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Thailand’s overall situation has improved: Govt spokesman


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And I am quite aware of the need for them to remain in power for a specific date and I think that is a very good decision.

I am glad that you are so much more relaxed here than back home. I am sure your loved ones are as well.

I don't have any banners so you must be confusing me for someone else. I do realize that other countries are not the US and have their own unique issues and histories and I allow them the respect to sort out their issues themselves without my interference or suggesting I have better answers for them than they do. Democracy is not a one size fits all and sometimes it does not fit at all. Sometimes democracy becomes nothing more than a slogan to incite patriotism while the country is actually run by special interests or a few families.

BTW, did you see the rice scheme as a good thing for Thailand?

What do you think is currently happening under the Junta?

As for the rice scheme, the good intentions were there, it was badly run, and badly managed, the price promise was stupidity of the highest order, don't forget, Abhisit also ran a similar one, at a loss, but it was classed as a subsidiary, where losses are expected, if not the norm. However, lets just clear up a huge myth here, that scheme wasn't designed for the average country side rice farmer, to enter and qualify for that scheme, you had to meet a certain criteria, farmers with significant amounts of Rai seen how they could reap the benefits, same with land owners renting out their land for Paddy, the scheme was selective with regards to whom could join.

People seem to think when they hear the word rice farmers, it's the whole lot, no it wasn't, not by a long shot.

You keep referring to the rice scheme, which just happens to be in the news today, yet still didn't provide a list of all the improvements, that list came from another poster, and can't disagree with a lot of what's on it.

So I don't see anywhere in your synopsis that the rice scheme was a way to win votes and make certain politicians and their cronies quite rich. An expensive and excellent example of a democracy that was not functioning as intended.

I do not understand your last sentence. Are you saying that the you "can't" disagree with alot of what is on the list of improvements which have occured under the Junta which came from another poster ? If you can't disagree with those points made then why have you spent all afternoon busting my balls?

Good god man.

Win votes for what? the elections were far off, Good God man, this vote buying crap is a red herring, you do realise that vote buying was going on well before Thaksin entered politics? course you do!!

I've busted your balls as YOU didn't produce a single improvement, then came up with ...but the rice scheme. facepalm.gif

Ending it didn't suddenly make peoples lives better, the very thing the Shins did, the Junta did with rubber farmers, they're also initiating schemes for farmers in debt to borrow money, and remain in debt, they were also going to write off a lot of said farmers debts.......please tell me you fail to see how those are NOT populist policies, something the Junta said they wouldn't do?

You just can't see the snouts in the trough just now, are just as bad as the ones there before. Nepoitsm, and Cronyism are rife under this crew, but the very same thing is what got Yingluck removed from office. The scandals that the Junta participated in and were brought to the public attentio, then investigated themselves and found no wrong doing?

The Junta and the PTP are/were both self serving entities.

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Rice scheme damages total 549,000,000,000 THB. (Thsts billion--did I use the correct number of zeros?)

Were things as good before the Junta as some people want to remember?

No, but things were better than now. With democracy the Thai people can choose leaders who promise to serve all of Thailand, and can kick them out in the next election if the leaders disappoint. Under military rule the leaders serve certain interests that can't be named, and can't be kicked out without bloodshed.

Do you really not understand the difference?

Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

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Rice scheme damages total 549,000,000,000 THB. (Thsts billion--did I use the correct number of zeros?)

Were things as good before the Junta as some people want to remember?

No, but things were better than now. With democracy the Thai people can choose leaders who promise to serve all of Thailand, and can kick them out in the next election if the leaders disappoint. Under military rule the leaders serve certain interests that can't be named, and can't be kicked out without bloodshed.

Do you really not understand the difference?

Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

when you come up with comments like this, it shows you really do need to read a lot more, and post a lot less.

You mean well, but you're extremely naive, and sounds like you listen and believe everything your wife and her family tells you.

you think things are bad now? wait till the day peoples worlds will fall apart.

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Holy Cinema,

No I did not waste my time offering my further observations to you.

When someone is busting my balls with disrespect and tells me to jump--I do not ask how high.

I ignore them.

Back when all of this started, I was really reading everything I could find about Genersl Prayut and listening to what he was saying so I could understand the man.

I respect him. I still do just as much today.

I think that Thailand was headed in a very dangerous direction and it was not improving with each election--it was getting worse and more costly.

I remember when the TVF community first started hating the Junta--when bars were being closed down early. Then again when overstays and visa runs were being enforced. it seems like Prayut has been hated ever since on here.

Edited by ClutchClark
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From my personal real experience, there still is no freedom in Thailand. People in and outside the government are censoring information that is not threatening. This nation is paranoid. Economically things don't appear much better and I have heard complaints from Thais I've met about the general conditions at present. Well, that's my two cents on this.

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Rice scheme damages total 549,000,000,000 THB. (Thsts billion--did I use the correct number of zeros?)

Were things as good before the Junta as some people want to remember?

No, but things were better than now. With democracy the Thai people can choose leaders who promise to serve all of Thailand, and can kick them out in the next election if the leaders disappoint. Under military rule the leaders serve certain interests that can't be named, and can't be kicked out without bloodshed.

Do you really not understand the difference?

Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

when you come up with comments like this, it shows you really do need to read a lot more, and post a lot less.

You mean well, but you're extremely naive, and sounds like you listen and believe everything your wife and her family tells you.

you think things are bad now? wait till the day peoples worlds will fall apart.

You are suggesting that I listen to you about the Realities of Thailand rather than my extended family of Thai farmers and business people? Come on.

And (your last sentence) where do you get that I think things are bad now? I am the guy who said things are good now, remember? Thats what started the whole "beat down" in the first place. I am the guy who thinksthey are better now.

And I worry very much about the subject of your very last sentence and I am glad the authority is in place for that day.

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Rice scheme damages total 549,000,000,000 THB. (Thsts billion--did I use the correct number of zeros?)

Were things as good before the Junta as some people want to remember?

Can you give a link to support that figure? Has this been reviewed by any organization not connected to the current regime or under its government? Numbers are easy to throw around. Only fair and objective facts are worth anyone's time.

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Rice scheme damages total 549,000,000,000 THB. (Thsts billion--did I use the correct number of zeros?)

Were things as good before the Junta as some people want to remember?

No, but things were better than now. With democracy the Thai people can choose leaders who promise to serve all of Thailand, and can kick them out in the next election if the leaders disappoint. Under military rule the leaders serve certain interests that can't be named, and can't be kicked out without bloodshed.

Do you really not understand the difference?

Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

"Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot."

Yes they are worse than Thaksin. Before Thaksin the Thai government existed to serve these interests in Bangkok. 90% of government investment went to Bangkok. Bangkok was building state of the art infrastructure while the rest of the country lived in third world conditions.

Thaksin understood democracy, he understood that by leading a government that would serve all of Thailand he could win every election. With elected governments that actually served all of Thailand Bangkok's share of government investment dropped to only 72%; still outrageously high but a huge improvement for the Thai majority that was finally getting the roads, schools and clinics they badly needed.

You strike me as a man who doesn't make any effort to stay informed. Why don't you try something different? The Economist is a well respected international news magazine, you should read the two articles about Thailand in the link I sent you. After that you might find you enjoy posting facts from reputable sources.

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Clutch, you really need to take a long good hard look at your own comments, they're full of disrespectful comments.

You kept repeating yourself about the improvements, whilst dismissing other peoples opinions, and failed to produce a single improvement then post about the rice scheme.

You than close your arguments by stating that you remember when people started hating the Junta when bars started closing early, as if the two are remotely connected, a very disingenuous comment to make, you then intimated that people were also looking at this through the bottom of beer glasses.....so who is exactly insulting who here ?

You respect The General ? Why? what did he achieve as Commander of the Southern Brigades? Did he stop the insurgency then? Did he stop it last year like he promised to do back in 2014?

I respected him at first too, but then his tantrums and teddy throwing and his disdain for pressing questions from the media showed his more darker and sinister side, the veil has slipped so much that he's using it as a pair of socks!!

You're just pissed off because you're getting it in the neck, because you've posted nothing of substance.

Read up when you get back to the states the stuff that's banned here, and you will see there's a LOT more going on here than meets the eye, and everything is being done with a reason ad with a particular time in mind.

You keep using the words "I think" which leans towards no research, nothing substantial to offer.

Nobody is insulting you any less than what you're doing to others yourself.

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And I am quite aware of the need for them to remain in power for a specific date and I think that is a very good decision.

I am glad that you are so much more relaxed here than back home. I am sure your loved ones are as well.

I don't have any banners so you must be confusing me for someone else. I do realize that other countries are not the US and have their own unique issues and histories and I allow them the respect to sort out their issues themselves without my interference or suggesting I have better answers for them than they do. Democracy is not a one size fits all and sometimes it does not fit at all. Sometimes democracy becomes nothing more than a slogan to incite patriotism while the country is actually run by special interests or a few families.

BTW, did you see the rice scheme as a good thing for Thailand?

What do you think is currently happening under the Junta?

As for the rice scheme, the good intentions were there, it was badly run, and badly managed, the price promise was stupidity of the highest order, don't forget, Abhisit also ran a similar one, at a loss, but it was classed as a subsidiary, where losses are expected, if not the norm. However, lets just clear up a huge myth here, that scheme wasn't designed for the average country side rice farmer, to enter and qualify for that scheme, you had to meet a certain criteria, farmers with significant amounts of Rai seen how they could reap the benefits, same with land owners renting out their land for Paddy, the scheme was selective with regards to whom could join.

People seem to think when they hear the word rice farmers, it's the whole lot, no it wasn't, not by a long shot.

You keep referring to the rice scheme, which just happens to be in the news today, yet still didn't provide a list of all the improvements, that list came from another poster, and can't disagree with a lot of what's on it.

So I don't see anywhere in your synopsis that the rice scheme was a way to win votes and make certain politicians and their cronies quite rich. An expensive and excellent example of a democracy that was not functioning as intended.

I do not understand your last sentence. Are you saying that the you "can't" disagree with alot of what is on the list of improvements which have occured under the Junta which came from another poster ? If you can't disagree with those points made then why have you spent all afternoon busting my balls?

Good god man.

"So I don't see anywhere in your synopsis that the rice scheme was a way to win votes....."

This is called pork barrel politics and is prevalent in the country you come from as well. Would you like the military to throw out your government too?

".....and make certain politicians and their cronies quite rich."

Do you have evidence of this, has anyone been convicted. Or are you just pulling it out of a certain dark place?

"An expensive and excellent example of a democracy that was not functioning as intended."

And now things are working???blink.png

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Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

when you come up with comments like this, it shows you really do need to read a lot more, and post a lot less.

You mean well, but you're extremely naive, and sounds like you listen and believe everything your wife and her family tells you.

you think things are bad now? wait till the day peoples worlds will fall apart.

You are suggesting that I listen to you about the Realities of Thailand rather than my extended family of Thai farmers and business people? Come on.

And (your last sentence) where do you get that I think things are bad now? I am the guy who said things are good now, remember? Thats what started the whole "beat down" in the first place. I am the guy who thinksthey are better now.

And I worry very much about the subject of your very last sentence and I am glad the authority is in place for that day.

Now you get it!! wink.png everything you see just now is mere smoke and mirrors till that day comes.

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Listen gents,

I do not live here. I am not invested here. I think of Thailand as a place with its own set of unique problems and after a few years of marriage to a Thai, I am the first to say I do not begin to know the workings of the Eastern mind.

But there is one truth that is pretty universal and that is that people like to have choices (or atleast the idea that they have choices) and they do not like being ordered around. (That is why the world over hates cops). That is also the reason why this Junta or any military rule is going to lack the support of those they govern.

People might even start remembering the times prior to the Coup as being better than they were.

I don't know.

All I know is that I will be flying home in a week and I like my home. My country has enough of its own problems and so I sure don't suggest to know what is best for this country. Its a very old country with centuries more governance than my own country. I will leave it to the Thai to sort it out.

As one poster was kind enough to list above, there have been some solid positive accomplishments made in teo years...and whats that old cliche? Rome was not built in a day?


Edited by ClutchClark
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Holy Cinema,

No I did not waste my time offering my further observations to you.

When someone is busting my balls with disrespect and tells me to jump--I do not ask how high.

I ignore them.

Back when all of this started, I was really reading everything I could find about Genersl Prayut and listening to what he was saying so I could understand the man.

I respect him. I still do just as much today.

I think that Thailand was headed in a very dangerous direction and it was not improving with each election--it was getting worse and more costly.

I remember when the TVF community first started hating the Junta--when bars were being closed down early. Then again when overstays and visa runs were being enforced. it seems like Prayut has been hated ever since on here.

"Back when all of this started, I was really reading everything I could find about Genersl Prayut"

Really? Did you read about how he was a rising star in the Eastern Tigers when that army faction was getting rich by illegal trading with the genocidal Khmer Rouge?

Could you give us some credible sources that might lead us to share your respect for the General/Coup Leader/self-appointed PM?

"I think that Thailand was headed in a very dangerous direction and it was not improving with each election--it was getting worse and more costly."

Since 2000 there has been an election, attempted election, coup, election, attempted election, coup. Have you considered the possibility that it was the anti-Democrats disrupting elections and the military coups that preventing improvement?

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Obviously I understand the difference but an assumption made in your above post is that the bad leaders were being voted out.

Are the interests that cannot be named worse than Thaksin? I don't think so--not by a long shot.

This forum is full of posters who are unahppy and dissatisfied about everything all the time. They would complain the amount wasn't enough if they won the lottery.

You are the only guy actually discussing--thanks.

when you come up with comments like this, it shows you really do need to read a lot more, and post a lot less.

You mean well, but you're extremely naive, and sounds like you listen and believe everything your wife and her family tells you.

you think things are bad now? wait till the day peoples worlds will fall apart.

You are suggesting that I listen to you about the Realities of Thailand rather than my extended family of Thai farmers and business people? Come on.

And (your last sentence) where do you get that I think things are bad now? I am the guy who said things are good now, remember? Thats what started the whole "beat down" in the first place. I am the guy who thinksthey are better now.

And I worry very much about the subject of your very last sentence and I am glad the authority is in place for that day.

Now you get it!! wink.png everything you see just now is mere smoke and mirrors till that day comes.

What do you mean "Now"?

I saw this before the Coup even happened.

I had the impression that the posters on here who hate the Junta were the ones missing that big picture.


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Holy Cinema,

No I did not waste my time offering my further observations to you.

When someone is busting my balls with disrespect and tells me to jump--I do not ask how high.

I ignore them.

Back when all of this started, I was really reading everything I could find about Genersl Prayut and listening to what he was saying so I could understand the man.

I respect him. I still do just as much today.

I think that Thailand was headed in a very dangerous direction and it was not improving with each election--it was getting worse and more costly.

I remember when the TVF community first started hating the Junta--when bars were being closed down early. Then again when overstays and visa runs were being enforced. it seems like Prayut has been hated ever since on here.

I have been against what is going on since day one AND I drink like a fish. Hey, I'm not ashamed...
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Improvements under the current government:

  1. Reimbursing the rice farmers for the monies promised under the prior government's 'rice scheme'

    The money was blocked by the (yellow) courts and miraculously released when the junta took power'

  2. Drilling of municipal wells and other irrigation infrastructure

    You mean there were no well drilled under the elected/legal governments?

  3. Improvements in highways and roads

    You mean there were no improvements in highways and roads under the elected/legal governments? Funny, I have lived here a long time and the road works never seem to stop.

  4. Crackdown on crime, and more accountability of the police (incl. immigration)

    Are you serious?? More accountability of the police???

  5. Crackdown on corruption in the government and police

    Nope, window dressing only.

  6. Crackdown on immigration abuses (weeding out foreign criminal elements and overstayers)

    I that happening more now than before? I t seems to me that this has been something the police has announced every year for the last two decades.

  7. Efforts to crackdown on human trafficking and prostitution

    Yes, Thailand was shamed internationally and did the minimum required to get ot of the dog house.

  8. Efforts to reduce pedestrian congestion by prohibiting street vendors in some areas

    Or as others see it, taking away the livelihoods of the poorest.

  9. Encouragement of environmental awareness (global warming, anti-littering efforts, plastic bag reduction campaigns, crackdown on illegal logging, organic farming)

    Fantastic, though the crackdowns seem to happen in areas where there is little junta support. What a coincidence!

  10. Introduction of GPS tracking systems on public transport vehicles

    Has it been done, or is it only talk (as usual)?

  11. Encouragement of "family values" and social cohesion. (yes, it's a little too paternalistic for me as well)

    Me too.

  12. Efforts to encourage Thais to take pride in their country and to build awareness of their image internationally

    The Thais have already too much pride in their country, and the increased flag waving is just a part of keeping the population brainwashed. Build awareness if their image?? What does that even mean?


  1. Failure to focus on the need to overhaul Thailand's failed educational system, especially in rural areas. So many of Thailand's social problems can be traced back to this problem.
  2. Failure to crack down on traffic moving violations (speeding, reckless driving, drunk driving, driving under the influence, driving without a license, no helmet, seatbelt usage, vehicles which are poorly maintained, etc.) Thailand needs to get serious about its road safety; the road carnage has a huge economic and social cost.

    That they haven't caved in and held free and fair elections.

My comments in red>

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You are suggesting that I listen to you about the Realities of Thailand rather than my extended family of Thai farmers and business people? Come on.

And (your last sentence) where do you get that I think things are bad now? I am the guy who said things are good now, remember? Thats what started the whole "beat down" in the first place. I am the guy who thinksthey are better now.

And I worry very much about the subject of your very last sentence and I am glad the authority is in place for that day.

Now you get it!! wink.png everything you see just now is mere smoke and mirrors till that day comes.

What do you mean "Now"?

I saw this before the Coup even happened.

I had the impression that the posters on here who hate the Junta were the ones missing that big picture.


It was obvious to some of us as soon as the coup was held that its purpose was to ensure a royalist government was in place during and after a certain event. All but the most dense realize it now. That is why the coup was held, to prevent elections in July 2014.

Elections then would have greatly reduced the power of the PTP, they and the Democrats were both reaching new lows in popularity. However elections would not have resulted in a royalist government, and it would have been difficult for the military to justify a coup against a new government with new electoral legitimacy.

That's why the coup was staged when it was, when protests were fading and life was returning to normal. It wasn't to stop violence or prevent civil war, it was to stop elections and protect certain interests.

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I've heard that in a world far, far away there are weird things called 'general elections', where the population of a country actually gets to give a big thumbs up or thumbs down to the political administration of their country

Yeah, in America universal suffrage replaced the original Constitutional edict that only educated Americans (white, land owning, males) had the vote. Consequently, you see today uninformed populaces screaming for "Trump" or "Bernie." The tattoo on the scalp's Mohawk sidebar tells it all, when it comes to intelligence. Sure, "white, male, land owning" is an anachronistic concept -- but the intent was to keep the voters restricted to knowledgeable "thinkers," not knee jerk manikins, unhappy with the way things are -- and that only newly elected folks/party can change things. A careful study of the situation would show a Trump or Bernie could not possibly change, to any real degree, where we are today, with unions out, and productivity in. The "good times" have come and gone, especially for the blue collared types. Don't blame Obama -- his administration actually did the best that could be expected, under today's conditions. Unfortunately, we now have to leave it to that "uniformed voter" to shape the future. Democracy at its worst.

So democracy -- and universal suffrage -- in Thailand would bring better governance?

Other than their sensitivity to criticism, the current military administration seems to be trying their best to rule the country for the benefit of all. Appointing 'best and brightest' seems a plus (e.g., Somkid), regardless of historical political affiliation. What, pray tell, would a Red Shirted administration be doing differently to get the country going on the straight and narrow....?

Sure, having once again a vote that brings in a Red Shirted government would be perceived by the world as "true democracy." What, however, would that do for the benefit of Thailand as a whole (and which the "world" could care less about)? Would we now have the "best and brightest" making the tough decisions? Doubtful.

Can we hear from the

Average working Thai


Yeah, that would be nice. Is mr and mrs average really feeling put down by the current government? Sure, the farmer affected by the drought isn't feeling too good -- but hopefully he's smart enough to to blame Prayuth for the lack of rain. (Or maybe he is -- and sadly he has a vote.)

I am not in favour of a military takeover.

But sometimes it might be necessary.

The alternative might be worse.

Yeah, I'm kinda assessing the qualities of General Dunford, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. But, that discussion should be over on the "home country" forum.

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Would anyone really like to go back to before the Military took over the country? By the amount of arms and explosives confiscated from the population it would appear that an all out civil war was averted.

Name me one perfect government, please!

Some personal freedoms have been suspended while order has been restored.

At the same time, a massive clean up of civil-servant corruption and crime has been instituted by this government.

Generations of corrupt officials and organized crime can not be disposed of over-night.

If you have some constructive ideas of how to improve Thailand, for Thais, then please do illuminate us.


I sure like the Thailand of today more than the one I visited 5-6 years ago.

I would hate to see where the country would be today if not for the Junta.

So you only visit once in a blue moon but you have plenty to say, that makes you an expert on Thailand from a distance. Bloody hell get a life, isn't there something in your own backyard to keep you occupied?

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Improvements under the current government:

  • Reimbursing the rice farmers for the monies promised under the prior government's 'rice scheme'

    The money was blocked by the (yellow) courts and miraculously released when the junta took power'

  • Drilling of municipal wells and other irrigation infrastructure

    You mean there were no well drilled under the elected/legal governments?

  • Improvements in highways and roads

    You mean there were no improvements in highways and roads under the elected/legal governments? Funny, I have lived here a long time and the road works never seem to stop.

  • Crackdown on crime, and more accountability of the police (incl. immigration)

    Are you serious?? More accountability of the police???

  • Crackdown on corruption in the government and police

    Nope, window dressing only.

  • Crackdown on immigration abuses (weeding out foreign criminal elements and overstayers)

    I that happening more now than before? I t seems to me that this has been something the police has announced every year for the last two decades.

  • Efforts to crackdown on human trafficking and prostitution

    Yes, Thailand was shamed internationally and did the minimum required to get ot of the dog house.

  • Efforts to reduce pedestrian congestion by prohibiting street vendors in some areas

    Or as others see it, taking away the livelihoods of the poorest.

  • Encouragement of environmental awareness (global warming, anti-littering efforts, plastic bag reduction campaigns, crackdown on illegal logging, organic farming)

    Fantastic, though the crackdowns seem to happen in areas where there is little junta support. What a coincidence!

  • Introduction of GPS tracking systems on public transport vehicles

    Has it been done, or is it only talk (as usual)?

  • Encouragement of "family values" and social cohesion. (yes, it's a little too paternalistic for me as well)

    Me too.

  • Efforts to encourage Thais to take pride in their country and to build awareness of their image internationally

    The Thais have already too much pride in their country, and the increased flag waving is just a part of keeping the population brainwashed. Build awareness if their image?? What does that even mean?


  • Failure to focus on the need to overhaul Thailand's failed educational system, especially in rural areas. So many of Thailand's social problems can be traced back to this problem.
  • Failure to crack down on traffic moving violations (speeding, reckless driving, drunk driving, driving under the influence, driving without a license, no helmet, seatbelt usage, vehicles which are poorly maintained, etc.) Thailand needs to get serious about its road safety; the road carnage has a huge economic and social cost.

    That they haven't caved in and held free and fair elections.

My comments in red>

Post of the day!

Well said!

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      Thai gov. to tax (remitted) income from abroad for tax residents starting 2024 - Part II

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      Thailand Live Sunday 6 October 2024

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      Drunk Crashes Into Motorcycle, Killing Two 14-Year-Old Girls in Tragic Wrong-Way Collision

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      Thailand Live Sunday 6 October 2024

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      Flash Flooding in Tak Province: DDPM Constructing Temporary Bridge

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      Cannabis-Intoxicated British Man Arrested for Trespassing and Overstay

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