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On their convention's eve, Democrats bedeviled anew by email


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On their convention's eve, Democrats bedeviled anew by email

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton arrives in Philadelphia eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership. To do that, she must overcome lingering bitterness among supporters of defeated rival Bernie Sanders and clean up a resurgent political mess of the party's own making.

The resignation of Debbie Wasserman Schultz as chairwoman of the Democratic National Committee made for a rocky start on Sunday, as the Florida congresswoman heeded Sanders' longstanding call to leave as party chief. Her departure comes a few days after the publication of 19,000 hacked emails, which Sanders said confirmed his belief the national party played favorites for Clinton during the primary.

"The party now needs new leadership that will open the doors of the party and welcome in working people and young people," Sanders said.

Wasserman Schultz's abrupt departure was undoubtedly an effort to keep the Democrats' gathering from devolving into the tumult that marred last week's GOP meeting, when runner-up Ted Cruz pointedly and publicly refused to endorse nominee Donald Trump. As he demanded Wasserman Schultz's resignation, Sanders made clear he wants to see Clinton in the White House.

"I'm going to do everything I can to defeat him, to elect Hillary Clinton and to keep focusing, keep focusing on the real issues facing the American people," Sanders said on CNN.

Clinton and President Barack Obama both quickly praised the departed party chief, hoping to move past the ugliness and onto Monday's launch of an optimistic celebration featuring high-powered elected officials and celebrities who will try to re-introduce Clinton to a general election audience.

Never one to miss an opportunity to poke at his rivals, Trump appeared to relish the Democratic chaos Sunday, writing on Twitter: "The Dems Convention is cracking up." His campaign chief, Paul Manafort, went further and called on Clinton to drop out of the race altogether.

At the Republican convention, Trump cast himself as the law-and-order candidate in a nation suffering under crime and hobbled by immigration, sticking to the gloom-and-doom theme. As he accepted the Republican nomination, Trump said: "The legacy of Hillary Clinton is death, destruction, terrorism and weakness."

In return, Clinton seized upon what she called the "fear and the anger and the resentment" from Trump and Republicans, dismissing Trump's declaration that only he could fix the problems that afflict the nation.

"Donald Trump may think America's in decline, but he's wrong. America's best days are still ahead of us, my friends," Clinton said during a campaign event Saturday in Miami.

Sanders will address the convention Monday night, and Obama will speak on Wednesday night. Other high-profile speakers include first lady Michelle Obama, former President Bill Clinton and Vice President Joe Biden.

They will try to overcome party disunity that seems certain to also be a factor in Philadelphia, given Wasserman Schultz's departure and the general unhappiness among many Sanders supporters intensified by both the emails and by Clinton's pick of Sen. Tim Kaine of Virginia to be her running mate.

"If they think they can win without half the party, let them lose," said Andrew Fader, 27, of New York, who was wearing a "Bernie" T-shirt on Sunday near the Liberty Bell. "And I'll move to Canada."

Norman Solomon, a delegate who supports Sanders, said Wasserman Schultz's removal was unlikely to soothe those who back the Vermont senator. He said there is talk among Sanders' delegates of walking out during Kaine's acceptance speech or turning their backs as a show of protest. Sanders' supporters believe Kaine is not liberal enough.

Sanders endorsed Clinton two weeks ago after pressing for the party platform to include a $15-an-hour minimum wage, debt-free college and an expansion of access to health care.

Liberal Sanders supporters pushed for changes to the party nominating process at a meeting of the convention rules committee Saturday. They did not succeed in passing an amendment abolishing superdelegates, but they did win a compromise deal with the Clinton camp — a "unity commission" that will review the overall procedures and will seek to limit the role of superdelegates in future elections.

Away from the convention proceedings, thousands of demonstrators walked Philadelphia's sweltering streets on Sunday, marching down the city's famed Broad Street, cheering, chanting and beating drums — and chanting, "Hell no, DNC, we won't vote for Hillary"

"Debbie Wasserman Schultz and Hillary's orchestrated collusion cheated thousands of honest Americans, who have invested enormous amounts of money and personal time for real change," said one of the marchers, Dan Haggerty, 54, an electrician from California.

Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, tried to shift blame for the email hack away from DNC officials and onto "Russian state actors" who, he said, may have breached DNC computers "for the purpose of helping Donald Trump," the Republican presidential nominee.

How the emails were stolen hasn't been confirmed.

"It was concerning last week that Donald Trump changed the Republican platform to become what some experts would regard as pro-Russian," Mook said.

Party wrangles aside, Clinton is within just days of her long-held ambition to become the party's official presidential nominee.

After the DNC released a slightly trimmed list of superdelegates — those are the party officials who can back any candidate — it now takes 2,382 delegates to formally clinch the nomination. Clinton has 2,814 when including superdelegates, according to an Associated Press count. Sanders has 1,893.


Associated Press writers Chad Day and Hope Yen in Washington, Alan Suderman in Richmond, Virginia, and Alex Sanz and Megan Trimble in Philadelphia contributed to this report.

-- (c) Associated Press 2016-07-25

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Yeah, as a result of those emails, Debbie W. Schultz will resign as DNC chair. And, maybe she'll even lose her primary in Florida.

However, the DNC and HRC will just replace her with another HRC/Kane/banking deregulation & TPP trade agreement supporter and Clinton surrogate who will just do the same things Debbie W. Schultz would do, but they hope he or she will be better and more discreet about it.

It will be interesting to see what kind of hit Schultz takes on her career at the cost of getting Clinton nominated. At worst, maybe Hillary or Bill can set her up on the banking or other big money speech circuit, a very lucrative series of gigs so I hear.

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Yeah, as a result of those emails, Debbie W. Schultz will resign as DNC chair. And, maybe she'll even lose her primary in Florida.

However, the DNC and HRC will just replace her with another HRC/Kane/banking deregulation & TPP trade agreement supporter and Clinton surrogate who will just do the same things Debbie W. Schultz would do, but they hope he or she will be better and more discreet about it.

It will be interesting to see what kind of hit Schultz takes on her career at the cost of getting Clinton nominated. At worst, maybe Hillary or Bill can set her up on the banking or other big money speech circuit, a very lucrative series of gigs so I hear.

Why bother waiting until after the convention?...

Hillary Clinton is thanking her “longtime friend” Debbie Wasserman Schultz after the Florida congresswoman’s decision to step down as chair of the Democratic National Committee. Clinton says that Wasserman Schultz will serve as honorary chair of her campaign’s 50-state program to help elect Democrats around the country.


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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton arrives in Philadelphia eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership....

I expected to read: ...eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership a four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site.

Impressive fence. Are they afraid of "Radical Islamic Terrorists", savage Mexicans, BLM activists ... Bernie supporters?

Anyway, any incident will be blamed on Trump supporters and other "far-right-wing-nuts", I guess.

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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton arrives in Philadelphia eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership....

I expected to read: ...eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership a four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site.

Impressive fence. Are they afraid of "Radical Islamic Terrorists", savage Mexicans, BLM activists ... Bernie supporters?

Anyway, any incident will be blamed on Trump supporters and other "far-right-wing-nuts", I guess.

As it seems, the fences are justified: Bernie Sanders Supporters Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ in Philadelphia Protest Against Clinton

Note: Is "Lock Her Up" also some kind of plagiarism, as I heard it first at the RNC convention... wink.png

Anyway, let the DNC games begin; I'm prepared with enough popcorn and beer. tongue.png

"Democrats bedeviled"... could be.

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I find the timing of all this very suspicious. I like the story about Russian hackers releasing this and the Putin Trump connection. It seems Mr. Trump is receiving a lot of Russian rubles to finance some of his ventures. It seems he is persona non grata at most financial institutions in the US and elsewhere. Of course this would have no bearing on whether he would make a good president or not.

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I find the timing of all this very suspicious. I like the story about Russian hackers releasing this and the Putin Trump connection. It seems Mr. Trump is receiving a lot of Russian rubles to finance some of his ventures. It seems he is persona non grata at most financial institutions in the US and elsewhere. Of course this would have no bearing on whether he would make a good president or not.

It seems Mr. Trump is receiving a lot of Russian rubles to finance some of his ventures

Can you please post a link verifying this?

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PHILADELPHIA (AP) — On the heels of a tumultuous Republican convention, Hillary Clinton arrives in Philadelphia eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership....

I expected to read: ...eager to show off a forward-looking Democratic Party united behind her steady leadership a four-mile eight-foot tall fence around Philly convention site.

Impressive fence. Are they afraid of "Radical Islamic Terrorists", savage Mexicans, BLM activists ... Bernie supporters?

Anyway, any incident will be blamed on Trump supporters and other "far-right-wing-nuts", I guess.

" . . . Trump supporters and other "far-right-wing-nuts,"" I love it. You have that right—no pun intended—but building walls around Philadelphia, I'd though it should have been Cleveland. Isolationism is so much more a neo-con penchant than is critical thinking.

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I expect several on here will call him a right wing nutter now, but their heads might explode trying to work him into their "red neck" category.


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The link is broken/page not found. Hmmmmm.

The story is widely covered by many news agencies, the CBS story is at http://www.cbsnews.com/news/report-malik-obama-president-obama-half-brother-endorses-trump/.


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Solve all the problems....put her in jail, have her VP pick run instead! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Could do a lot worse. I find Kaine very impressive.

He is an intellectual lightweight compared to his wife. Now there's a lady I would vote for. Graduated from Princeton University, where she was a member of Colonial Club, in 1980.She received her degree from Princeton's Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs.[

She then attended Harvard Law School, earned a law degrees from Harvard in 1983. From 1998 to 2005, she served as a judge on the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court for the City of Richmond and was chief judge of the court from 2000 to 2003. She attends a Catholic mostly black church in Virginia.

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I find the timing of all this very suspicious. I like the story about Russian hackers releasing this and the Putin Trump connection. It seems Mr. Trump is receiving a lot of Russian rubles to finance some of his ventures. It seems he is persona non grata at most financial institutions in the US and elsewhere. Of course this would have no bearing on whether he would make a good president or not.

I heard it was aliens (but don't tell anyone)

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I find the timing of all this very suspicious. I like the story about Russian hackers releasing this and the Putin Trump connection. It seems Mr. Trump is receiving a lot of Russian rubles to finance some of his ventures. It seems he is persona non grata at most financial institutions in the US and elsewhere. Of course this would have no bearing on whether he would make a good president or not.

I heard it was aliens (but don't tell anyone)

Putin is in charge of climate change and can control the weather. Oh sorry I can't supply a link....

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Solve all the problems....put her in jail, have her VP pick run instead! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Could do a lot worse. I find Kaine very impressive.

Could do much better! I find Kaine to be just another sell out politician to the banking industry.

To quote the Huff Post, one of many reporting the same:

"He [Kaine] has championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that both Sanders and Warren oppose, and he is now publicly siding with bank deregulation advocates at the height of Clinton’s veepstakes." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tim-kaine-clinton-vp_us_578fc8e3e4b0bdddc4d2c86c

Gee, does that mean that Hillary was merely pandering when she said she was suddenly against the TPP deal?

Yes, let's deregulate the banks more and more! What could go wrong? Like we've never had a problem with the banking industry running amok, wrecking working people's lives resulting in a virtual lack of prosecution of white-collar crimes while working folks are getting fined (for whom the amounts of the fines are far more dear than Wall Street's) and jailed for minor transgressions of the law. Is this really our new America?

I think that there are a number of Hillary supporters who like her for the same reasons why a high school student votes for a prom queen. But, this is the real world. With Citizens United, etc., big money will do what it can to keep its power and influence, and greedily even expand it. I understand that there's a new book by Thomas Frank who wrote a book explaining "...how the American Democratic Party has changed to support elitism instead of the working class." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listen,_Liberal

The Dems are no longer the party of FDR and the New Deal. Thanks to the Clintons, among others, it is the party of the big source funding from whom they depend upon.

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"Clinton's campaign manager, Robby Mook, tried to shift blame for the email hack away from DNC officials and onto "Russian state actors" who, he said, may have breached DNC computers "for the purpose of helping Donald Trump," the Republican presidential nominee.

How the emails were stolen hasn't been confirmed.

"It was concerning last week that Donald Trump changed the Republican platform to become what some experts would regard as pro-Russian," Mook said."

cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif There are no words cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

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Solve all the problems....put her in jail, have her VP pick run instead! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Could do a lot worse. I find Kaine very impressive.

Could do much better! I find Kaine to be just another sell out politician to the banking industry.

To quote the Huff Post, one of many reporting the same:

"He [Kaine] has championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that both Sanders and Warren oppose, and he is now publicly siding with bank deregulation advocates at the height of Clinton’s veepstakes." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tim-kaine-clinton-vp_us_578fc8e3e4b0bdddc4d2c86c

Gee, does that mean that Hillary was merely pandering when she said she was suddenly against the TPP deal?

Yes, let's deregulate the banks more and more! What could go wrong? Like we've never had a problem with the banking industry running amok, wrecking working people's lives resulting in a virtual lack of prosecution of white-collar crimes while working folks are getting fined (for whom the amounts of the fines are far more dear than Wall Street's) and jailed for minor transgressions of the law. Is this really our new America?

I think that there are a number of Hillary supporters who like her for the same reasons why a high school student votes for a prom queen. But, this is the real world. With Citizens United, etc., big money will do what it can to keep its power and influence, and greedily even expand it. I understand that there's a new book by Thomas Frank who wrote a book explaining "...how the American Democratic Party has changed to support elitism instead of the working class." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listen,_Liberal

The Dems are no longer the party of FDR and the New Deal. Thanks to the Clintons, among others, it is the party of the big source funding from whom they depend upon.

Real world now is Clinton vs. trump. Clinton with Kaine or Clinton with a bag of peanuts is better than trump with straight Anderson Cooper.

End of.

Edited by Jingthing
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It doesn't matter who hacked the emails. They were written by the democrats.

Perhaps so but if it is the Russians trying to interfere in American elections, as the FBI right now is SERIOUSLY investigating, that is a much bigger issue that should rightly concern ALL Americans of all political persuasions.

I recall it was previously confirmed that the Russians had hacked into the democratic party opposition research on trump. That could be very useful both for the Russians to play games (as it's given they prefer trump) or even to share with the trump campaign (which we likely will never know about if they did).

I will also be non-partisan enough to say it seems the democrats are having a lot of issues with cyber security. That doesn't look good for the democrats, but it's something again that should concern all Americans as we don't want foreign powers playing games with our elections.

Edited by Jingthing
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Solve all the problems....put her in jail, have her VP pick run instead! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Could do a lot worse. I find Kaine very impressive.
Wall St also finds him impressive, especially as he is pro TPP and pushing for more banking deregulation, you couldn't make this stuff up. Hilary couldn't have picked a better qualified Wall St puppet to further alienate Bernie supporters.

Seems the progressives are just an ugly old memory at the Democrats, lip service only. Weird how the Republicans want to reintroduce Glass-Stiegel, are the two parties swapping ideologies?

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Solve all the problems....put her in jail, have her VP pick run instead! thumbsup.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifclap2.gifwai.gif

Could do a lot worse. I find Kaine very impressive.

Could do much better! I find Kaine to be just another sell out politician to the banking industry.

To quote the Huff Post, one of many reporting the same:

"He [Kaine] has championed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal that both Sanders and Warren oppose, and he is now publicly siding with bank deregulation advocates at the height of Clinton’s veepstakes." http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/tim-kaine-clinton-vp_us_578fc8e3e4b0bdddc4d2c86c

Gee, does that mean that Hillary was merely pandering when she said she was suddenly against the TPP deal?

Yes, let's deregulate the banks more and more! What could go wrong? Like we've never had a problem with the banking industry running amok, wrecking working people's lives resulting in a virtual lack of prosecution of white-collar crimes while working folks are getting fined (for whom the amounts of the fines are far more dear than Wall Street's) and jailed for minor transgressions of the law. Is this really our new America?

I think that there are a number of Hillary supporters who like her for the same reasons why a high school student votes for a prom queen. But, this is the real world. With Citizens United, etc., big money will do what it can to keep its power and influence, and greedily even expand it. I understand that there's a new book by Thomas Frank who wrote a book explaining "...how the American Democratic Party has changed to support elitism instead of the working class." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Listen,_Liberal

The Dems are no longer the party of FDR and the New Deal. Thanks to the Clintons, among others, it is the party of the big source funding from whom they depend upon.

Real world now is Clinton vs. trump. Clinton with Kaine or Clinton with a bag of peanuts is better than trump with straight Anderson Cooper.

End of.

Real world now is voting third party. Stop being a chump and buying into the two-party duopoly. They depend upon people to believe that there is only the two major parties, each of whom get their funding from big money hedging their bets.

If enough people stopped supporting them, then real change - not the perennial election-year unkept promises - can occur.

Stand up for what is right and support democracy!

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