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Six injured as car rammed into the Erawan Shrine


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Seems like it wasn't epilepsy after all, The driver suffered a stroke.

Her daughter in the passenger seat was the one who put the car into reverse after the accident, not the mother.

The only reference that says it is a stroke is a family member has put that on their Facebook page. Where is the formal police statement? Six people are injured. Where does it say that the daughter put the car in to reverse?

There was a televised police news conference today detailing what actually happened i.e. the driver suffered a severe stroke etc.etc. You can read more in the Bangkok Post.

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Note to self: Avoid this shrine like the plague.....thumbsup.gif

The Thai better close the whole thing or at least move it out of the city.

I thought it was a spirit house and not a shrine.

Now this is a shrine!!!

Liverpool, Liverpool.....now where have i heard that word before mate? It must have been 20 years ago i heard that word last time.

Ohh i remember now, they play jeu de boulles there right? That's for old farts man whistling.gif

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One has to ask why she was driving if she had chronic epilepsy ? No thought for others, or no idea what could happen if she had a fit whilst driving.

Frightening. Thank goodness she wasn't doing 100mph as she cruised along the top road in her way to fetch somtam
Actually, a crash at 100mph would have been beneficial because it would have been the last time she would be behind the wheel.
Let's hope some day you will have a seizure when driving 100km/h!

If I was epileptic, I would not danger the lives of everyone else. Good to know you would be so considerate of everyone's well being.

You would not endanger other peoples lives. No, you just wish that they would kill themselves.

Anyway, the unfortunate lady suffered a stroke, which can happen to anyone.

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It would seem she had a stroke and the car was in reverse because the passenger tried arresting the forward momentum by engaging reverse gear.

So a run of the mill medical accident.

Move long now, nothing to vent about here.


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Why didn't they drag her out and beat her to pulp

Its happened in the past….a crowd at the shrine beat to death a mentally ill thai guy who damaged the Brahma statue with a hammer.

If the driver was farang, anything could have happened….and the the thais would be like…..O, solly we neber know.

Edited by JHolmesJr
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One has to ask why she was driving if she had chronic epilepsy ? No thought for others, or no idea what could happen if she had a fit whilst driving.

As with drunk drivers everywhere for example, " I am ok to drive ".

I'll bet that not for a single minute did this lady think she was a danger behind the wheel, did her family ever try to stop her ?

What will officialdom do now about her, if anything ?

That depends entirily on the contents of her wallet and her connections

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Didn't you know there was a terrorist incident there not so long ago?

It wasn't a terrorist incident, it was just punishing Thailand for sending Uighurs back to China where they faced jail or worse. The punishment was for vengeance, not deterrence.

The bomb came by backpack. Do ram-raiding-style attacks happen in Thailand?

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It would seem she had a stroke and the car was in reverse because the passenger tried arresting the forward momentum by engaging reverse gear.

So a run of the mill medical accident.

Move long now, nothing to vent about here.


Seems the poor dear had a 'stroke' of bad lack, having a stroke behind the wheel.

Thank goodness she wasn't at high speed or rounding bends off some hill in CM & perhaps the actions of her passengers reduced the severity of the crash.

Sadly strokes can strike folk as we age, it's a difficult recovery phase, I do hope she doesn't suffer too much through the process and recovers well.....nasty stuff.

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What this incident shows is that the area is wide open to a terrorist incident. The car, and it could have been a van or lorry loaded with explosives, was able to enter so easily. An ordinary car which wasn't going at an excessive speed was able to just crash through and then on through the gates.

Could anything be done to stop it? Yes, if the authorities saw the area as a serious threat, which obviously they don't. Bollards are put in place in front of potential targets all over London, for example.

Didn't you know there was a terrorist incident there not so long ago?

Also, unlike the UK, Thailand doesn't go around the world killing innocent people for their own profit. So there is no need to be protected like London.

Didn't you know it wasn't a terrorist incident it was a bomb incident as defined officially by the govt and no charges reflecting terrorism have been made ?

Everyone else, including you, refers to it as terrorism but it appears we are all wrong.

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If she is Thai she is a bad lady just ask the posters here at Thaivisa they will all get on the band wagon and give their opinion, rightorwrong because none of them ever made a mistake or even got a ticket in their old country

So the fact that this lady may have been driving with an existing serious medical condition that could impair her ability etc is irrelevant ?

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Sudden epilepsy? Is that a rare form of the disease, that comes from nowhere?

Yea, it has a rapid onset after you hit somebody when you are drunk driving. If the driver does not claim it then the expert medically trained on scene policeman will state it at the scene of the accident, thereby keeping maximum revenue streams open when you are 'under questioning' in the police station. It is a disease common in third world countries where given the right class and/or income you can kill with impunity as long as the local law enforcement officers are 'taken care of'.

And that "right class" would be the class that drives 20 yr old ****boxes?

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What this incident shows is that the area is wide open to a terrorist incident. The car, and it could have been a van or lorry loaded with explosives, was able to enter so easily. An ordinary car which wasn't going at an excessive speed was able to just crash through and then on through the gates.

Could anything be done to stop it? Yes, if the authorities saw the area as a serious threat, which obviously they don't. Bollards are put in place in front of potential targets all over London, for example.

Didn't you know there was a terrorist incident there not so long ago?

Also, unlike the UK, Thailand doesn't go around the world killing innocent people for their own profit. So there is no need to be protected like London.

Yes I know. i was there a week after it happened. And nothing has apparently been done to prevent any attack since. As for comparing Thailand to the UK, didn't you know the first incident there was caused (it is claimed) by Thailand's total disregard for human rights to a certain group. So, not so very different, just on a smaller scale (and I agree about your thoughts on what the UK has done).

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Doesn't this incident all come down to whether the lady knew she had a serious medical condition yet continued to drive ?

I suppose if she and her family knew and depending on her position within the family perhaps they couldn't or wouldn't stop her getting behind the wheel.

If this is a new and sudden condition, well who knows what will happen.

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Doesn't this incident all come down to whether the lady knew she had a serious medical condition yet continued to drive ?

I suppose if she and her family knew and depending on her position within the family perhaps they couldn't or wouldn't stop her getting behind the wheel.

If this is a new and sudden condition, well who knows what will happen.

Her family said they were unaware of any existing brain condition. It is very likely she had existing high blood pressure but I'm sure there are posters on Thai Visa with high blood pressure who drive everyday.

My step father had a similar sounding stroke. He was on BP medication but there were no obvious signs he was going to have a serious stroke. He was lean and active but suddenly keeled over one day. The doctors gave him only a fifty-fifty chance of survival but he has made what looks like a remarkable recovery. I hope this lady is as fortunate because if it is a hemorrhagic stroke, then the survival rate is not so great.

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we tend to be too hasty and judgemental.

the way the car ploughed through the worshippers, as seen in the video, was frightening

and reflections of Nice incident may have come to mind.

but if this is a genuine accident consequential upon the health failure

of the car driver,n then we have to sympathise with her.

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There is no way that someone could recover from a seizure that quickly and be able to put the car into reverse.

its probably the best excuse she could think of saying at the time.

I imagine she was either texting on her phone or distracted and lost control of the car and caused this accident.

she obviously reversed the car in case anyone was crushed between her car and the shrine.

perhaps she has epilepsy in her past (or knows someone with it) hence being able to quickly come up with that story.

My main argument is that she could not have recovered fast enough to put the car into reverse.

i have seen epileptics of different sorts, and they always need a few minutes at least to recover.

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There is no way that someone could recover from a seizure that quickly and be able to put the car into reverse.

its probably the best excuse she could think of saying at the time.

I imagine she was either texting on her phone or distracted and lost control of the car and caused this accident.

she obviously reversed the car in case anyone was crushed between her car and the shrine.

perhaps she has epilepsy in her past (or knows someone with it) hence being able to quickly come up with that story.

My main argument is that she could not have recovered fast enough to put the car into reverse.

i have seen epileptics of different sorts, and they always need a few minutes at least to recover.

Sometimes it helps to read all of what has been written earlier... then you can understand better what actually happened, not what you are assuming happened... smile.png

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