck, because they are so tired of being on the train, and damn the consequences. If the Democrats had put anyone else up other than Hillary, there may have been a chance. But she has no chance to actually win. Despite what the polls show, in the final analysis most won't be able to stomach more of the same. Hell, I don't even want more of the same, but I know logically that it is better for me than alternative.

And for those of you still living in a fantasy world where Hillary breezes her way into the Oval Office, you should read the article as well. The scenario is very unlikely to happen. The undecided voters all want to vote for Trump, they are just waiting for the right excuse. Nobody wants to vote for Hillary.

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He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

Was there mention made of "illegal" or "legal" ?

Illegal, they who pick you´r fruits and vegetabeles.

My research has indicated approximately 40% of the migrant farmworker population are "illegal" or "undocumented".

Clearly, these people should follow the lawful process of becoming documented--just like all of us do when we travel to another country. I am assuming that you are in Thailand legally and not working if you lack the proper VISA?

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He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

Was there mention made of "illegal" or "legal" ?

Illegal, they who pick you´r fruits and vegetabeles.

My research has indicated approximately 40% of the migrant farmworker population are "illegal" or "undocumented".

Clearly, these people should follow the lawful process of becoming documented--just like all of us do when we travel to another country. I am assuming that you are in Thailand legally and not working if you lack the proper VISA?

Why are the Mexican laborers in the USA?

Because we want them.

They wash the car and dishes, they cut the lawns and pick the food, build the houses, they are nanny's or nice neighbors that make great food and they are enterprising hard workers willing to put in an honest days work. They keep their head low and stay out of trouble (compared to the locals). They go to church, love their families and left them all behind to seek the American dream in places named San Jose...or Corrolitos or Salinas. Yea. It used to be their country...

Many people don't realize these workers use falseSocial Security #s in the employment application & are paying into Social Security around $13 billion per year and taking about $1 billion in services.

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My research has indicated approximately 40% of the migrant farmworker population are "illegal" or "undocumented".

Clearly, these people should follow the lawful process of becoming documented--just like all of us do when we travel to another country. I am assuming that you are in Thailand legally and not working if you lack the proper VISA?

Why are the Mexican laborers in the USA?

Because we want them.

They wash the car and dishes, they cut the lawns and pick the food, build the houses, they are nanny's or nice neighbors that make great food and they are enterprising hard workers willing to put in an honest days work. They keep their head low and stay out of trouble (compared to the locals). They go to church, love their families and left them all behind to seek the American dream in places named San Jose...or Corrolitos or Salinas. Yea. It used to be their country...

Many people don't realize these workers use falseSocial Security #s in the employment application & are paying into Social Security around $13 billion per year and taking about $1 billion in services.

Migrant farmworkers who meet all the criteria you have listed above would not have difficulty obtaining proper documentation. In fact, farmworkers were the very first group of hispanic migrants to enter the US in the 60's.

You appear to keep overlooking that the only problem Trump has and the majority of us have who agree with his position are with the "undocumented" immigrants and not specific to Mexican.

In your examples you have left out all of the undocumented aliens that are in the US dealing drugs and participating in other criminal enterprises. Are you aware that this population also exists?

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My research has indicated approximately 40% of the migrant farmworker population are "illegal" or "undocumented".

Clearly, these people should follow the lawful process of becoming documented--just like all of us do when we travel to another country. I am assuming that you are in Thailand legally and not working if you lack the proper VISA?

Why are the Mexican laborers in the USA?

Because we want them.

They wash the car and dishes, they cut the lawns and pick the food, build the houses, they are nanny's or nice neighbors that make great food and they are enterprising hard workers willing to put in an honest days work. They keep their head low and stay out of trouble (compared to the locals). They go to church, love their families and left them all behind to seek the American dream in places named San Jose...or Corrolitos or Salinas. Yea. It used to be their country...

Many people don't realize these workers use falseSocial Security #s in the employment application & are paying into Social Security around $13 billion per year and taking about $1 billion in services.

Migrant farmworkers who meet all the criteria you have listed above would not have difficulty obtaining proper documentation. In fact, farmworkers were the very first group of hispanic migrants to enter the US in the 60's.

You appear to keep overlooking that the only problem Trump has and the majority of us have who agree with his position are with the "undocumented" immigrants and not specific to Mexican.

In your examples you have left out all of the undocumented aliens that are in the US dealing drugs and participating in other criminal enterprises. Are you aware that this population also exists?

Of course there are undesirables. What are you gonna do, take it out on some Nanny, Dishwasher or the poor guy digging up your septic tank?

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^^^ @Buzzz #112

I am afraid I do not follow your logic.

Here in Thailand when a non-Thai national is deported for lack of proper documentation that allows them to remain in this country, or be employed in this country, do you think they are being treated unfairly? Do you think Thailand is "taking" something out on them ?

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He said he will deport 11 miljon emigrants and I bet it´s mostly mexicans and latinos.

Was there mention made of "illegal" or "legal" ?

Illegal, they who pick you´r fruits and vegetabeles.

My research has indicated approximately 40% of the migrant farmworker population are "illegal" or "undocumented".

Clearly, these people should follow the lawful process of becoming documented--just like all of us do when we travel to another country. I am assuming that you are in Thailand legally and not working if you lack the proper VISA?

You are assuming right. I don´t need to work.

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Agreed. I just object to all the lies and false propaganda being used against him. I intend to sit this election out.

Great news! When can we expect your last TV post? Soon?, he said hopefully. wai2.gif

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I am afraid I do not follow your logic.

Here in Thailand when a non-Thai national is deported for lack of proper documentation that allows them to remain in this country, or be employed in this country, do you think they are being treated unfairly? Do you think Thailand is "taking" something out on them ?

I've seen some of the people they deport here in Thailand. It's pitiful sometimes.

Usually real dark. Desperately poor, they will be thru a horrible experience being processed, locked up and starved and dumped on a street back home. O well...The mafia and human traffickers in their new town can handle it....

Every Country has their 'darkies' doing the grunt work.

That's the way it goes because they are providing needed services the locals don't do.

If someones is making problems, put the hammer down and make them an example but some starving poor chap busting his ass to barely feed his family, doing some menial job, I would would not waste resources on that.

Kinda ironic these devout Christians right wingers are ready to yank 11 million catholic mexicans (around 150,000 actually named Jesus) out of their houses with wife and kids, lock them up, then dump him on some border ghetto like dogs.

The nastiest people I know are religious. Funny.

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You have successfully derailed this issue into meaningless invective. You cannot address the issue that I raise about BLM so you hurl insults and provide endless distracting immaterial details.

Actually he DID address the issue and had very valid points.

As far as hurling insults go, Pot, Kettle, Black comes to mind.

You continue to present your opinion as fact. You continue to disperse falsehoods as truths. You continue to divert away from the issue.

Your editing of the thread ensures that nobody can see that the post to which I responded contained nothing that was relevant to the issue on BLM and was merely a litany of juenvile, puerile and ridiculous insults about steers and metrosexual. These are the 'valid points' to which you refer?

Deflection and untruths seem to be the hallmark of some posters. Not one on the Right has adequately addressed the message of BLM. They just can accept the truth.

Your confusion with these things appears to be worsening by the day.

It was me that found so much humor about your "Language of the Oppressor".

Now what exactly was the message of the BLM movement?

Something about black men should be able to break the law without fear of being shot?

You have zero credibility to require any response to your diversions. You lost that when you started with the 2nd Grade name calling.

Likewise, your puerile attempts to define BLM put you in the oppressor camp. When your answer to Black Lives Matter is Yes, then you have some standing on the issue. Until then you remain with the rednecks.

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I am afraid I do not follow your logic.

Here in Thailand when a non-Thai national is deported for lack of proper documentation that allows them to remain in this country, or be employed in this country, do you think they are being treated unfairly? Do you think Thailand is "taking" something out on them ?

I've seen some of the people they deport here in Thailand. It's pitiful sometimes.

Usually real dark. Desperately poor, they will be thru a horrible experience being processed, locked up and starved and dumped on a street back home. O well...The mafia and human traffickers in their new town can handle it....

Every Country has their 'darkies' doing the grunt work.

That's the way it goes because they are providing needed services the locals don't do.

If someones is making problems, put the hammer down and make them an example but some starving poor chap busting his ass to barely feed his family, doing some menial job, I would would not waste resources on that.

Kinda ironic these devout Christians right wingers are ready to yank 11 million catholic mexicans (around 150,000 actually named Jesus) out of their houses with wife and kids, lock them up, then dump him on some border ghetto like dogs.

The nastiest people I know are religious. Funny.

OK, not the simple Yes or No that would have sufficed so I really don't know your position still.

I always get a kick out of this idea that immigrants do the jobs that locals won't do. A more complete statement would be "Immigrants do the jobs Americans won't do...for the wages that employers can get away with paying illegals.

You do realize that undocumented workers are 10 times more likely to be exploited by their employer than those workers in the country legally? The reason is that an undocumented worker has no recourse that does not also risk their deportation and the employer knows this. Requiring these immigrnats to become documented would be a benefit to them. Also, was it you that pointed out that undocumented workers pay into SS but do not get any benefit out of it? Bingo. Becoming "legal" would make them eligible for the benfits they have paid.

How did Christianity just get brought into this? Sounds like you have some personal problems (issues) with religious people and the fact you have now introduced them into this thread suggests that you somehow mix them up with the fact immigrants are choosing to circumvent our documentation process????

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Agreed. I just object to all the lies and false propaganda being used against him. I intend to sit this election out.

Have you checked in-depth about the many accusations against Trump? I have. They're all true. If you have any evidence that shows they're not, please share it with us.

Plus, when you have a man, like writer Schwartz, who worked side by side with Trump for 18 months, many hours per day, WHO SPEAKS HIS ASSESSMENT of Trump's 'sociopath' character ('sociopath' is the word Schwartz chose to use), ......then that's rather revealing, if you ask me.

sociopath, noun: a person with a psychopathic personality is someone whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. source

Note: Schwartz didn't speak out at all about Trump for two decades. It was only recently, when Schwartz heard Trump was declaring his run for the presidency, that he spoke out. He did so because he thinks (as I and many other Americans) that Trump as president would be dangerous for the US and for the world. He was motivated by love of country and concern for its future.

P.S. Trump is now suing Schwartz. No surprise.

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Agreed. I just object to all the lies and false propaganda being used against him. I intend to sit this election out.

Have you checked in-depth about the many accusations against Trump? I have. They're all true. If you have any evidence that shows they're not, please share it with us.

Plus, when you have a man, like writer Schwartz, who worked side by side with Trump for 18 months, many hours per day, WHO SPEAKS HIS ASSESSMENT of Trump's 'sociopath' character ('sociopath' is the word Schwartz chose to use), ......then that's rather revealing, if you ask me.

sociopath, noun: a person with a psychopathic personality is someone whose behavior is antisocial, often criminal, and who lacks a sense of moral responsibility or social conscience. source

Note: Schwartz didn't speak out at all about Trump for two decades. It was only recently, when Schwartz heard Trump was declaring his run for the presidency, that he spoke out. He did so because he thinks (as I and many other Americans) that Trump as president would be dangerous for the US and for the world. He was motivated by love of country and concern for its future.

P.S. Trump is now suing Schwartz. No surprise.

Now I have met alot of ex-wives who spent decades living under the same roof as their "ex" and they speak very poorly of that "ex" quite often...especially when that ex-husband traded them in on a younger model.

Should everything they say be taken at face value simply because they lived side-by-side? That is what you are saying about Schultz if I am understanding you correctly.

I watched Schultz on Bill Maher and it certsinly seemed like he had an agenda...it would be interesting to learn if he has a new book coming out anytime soon.

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