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What's the device called that updates DNS?


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I want to access my CCTV remotely from the internet but I don't want to keep paying for dynamic dns website subscription.

There is some hardware that you can add to your network that will update the dns but I've only managed to find one in Thailand. This one: nakramicrotek dot co dot th

I want to shop around and look on ebay, but I'm not sure what these devices are called exactly. The one above is called an IP checker. But when I search for that I find nothing.

What are these devices called exactly?

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11 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

No hardware necessary.  Use a software client like ddclient to update your DDNS service provider.  There are many others.  Search on "DDNS updater."  Some routers have the capability builtin.

now-ip.com had good free DDNS service.

There's no computer on the network, only the cctv, so software is no use.

The router is a very basic one from 3B, so maybe getting a new router with built in ddns updater is the way to go. Thanks for that idea.

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44 minutes ago, skraach said:

Thanks, but my CCTV is an older one and in the settings only lists dyndns.org (not free anymore) with no option to add your own.

Sounds like your CCTV has a DDNS update client built in.  There's no other reason it would have a place to configure dyndns.org.

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23 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:

Sounds like your CCTV has a DDNS update client built in.  There's no other reason it would have a place to configure dyndns.org.


It does have settings for ddns but only 3 options:


  • 3322 (what's that?)
  • dyndns (not free anymore)
  • fujiko (for use with fujiko dns updater client software)



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If you don't want to pay DYNDNS for a subscription then another pretty cheap solution would be a router that supports 3rd party firmware like DD-WRT or Tomato.


You can buy ASUS units for around the THB1000 mark that will do the trick.


Put the 3BB modem into bridge mode and do the PPPoE login with the flashed ASUS.


DD-WRT (and Tomato, I think) will support any DYN service by filling in the details under the custom tab.

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