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Discriminatory Policy by Kasikorn Bank Towards Foreigners

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When i attended the branch, they rang Bangkok who told them i can't add a International Account to K Cyber banking but i can make an over the counter funds transfer.

When i asked to do this they told me a can't now his:

To remit the money abroad, we have to follow the BOT regulation and our policy, please preparing the following required documents as per the purpose of repatriation of funds that foreigner previously brought into Thailand from aboard;

1. Passport
2. Proof of inward remittance:
- the amount of foreign currency is less than USD50,000 or the equivalent at the market rate, A CREDIT ADVICE (notice of inward remittance) is required.
3. Proof showing that the funds to be remitted are owned by the foreign national, i.e.., a copy of deposit passbook

For a credit advice, you can request at our branch for free, if the inward remittance is less than 3 months.

But, it's more than 3 months, there will be a charge for THB500.

Why do i have to pay THB500 to prove i have transferred money into my bank over the last year?

This is in addition to the other fees for sending money overseas.

I feel like the Thais are milking me for as much as they can get out of me. They never disclosed up front that i would have to pay an extra fee if i wanted to send the money back.

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also just read Old Crocs post in immigration forum looks like the Thais dont want Expats anymore.

they are just going to far with all there forms and such. Thailand is becoming less attractive by the day.

its same old same old punish the good guys because they can,t get the bad guys.

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also just read Old Crocs post in immigration forum looks like the Thais dont want Expats anymore.

they are just going to far with all there forms and such. Thailand is becoming less attractive by the day.

its same old same old punish the good guys because they can,t get the bad guys.

People like to say that but usually it's a case not understanding the detail before signing up. I agree however that Old Croc's post re. 90 reports is not good.

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also just read Old Crocs post in immigration forum looks like the Thais dont want Expats anymore.

they are just going to far with all there forms and such. Thailand is becoming less attractive by the day.

its same old same old punish the good guys because they can,t get the bad guys.

But the Citizenship process has become much easier.

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Just buy some gold bullion, then sell it the next day (hopefully at a small profit).

Take the cash and the receipt to the bank - this proves you didn't obtain the money through illegal employment.

Do your transfer.

Pick your toys up off the floor and dry your eyes

If that doesn't work, use Krung Thai; they're more relaxed

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Just buy some gold bullion, then sell it the next day (hopefully at a small profit).

Take the cash and the receipt to the bank - this proves you didn't obtain the money through illegal employment.

Do your transfer.

Pick your toys up off the floor and dry your eyes

If that doesn't work, use Krung Thai; they're more relaxed

...Listen mate...Im sure the OP can choose which bank he wants to use all by himself..and seeing he is in Grade 4 he can choose what other commodity to invest in all by himself.

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I have three different Thai bank accounts all opened for free (excepting of course actually depositing some money and a usual 500 baht for an ATM card) and had approached my local Kasikorn branch as the buggers in HMPO (passport office UK) only accept the Kasiokorn 'shopping card' or 'K' card. This was some time ago. They wanted me to pay them two thousand baht merely to OPEN an account, not deposit it. I told them to stuff it.

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Thailand is the Land of Smiles for incoming money; but Land of Frowns for outgoing money.

I spent over 4 hours at the bank and sent them an email with screenshots of all the credit advice transactions showing the money coming from overseas to Kbank. There computer system could not open it so i had to find a computer shop which prints.

Luckily i found one opposite MacDonalds & Tesco Lotus in BangTao which charged 2 BHT per copy.

Yesterday they told me via email they could check their system for incoming funds if i paid an extra BHT500 fee. Today they told me i also needed printed copies of all transactions which equal or exceed the amount i want to transfer.

Went back to the bank and they told me they will send the receipt after 5pm.

They cannot guarantee the rate for today so cannot tell me how much they will debit from my account however the rate they showed me on the computer was 26.7195

I just feel like they are always looking for an excuse to say "CANNOT". Like they just want to be difficult for some reason. Now i understand why so many people are reluctant to invest in Thailand. They'll never have international standards like Hong Kong and Singapore. Their system is broken and they seem very narrow minded.

In Hong Kong and Singapore, they treat you with respect and trust. In Thailand they treat you like a 2nd class citizen.

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Thailand is the Land of Smiles for incoming money; but Land of Frowns for outgoing money.

I spent over 4 hours at the bank and sent them an email with screenshots of all the credit advice transactions showing the money coming from overseas to Kbank. There computer system could not open it so i had to find a computer shop which prints.

Luckily i found one opposite MacDonalds & Tesco Lotus in BangTao which charged 2 BHT per copy.

Yesterday they told me via email they could check their system for incoming funds if i paid an extra BHT500 fee. Today they told me i also needed printed copies of all transactions which equal or exceed the amount i want to transfer.

Went back to the bank and they told me they will send the receipt after 5pm.

They cannot guarantee the rate for today so cannot tell me how much they will debit from my account however the rate they showed me on the computer was 26.7195

I just feel like they are always looking for an excuse to say "CANNOT". Like they just want to be difficult for some reason. Now i understand why so many people are reluctant to invest in Thailand. They'll never have international standards like Hong Kong and Singapore. Their system is broken and they seem very narrow minded.

In Hong Kong and Singapore, they treat you with respect and trust. In Thailand they treat you like a 2nd class citizen.

I've always received great treatment from banks, especially before I learned the language.

I suggest you don't go in wearing your beer Chang vest.

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Haymanpl, i understand your frustration completely. I've been helping a Thai friend to setup an international oriented business in Bangkok but it's been a hellish experience! It's as if Thailand doesn't want someone to invest, there's always a "cannot", "don't know", "mai meeee" or whatever. 2 months it took us to set up a business limited by bureaucracy, stupid banks and shit for brains government staff. Especially the banking has been extremely frustrating, so much that it's been decided to move the whole operation abroad. Much time and resources wasted, but anything better than having to deal with incompetent Thai banks ever again.

This experience has made me aware that building a real future for myself in Thailand is not that attractive anymore. The plans to invest real money and resources in this country have been scrapped, i will enjoy my stay (so long the government allows it, or until the country has been morally sanitized as they're doing now).

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Thailand is a honey trap for single men , You can always leave but its difficult to get your assets out.

Exactly. The guy from Kasikorn bank in Bangkok told me to bring in my wife and get her to transfer the money to my AUS account.

Maybe they're protecting the Thai wives.

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also just read Old Crocs post in immigration forum looks like the Thais dont want Expats anymore.

they are just going to far with all there forms and such. Thailand is becoming less attractive by the day.

its same old same old punish the good guys because they can,t get the bad guys.

So much for all the 'Good guys in, Bad guys out' Immigration nonsense earlier in the year eh? What that really meant was; 'People we can make jump through increasingly difficult hoops year after year in, those who scoff at the system, out'....

I can't agree that Thailand doesn't want 'expats' any more, having just signed a pleasant, shiny new 5 year contract starting in October wink.pngsmile.png .

What they really don't want are people with no discernible skills or income which could be of benefit the nation or those scraping by on increasingly diminishing pensions, TEFL earnings or digital nomads 'living the dream' exploiting rapidly closing loopholes in visa regulations, living on cheap noodles, or boiler room scum etc.

I agree they are going to make things more difficult while they flush out the chaff from the wheat.

Soon the only Westerners/foreigners in Thailand will be those on their annual 2/4 week permitted holiday visits, the only foreigners there full time will be those with the desired or perceived skills or incomes deemed to be of 'benefit' to the nation.

To be honest I'll miss folks....many of them are my pals...'good guys or bad, well to do or not...'

I saw some symptoms of this before we came home for our leave.

I saw things I never thought I'd see;

Namely, Suk Soi 4 (Nana Tai) almost utterly bereft of life on a Friday night, something unimaginable from the 'golden years' of the mid 1990s to the early/late 2000s when you could hardly get a seat in most bars in that area on a Friday evening/night.

Also taking the 'naughty boys bus' to Pattaya from Ekkamai one Friday and possibly being the only 'naughty boy' on it...

Times they are changing, my friend and not necessarily for the better.....

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I set up a company with a foreign currency account. This was with Bangkok Bank and NOT in Bangkok. It was difficult for the branch at first as nobody else in the town had this, but they cracked on and set it all up. I now have zero problems with money coming in and going out. The only time i needed an 'extra' signature was when I sent out 130K usd last month. I was expecting big difficulties but so far have not encountered any problems.

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15 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

I set up a company with a foreign currency account. This was with Bangkok Bank and NOT in Bangkok. It was difficult for the branch at first as nobody else in the town had this, but they cracked on and set it all up. I now have zero problems with money coming in and going out. The only time i needed an 'extra' signature was when I sent out 130K usd last month. I was expecting big difficulties but so far have not encountered any problems.


You all are aware that each and every bank under whichsoever company name operates completely individually (unlike our home countries) don't you? Or have most of you not been here very long? 

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