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Delegates enthused by Donald Trump's speech but not everyone is happy


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Trump is not a politician...Trump has actually made money through hard work (and lawsuits) rather than off the American taxpayer like the Clintons and the rest of Congress.

Hard Work ?!? Trump !?! You got to be kidding. Trump is to hard work what a snake is to rototilling. Trump has taken advantage, in many ways, of taxpayer money. Have you done any studying up of Trump's history? There are hundreds of examples where he's taken advantage. For starters, he cheats massively on his taxes. That's the main reason he won't release his statements, not even for any prior years.

He claimed rental kickbacks from NYC several years in a row. To qualify for those supplements, a person has to have an income of less than $300k/year. If a person is a billionaire, they're making a lot more than $300k/year. CHEAT !!! He got a lot of workers in NYC to work on building a park for free, telling them it was a free civic project. It wasn't. Trump was getting paid (including kick-backs) by the city - yet he wanted all the workers to work for free.

I think Trump will moderate his views/position before the election so his appeal will broaden somewhat.

That's what his apologists have been saying for the past 10 months. Carson went so far as to say something like; "There are two Trumps. I've seen them both. The public has only seen the brash Trump, but there's a presidential Trump also."

At least he has actually worked for a living and succeeded, more than can be said for the parasitic professional politicians.

Being a politician can be a job. It's like workers at other jobs. Some get things done. Others can spend a whole career doing nothing except cashing a paycheck once a week. You can say the same for many other professions. Republicans are the most do-nothing of all politicians in D.C.

To say Trump 'has actually worked for a living and succeeded' is a stretch. His main 'work' has been borrowing as much money as possible (often with his daddy's signature), and then spending a lot calories trying to hold off the banks when he (Trump) can't pay back loans. His other 'work' is sending high paid attorneys (probably paid by the millions he borrows from banks) to go file continuances and counter-suits at the 3,500 (currently) lawsuits he's having to deal with. Most of those lawsuits are regular workers (cabinet makers, tile setters, plumbers, dishwashers, hotel cleaning staff, etc) suing Trump for not paying their wages (or honoring contracts) as promised. When you're as rich as Trump, you don't care if 10,000 entities file lawsuits against you, because you can just file continuances forever, and the plaintiffs will either die, or run out of money for their attorneys, and the cases will be dropped. If/when, in the rare case you do settle, it's almost always for much less than the original amount promised on the contract. So Trump wins again: even after many years delay, if a case does go to trial, Trump will probably only have to pay pennies on the dollar. Ha Ha Ha, Yippeee for Trump, He gets work done on his buildings, but only has to pay peanuts, if anything at all !!!! Hip Hip Hurray for Trump the Winner !

Edited by boomerangutang
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Just like being a teacher or a policeman isn't really working for a living. The wingnuts love this false narrative. The same false narrative that everything is corrupt and broken and we need to throw it all out and start again. Trump is the man to do that. Throw it all out. This is the American fascist rise to power moment that has to be squelched.

It's the closest America has been to self-destruction since the Civil War. I think as a nation we needed to go down this path to to make this turn away from where the crazy wingnuts want to take us.

Fortunately, Donald Trump is the worst candidate in American history and it ain't going to happen. The longer this goes on, the worst he gets. The Republican party is toast and Donald Trump led them to this position. I've been a big supporter of Donald Trump from the beginning. He's the perfect leader for the wingnuts.

We got them right where we want em. All we gotta do now...is vote.

Republican lemmings bravely following Trump off the cliff... clap2.gif Bye bye!

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Ghost writer of "Art of the Deal" Schwartz talks about Trump. He knew Trump very well. It should be required viewing by anyone who is serious about voting in November. Trump's rabid fans won't be brave enough to watch it, because they don't want to see their hero as anything but a hero, but everyone else should check it out. . . . . . .

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Ghost writer of "Art of the Deal" Schwartz talks about Trump. He knew Trump very well. It should be required viewing by anyone who is serious about voting in November. Trump's rabid fans won't be brave enough to watch it, because they don't want to see their hero as anything but a hero, but everyone else should check it out. . . . . . .


I genuinely admire your tenacity.

But your conclusion is wrong...we could care a less about what the ghost writer says...heck I watched him on Bill Maher...and I couldn't care a less.

have a good evening.

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Ghost writer of "Art of the Deal" Schwartz talks about Trump. He knew Trump very well. It should be required viewing by anyone who is serious about voting in November. Trump's rabid fans won't be brave enough to watch it, because they don't want to see their hero as anything but a hero, but everyone else should check it out. . . . . . .

Boomer, I genuinely admire your tenacity. But your conclusion is wrong...we could care a less about what the ghost writer says...heck I watched him on Bill Maher...and I couldn't care a less. have a good evening.

Precisely what I predicted. Trump has few if any friends so, for anyone interested in what he's like, his character, it would be useful to listen to a person who spent 1.5 years with him nearly every day, hours at a time. Schwartz is an articulate intelligent man who even listened in on many hours of Trump's conversations with others (with Trump's permission). If Trump fans only want to gauge the man's character on what his kids say ("he's a great dad!") or his brown-nosing friends (Newt and Christie) who want Americans to be as 'terrified' as possible (Newt's characterization), then that's their choice.

Then there's Trump's first wife who gave a detailed account of how Trump violently raped her. But again, Trump fans don't want to hear anything like that. They'd rather wrap themselves in their cocooned thoughts that America is screwed and unsafe, and ONLY Trump can fix it. Heck, he doesn't even need to confer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because Trump says he knows more than they do, and plus, he says, "I have a great brain. I have a great memory (tho can't remember which foot had a spur which enabled him to avoid the draft 5 times) . I'm really rich." and probably the best Trumpism, " I know a lot of words. I'm really good with words."

Edited by boomerangutang
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It was "I know words, I have the best words".


Can it be argued this is not true?

Trump's words are the best.

There is something to the way that he says them as well as the way that he assembles these words into sentences...but the combined effort elevates them so far above the average "word speaker".

Trump's words are so far superior to Hilary's words that its almost embarrasing to watch her speak.

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Ghost writer of "Art of the Deal" Schwartz talks about Trump. He knew Trump very well. It should be required viewing by anyone who is serious about voting in November. Trump's rabid fans won't be brave enough to watch it, because they don't want to see their hero as anything but a hero, but everyone else should check it out. . . . . . A.

Boomer, I genuinely admire your tenacity. But your conclusion is wrong...we could care a less about what the ghost writer says...heck I watched him on Bill Maher...and I couldn't care a less. have a good evening.

Precisely what I predicted. Trump has few if any friends so, for anyone interested in what he's like, his character, it would be useful to listen to a person who spent 1.5 years with him nearly every day, hours at a time. Schwartz is an articulate intelligent man who even listened in on many hours of Trump's conversations with others (with Trump's permission). If Trump fans only want to gauge the man's character on what his kids say ("he's a great dad!") or his brown-nosing friends (Newt and Christie) who want Americans to be as 'terrified' as possible (Newt's characterization), then that's their choice.

Then there's Trump's first wife who gave a detailed account of how Trump violently raped her. But again, Trump fans don't want to hear anything like that. They'd rather wrap themselves in their cocooned thoughts that America is screwed and unsafe, and ONLY Trump can fix it. Heck, he doesn't even need to confer with the Joint Chiefs of Staff, because Trump says he knows more than they do, and plus, he says, "I have a great brain. I have a great memory (tho can't remember which foot had a spur which enabled him to avoid the draft 5 times) . I'm really rich." and probably the best Trumpism, " I know a lot of words. I'm really good with words."


I am not suggesting I do not believe the claims made by his biographer/ghost writer.

I am simply saying I could care a less.

He is the presidential hopeful of the GOP so he gets my vote.

I feel no need to defend him in a manner similar to the way Democrats feel the need to defend their candidates.

Except for his words, there can be no denying he has the best words.

As a writer, schwartz is obviously jealous of the mastery that Trump uses in his wordcraft.

Edited by ClutchClark
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