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Thailand successfully sought extradition of Iranian fugitive arrested in Malaysia


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Thailand successfully sought extradition of a fugitive arrested in Malaysia

BANGKOK, 22 July 2016 (NNT) - The Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has successfully coordinated the extradition of a fugitive, who fled to Malaysia after committing a crime in Thailand.

DSI Deputy Director General Police Colonel Songsak Raksakul revealed the details a press conference following the recent arrest of an Iranian national, Sayed Ramin Paknejad. It was Thailand’s first successful extradition with a foreign country since the 2008 Extradition Act was introduced.

Paknejad, who is among the key suspects in a criminal case in Thailand, is also said to have been associated with a Malaysian crime syndicate. According to Pol Col. Songsak, he was a major distributor of fake passports and is wanted for his involvement in organized crime in Pattaya city. Paknejad posed as a businessman to front his criminal activities during his 10-year stay in Thailand.

He was first arrested in 2012 but later granted bail. Paknejad escaped to Malaysia but was arrested by Malaysian police the following year. The extradition was sought after Malaysian authorities notified the DSI of his arrest.

-- NNT 2016-07-22 footer_n.gif

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In this country, they grant bail to condemned to death murderers rapists and the worst kind of accused hard core criminals,

but if you're a small time drug user or a petty thief, you will rot in jail months and years until your trail date.......

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In this country, they grant bail to condemned to death murderers rapists and the worst kind of accused hard core criminals,

but if you're a small time drug user or a petty thief, you will rot in jail months and years until your trail date.......

That is simply down to the system.

The crime isn't what decides one's punishment.

The social level, wealth and power of the criminal does.

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You mean the false-flag event?!

Is he one of the Erawan bombers who fled to Malaysia?

No the bombers of the Erawan were a big group of people. One or more escaped to Malaysia where they got arrested. But if this is the 1st extradited prisoner ever then he must still be there?

It is very quiet about the Erawan bombers, i didn't read anything about it for months now.

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Extradited Iranian back to face charges in Thailand


BANGKOK: -- Malaysia last night extradited an Iranian national wanted in Thailand for human trafficking, drugs, and passport forgery back to Thai authorities for court trial after fleeing to Malaysia three years ago.

The suspect, Sayed Ramin Pakneiad, a 45-year-old Iranian man, returned to the detention of the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) after he arrived under escort at Suvarnabhumi airport at 9.30pm.

According to Bangkok Post, he was extradited after the Federal Court of Malaysia finalised the case and ordered his extradition on April 26 this year.

The suspect was a key suspect in passport forgery and had been involved in a criminal syndicate.

He had lived in Thailand under the guise of a businessman for over a decade before his arrest in Pattaya in 2012.

Illicit drugs, fake passports and ID cards and large number of equipment used for falsifying documents were seized.

He was also accused of trafficking people from the Middle East via Thailand to Europe, Australia, New Zealand and the United States.

But he jumped bail and fled to Malaysia after the court granted him temporary release on bail.

DSI later traved his escape route and found he was in hiding in Malaysia.

A cooperation was sought with Malaysian police to arrest him.

He was later found to have link with a human trafficking network in Malaysia, the DSI said.

In the Malaysian court, he fought Thailand’s extradition request for three years until in April this year, he lost his fight and would be extradited to stand trial in Thailand.

The DSI escorted him to the Criminal Court today for permission to detain him for 12 days.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/extradited-iranian-back-face-charges-thailand/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-22

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Plenty of smiles from the DSI Deputy Director, while the "suspect" seems to be significantly missing from the gloat-a-graph.

But, if the Chiang Rai Times article of 2013 is to be believed (http://www.chiangraitimes.com/international-forger-seyed-ramin-found-with-kiwi-passports.html), these guys have nothing to smile about.

In fact, serious questions need to be asked as to why Sayed Ramin Pakneiad (who was arrested in 2012) was later granted bail and managed to escape to Malaysia.

If it were not for the fact that he was arrested in Malaysia, he would still be free from the Thai justice system!

I don't endorse the following, but I include it for further (interesting) reference - http://mikiverselaw.blogspot.com/2013/10/passport-forging-in-service-of-islamic.html

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Why was he granted bail, who got the brown envelope?

Evidently that's what happens with all the farang who elude the police in Europe and elsewhere after being arrested & convicted and have to be caught by Thai police to send back. Seems especially true for all the kiddie fiddlers who land here after convictions in UK, USA and Australia.

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My first though on reading the headline...,was ..... what?... Did they get lost on the way back to Iran, or something?

But all in all, a good day for the boys in blue.... Hopefully this happens more regularly than once every ten years, or so

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8 years for one successful extradition! Wow, the Thai justice system must be proud. Well, I guess that at least they got one. coffee1.gif

But how is it that so many "criminals" get to leave the country in the first instance? Monks,heirs etc?

Seems it is easy for the connected and big monied people to leave? Why? whistling.gif

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In this country, they grant bail to condemned to death murderers rapists and the worst kind of accused hard core criminals,

but if you're a small time drug user or a petty thief, you will rot in jail months and years until your trail date.......

A passport forgerer is not small time criminal. They could supply bombers with documents to facilitate acts of terrorism.
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