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Hacked emails show Democratic party hostility to Sanders


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This breach of private email security systems would privide an intelligent person evidence on why hillary was required to use the Gov't email account provided her...if Russian hackers could access all of these documents then they could certsinly hack Hillary's private account.

This is why Dems will only argue the letter of the law--that Hillary may not have broken any laws.

Even Dems know it was a fools errand to argue the legitimacy and innocence of her act.

And the FBI investigation showed that nothing significant was disclosed in her emails. NOTHING.

This is about Russian hackers engaged in a criminal act. Illegally obtained information is central to wikileaks. Harping on personal emails between people speaks to the lack of moral integrity of those who hang on every negative comment made. Obviously, the concepts of privacy and illegal activity mean nothing to you. I'll dumb it down for you: It is unethical to rely on those private documents that were personal in nature and were not related to the workings of the US government.

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Just to pick one, how do you feel about Trump's proposed 25% tax cut for the top 1% tax payers versus Hillary's some 20% increase for the same group?


I think it would be excellent if it was accompanied by comparable tax cuts for the middle class.

It would also be a great stimulus to the economy, as spending is the engine of growth.

This trickledown nonsense is a sham.

If "spending is the engine of growth", then "government spending is the engine of waste, fraud and abuse (WFA)".

I made a lot of "sham", "trickledown"[sic], "nonsense" money in Silicon Valley working for the private sector that was financed by private investors. I had very few contracts for government or government-funded entities and, once I had a taste of them, I would turn them down because of the obvious WFA and rampant unprofessionalism.

Didn't FDR spend a lot of money with unimpressive effect with the New Deal and incur huge debt "to boot!"?

Another example is the 50-year, $22 trillion "War on Poverty" that hasn't even gotten close to ending poverty and better resembles a bottomless money pit.

Edited by MaxYakov
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It's been pretty obvious for a while that DWS was in the bag for Hillary, so all this is no revelation, just confirmation.

On the other hand the GOP has been subtly singing Bernie's praises for the past year because they know that can cream him with a 2-pronged assault: the Jew thing and the socialist thing. Last summer I saw Cruz being interviewed, and he kept inserting quips of how Sanders is a great candidate. The interviewer (a known Dem) laughed in his face, "so, you're a Bernie Sanders Republican, eh?"

As far as politicians go, Bernie is the nearest thing I've seen to a saint. Unfortunately he won't be able to carry a general election. Unless maybe DT pushes the facism to further extremes...

But no way will they give him the nomination, and no way will he go third party.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

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Ho surprise there Sanders complained about the DNC behavior toward his campaign and called for Debbie Wassermans Schultz's resignation. For Hillary to play innocent is ludicrous, she was orchestrating the whole thing and Debbie I am sure was promised a cabinet position.Now Debbie is tainted goods, but I am sure K street will pay good money for her access.

Highly unusual, a Democrat resigning. I'd like to know what ultimatum Bernie gave Hillary to get this concession?...

Wasserman Schultz resigning as party leader


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Ho surprise there Sanders complained about the DNC behavior toward his campaign and called for Debbie Wassermans Schultz's resignation. For Hillary to play innocent is ludicrous, she was orchestrating the whole thing and Debbie I am sure was promised a cabinet position.Now Debbie is tainted goods, but I am sure K street will pay good money for her access.

Highly unusual, a Democrat resigning. I'd like to know what ultimatum Bernie gave Hillary to get this concession?...

Wasserman Schultz resigning as party leader


Bernie has little to do with this

This is supposed to be HRC's convention, if DWS did not go, she would have being the main story for the week,

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The head of the DNC has resigned as she should have. However, as was argued many months ago when it became obvious that the DNC leadership favored Clinton, Sanders is not a Democrat. Yes, he was running for the Democratic nomination but he is not a Democrat. Clinton on the other hand has been a Democrat for something like 4 decades. She has run for office as a Democrat and has no doubt raised a lot of money for the organization so no surprise where the loyalties of the individuals that make of the organization rest. I am not excusing what insiders of the DNC have done but it is not surprise at this point.

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Ho surprise there Sanders complained about the DNC behavior toward his campaign and called for Debbie Wassermans Schultz's resignation. For Hillary to play innocent is ludicrous, she was orchestrating the whole thing and Debbie I am sure was promised a cabinet position.Now Debbie is tainted goods, but I am sure K street will pay good money for her access.

Highly unusual, a Democrat resigning. I'd like to know what ultimatum Bernie gave Hillary to get this concession?...

Wasserman Schultz resigning as party leader


None. http://www.redstate.com/absentee/2016/07/24/breaking-fast-debbie-wasserman-schultz-fired-hired-hillary-clinton-immediately-brings-aboard/ Duh.

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Unfortunately most (if not all) democratic political parties worldwide are run by unelected back room connivers with their own agendas, just the bigger the party the bigger the conniving.

Just curious if you realize that the DNC chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Shultz, is a 2 term sitting congresswoman from Florida. Hardly a "unelected back room connivers".

I certainly agree with her resignation, should have been done after 2012 election when first recommended to Obama.


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Hot Stinking Mess in the Democratic Kitchen.

Hillary just can't seem to keep up...more scandals daily.

Democrats running around putting out fires all over the place.

Utter chaos...for the DNC, and the old bat will probably fly off the handle....again.

Good fun, though. giggle.gif

Edited by slipperylobster
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In the land of religious tolerance, don't expect to become president unless you profess protestant christian dogma. Out of 44 presidents we have ONE catholic, ZERO other faiths, and (god forbid) ZERO declared atheists. Sanders being Jewish faith and suspected of being sane an atheist had no hope at all.

I don't totally agree.

I think a Jew could be elected president, but not Sanders.

She would need to be a Jew that actually practiced the faith in a somewhat convincing way.

A Jew like Sanders, who is really only an ethnic Jew that does not practice the faith couldn't currently be elected.

I also think a very orthodox Jew like Lieberman also couldn't currently be elected president, even though the Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the majority of votes.

Sander's bigger problem was his avowed socialism. Socialism is often associated with atheism.

Personally, just my opinion, I think Sanders probably is an atheist. A closet one, but he was smart enough not to be open about that, as that would be political suicide in a presidential run.

Atheists of course should have full freedoms of belief or lack of belief.

But the political reality is that evidence of faith STILL is basically a unwritten requirement to be elected president.

Not only president but MOST higher elected offices all over the nation, with exceptions of more liberal regions.

Also, I think the fact the Sanders has not been a democrat but ran for the democratic party nomination is worth considering.

Of course the DEMOCRATIC party would consider him an outsider, not really a democrat because he really hasn't been a democrat ... of course (whether you think it's fair or not) there would be a party establishment bias against him because of that.

Personally, I like a lot of Sander's politics but like the DNC (yes, DUH, there was a bias) I didn't really want him to be nominated, because even though Hillary Clinton is a very flawed candidate, she is still favored to win.

I sincerely think Sander's open identification with socialism and obvious lack of any faith practice would have definitely doomed his candidacy if nominated. His being a Jew per se, no, I don't think that was a deal killer for his chances.

The kind of Jew that could be elected, right now, is a Jew like Dianne Feinstein. Convincingly Jewish in ethnicity and faith practice but not ultra religious.

I know it's kind of crazy, and yes unfair, but if the same man Sanders with the same policy agenda had really been a democrat, had never openly labeled as a socialist, had dragged his old tuchus to temple occasionally and given some lip service to a faith practice, there is a much better chance he would have been nominated in this election year. Oh well!

That's just the way it is.

Edited by Jingthing
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It wasn't just DNC "bias," it DNC collusion and conspiring with media. It was a dirty tricks and more campaign against Sanders. This is how the Clintons operate.

What I seen of the private emails to date certainly shows the DNC staff supporting Hillary and having some resentment towards Sanders who they considered sowing division within the Democratic party. What I have not seen is a "smoking gun" email that shows an overt act by the DNC staff that would have caused over 3 million people that voted for Hillary to change their vote for Sanders.


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Any chance of Sanders running independently?

I hope he does….he seems to have good reasons to do it now.

Zero chance. Nice trump pipe dream though. Sanders will be working very hard to elect Hillary Clinton for president.

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In the land of religious tolerance, don't expect to become president unless you profess protestant christian dogma. Out of 44 presidents we have ONE catholic, ZERO other faiths, and (god forbid) ZERO declared atheists. Sanders being Jewish faith and suspected of being sane an atheist had no hope at all.

I don't totally agree.

I think a Jew could be elected president, but not Sanders.

She would need to be a Jew that actually practiced the faith in a somewhat convincing way.

A Jew like Sanders, who is really only an ethnic Jew that does not practice the faith couldn't currently be elected.

I also think a very orthodox Jew like Lieberman also couldn't currently be elected president, even though the Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the majority of votes.

Sander's bigger problem was his avowed socialism. Socialism is often associated with atheism.

Personally, just my opinion, I think Sanders probably is an atheist. A closet one, but he was smart enough not to be open about that, as that would be political suicide in a presidential run.

Atheists of course should have full freedoms of belief or lack of belief.

But the political reality is that evidence of faith STILL is basically a unwritten requirement to be elected president.

Not only president but MOST higher elected offices all over the nation, with exceptions of more liberal regions.

Also, I think the fact the Sanders has not been a democrat but ran for the democratic party nomination is worth considering.

Of course the DEMOCRATIC party would consider him an outsider, not really a democrat because he really hasn't been a democrat ... of course (whether you think it's fair or not) there would be a party establishment bias against him because of that.

Personally, I like a lot of Sander's politics but like the DNC (yes, DUH, there was a bias) I didn't really want him to be nominated, because even though Hillary Clinton is a very flawed candidate, she is still favored to win.

I sincerely think Sander's open identification with socialism and obvious lack of any faith practice would have definitely doomed his candidacy if nominated. His being a Jew per se, no, I don't think that was a deal killer for his chances.

The kind of Jew that could be elected, right now, is a Jew like Dianne Feinstein. Convincingly Jewish in ethnicity and faith practice but not ultra religious.

I know it's kind of crazy, and yes unfair, but if the same man Sanders with the same policy agenda had really been a democrat, had never openly labeled as a socialist, had dragged his old tuchus to temple occasionally and given some lip service to a faith practice, there is a much better chance he would have been nominated in this election year. Oh well!

That's just the way it is.

If you look at the people behind the presidents and those that have the power there have been many Jews. Best not to be seen to run the country but from the shadows. This tactic has worked for a long time in US politics and in Europe and banking. I get your point though.

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It wasn't just DNC "bias," it DNC collusion and conspiring with media. It was a dirty tricks and more campaign against Sanders. This is how the Clintons operate.

What I seen of the private emails to date certainly shows the DNC staff supporting Hillary and having some resentment towards Sanders who they considered sowing division within the Democratic party. What I have not seen is a "smoking gun" email that shows an overt act by the DNC staff that would have caused over 3 million people that voted for Hillary to change their vote for Sanders.


Sanders didn't sow division in the Democrat party. On the contrary. He brought in millions of new Democrat voters to the party that supported many of the positions that Democrats "claim" to support. It turns out that's all lip service though and Bernie's candidacy revealed that the Democrats are now a neoliberal organization in service to corporate and international interests.

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All i can say is, god bless russian hackers, julian assange and wikileaks....without them we'd just have to believe all the crap cnn etc feed the world on how trump is evil and crooked hillary and the dems are saints.

Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

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In the land of religious tolerance, don't expect to become president unless you profess protestant christian dogma. Out of 44 presidents we have ONE catholic, ZERO other faiths, and (god forbid) ZERO declared atheists. Sanders being Jewish faith and suspected of being sane an atheist had no hope at all.

I don't totally agree.

I think a Jew could be elected president, but not Sanders.

She would need to be a Jew that actually practiced the faith in a somewhat convincing way.

A Jew like Sanders, who is really only an ethnic Jew that does not practice the faith couldn't currently be elected.

I also think a very orthodox Jew like Lieberman also couldn't currently be elected president, even though the Gore-Lieberman ticket did win the majority of votes.

Sander's bigger problem was his avowed socialism. Socialism is often associated with atheism.

Personally, just my opinion, I think Sanders probably is an atheist. A closet one, but he was smart enough not to be open about that, as that would be political suicide in a presidential run.

Atheists of course should have full freedoms of belief or lack of belief.

But the political reality is that evidence of faith STILL is basically a unwritten requirement to be elected president.

Not only president but MOST higher elected offices all over the nation, with exceptions of more liberal regions.

Also, I think the fact the Sanders has not been a democrat but ran for the democratic party nomination is worth considering.

Of course the DEMOCRATIC party would consider him an outsider, not really a democrat because he really hasn't been a democrat ... of course (whether you think it's fair or not) there would be a party establishment bias against him because of that.

Personally, I like a lot of Sander's politics but like the DNC (yes, DUH, there was a bias) I didn't really want him to be nominated, because even though Hillary Clinton is a very flawed candidate, she is still favored to win.

I sincerely think Sander's open identification with socialism and obvious lack of any faith practice would have definitely doomed his candidacy if nominated. His being a Jew per se, no, I don't think that was a deal killer for his chances.

The kind of Jew that could be elected, right now, is a Jew like Dianne Feinstein. Convincingly Jewish in ethnicity and faith practice but not ultra religious.

I know it's kind of crazy, and yes unfair, but if the same man Sanders with the same policy agenda had really been a democrat, had never openly labeled as a socialist, had dragged his old tuchus to temple occasionally and given some lip service to a faith practice, there is a much better chance he would have been nominated in this election year. Oh well!

That's just the way it is.

If you look at the people behind the presidents and those that have the power there have been many Jews. Best not to be seen to run the country but from the shadows. This tactic has worked for a long time in US politics and in Europe and banking. I get your point though.

I see. I'm not sure I get your point but it sounds kind of sleazy. Like the typical global Jewish control conspiracy theory crap that brought us Nazis and stuff. Be clear, the Nazis, white supremacists, etc. are with trump, not the democrats. Loyal democrats just realized, I think CORRECTLY, that Sanders never had a chance to actually win the presidency so worked, not entirely ethically, to block his nomination to their party just to waste that to lose it. Hillary Clinton is damaged goods, but she has a good chance to be president.

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Yes, most likely it was Russian hackers. And why would they leak information that they think might damage HRC? Because they want Trump to be the President. And why do you think that is? Because Trump is such an ignorant buffoon that Putin knows he would have his way with him. Putin will always want what's best for Putin. And Trump will certainly make things easier.

Whether it was russian hackers or translvanian grizzly bears that did the hacking, the fact is those emails were sent to corruptly stack the deck against sanders.

The russians did not write those emails.

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This is the beginning of a very contentious week for the Dems, if they had any semblance of being in touch with the people they would not even let Ms. Schultz in the convention hall, instead they are having her open and close the convention then she will step down. The Sanders folks will riot in the hall when she is on stage and even the mainstream media outlets will be forced to show this on the nightly news. I don't know if it is a post convention bounce or a reaction to the DNC emails, but the latest 2 polls out over this weekend show Trump up by 5 and 6% points over Clinton, this will make it very difficult for the clinton camp to pull back to an even race, even if they get a good bounce out of the convention. This latest wikileaks release just reinforces the feeling that most people have about Hillary being corrupt and feeling above the law, this could very well be the turning point in the campaign whistling.gif

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Bernie or bust fanatics are a pain in the butt. Bottom line they can choose, trump, Clinton, stay home, or waste the vote on a third party.

Or Bernie could announce at the convention that he will be accepting the offer to run for the Green partythumbsup.gif Many of Sanders people have already made the move to the Green party and if Sanders accepted their offer he would pose a formidable threat, perhaps not to win the election but certainly he could garner more votes than Ross Perot did (19%) back in 92. This would leave Hillary fighting to get somewhere in the low 30's% range and make is an easy win for the GOP.

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Many of Sanders people have already made the move to the Green party and if Sanders accepted their offer he would pose a formidable threat, perhaps not to win the election but certainly he could garner more votes than Ross Perot did (19%) back in 92. This would leave Hillary fighting to get somewhere in the low 30's% range and make is an easy win for the GOP.

Which is why he won't do it.

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Many of Sanders people have already made the move to the Green party and if Sanders accepted their offer he would pose a formidable threat, perhaps not to win the election but certainly he could garner more votes than Ross Perot did (19%) back in 92. This would leave Hillary fighting to get somewhere in the low 30's% range and make is an easy win for the GOP.

Which is why he won't do it.

Perhaps he will not, but hope springs eternal thumbsup.gif

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