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Furniture in rented condo poor quality


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I moved into a rented condo about 6 months ago, i think i was 1st in there from new but since i have been in Iv had issues.

Firstly the mattress on the bed is the worst i have slept on you can really feel the springs when you sleep, iv also had to put a suitcase underneath the bed on either side to try and balance it out because of fearing that it will snap, the couch in the front room, one side has practically collapsed, there should be a 3 inch gap under neath but one side is on the floor!!

Its obvious that the condo owners just bulk brought the cheapest furniture possible to be able to sell the condo as fully furnished as the quality throughout is bad.

Should I speak with the owners or agent about this and who's responsibility is to to sort out because although i signed a 1 year lease I don't want to stay if i cannot get a good sleep.

Edited by 2008bangkok
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I would assume you saw the furniture before you rented the condo...maybe even sat on the sofa and lay on the bed. It seems to me you agreed to the furnishings when you rented the condo. I would be more worried about being charged for damage you caused to the furniture when the lease is up than complaining about its quality. wink.png

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If the quality of the furniture is as bad as you claim , it would be very unfair and unconscionable to provide furniture that falls apart after limited use just so the owner can deduct it from the deposit.

OP my suggestion would be to begin by writing a letter explaining the situation and deliver it to the owner and the agent and give them say up to one month to rectify the situation.

If they don’t respond send a second letter and say that unfortunately to protect your interests you have no alternative but to lodge a formal complaint with the Office of the Consumer Protection Board (see link below).

Believe me these people have clout (probably because they are closely connected to the office of the Prime Minister) and when they know this organisation is being involved people really sit up and listen. I took on one of Thailand’s biggest Corporations and won with their help and it didn’t cost me a cent !


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Thanks for the advice so far...

Firstly im about 6ft 4 124kg so admit idl big and heavy which might account for the sofa but the bed should be able to hold at least that if you consider normally 2 people sleep in (at the moment im single).

What i didnt state is that I rent privately so somebody brought the condo of the condo development and all fairness probably doesn't know the standard of the furniture in their but its just annoying because you can see that the quality is poor throughout the house. Im not sure who is at fault because its not like iv been jumping up and down on it id go straight through LOL.

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petermik, on 28 Jul 2016 - 10:46, said:

May I politely ask what is your weight?

Generally, ONLY a very expensive bed will handle a larger man here...They are built for the smaller Thai people...

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If you saw the furniture before signing the lease there is no way to complain about springs in the bed etc. You can only complain about “unexpected” things that have happened after you moved in, like the couch breaking down.

And if you for some reasons signed the lease without having seen the furniture, there is hardly any way to complain about the initial state of the furniture, like springs in bed, either. In such case you took a gamble, which unfortunately didn’t work out.

I agree with you that the bed is extremely important. That’s why I check this one out very carefully before signing, and on several occasions I have turned around quickly when realizing the bed was too hard or soft for my liking.

But irrespective of the “legal” situation, I would anyway bring it up with the owner and agent. If you are lucky they might help you. If not, then you have a tough situation in front of you.

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You signed a 1-yr lease for a furnished condo without 1st checking it out? I'm missing something here. Water under the bridge I guess.. I'd say you've got some significant negotiating to do, and not really from a position of strength. Maybe if you offered to buy a new bed & couch at your own expense, and with their approval, you could talk them into a partial credit. Otherwise, find out how much they'd take for letting you end the lease & walk away, and then look for a new place.

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May I politely ask what is your weight?

Thanks for the advice so far...

Firstly im about 6ft 4 124kg so admit idl big and heavy which might account for the sofa but the bed should be able to hold at least that if you consider normally 2 people sleep in (at the moment im single).

What i didnt state is that I rent privately so somebody brought the condo of the condo development and all fairness probably doesn't know the standard of the furniture in their but its just annoying because you can see that the quality is poor throughout the house. Im not sure who is at fault because its not like iv been jumping up and down on it id go straight through LOL.

Yes two people is right for a bed,my weight is 67 kgms and my GF 46 kgms but this weight is spread separately across the full width of the bed so no problems,however you have a full 124 kgms in one place,most furniture here in Thailand will fail under so much weight in one spot I,m afraid............sad.png

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May I politely ask what is your weight?

cheesy.gif Don't think there is any way of politely asking that question.

Thai beds are famously hard, the only way to get around it is to buy a mattress top.

Personally, I'd be extracting myself as soon as possible and renting elsewhere. It's very unlikely a complaint will get anywhere.

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I would chat to your landlord or management whoever you initial rented off explain when you moved in all was good but due to the poor standard of furniture bed ect it's now not fit for purpose. I rent out 3 houses all fully furnished. I try and buy reasonable quality. But always listen if Tennant comes to me with a complaint about furniture. Only once have I said is was tenants fault.

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Firstly im about 6ft 4 124kg so admit idl big and heavy which might account for the sofa ...
petermik, on 28 Jul 2016 - 10:46, said:

May I politely ask what is your weight?

Generally, ONLY a very expensive bed will handle a larger man here...They are built for the smaller Thai people...

So two Thai people sleeping in a bed would have to be under 60 kg each or they'd have to buy ONLY a very expensive bed? I suppose it depends on your interpretation of "expensive."

I think it's less to do with the total weight and more to do with the activities undertaken while abed.

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Beware!! You will probably get charged for damaging all that fine furniture.

I rented a room from a Thai woman that was full of lies ... saying she was going to do a lot of things to fix it up ... but she never did. She said the bed was new, there was a remote for the air con and she would put in a washing machine. NOPE! I had to pay 4000 baht to get the air con serviced and a remote, she refused to replace the bed, I had to buy one myself, ..... three guesses what she did about the washing machine.

This is Thailand! Thais will always win out, no matter what. Take pictures of everything and hope for the best, but I bet you will never get your deposit back!

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Before signing a contract:

Test the bed, sofas, the air conditioners, appliances, fans, lights, water pressure, listen for neighbors, check for damages, ask about average cost of water and electricity..

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I understand, most people other than most posters are not furniture experts. Who'd think they have to know about furniture in a brand new condo. I too rent a condo that was furnished to show and sell, the furniture is indeed crap but looks nice enough.

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Why not just buy your own furniture, give theirs back I am sure then can store it somewhere and when your lease is up move yours out and theirs back in...............I don't see a problem, - you signed the lease, so have no recourse with the landlord, it was advertised furnished, you saw it, and signed the lease. I did exacly what I said abopve and the landlord took his furnitute back without even one word of protest - I am only 5'6" and about 85kgs and hated their furniture..........too low to the floor for me.

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Why not just buy your own furniture, give theirs back I am sure then can store it somewhere and when your lease is up move yours out and theirs back in...............I don't see a problem, - you signed the lease, so have no recourse with the landlord, it was advertised furnished, you saw it, and signed the lease. I did exacly what I said abopve and the landlord took his furnitute back without even one word of protest - I am only 5'6" and about 85kgs and hated their furniture..........too low to the floor for me.

Then you should look for an unfurnished condo/house. As a Landlord I rent furnished and would not be taking furniture out and paying for storage. If my Tennant wanted to do that and pay for storage then I may after inspecting the storage facility agree but the Tennant would still be signing the lease as furnished and any damage caused whilst in storage would be down to the Tennant.

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Why not just buy your own furniture, give theirs back I am sure then can store it somewhere and when your lease is up move yours out and theirs back in...............I don't see a problem, - you signed the lease, so have no recourse with the landlord, it was advertised furnished, you saw it, and signed the lease. I did exacly what I said abopve and the landlord took his furnitute back without even one word of protest - I am only 5'6" and about 85kgs and hated their furniture..........too low to the floor for me.

Then you should look for an unfurnished condo/house. As a Landlord I rent furnished and would not be taking furniture out and paying for storage. If my Tennant wanted to do that and pay for storage then I may after inspecting the storage facility agree but the Tennant would still be signing the lease as furnished and any damage caused whilst in storage would be down to the Tennant.

This is pretty much how I would expect the majority of Thai landlords renting furnished to react as well.

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I'm with others who say you should have checked the individual furniture items before signing up. Usually you can spot cheap furniture from the advertising photos alone about 90% of the time. When you did the room check, quality levels should have been immediately obvious.

Now after six months of usage, I don't think you have much hope. Wait out the lease to recover your deposit and move. Or, as someone else suggested, scram (and lose your deposit, if it's not too big).

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I hate to tell you this but I have rented a lot of Condos over the years here and they are all like that one. As cheap as they can find. So if you move the chances are "Same-same".

The beds here are all rock hard and from what I could find. After I bought my own place I finally found one that was better, after testing hundreds, but not much better. What I did was get an Air Mattress Bed to put on top. I have seen them sold in many places and they are not too expensive. It actually worked pretty good when you find the right amount of air to put in them. But they don't last long. Probably have to buy 2 to last a year.

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I rented a room from a Thai woman that was full of lies ... saying she was going to do a lot of things to fix it up ... but she never did. She said the bed was new, there was a remote for the air con and she would put in a washing machine. NOPE! I had to pay 4000 baht to get the air con serviced and a remote, she refused to replace the bed, I had to buy one myself, ..... three guesses what she did about the washing machine.

Talk is cheap. Thai talk even cheaper.

Prior to handing over any money in Thailand you should check that everything is exactly as you want it. And if they wont do what you want then just move on to the next one. There are far more people in Thailand trying to sell something than there are buyers, and that applies in just about all fields.

Do it that way and you should have few problems.

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Iv been here now 12 years living in various houses/apartments but first time in a condo block so although heavy most beds have been ok, id be surprised if that mattress cost more than 3k.. and probably the bed to. I dont think many people would start rolling round on the bed while looking at a place but i guess Ill have to next time.

I think I should speak with the agent just not sure if its my responsibility or theirs.

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Furnishings are normally down to the owner, I suspect many owners will furnish cheap.

Would go on to say that any owner who spends a lot on on furnishings will expect a premium rent.

But renters should look at the furnishings before they agree to rent, expecting a landlord to change the furniture after signing the agreement is not going to happen.

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I hate to tell you this but I have rented a lot of Condos over the years here and they are all like that one. As cheap as they can find. So if you move the chances are "Same-same".

The beds here are all rock hard and from what I could find. After I bought my own place I finally found one that was better, after testing hundreds, but not much better. What I did was get an Air Mattress Bed to put on top. I have seen them sold in many places and they are not too expensive. It actually worked pretty good when you find the right amount of air to put in them. But they don't last long. Probably have to buy 2 to last a year.

At OP's weight I doubt either your air mattress solution or even the best quality "topper" is going to go the distance. He sounds like he needs a higher-quality bedframe, boxspring and mattress system than he's likely to find in an owner-furnished rental situation. Just my guess.

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I don't know which condo it is, but a lot of condo's are offered off-plan and fully furnished; "ready to move in".

The landlord will add some appliances and there you go.

Often the quality is similar to high-quality cardboard furniture.

My advise re. the bed: get a handyman in and reinforce the structure in a way that you're won't be afraid of collapsing it and turn the mattress on a regular base.

Maybe the handyman can shine his light on the sofa as well.

All in all: the furniture is not suitable for 124kgs, that's a fact.

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I don't know which condo it is, but a lot of condo's are offered off-plan and fully furnished; "ready to move in".

The landlord will add some appliances and there you go.

Often the quality is similar to high-quality cardboard furniture.

My advise re. the bed: get a handyman in and reinforce the structure in a way that you're won't be afraid of collapsing it and turn the mattress on a regular base.

Maybe the handyman can shine his light on the sofa as well.

All in all: the furniture is not suitable for 124kgs, that's a fact.

Furniture is more than capable of 124kgs if you sit/lay correctly on it.ie don't flop down or dive on the bed. As for turning mattresses some cannot be turned

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