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Warrant issued for arrest of Thai man over disappearance of 15 year old Thai/French schoolgirl


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A parent's worst nightmare.

A cloud of dread and gloom will envelop the family until this thing comes to a conclusion.

Can't sleep, think, or even eat properly until they know the details of what has happened here.

The young man is 19...not 29, may not be the one who instigated this debacle.

Let's hope for the best, and prepare for the worst case scenario.

Parents everywhere in Thailand have to be apprehensive every time a child leaves home and is out of sight.

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....hope they get her back safe....

....and press charges.....

...and the insinuation that she is not a good girl...by the police no less....is not appreciated....

.....'boyfriend'......sounds more like a predator.....

...and whoever has known about this and condoned it is an accomplice....

There usually are reasons for young girls running away from home. There may be tensions that are not usually discussed outside the home. Sometimes the girls are escaping. It is not a good idea to force them to return without finding out what was the real reason for them leaving. Assuming the young man she went to is a predator is unwarranted at this point.

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and the friends she went to the market with ????????

police need to get on top of this pretty sharpish, photos of both on national media and assurances that nothing will happen if the young girl is returned to her parent

my first thought... but not a word from 2 friends!!!!!!

Yes, that's what makes me suspect there's more in this family situation than had been revealed here. My speculation is that they see themselves as helping their friend, and not telling her parents about her whereabouts is part of that help.

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getting my half thai daughter out of thailand well before she turns 11. seeing quite a few nasty stories on the news that make me think think i should be leaving today.

the cultures of asia and the middle east have easy solution for this : u marry her off / when she is around 15-16/ best to an older well doing young male that is known to ur family along time,,, till that age u watch her like a hawk so she dont loose her virginity before that otherwise she will be seen as a whore,,, as u live in the middst of the asian culture i recomend just this it might save her from the accomplishements of western culture like f drug and alcoholabuse at a young age, single mother socialsecurity case, the single mothers working girls u see here come from low social classes / the deep countryside,,,

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This wouldn't even be news were it not for the French connection. Teenagers run away all the time with their lovers in Thailand. I bet the parents thought they were getting a better deal with a half Thai/half French kid. In Thailand, this stuff is normal especially in rural areas where poverty, stupidity and apathy have a stronger presence.

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She said that she was a widow who remarried Bunya Ketthep who was the father of Kanokwan, better know to family and friends as "Nong Yim".

Girl is not half french, her mother in law is french, that's it.

I will say the story is poorly written but we get used to that in Thailand.

The way it reads to me differs from your interpretation.

I read it that the French woman has been in Thailand for 20 years and was a widow. Who she was previously married to, Thai or foreigner we do not know.

She met and married the Thai man pictured in this story. They had a child together, the article deliberately points out that the Thai man is the father of this girl thus making her half French and half Thai.

She is therefore ' luukrung ' I do not see why emphasis was placed on this, but it was probably to make a headline, as thousands of young Thai girls run off or disappear daily with Thai boys/males without it hitting the papers.

Next, many posters seem to be making a big thing about the girls friends. It is possible that she merely asked her friends to cover for her so she could go and meet her boyfriend. Friends of that age will do that! My God, I asked my pals to cover and lie for me to my parents many times and they did, and I did for them, that's what mates at that age do! Not a big deal.

Moving on, it is well likely that the mother had no inkling or idea that her daughter had a boyfriend a bit older than her. Teenage kids are crafty!!

It shows the mother cares, as she rang the girl seeking her whereabouts and followed up on this call to be greeted with an engaged signal.

Girls in the West are known to mature faster than boys of the same age, I have no information to suggest it is the same here as I find all of them hard work ' up in the sticks ' and devoid of common sense, both male and female.

It is just hoped she returns safely to her home and nothing major goes awry in the meantime. I have brought up two Thai girls from being babies who were basically abandoned by my partners sister, dumped on the grandmother without any monthly financial support, and have seen Thai lads attempting to hang around the house.

A strict check is kept on the youngest girl, who is 15, by the family, who comes straight home after school, well actually she is dropped off and collected!

The eldest has grown into a pleasant, respectable girl who now works in a gold shop in the centre of Bangkok and has a fiancee, a soldier, based down there.

However, I do walking and keep fit late afternoons and have seen on the local lake where I exercise, girls in school uniform hanging with older boys on motorbikes drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes after school has finished.

My point being, many parents have no idea what their kids are up to.

Edited by Scouse123
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Hope she's found safe soon and scum bag shot !

Christ.....now you want the death penalty for 2 teenagers ,& you have no clue about their circumstances (if their shacked up together somewhere etc) what about if they are found shacked up then we shoot her also, just to round the whole thing up on a positive note.............................coffee1.gif

I hope their just 2 head strong kids----like they have the world over.

Edited by oxo1947
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