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Recruitment drive for Muslims by UK police

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But 99% of it's members are of Arab descent.

Simply not true. Large numbers of Moslems are of Persian descent (including almost all Iranian Moslems).

Also Islam spread, mostly through violence, so Moslems in the Indian Subcontinent, North Africa (including Egypt and the Maghreb), Eastern Europe are not Arabs. Nor are the Moslems of Malaysia and Indonesia, where the spread was mostly not led by violence, but by other means.

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when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

on a similar note at one time i had served as a regular police officer, and had done a lot of additional traffic patrol courses, i left for family reasons, but was thinking of rejoining after a couple of years, i telephoned one force in a large immigrant area, who were recruiting and was told we would love to have you , but we are only recruiting ethnic minorities.

the minimum height limit was reduced some years ago to enable Indian recruits.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it?

UK is a failed multicultural society, in part due to PC positive discrimination like this, but mainly the unwillingness of Muslims to integrate, others no problem

The UK has a booming economy, a rich culture of music, art, literature, theatre, a booming fashion and design industry a fabulous food and restaurant industry, world leading universities and academics... much of these fabulous facets of the UK are a direct result of the UK's multiculturalism which you characterise as 'failed'.

Perhaps you feel your life is not enriched by these things, but that is not a definition of 'multiculturalism failing' though perhaps an indication of failings nearer to home.


Another racist exposes himself.

You are ill informed, Islam is not a race, but as usually your type label people racist for their disdain of this warped theology, which is nothing more than medieval clerical opinion with its 7th Century barbarism.

'My type', takes note of your comment which states 'Its not just a clash of civilisations, its a a clash of two species that have an entirely different level of mental development'.

The term 'Species' cannot be read as referring to a religion or religious belief, and if there is any doubt on the matter, you close with the claim of these 'Species' 'having an entirely different level of mental development'.

You can argue as you wish, but 'My type' reads the words written by you as almost text book racism.

Your type can label me as a racist for not being willing to tolerate the intolerant and I will wear that badge with pride

'My type' don't have to label you as anything, you need no help at all on the matter, choosing as you do to label other human beings as 'species'.


Disgusting positive discrimination.. Should be only one standard for everyone. If you can't reach the standard you don't get the job.

If I'm going to be patrolling in Chinatown or Koreatown, I'd rather have with me a marginally intelligent partner that speaks Chinese or Korean than the smartest guy in the city that doesn't.

This is why many forces enlist the help of community officers and volenteers to be interpreters.. Doesn't mean that someone who is unable to reach the standard required should be made a police officer ( with all the responsibilty that entails ) Equality means just that. The same standard for everyone. Positive discrimination just breeds contempt and disatisfaction. If people of different sex, background and race are to respect each other they need to have achieved the same standard.. Not a dumbed down, easy one for people of colour.

This fake social engineering is as dumb as the idea that women must make up 50% of a companies board of directors or that TV programs must have gay, lesbian, trans and minority cast members regardless of the time period or subject.


when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

on a similar note at one time i had served as a regular police officer, and had done a lot of additional traffic patrol courses, i left for family reasons, but was thinking of rejoining after a couple of years, i telephoned one force in a large immigrant area, who were recruiting and was told we would love to have you , but we are only recruiting ethnic minorities.

the minimum height limit was reduced some years ago to enable Indian recruits.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it?

Real ethnic cleansing of the white working class has been going on for decades in London courtesy of local government housing authorites. Where do you think all the cockneys have gone and why do you think they have gone?


The organisation I work for operates possitive discrimination in favour of Vetrans.

Is that too unacceptable?

In Law Enforcement such experience would be considered job skill related.

Now if your company gave preference only to Asian Veterans that would be different.

I hope that answered your question.


The organisation I work for operates possitive discrimination in favour of Vetrans.

Is that too unacceptable?

In Law Enforcement such experience would be considered job skill related.

Now if your company gave preference only to Asian Veterans that would be different.

I hope that answered your question.

I just tead the policiy, nothing about race but a lot about relaxing requirements on qualifications and directly applicable skills/experience.


It makes sense to have a multicultural police force in a multicultural country.

It makes little or no sense. Most gimmegrants have no love for nor loyalty to the country or the English people, do not integrate, have no intentions of doing so and if they tried to would often be rejected by the indigenous people. Multiculturalism is no more than a failed experiment.

Few Englishmen would willingly cooperate with a black police officer just like blacks resent cooperating with white police officers. That's how Britain's race riots have all started.

The Oldham riots were the same except the rioters were Pakistani Muslims.


The organisation I work for operates possitive discrimination in favour of Vetrans.

Is that too unacceptable?

In Law Enforcement such experience would be considered job skill related.

Now if your company gave preference only to Asian Veterans that would be different.

I hope that answered your question.

I just tead the policiy, nothing about race but a lot about relaxing requirements on qualifications and directly applicable skills/experience.

Only if a North Vietnamese Vet is not treated the same as a US one.


It makes sense to have a multicultural police force in a multicultural country.

It makes little or no sense. Most gimmegrants have no love for nor loyalty to the country or the English people, do not integrate, have no intentions of doing so and if they tried to would often be rejected by the indigenous people. Multiculturalism is no more than a failed experiment.

Few Englishmen would willingly cooperate with a black police offecer just like blacks resent cooperating with white police officers. That's how Britain's race riots have all started.

The Oldham riots were the same except the rioters were Pakistani Muslims.

Of course it makes no sense to you, you're a bigot.

Instead of resorting to name calling explain why you think I'm wrong.

Tell us where we can witness voluntary integration and where and in what circumstances all the different races and cultures can be seen enjoying each others company and dancing around the maypole together hand in hand. Why have we got black, Asian, Islamic and Polish communities etc, If we all embraced each other's presence there would not be all these different 'communities' would there.

That Coca Cola advert was just a bit of fantasising.

Just because someone observes what is the blatant truth and tells it like it is does not make them a bigot or even a racist.

I think the Notting Hill carnival would be one example


^ Any university would be another.

Or indeed any of the British based multinational companies that actually do go out andcearn a living for the UK.


when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

on a similar note at one time i had served as a regular police officer, and had done a lot of additional traffic patrol courses, i left for family reasons, but was thinking of rejoining after a couple of years, i telephoned one force in a large immigrant area, who were recruiting and was told we would love to have you , but we are only recruiting ethnic minorities.

the minimum height limit was reduced some years ago to enable Indian recruits.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it?

Well they don't seem to accept the reality,that's why they all live together in one area. Rather than integrating,you all know the ones I mean after working amongst and with them for many years ,we are as nothing to them ,to most of them only people of their faith matter ,the rest of us are of no use,to those who think otherwise best of luck,hope you like it with your heads in the sand

In the 70's, 80's and 90's the IRA had few dozen terror cells in Britain and then compare that with the sheer numbers of Muslims communities in the UK , then almost certainly there are many cells of radical Islamists, who are being harboured and defended within these communities.


when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

on a similar note at one time i had served as a regular police officer, and had done a lot of additional traffic patrol courses, i left for family reasons, but was thinking of rejoining after a couple of years, i telephoned one force in a large immigrant area, who were recruiting and was told we would love to have you , but we are only recruiting ethnic minorities.

the minimum height limit was reduced some years ago to enable Indian recruits.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it?

Real ethnic cleansing of the white working class has been going on for decades in London courtesy of local government housing authorites. Where do you think all the cockneys have gone and why do you think they have gone?

Believe me you do not know the half of it , i had to work with most of the housing associations for many years , they were taken over by ethnic minorities , for ethnic minorities , if yo have a day or so i can tell you about how immegrants got all the plums while white working class got the pips .and believe me thats not me being racist ,i saw it first hand on a regular basis , and all were to terrified to say anything for fear of being called racist


Believe me you do not know the half of it , i had to work with most of the housing associations for many years , they were taken over by ethnic minorities , for ethnic minorities... immegrants got all the plums while white working class got the pips .and believe me thats not me being racist ,i saw it first hand on a regular basis

Of course it's racist to say that. The Politically Correct brigade demands that we "don't see colour" in this wonderful, multicultural society of ours. The fact that you even noticed that certain ethnic minorities received preferential treatment is racist.


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when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it .{quote]

Accept the consequences , whatever the cost ? .

Immigrants are like sperm , thousands arrive , only one works. coffee1.gif


when were we asked if we wanted a multicultural country.

The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it .{quote]

Accept the consequences , whatever the cost ? .

Immigrants are like sperm , thousands arrive , only one works. coffee1.gif

I thought the Brexit argument was that Immigrants are taking all the jobs, stealing jobs from 'Brits' and driving down wages by working for less money than a 'Brit' would accept.

Was that another Brexit lie or are you simply making stuff up?



I thought the Brexit argument was that Immigrants are taking all the jobs, stealing jobs from 'Brits' and driving down wages by working for less money than a 'Brit' would accept.

Many (albeit stereotypical) types of immigrant

- the Poles who come to the UK with some marketable skills who are prepared to work well relatively cheaply, so displacing British workers and forcing down wages

- the Romanians who come to the UK to work hard at steal and begging

- those of a certain religion who have no employable skills, are drawn here by generous benefits, and have no interest in working or acquiring marketable skills

- those with a certain skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of drug trafficking and other criminal behaviours

- those of a different skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of human trafficking.

Not sure that any of them is particularly desirable for UK society. So there's not just a single argument for opposing mass immigration into the UK.


I thought the Brexit argument was that Immigrants are taking all the jobs, stealing jobs from 'Brits' and driving down wages by working for less money than a 'Brit' would accept.

Many (albeit stereotypical) types of immigrant

- the Poles who come to the UK with some marketable skills who are prepared to work well relatively cheaply, so displacing British workers and forcing down wages

- the Romanians who come to the UK to work hard at steal and begging

- those of a certain religion who have no employable skills, are drawn here by generous benefits, and have no interest in working or acquiring marketable skills

- those with a certain skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of drug trafficking and other criminal behaviours

- those of a different skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of human trafficking.

Not sure that any of them is particularly desirable for UK society. So there's not just a single argument for opposing mass immigration into the UK.

You said it 'Stereotypical'

People you invent in your own mind to prop up your bigoted views, but in doing so demonstrate only you bigoted views.


I thought the Brexit argument was that Immigrants are taking all the jobs, stealing jobs from 'Brits' and driving down wages by working for less money than a 'Brit' would accept.

Many (albeit stereotypical) types of immigrant

- the Poles who come to the UK with some marketable skills who are prepared to work well relatively cheaply, so displacing British workers and forcing down wages

- the Romanians who come to the UK to work hard at steal and begging

- those of a certain religion who have no employable skills, are drawn here by generous benefits, and have no interest in working or acquiring marketable skills

- those with a certain skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of drug trafficking and other criminal behaviours

- those of a different skin colour who work in gangs and make a good living out of human trafficking.

Not sure that any of them is particularly desirable for UK society. So there's not just a single argument for opposing mass immigration into the UK.

You said it 'Stereotypical'

People you invent in your own mind to prop up your bigoted views, but in doing so demonstrate only you bigoted views.

Quite the opposite of bigoted. Despite the indisputable fact that many immigrants fit the stereotypes (which, of course, is how stereotypes are born), I'm perfectly happy to accept that there are some that don't.

Or do you not believe that there are hardworking Poles in the UK who undercut British wages? Romanians who steal and beg? Unemployed and unemployable Moslems? &c., &c.. And if you don't believe, then either you haven't visited the UK recently, or are blinkered.


The British public have made the connection between the EU and mass immigration. They do not like the latter and they blame it on the former. For years polls have continued to show that the vast majority of the British public want immigration reduced. The figures are always similar and we are, it is important to note not talking about a minority opinion here.


The British public have made the connection between the EU and mass immigration. They do not like the latter and they blame it on the former. For years polls have continued to show that the vast majority of the British public want immigration reduced. The figures are always similar and we are, it is important to note not talking about a minority opinion here.

What you assert is incorrect.

You can go back to 1964 and find Polls/ Surveys carried out that show the British public saying there is to much immigration (in the region of 80-90%)



The UK is already a multicultural society, so what you suggest we do about it.

Start ethnic cleansing or accept the reality and deal with it .{quote]

Accept the consequences , whatever the cost ? .

Immigrants are like sperm , thousands arrive , only one works.

I thought the Brexit argument was that Immigrants are taking all the jobs, stealing jobs from 'Brits' and driving down wages by working for less money than a 'Brit' would accept.

Look up Zero hour contracts . A topic, Labour /Socialist , Politicians avoid, like the Plague .wub.png


The organisation I work for operates possitive discrimination in favour of Vetrans.

Is that too unacceptable?

Really , you mean , your salary is paid from charitable , handouts from the Goverment

where you results are not monitored , or measured . a plum job , on the gravey train, hey .

As a UK taxpayer , i reserve the right to know the name your organisation , wasting tax payers money ,

With all your posts , you obviously , are not working , in the real world .

My local MP , will be informed .asap .


The company i worked for as well when i did work in the UK had positive discrimination , for those who could do the job ,worked hard and got results . they didnt give a toss if you were black/white or green with red spots and dressed in womens clothes on thursdays and bank holidays .just as long as you were good at what you did and sod what your religion was ,they couldnt care less .


The company i worked for as well when i did work in the UK had positive discrimination , for those who could do the job ,worked hard and got results . they didnt give a toss if you were black/white or green with red spots and dressed in womens clothes on thursdays and bank holidays .just as long as you were good at what you did and sod what your religion was ,they couldnt care less .

Spot on , Profit has no discrimination , race class , colour or creed ,not important .

, Money makes the world go round . creed class or colour , share holders , dont care ,

disability not a issue , @ India , food and shelter , survival more important . been there and seen it .

Brits have been protected from the cradle , to the grave ,in summary we can not compete .

Those days are going soon , as well as charitable handouts asap . coffee1.gif


But 99% of it's members are of Arab descent.

The 4 countries with the largest Muslim populations are:

Indonesia 210 million

Pakistan 176 million

India 167 million

Bangladesh 134 million

Together they constitute ~42% of the total Muslim population of the world. None of them are of Arab descent.

The first country of Arab descent in the top 10 list is Egypt with a population of 77 million.


The organisation I work for operates possitive discrimination in favour of Vetrans.

Is that too unacceptable?

Really , you mean , your salary is paid from charitable , handouts from the Goverment

where you results are not monitored , or measured . a plum job , on the gravey train, hey .

As a UK taxpayer , i reserve the right to know the name your organisation , wasting tax payers money ,

With all your posts , you obviously , are not working , in the real world .

My local MP , will be informed .asap .

In another thread you've boasted about how you dodge taxes.

So less of the the bleating about how other people's taxes are spent.

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