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Racing motorcyclists pay with their lives - girl six months pregnant among dead


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Racing motorcyclists pay with their lives - girl six months pregnant among dead

Image: Thairath

UTHAI THANI: -- Three people died along with an unborn baby after a large gang of motorcyclists were racing along a country road.

According to statements one youth had tried to do a wheelie and got entangled with others around him. Several riders came off and collided with an oncoming pick-up truck in the opposite lane, reported Thairath.

A video of the build up to the incident caught on a dash cam shows dozens of riders racing along the Nong Chang - Lansak Road.

At the end of the video one person shouts "There really has been an accident!" as they come onto the scene of carnage.

None of the victims were named. A boy was dead at the scene from head and body injuries. A 19 year old girl six months pregnant was treated at the scene but both mother and child succumbed to their injuries.

A 16 year old boy found unconscious died later in hospital.

A 17 year old named only as "O" said that a group of 20 friends were on their way back from an afternoon at the Cyber Waterfall. They had met up with some 30 other bikes and raced along the road.

The driver of the Mitsubishi Triton involved in the accident Kiatsak Prachunha, 25, said that he saw one of the riders perform a wheelie but the motorcyclist lost control and got entangled with others who all came off and slid under his vehicle.

He could not control his vehicle and collided with several more.

A total of seven other people were also taken to hospital with injuries.

Lansak police are to interview the driver of the pick-up again as investigations into the accident continue.

Source: Thairath

-- 2016-07-25

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Three young bike racers die in crash with truck

UTHAI THANI: -- Three youths died and six others were injured when their motorcycles clashed head-on with a pickup truck during their races on the road from Larnsak to Nongcharngket in Larnsak district of Uthai Thani province yesterday.

Larnsak police said about 50 motorcycles gathered on the road in the afternoon before starting the race.

Some racers were seen in stunt riding by lifting the front wheels up when they started the race, a witness told police.

But unexpectedly a pickup truck came out on their way and clashed head-on with the racing bikes.

One racer died on the spot while nine others were injured, two critically.

They were admitted immediately to Larnsak hospital where two others died upon arrival, one of them a six-month pregnant girl, believed to be pillion rider.

Police said they were looking into CCTV cameras in the area to summon the racers for questioning.

Source: http://englishnews.thaipbs.or.th/three-young-bike-racers-die-crash-truck/

-- Thai PBS 2016-07-25

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once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders, sad that people had to die but when you have idiots like these people its bound to happen as we continually see in Thailand. Hopefully the police will follow this through and take action against the bike riders and not the truck driver but wouldnt be surprised if they did, much easier target.

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once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders, sad that people had to die but when you have idiots like these people its bound to happen as we continually see in Thailand. Hopefully the police will follow this through and take action against the bike riders and not the truck driver but wouldnt be surprised if they did, much easier target.

"once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders"

And among those who consider such things to be an opportunity to "humorous" comments on Thai Visa.

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The Police turn a blind eye 99% of the time to motorcyclists not wearing helmets, and 100% to school kids on bikes.

Schools should ban all motorbikes from entering school premises, when the driver has no licence, and the driver and one allowed passenger have no helmets.

The government should increase the fines to minimum 10,000baht for all motoring offences, and the police should NEVER turn a blind eye.

Visits to morgues, time spent listening to danger warnings etc etc do absolutely nothing to re-educate these kids. A 10,000baht+ fine would hit home with most.

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Those ridiculous skinny wheels & tires on those lawnmower bikes must reduce the traction & stability immensely. It's like putting bicycle wheels on those things & go at 50 mph on gravel, (which is what most roads are like here).

A little pebble & bosh! down you go.

Added to the fact riding erratically and bad car drivers. It's all a nice deadly mix..

Should there be any sympathy?

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once again we see the total disregard for human life among these idiot bike riders, sad that people had to die but when you have idiots like these people its bound to happen as we continually see in Thailand. Hopefully the police will follow this through and take action against the bike riders and not the truck driver but wouldnt be surprised if they did, much easier target.

these clowns do not realize that what they call "motorcycles" in thailand are not much more than scooters and are not designed to do wheelies! they will never learn and we will continue to see this everyday!

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Those race bikes should be banned!

Won't really make an impact will it. Recently the new Honda Grom and MSX125 are really popular. I saw yesterday in HH a kind of bike gang that go around on those as well as CBR's at least they were wearing helmets. Do you wish to ban all bikes??

Edited by ExpatLife
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Those race bikes should be banned!

Won't really make an impact will it. Recently the new Honda Grom and MSX125 are really popular. I saw yesterday in HH a kind of bike gang that go around on those as well as CBR's at least they were wearing helmets. Do you wish to ban all bikes??

It was a very bad attempt at humour - it looked like they were racing 125cc scooters (which obviously would never be banned).

I am a bike lover, so no, I don't wish any of them to be banned..... I always enjoyed cruising around BKK on my CRF450 when I had it! I just hope that young kids realise how dangerous it is to go that 'fast' on bikes which are designed to go to 7/11 and back etc.

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Not hard to spot the potential Darwin recipients........most of em remove those way uncool side mirrors....For the more affulent potential Darwins, They have there bigger bikes parked outside pubs....

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About 3 months ago had two guys on separate moterbikes crash funny that the dick head that was in the wrong walked away from the crash the other guys was dead on the scene, the problem as we all know is law enforcement education of drivers and the belief that nothing can happen to me. until we start with big fines or prison time, impounding cars/ bike etc nothing will change as there is no deterrent, also emergency veh sitting at lights or in traffic with emergency lights going and no one moves if only we enforced the laws and taught people through tv radio ect and hurt the pocket might help because that seems the only way they listen

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Another absolute, and indisputable demonstration of the extreme level of apathy, indifference, and lack of concern about the public safety of the nation, on the part of the authorities, from the locals, al the way up to the national level, including the little man. If they cared, there is so much that could be done. Watch that video. Count how many are wearing helmets. I only counted one, out of dozens of people on motorcycles. A national helmet safety campaign, where there was education, combined with massive fines imposed on POLICE WHO DO NOT enforce that law, would go a long way toward improving things, and saving thousands of lives per year. These ignorant kids just don't know any better. And they drive like madmen, with little concern for their own safety, that of their passengers, friends, and other drivers. These roads are absolute free for alls, with hardly any police involvement, or concern. The indifference in regard to public and traffic safety here is an abomination.

There is a reason Thailand holds the dubious honor of being #2 in the world, when it comes to road deaths per capita. And I think if you narrowed it down to motorbike deaths alone, it would be #1 by a large margin. It is a boil on the face of the authorities.

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So where are the traffic cops, anywhere in LOS...........?

Could it be Monday between 10 and 11am, or Friday between...........................

There are no traffic cops, that's why kids can do what they like, nothing changes here, nothing..

I thrash my bike arround the local canal roads. If the police got seriously serious about traffic there would be a thread on here moaning and groaning about it. Tea money etc,etc.

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Strange. I returned to Chiang Mai this morning from my trip to Sukhothai, 750klm round trip on CB300f, full body armour, good helmet, gloves, boots, without incident, then I see stuff like this, and it just makes me shake my head in wonder at the stupidity, and the sadness for the loss of life.

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