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Thai Cabinet endorses new segments of Red Line electric train project


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Cabinet endorses new segments of Red Line electric train project


BANGKOK, 27 July 2016 (NNT) – The Cabinet has given the green light to the construction of additional segments of the Red Line suburban railway system, with the bidding process expected to take place this August.

Vice Minister to the Prime Minister’s Office Kobsak Pootrakul made known that the Cabinet has agreed to a proposal by the State Railway of Thailand to construct the Light Red Line on the Bang Sue–Phaya Thai–Makkasan–Hua Mak segment as well as the Dark Red Line on the Bang Sue–Hua Lamphong segment under a 44-billion-baht budget, totaling 25.9 kilometers.

Mr Kobsak insisted that the Light Red Line and the Dark Red Line, which are both part of the Red Line suburban railway project, will greatly help alleviate traffic congestion in Bangkok, especially on major roads and at railway crossings. The two lines will be comprised of elevated, ground-level and underground tracks.

The bidding for the two new segments is expected to be held in August this year. Construction is likely to begin in February next year and finish in late 2019 before the launch of commercial service the following year.

-- NNT 2016-07-27 footer_n.gif

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Wow these guys like spending money on BKK. What are they doing for the rest of Thailand? What's the grand total of all their spending? Where's that land that G.P. sold back in 2013? Is it anywhere near any of the lines approved by him?

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Wow these guys like spending money on BKK. What are they doing for the rest of Thailand? What's the grand total of all their spending? Where's that land that G.P. sold back in 2013? Is it anywhere near any of the lines approved by him?

Do you guys in the sticks also have big trafficproblems?

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Wow these guys like spending money on BKK. What are they doing for the rest of Thailand? What's the grand total of all their spending? Where's that land that G.P. sold back in 2013? Is it anywhere near any of the lines approved by him?

Do you guys in the sticks also have big trafficproblems?

Or bring in as much tax money as Bangkok.

Do remember around 20% of the Thai population lives here and a majority of tax revenue comes from BKK.

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Wow these guys like spending money on BKK. What are they doing for the rest of Thailand? What's the grand total of all their spending? Where's that land that G.P. sold back in 2013? Is it anywhere near any of the lines approved by him?

Do you guys in the sticks also have big trafficproblems?

Or bring in as much tax money as Bangkok.

Do remember around 20% of the Thai population lives here and a majority of tax revenue comes from BKK.

These kind of trains are needed upcountry.

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Many of Thailand's rural areas are just getting schools and hospitals and just getting cars and better roads despite rural people working and building BKK and most of the nation. Who do you think works in all those factories? Do those people retire in BKK? No, they go back to the rural areas. Bangkok has had it all since BKK became the capital. This regime is just showing its bias by doing everything for BKK as usual.

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BKK isn't 20% of the population. It's less and a majority of the people there have always retired to the countryside because they don't own home or have the wealth to live in BKK in old age. Same old excuses to steal from the nation and keep the rural people poor. You see what happens to BKK every major holiday when the people who don't have permanent homes there leave and all those cars go with them. These folks want to see their provinces improved. The people who live in BKK have all the amenities. The problems they face come from their own greed to have everything in BKK. There is no plan to promote rural development and incentives for business to move out of BKK area.

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oh a light led and a dark led line, that 'll be confusing.

But what kind of train is it? A skytrain, metro or normal train?

A bit of everything.

The Red Line project is a suburban railway, mostly elevated but the stations are wider spaced than the Skytrain itself. The project also puts the long distance SRT trains on the viaduct (on separate tracks) too removing all those horrid level crossings down Vibhavadi Rangsit.

For purely personal reasons I think they should approve the short extension from Rangsit to Thammasat University.

I still don't know why we don't use numbers as well as colours, Seoul is a good example.

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Wow these guys like spending money on BKK. What are they doing for the rest of Thailand? What's the grand total of all their spending? Where's that land that G.P. sold back in 2013? Is it anywhere near any of the lines approved by him?

Do you guys in the sticks also have big trafficproblems?

Or bring in as much tax money as Bangkok.

Do remember around 20% of the Thai population lives here and a majority of tax revenue comes from BKK.

I'm glad you brought up the issue of regional favoritism - from the World Bank report 2012 - http://www.worldbank...t-review-report

'Currently, 72 % of Thailand's general public expenditures are being spent in Bangkok, which is home to 17% of the country’s population and produces 26% of the GDP. In contrast, the Northeast, which holds 34 % of the country's population, receives 6% of the expenditure.

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BKK isn't 20% of the population. It's less and a majority of the people there have always retired to the countryside because they don't own home or have the wealth to live in BKK in old age. Same old excuses to steal from the nation and keep the rural people poor. You see what happens to BKK every major holiday when the people who don't have permanent homes there leave and all those cars go with them. These folks want to see their provinces improved. The people who live in BKK have all the amenities. The problems they face come from their own greed to have everything in BKK. There is no plan to promote rural development and incentives for business to move out of BKK area.

Actually from my own experience of writing a master plan for Bangkok, the population of Bangkok is higher than statistics show. The mass transit system also benefits the expats, and transient tourist and business population. Many of the poor work here in Bangkok and benefit from the income opportunities produced so that they can send money home to their families in the countryside. Many of the people who exit Bangkok during holidays with their cars are rich not the poor, watch the roads during Chinese New Year.

Most large businesses have their offices in Bangkok for ease fo dealing with clients. Their factories are spread across Thailand. There are B.O.I. and Government incentives to set up business and factories in rural areas.

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The roads aren't empty just because of cars, they are empty because all the rural folks have left and the buses and taxis aren't needed. Thailand has always been Bangkok first and that's how the money and business has been directed. People don't chose Bangkok, they have no choice. Only recently has business moved towards rural areas. For an example, just look at the train going to Rangsit. Notice it doesn't end at Rangsit but will go to Thammasat Rangsit so the poor rich kids of BKK who make up most of TU's population can get to their school which already caters to Bangkok in its road design. Sure tourists and expats use this infrastructure but is a train to Hua Hin really needed? No, just catering to the ultra rich as usual. This is a story of abuse and corruption; the same one that tells why Thailand has coups and the super rich can abuse the poor without worry. There's no economic miracle in Bangkok; just years and years of apathy towards the nations working poor who slave while the rich pay them nothing.

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Oh as the most businesses have their offices in Bangko for ease; it's rather the government never would decentralize and so if you want to get anything done in BKK you had to be there. I had to travel from Nakhonsawan to get visa extentions and deal with other paperwork because all the ministry offices were located there in the past. It wasn't a choice; it was a necessity. To me, I see Thailand's infrastructure design the creation of apathy, failure and corruption. Bangkok has also been designed to be shut down by the military if you consider the roads in the suburbs and the lack of side streets or bypasses. All for Bangkok as usual. The poor in many areas just got roads, water, new schools and new hospitals during the period of the previous government. That's a fact. And still so much is needed and needed to be updated in rural areas. The rural people are the ones who come to BKK and make the factories and businesses work. Their families including children who they often leave behind at their rural homes deserve much more. If Bangkok needs trains tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

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Many of Thailand's rural areas are just getting schools and hospitals and just getting cars and better roads despite rural people working and building BKK and most of the nation. Who do you think works in all those factories? Do those people retire in BKK? No, they go back to the rural areas. Bangkok has had it all since BKK became the capital. This regime is just showing its bias by doing everything for BKK as usual.

Its the same everywhere in the world. The capital gets modernize faster.

Working out the congested traffic problem will save $$$ down the road. On average it takes people an hour to get to and back from work everyday. The time stuck in traffic, fuel wasted, decrease in efficiency equals money.

Thailand is way behind on its infrastructure given how much it has developed. I do agree, a train to Hua Hin is not needed at this point. The priority should be the Bangkok Rayong line and one up to the North.

If you think BTS extension is to cater to some rich kids at TU, stop dreaming. Look at the population around the Rangsit area, its is very large and worth while to have a BTS line down there.

I agree with you on how poor the urban planning is, especially the roads. But public transpiration extension such as the BTS is long overdue. The only major complain I have is that it is too expensive for the low income to take it to go to work! Hence majority of the low income will still have to take the bus...on the other hand the MRT is reasonably priced.

Edited by mike324
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Oh as the most businesses have their offices in Bangko for ease; it's rather the government never would decentralize and so if you want to get anything done in BKK you had to be there. I had to travel from Nakhonsawan to get visa extentions and deal with other paperwork because all the ministry offices were located there in the past. It wasn't a choice; it was a necessity. To me, I see Thailand's infrastructure design the creation of apathy, failure and corruption. Bangkok has also been designed to be shut down by the military if you consider the roads in the suburbs and the lack of side streets or bypasses. All for Bangkok as usual. The poor in many areas just got roads, water, new schools and new hospitals during the period of the previous government. That's a fact. And still so much is needed and needed to be updated in rural areas. The rural people are the ones who come to BKK and make the factories and businesses work. Their families including children who they often leave behind at their rural homes deserve much more. If Bangkok needs trains tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

So you think the military designed the roads in Bangkok so they can take over it on purpose and with ease? and that the previous government which I'm guessing you are referring to Thaksin / Yingluck are the ones helping the poor. The poor in rural areas could have roads, water, and what not if it were not for rampant corruption. Thats the fact.

Do you know how the tax system works? do you think the low income pay tax?...silly statement to say tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

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Bangkok has its own wealth to pay for things. This is a story of Bangkok as usual using the nations wealth for its own problems. What about all the poor who work in Bangkok and go home to rural areas? What do they get? At least the last governments did something for them. You should just be honest and admit that the powerful rich people(who also are the nation's most corrupt) who live in Bangkok don't give a crap about rural people. That's the reason they can regularly overthrow governments. Bangkok should pay for its own trains and the nations wealth should be spread fairly around the nation. The nation's wealth does not belong to the rich before the poor.

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Oh as the most businesses have their offices in Bangko for ease; it's rather the government never would decentralize and so if you want to get anything done in BKK you had to be there. I had to travel from Nakhonsawan to get visa extentions and deal with other paperwork because all the ministry offices were located there in the past. It wasn't a choice; it was a necessity. To me, I see Thailand's infrastructure design the creation of apathy, failure and corruption. Bangkok has also been designed to be shut down by the military if you consider the roads in the suburbs and the lack of side streets or bypasses. All for Bangkok as usual. The poor in many areas just got roads, water, new schools and new hospitals during the period of the previous government. That's a fact. And still so much is needed and needed to be updated in rural areas. The rural people are the ones who come to BKK and make the factories and businesses work. Their families including children who they often leave behind at their rural homes deserve much more. If Bangkok needs trains tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

So you think the military designed the roads in Bangkok so they can take over it on purpose and with ease? and that the previous government which I'm guessing you are referring to Thaksin / Yingluck are the ones helping the poor. The poor in rural areas could have roads, water, and what not if it were not for rampant corruption. Thats the fact.

Do you know how the tax system works? do you think the low income pay tax?...silly statement to say tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

The people who fill the nation's factories are rural people. You should know this. And those people serving tourists and expats aren't rich city people. The working people make things run.

As for the roads, many of Thailand's roads were laid out in a way to protect the nation. The problem is the people protecting the nation are also using them to protect their personal political groups. Only two real roads to southern Esarn? Why? Only one main road in from Ayuttaya? Why? Try turning on a side street and see where that takes you. Everything is easily shut down by tanks and soldiers here. If there were more and better planning for traffic flow, there wouldn't be these massive traffic jams every holiday with everyone using the same routes to get out of the city.

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Of course I want Bangkok to have trains and smooth traffic flow but I don't want the rest of the nation to be tossed aside for Bangkok's issues. I'm not against the trains even the TU one. I just want open discussion and free voices to talk about what is and has been the history of Thailand. The military in power is not elected and so they can do whatever they want at this time. They should be fair and not spending all the nation's wealth. Those who accept them doing this really don't care about the rights of all. There are a lot more people in Thailand than those in Bangkok.

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BKK isn't 20% of the population. It's less and a majority of the people there have always retired to the countryside because they don't own home or have the wealth to live in BKK in old age. Same old excuses to steal from the nation and keep the rural people poor. You see what happens to BKK every major holiday when the people who don't have permanent homes there leave and all those cars go with them. These folks want to see their provinces improved. The people who live in BKK have all the amenities. The problems they face come from their own greed to have everything in BKK. There is no plan to promote rural development and incentives for business to move out of BKK area.

I was mistaken its 13%


That is still a lot with most money generated in BKK its only natural that most gets invested there. Enough money is pumped into the other parts of the country just look at the 600 billion that the rice scam cost. So people should not complain when the city that generates the most income gets the most stuff too. Its only natural and you see it all over the world. Capitals always get most of the money and often generate most too.

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Of course I want Bangkok to have trains and smooth traffic flow but I don't want the rest of the nation to be tossed aside for Bangkok's issues. I'm not against the trains even the TU one. I just want open discussion and free voices to talk about what is and has been the history of Thailand. The military in power is not elected and so they can do whatever they want at this time. They should be fair and not spending all the nation's wealth. Those who accept them doing this really don't care about the rights of all. There are a lot more people in Thailand than those in Bangkok.

Keep on dreaming, the corrupt mob of the last government spend it all on buying votes with the rice program. All that money is lost,, at least this money something is gained.

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Oh as the most businesses have their offices in Bangko for ease; it's rather the government never would decentralize and so if you want to get anything done in BKK you had to be there. I had to travel from Nakhonsawan to get visa extentions and deal with other paperwork because all the ministry offices were located there in the past. It wasn't a choice; it was a necessity. To me, I see Thailand's infrastructure design the creation of apathy, failure and corruption. Bangkok has also been designed to be shut down by the military if you consider the roads in the suburbs and the lack of side streets or bypasses. All for Bangkok as usual. The poor in many areas just got roads, water, new schools and new hospitals during the period of the previous government. That's a fact. And still so much is needed and needed to be updated in rural areas. The rural people are the ones who come to BKK and make the factories and businesses work. Their families including children who they often leave behind at their rural homes deserve much more. If Bangkok needs trains tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

So you think the military designed the roads in Bangkok so they can take over it on purpose and with ease? and that the previous government which I'm guessing you are referring to Thaksin / Yingluck are the ones helping the poor. The poor in rural areas could have roads, water, and what not if it were not for rampant corruption. Thats the fact.

Do you know how the tax system works? do you think the low income pay tax?...silly statement to say tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

The people who fill the nation's factories are rural people. You should know this. And those people serving tourists and expats aren't rich city people. The working people make things run.

As for the roads, many of Thailand's roads were laid out in a way to protect the nation. The problem is the people protecting the nation are also using them to protect their personal political groups. Only two real roads to southern Esarn? Why? Only one main road in from Ayuttaya? Why? Try turning on a side street and see where that takes you. Everything is easily shut down by tanks and soldiers here. If there were more and better planning for traffic flow, there wouldn't be these massive traffic jams every holiday with everyone using the same routes to get out of the city.

all I have to say is that you are delusional in thinking roads are built two lanes because its easy for the army to take over...guess that applies to mooban and condos as well....all these developers are tyrants ready to seize these properties in the future?

Did you think the army built the roads in the north as well a red stronghold? lol

Didn't know one can turn a BTS thread political

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That is still a lot with most money generated in BKK its only natural that most gets invested there. Enough money is pumped into the other parts of the country just look at the 600 billion that the rice scam cost. So people should not complain when the city that generates the most income gets the most stuff too. Its only natural and you see it all over the world. Capitals always get most of the money and often generate most too.

Thailand is a nation, not just rich families like you seem to think. The nations wealth is the people's wealth, not just the rich and corrupt who flourish in Bangkok. Thailand belongs to the people. Millions of rural people have migrated to build Bangkok and those people and their families deserve as much of the wealth of this nation as any. Your business owners already have made their profits. If Bangkok wants more infrastructure tax Bangkok property and business owners. Don't steal the wealth of the nation. This is why Thailand has so many problems and why this is all about politics.

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Of course I want Bangkok to have trains and smooth traffic flow but I don't want the rest of the nation to be tossed aside for Bangkok's issues. I'm not against the trains even the TU one. I just want open discussion and free voices to talk about what is and has been the history of Thailand. The military in power is not elected and so they can do whatever they want at this time. They should be fair and not spending all the nation's wealth. Those who accept them doing this really don't care about the rights of all. There are a lot more people in Thailand than those in Bangkok.

Keep on dreaming, the corrupt mob of the last government spend it all on buying votes with the rice program. All that money is lost,, at least this money something is gained.

There is an even more corrupt group that controls the military. They've stolen the wealth of the nation for a century. You can see their theft in Bangkok. Follow the money. That group uses their positions and propaganda in the Thai airways to steal power and put their nepots and cronies in positions throughout the nation. They hire and fire people for not loving them and their cronies. This is the real story of Thai corruption but I can go no further into detail and of course you know that.

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So you think the military designed the roads in Bangkok so they can take over it on purpose and with ease? and that the previous government which I'm guessing you are referring to Thaksin / Yingluck are the ones helping the poor. The poor in rural areas could have roads, water, and what not if it were not for rampant corruption. Thats the fact.

Do you know how the tax system works? do you think the low income pay tax?...silly statement to say tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

The people who fill the nation's factories are rural people. You should know this. And those people serving tourists and expats aren't rich city people. The working people make things run.

As for the roads, many of Thailand's roads were laid out in a way to protect the nation. The problem is the people protecting the nation are also using them to protect their personal political groups. Only two real roads to southern Esarn? Why? Only one main road in from Ayuttaya? Why? Try turning on a side street and see where that takes you. Everything is easily shut down by tanks and soldiers here. If there were more and better planning for traffic flow, there wouldn't be these massive traffic jams every holiday with everyone using the same routes to get out of the city.

all I have to say is that you are delusional in thinking roads are built two lanes because its easy for the army to take over...guess that applies to mooban and condos as well....all these developers are tyrants ready to seize these properties in the future?

Did you think the army built the roads in the north as well a red stronghold? lol

Didn't know one can turn a BTS thread political

I'm not saying there is an evil genius behind it. It's perfectly logical and probably goes back to the whole reason Bangkok is where it is, the threat from the Burmese. The communism of the 60s and 70s also has had some influences. There were real threats out there. The military always has coups in this country and they know exactly where to park their soldiers and tanks when they do. Ask any long term member here and they will tell you the spots they park. There should be more sideroads on the route into Bangkok but they don't exists. I mean in places like Prathumthani. It's extremely hard to go into BKK without taking the main road or a few other roads. If you are stuck in traffic on a main road its almost impossible to take a side street and get to another main road easily. Locking down and controlling what comes into BKK is easy as ever if they want to do it. If they opened up and built more connecting roads the traffic wouldn't all have to flow through the same congested channels. The design and the way it is kept fails drivers. That's all I am saying. I personally believe it is partly political/coup related. Others might just call it out as simply as stupid design. Another aspect of the politics of this is that the regime in power is spending billions and billions on Bangkok when it is totally unelected and crushing voices of opposition.

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Of course I want Bangkok to have trains and smooth traffic flow but I don't want the rest of the nation to be tossed aside for Bangkok's issues. I'm not against the trains even the TU one. I just want open discussion and free voices to talk about what is and has been the history of Thailand. The military in power is not elected and so they can do whatever they want at this time. They should be fair and not spending all the nation's wealth. Those who accept them doing this really don't care about the rights of all. There are a lot more people in Thailand than those in Bangkok.

The previous party you refer to that helped the poor, were also the same ones that extended the BTS routes and propose high speed trains. I don't see you blaming them for spending all the nations wealth.... or for the failed policies that put the country in debt as well as the low income

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Of course I want Bangkok to have trains and smooth traffic flow but I don't want the rest of the nation to be tossed aside for Bangkok's issues. I'm not against the trains even the TU one. I just want open discussion and free voices to talk about what is and has been the history of Thailand. The military in power is not elected and so they can do whatever they want at this time. They should be fair and not spending all the nation's wealth. Those who accept them doing this really don't care about the rights of all. There are a lot more people in Thailand than those in Bangkok.

The previous party you refer to that helped the poor, were also the same ones that extended the BTS routes and propose high speed trains. I don't see you blaming them for spending all the nations wealth.... or for the failed policies that put the country in debt as well as the low income

The guy is deluded.. did not even know that the previous corrupt government was the one that extended most of the BTS routes and does not acknowledge that those who pay the most tax should get the most benefits too.

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So you think the military designed the roads in Bangkok so they can take over it on purpose and with ease? and that the previous government which I'm guessing you are referring to Thaksin / Yingluck are the ones helping the poor. The poor in rural areas could have roads, water, and what not if it were not for rampant corruption. Thats the fact.

Do you know how the tax system works? do you think the low income pay tax?...silly statement to say tax Bangkok not the whole nation.

The people who fill the nation's factories are rural people. You should know this. And those people serving tourists and expats aren't rich city people. The working people make things run.

As for the roads, many of Thailand's roads were laid out in a way to protect the nation. The problem is the people protecting the nation are also using them to protect their personal political groups. Only two real roads to southern Esarn? Why? Only one main road in from Ayuttaya? Why? Try turning on a side street and see where that takes you. Everything is easily shut down by tanks and soldiers here. If there were more and better planning for traffic flow, there wouldn't be these massive traffic jams every holiday with everyone using the same routes to get out of the city.

all I have to say is that you are delusional in thinking roads are built two lanes because its easy for the army to take over...guess that applies to mooban and condos as well....all these developers are tyrants ready to seize these properties in the future?

Did you think the army built the roads in the north as well a red stronghold? lol

Didn't know one can turn a BTS thread political

I'm not saying there is an evil genius behind it. It's perfectly logical and probably goes back to the whole reason Bangkok is where it is, the threat from the Burmese. The communism of the 60s and 70s also has had some influences. There were real threats out there. The military always has coups in this country and they know exactly where to park their soldiers and tanks when they do. Ask any long term member here and they will tell you the spots they park. There should be more sideroads on the route into Bangkok but they don't exists. I mean in places like Prathumthani. It's extremely hard to go into BKK without taking the main road or a few other roads. If you are stuck in traffic on a main road its almost impossible to take a side street and get to another main road easily. Locking down and controlling what comes into BKK is easy as ever if they want to do it. If they opened up and built more connecting roads the traffic wouldn't all have to flow through the same congested channels. The design and the way it is kept fails drivers. That's all I am saying. I personally believe it is partly political/coup related. Others might just call it out as simply as stupid design. Another aspect of the politics of this is that the regime in power is spending billions and billions on Bangkok when it is totally unelected and crushing voices of opposition.

Its just plain and simple bad urban planning. Nothing to do with army being able to lock down the city, nothing to do with politics. I feel for you when driving in Bangkok, it sucks, roads are poorly planned and layed out. I am probably one of the longest member who lived in Thailand...I've been here over 30 years and countless coups! hehehe

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