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2 shot dead after taking hostages in Normandy church

Jonathan Fairfield

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Speaking live on Sky News, Mr Hollande slams the "vile terrorist attack" and says "we are faced with a group that has declared war and we have to fight this war".

Interesting words from Hollande.

What I would give for a once over of his master plan.

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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

The logic: You shouldn't criticize islam (or send back those who are not real refugees) or else they will turn in to terrorists, and as we all know, terrorism has nothing to with islam..


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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

Your post is beyond idiotic. 'Brexit'? Like the refugees/economic migrants know what that even means, never mind the fact negotiations for exit haven't even started. Christ .. (no pun intended).

BTW, has it occurred to anyone else that this neoliberal Hollande/Merkel instigated disaster is unstoppable? Syria? Bomb 'em Afghanistan? Bomb 'en. Libya? 'Bomb 'em. Notwithstanding their countries were invaded for their oil anyway. Bomb the entire continent of Europe to eliminate that which you've recently welcomed? Who is sane here? This Will Never End. Ever.

Brexit is all about anti-immigration. The immigrants know that, and the hostility towards them has already been seen on the streets as a direct result of Brexit. Why suppose that immigrants don't read the news or social networks? They are certainly aware of the mounting anti-immigrant vibe. Where am I losing you?

The sociology of these attacks is transparent. They're all feeling more threatened - for good reason - and nothing incites violence more than feeling threatened.

My God but you do credit those of a diametrically opposed culture, not to mention uneducated and with scant language skills, with more intellect than could possibly be deemed credible. YOU and your ilk are responsible for that which is happening now. YOU and your ignorant (in the true sense of the word) ilk have these victims' blood on your hands. Shameful.

That's the most intellectually impoverished post I've ever seen on this forum.

Not worth responding to.

Impoverishment? Hahaha. Suggesting BREXIT is causative agent in jihad is bankrupt. Can't get more impoverished. In fact, all this tells the reader is the poster just started paying attention to the world, then packaged that as counsel. (Tip: you did respond)

Edited by arjunadawn
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If this crap continues, the non-muslim population of Europe is going to say "Enough". I foresee a bloodbath, & when it's over, there wont be a need for the thousands of mosques throughout Europe. Best to stay put in Thailand....

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Speaking live on Sky News, Mr Hollande slams the "vile terrorist attack" and says "we are faced with a group that has declared war and we have to fight this war".

Interesting words from Hollande.

What I would give for a once over of his master plan.

Well if you are at war act like it. Appoint Marine Le Pen to a government of national unity. Then start killing the enemy in large numbers like the vermin they are, deport the rest.
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Time for progressives to get an election microscope out to find the tiniest difference from other terror attacks so it can be classified as having no link with others. The motive will of course be a mystery.

If they get you to believe the lone wolf BS then they can endlessly reduce each attack into an isolated 'other.' As each jihad attack is reduced down to its smallest parts (male, gay, Tuesday, lonely, mental health) they isolate in the public perception non contiguous events, rather then the single brutal invasion it is.

There really is a perceptible method to this, on display in France, Germany, the UK, Sweden, the US. Contrast this with Juncker insensitively doubling down and declaring terrorism will not avert us from open borders, migration, etc., and one sees clearly that in order for the State to be successful at separating all these attacks from each other the attacks must increase in tempo. (Why would this buffoon say such a thing amidst a string of attacks? He dog whistles the jihadis!)

There is only so long you can dizzy an opponent before they see what's going on. Should Europe fully wake before a critical gravity of agenda is complete nationalism risks rolling this back. The attacks will continue. They will escalate in both frequency and amplitutude. State will crack down on the right. People will finally have enough and under the cover of protecting everyone, State will abuse its own!

2 things:

The terrorists who beheaded the priest were screaming 'we are DAESH' or such- poppycock! It's BS. Only an idiot or non Muslim non Arab would believe this.

There's a guy on our forum arguing these events are the result of Brexit. One has to reach far into BS to offer this, or be totaled disconnected from facts. There's been about 30,000 defined jihad attacks, roughly one a day, since 9/11. Suggesting Brexit as an excuse/rationale for these acts is nearly as base as the acts. 'That animals among us, that we can favor into good behavior, will kill us if we act out a democratic referendum...is sick sick sick thinking.


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Speaking live on Sky News, Mr Hollande slams the "vile terrorist attack" and says "we are faced with a group that has declared war and we have to fight this war".

Interesting words from Hollande.

What I would give for a once over of his master plan.

Well if you are at war act like it. Appoint Marine Le Pen to a government of national unity. Then start killing the enemy in large numbers like the vermin they are, deport the rest.

My exact point.

No Western Country is going to wage war, they are too chickensh!t.

Nothing but empty rhetoric.

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The good news just keeps on rolling

Speculation in France that one of the attackers may be a known jihadist who tried to travel to Syria but was turned back at the Turkish border. If the information is correct he was jailed in 2015 and electronically tagged in March 2016.
According to his bail conditions, electronically tagged Saint-Etienne terrorist allowed out unsupervised 8.30am - 12.30pm. Mass started 9am.


You just couldn't make this sh1t up.

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Just listened to this disgusting woman from the BBC news going on that so many are not terrorists but have mental troubles and think that killing in the name of Isis is just that ,nothing to do with terrorism.

Funny that Christian,Bhuddist and Hindu mental nutters are not doing it BBC should be ashamed to even employ this woman

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Time for progressives to get an election microscope out to find the tiniest difference from other terror attacks so it can be classified as having no link with others. The motive will of course be a mystery.

There you go again with this 'progressives' carry on. Well here are the words of a progressive in 1941:

"And these men, bereft of conscience and honour, these men with the morals of beasts, have the insolence to call for the extermination of the great Russian nation, the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Chaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!

The German invaders want a war of extermination with the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will get it."

Wouldn't you be happy if such progressives were at the helm now instead of the current pansies?

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Time for progressives to get an election microscope out to find the tiniest difference from other terror attacks so it can be classified as having no link with others. The motive will of course be a mystery.

There you go again with this 'progressives' carry on. Well here are the words of a progressive in 1941:

"And these men, bereft of conscience and honour, these men with the morals of beasts, have the insolence to call for the extermination of the great Russian nation, the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Chaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!

The German invaders want a war of extermination with the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will get it."

Wouldn't you be happy if such progressives were at the helm now instead of the current pansies?

I'm trying to understand your use of that quote. Are you saying the author was wrong, because historical records of Nazi occupied eastern Europe don't. Are you saying the Russians shouldn't have resisted the invading Nazis or the behind the front lines murders?

Should we do nothing to stop the attacks by muslims on their benefactors?

Or are you just trying to muddy the waters with different usage of the term 'progressive'?

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Being PC is going to get us killed. I don't care if it's "hate speech" I don't care if sounds racist - we must destroy the Leftist/Muslim/immigrant alliance's hold on our nation’s political narrative. It is unsustainable.

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It's not so bad....

France following 9,000 tips on Islamic extremism
PARIS -- French authorities have received 9,000 tips related to Islamic extremism through a dedicated hotline and a website, President Francois Hollande said Thursday.

French officials believe some 600 Muslims have left the country for Syria and Iraq, but the president's comments about thousands of tips offer a hint of the scale of the concern over religious radicalism in France. Hollande was quick to note that not all the tips were linked to genuine dangers, but said it was a sign that France needed a program to fight extremism.

Because the solution is right there:

"We should create de-radicalization centers," he said.

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I'm concluding that this almost daily wave of attacks is a consequence of Brexit, which must translate into the perception that they are disliked by Europe and perhaps about to be rejected. Once the deportations begin it will get worse. What a mess.

More likely a reflection of the fact that ISIS is losing the military fight and that this is what will be the new frontline: lone wolf attacks designed to terrorise. It's been long on the agenda, now being implemented.

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Time for progressives to get an election microscope out to find the tiniest difference from other terror attacks so it can be classified as having no link with others. The motive will of course be a mystery.

There you go again with this 'progressives' carry on. Well here are the words of a progressive in 1941:

"And these men, bereft of conscience and honour, these men with the morals of beasts, have the insolence to call for the extermination of the great Russian nation, the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Chaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!

The German invaders want a war of extermination with the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will get it."

Wouldn't you be happy if such progressives were at the helm now instead of the current pansies?

I'm trying to understand your use of that quote. Are you saying the author was wrong, because historical records of Nazi occupied eastern Europe don't. Are you saying the Russians shouldn't have resisted the invading Nazis or the behind the front lines murders?

Should we do nothing to stop the attacks by muslims on their benefactors?

Or are you just trying to muddy the waters with different usage of the term 'progressive'?

Actually I am saying the opposite. My use of the quote was from a left winger/progressive/whatever saying 'You scum started this, we are going to finish it' and finish it they did. Not for them were candlelight vigils and kumbayah.

I am just irritated by the labelling of lots of us on the left as whiny handringing poofters who are just waiting politely and obediently to meet our doom unless those good old 'conservatives' step in to save the day.

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A dead jihadist is the best sort of de-radicalization.

Along with the closure of radical mosques (most) those dreadful brainwashing religious 'schools', deporting hate preachers, absolute ban on sharia and locking up and deporting a few thousand radicals.

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The Muslim response to cartoons of Muhammad was greater than any response to any individual terrorist attack. Why?

They want their way of life more than our politicians and establishments want theirs?

That said, they will be safe enough in their enclaves, at least for now...

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Thailand looks like a paradise now , at least you don't have to worry about getting beheaded.

Thailand dosnt let in hordes of trash and savages and looks after its people and culture, it dosnt care about being labeled xenophobic or racist by leftish pc loons. One thing i really admire about the place

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Time for progressives to get an election microscope out to find the tiniest difference from other terror attacks so it can be classified as having no link with others. The motive will of course be a mystery.

There you go again with this 'progressives' carry on. Well here are the words of a progressive in 1941:

"And these men, bereft of conscience and honour, these men with the morals of beasts, have the insolence to call for the extermination of the great Russian nation, the nation of Plekhanov and Lenin, Belinsky and Chernyshevsky, Pushkin and Tolstoy, Glinka and Chaikovsky, Gorky and Chekhov, Sechenov and Pavlov, Repin and Surikov, Suvorov and Kutuzov!

The German invaders want a war of extermination with the peoples of the U.S.S.R. Well, if the Germans want to have a war of extermination, they will get it."

Wouldn't you be happy if such progressives were at the helm now instead of the current pansies?

Either way, they are transatlantic progressives calling the show today.

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I am so glad I have never really been a part of any religion.

But it is sad that just because I am Turkish, many assume that I am Muslim; and you can guess the rest :(

In fact, that's why I hate Islam even more.

I hereby call on at least the Turks to renounce Islam ! I am serious !

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Just when I was getting used to checking the news each morning to see what new attack took place the night before, now I need to start checking during the middle of the day too.

This is all getting out of hand. Not ALL are jihadist related, but most are. I don't think that kid in Munich was, Ft Myers nightclub wasn't and we can be sure the guy in Japan wasn't.

It's not just guns either...knives, bombs, trucks, axes, machetes.

The world is going insane at an increased pace. We just might need an alien invasion or giant asteroid to set things right.

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