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Criticism grows for Trump's assailing of Muslim vet's family


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25 minutes ago, Credo said:

Both major parties as well as many organizations are close relations with the press and have prepared press releases and points to give to journalists.   I have worked on both sides.   Organizations prepare a press release, briefings and other materials.   It is up to the journalists to check the sources and the pursue possible leads.   Even rather minor players will have someone in charge of Public Relations.   Talk about a tempest in a teapot.   




Tempest in a Teapot?


collusion between a national political party and news organizations?


one thing is clear--there is no longer an independent press simply reporting the news and allowing its readership to form their own opinions.


gone are the days when any liberal can point fingers at Fox News.


It is a sad day for America, indeed. Hardly of some small consequence as you suggest.







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2 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Tempest in a Teapot?


collusion between a national political party and news organizations?


one thing is clear--there is no longer an independent press simply reporting the news and allowing its readership to form their own opinions.


gone are the days when any liberal can point fingers at Fox News.


It is a sad day for America, indeed. Hardly of some small consequence as you suggest.







Basically a State-Run Press.

Thank God for a token alternatives such as Drudge & Breibart to counter the Huffpos ans Salons of this world.

Definitely not a tempest in a teapot...:blink:

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4 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


Do you know so little about the American Political system of balance of power and checks & balances to think the President simply makes all the rules that he so chooses?



Now, now, my dear, it's a very clear proposition: As Mr Trump has been very forthright about not honoring treaty agreements, trade deals and the Constitution itself truth be told, there is no reason to think that he will honor something so thin and non-binding as the Republican Party Platform. This says nothing about what he would, as a matter of law, have to follow but everything about what he would not have to follow. That of course being the Republican Party Platform. So in a thread on Trump's assailing of a Muslim Vets family, there is little to gain by discussing the Republican Party Platform.


It would be a sad thing to see Donald Trump's peevishness, thin skin and quarrelsome distemper infect the disposition of his defenders and supporters, but I suppose that is a large part of his charm for his enthusiasts.

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6 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:


Obama's supporters do not care what anti-America outrage he does next ... So why should it surprise you that Trump's supporters do not care what anyone thinks? . 


One man's secret Muslim terrorist anti-American Potus is another man's loyal patriot and normal Potus (the norm except for skin color).


Let's not effectively bring the Middle East into USA politics or culture. It has always been true in the ME that the leader is supported absolutely by his tribe no matter how much the leader lies cheats steals, or murders the other tribes' men women children. The ME is the number one place where truth and reality have no bearing on anything, same as in the Trump campaign -- it's just that the Trump campaign is not quite at the same place the people are in the ME...not yet anyway.


So let's keep American politics American thx.

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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:

Anyone have a good link to the Wikileaks emails?


I have several hours in doctors offices awaiting me today and it would make a good read.


Anyone here read through the low points?


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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Yup, it's corrupt all the way down:


Clinton Cash: Khizr Khan’s Deep Legal, Financial Connections to Saudi Arabia, Hillary’s Clinton Foundation Tie Terror, Immigration, Email Scandals Together


"Khan, according to Intelius as also reported by Walid Shoebat, used to work at the law firm Hogan Lovells, LLP, a major D.C. law firm that has been on retainer as the law firm representing the government of Saudi Arabia in the United States for years. Citing federal government disclosure forms, the Washington Free Beacon reported the connection between Saudi Arabia and Hogan Lovells a couple weeks ago. "




Check my shocked face that the Left Wing Media isn't telling us the whole story, eh? :facepalm:


Be specific.


Otherwise it's Joe McCarthy time again in America.


The post assigns individual guilt by assigning a group guilt while  neither the individual nor the group are presented as being guilty of anything specific. There are only vague accusations with nothing specific presented in fact or reality.   


Unless being Muslim or Saudi is guilty -- always and every time everywhere in all things. And if that's the case then the Constitution is being shredded by the radical right.

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22 hours ago, yogi100 said:

"And if you don't think that those who died on the battlefield are heroes....lordy."


If a soldier dies holding off an entire platoon of the enemy singlehandedly, he's a hero.


If he walks over to car and it blows up, he's just unfortunate.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Be specific.


Otherwise it's Joe McCarthy time again in America.


The post assigns individual guilt by assigning a group guilt while  neither the individual nor the group are presented as being guilty of anything specific. There are only vague accusations with nothing specific presented in fact or reality.   


Unless being Muslim or Saudi is guilty -- always and every time everywhere in all things. And if that's the case then the Constitution is being shredded by the radical right.

 It's really come to this:  Raging against neo- McCarthyism the liberal pundits are the ones who trot out that name in their eagerness to defeat Trump :facepalm:




It's not going to work...


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11 hours ago, JDGRUEN said:

The DNC Email revelations made is perfectly clear that the U.S. News Media is in the pocket of the Democrat Party ... It is near impossible to deny it now... The Lame Stream Leftist News media was ready, set - go to pounce on Trump no matter what he said.   And it looks every more likely that this sorrowful father was a shill being recruited and paid to set up an EMOTIONAL MOMENT ... It is okay for Hillary Clinton to call the mother of a Bengazi slain victim as a liar but not okay for Trump to say anything ... what a farce ... 

So when and where did Hillary Clinton literally call Pat Smith a liar?

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41 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

So when and where did Hillary Clinton literally call Pat Smith a liar?

Please, pleeeeease, don' ask the Trumpists to verify their hare brained allegation. It's of no use. The more the Trumpet sticks his foot in his mouth, the more the Trumpists will defend him.

And here is another GOP congressman who can't take it anymore:



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5 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


If a soldier dies holding off an entire platoon of the enemy singlehandedly, he's a hero.


If he walks over to car and it blows up, he's just unfortunate.

He was going to attend law school but changed his plans after 9/11 in order to do his patriotic duty.


"On 8 June 2004, an inspection turned deadly when a taxi sped towards Khan's line of troops.
Acting quickly, he told his soldiers to step back and hit the ground as he moved towards the approaching car. He walked with his arm outstretched in a halt gesture for 10 to 15 seconds.
Just before reaching him, the driver detonated a suicide bomb."




Sounds pretty heroic to me saving his men's lives and hundreds of others who were breakfasting nearby.

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Trump's Mental State Is Becoming a Campaign Talking Point 

"As Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump's verbal gaffes have mounted and his penchant for lashing out at his political opponents has continued to escalate, it's become in vogue for critics to earnestly raise questions about Trump's temperament and his mental stability."

"Terms like "narcissist" and "sociopath" have been attached to his name as routinely as Trump attaches that name to his buildings." :lol:

"Many of Trump's GOP allies have been publicly apoplectic about his unorthodox (some have argued virtually non-existent) campaign, his contradictory statements regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin and his critical remarks about the Muslim-American parents of a slain Iraq War hero."


Presidential material? :cheesy:

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Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?

"During the primary season, as Donald Trump’s bizarre outbursts helped him crush the competition,

I thought he was being crazy like a fox." 


"Now I am increasingly convinced that he’s just plain crazy."


"I’m serious about that."



What took you so long?

Edited by iReason
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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

"On 8 June 2004, an inspection turned deadly when a taxi sped towards Khan's line of troops.
Acting quickly, he told his soldiers to step back and hit the ground as he moved towards the approaching car. He walked with his arm outstretched in a halt gesture for 10 to 15 seconds.
Just before reaching him, the driver detonated a suicide bomb."



Jeez...that sounds more like foolhardiness rather than bravery....most smart soldiers would have just emptied an entire magazine into the windshield instead of waiting 15 seconds.   

Maybe he hesitated since the driver if the car was also no doubt muzzlim.   

As a pakistani boy, he should have known that islamic terrorists kill anyone...even Other muzzlims. 

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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 It's really come to this:  Raging against neo- McCarthyism the liberal pundits are the ones who trot out that name in their eagerness to defeat Trump :facepalm:




It's not going to work...



Trump exceeds McCarthy in that Trump careens wildly from McCarthyism to being the first and uniquely American fascist to seek state power and authority.


At the national level.


No way that is going to work. On November 8th the mass of the voters are going to give Donald Trump the bum's rush and the Republican rightwingnoids with him.


It will be a thumping expulsion of the torchlight right from American politics and government.


At a minimum Donald Trump is a wildman crackpot.

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5 hours ago, ilostmypassword said:

So when and where did Hillary Clinton literally call Pat Smith a liar?


 No one said literally. Hillary claims that Pat Smith does not "remember" correctly. Most people realize that is a load of BS.

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17 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Basically a State-Run Press.

Thank God for a token alternatives such as Drudge & Breibart to counter the Huffpos ans Salons of this world.

Definitely not a tempest in a teapot...:blink:


Drudge and Breitbart same as Huffpo? That's why the wingnuts are so delusional. They believe the conspiracy nonsense that Breitbart and Drudge spew. Chalk up the the differences between them to reality and the crazy paranoid bullshit that guides the poor low-info minions. 


Some of the headlines from the wingnut sources above today:

1. Sen. Tom Cotton: Obama’s $400m ‘Ransom to the Ayatollahs’

2. REPORT: Obama Admin Airlifted $400,000,000 to Iran as Americans Freed

3. Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’

4.Revolving Door Sends Millions to Refugee Resettlement Agency Run by Former Clinton and Obama Appointees


6. Iowa parade showcases Clinton in prison...



You get the idea? This is what colors their view of the world. 

Huffington and Salon can't make stuff up like the Fox News Media echo chamber can. Too many intelligent HIGH INFORMATION readers wouldn't let them.


Don't compare the two. It's apples to oranges. Rotten apples. 


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4 hours ago, iReason said:

Is Donald Trump just plain crazy?

"During the primary season, as Donald Trump’s bizarre outbursts helped him crush the competition,

I thought he was being crazy like a fox." 


"Now I am increasingly convinced that he’s just plain crazy."


"I’m serious about that."



What took you so long?


Unfortunately, this not the word of a doctor of psychiatry. I'd love to know what a shrink thinks about that guy.

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1 hour ago, Pinot said:


Drudge and Breitbart same as Huffpo? That's why the wingnuts are so delusional.



 Actually, that is why lemmings on BOTH sides are so delusional. Drudge and Brietbart are the same thing as the Huffington Post and Salon - except backwards - and anyone who does not realize that is completely brainwashed. They ALL publish articles that are biased and often complete rubbish

Edited by Ulysses G.
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13 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

 It's really come to this:  Raging against neo- McCarthyism the liberal pundits are the ones who trot out that name in their eagerness to defeat Trump :facepalm:




It's not going to work...


"The idea that Trump is some kind of Manchurian candidate first took root thanks to a mistranslation of a remark by Putin, which was misconstrued as high praise for Trump by the media—and by Trump himself."


Trump isn't some kind of Manchurian candidate, he is the Manchurian candidate!  :whistling:

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16 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


If a soldier dies holding off an entire platoon of the enemy singlehandedly, he's a hero.


If he walks over to car and it blows up, he's just unfortunate.

Yeah, unfortunate he volunteered to protect and serve someone like you. But that's their job, they serve and sacrifice life and limb for all citizens and good on them for doing it. Really, you should be ashamed of yourself.

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Busted for Lying:


"Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.” That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution."


These people have no shame...:blink:


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9 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:


Jeez...that sounds more like foolhardiness rather than bravery....most smart soldiers would have just emptied an entire magazine into the windshield instead of waiting 15 seconds.   

Maybe he hesitated since the driver if the car was also no doubt muzzlim.   

As a pakistani boy, he should have known that islamic terrorists kill anyone...even Other muzzlims. 

That is plain sickening bigoted racism just like Donald Trump's. And that is why he won't get elected.

At least Khan did not get captured like McCain, then he would have had no chance of being a war hero.

Unlike draft dodging Trump whose personal Vietnam was sleeping around while avoiding STDs.


"my personal Vietnam - I'm like a great & brave soldier"





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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Busted for Lying:


"Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.” That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution."


These people have no shame...:blink:


>>These people have no shame

..and clearly neither do you nor Donald Trump attacking the integrity and decency of Gold Star parents.


Saying dopey things like that is losing Trump votes. He just has to have the last word, whatever the cost to his campaign. 

As Churchill said:  If you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.

Edited by dexterm
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3 hours ago, dexterm said:

That is plain sickening bigoted racism just like Donald Trump's. And that is why he won't get elected.

At least Khan did not get captured like McCain, then he would have had no chance of being a war hero.

Unlike draft dodging Trump whose personal Vietnam was sleeping around while avoiding STDs.



I won't be surprised to learn that you might have served in the US military…those types do think they are doing the greatest job in the world…


Even Ali the boxer refused to fight a war with people with whom he had no bone to pick….does that make him a coward? Doubt it.


Many soldiers who volunteer to fight do it because they have few other economic options. The painting of dead soldiers as heroes is just patriotic propaganda that must be carried out to attract even more soldier recruits and deflect from the reality that they have a good chance of dying on the job. And to appease the families of the dead by creating an aura of nobility….there is no nobility on the battlefield…its just chaos and carnage and sadness.


I think anyone who volunteers to fight, because they love fighting and killing, is a bit nuts.

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6 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Busted for Lying:


"Tuesday on CNN’s “AC 360,” Khizr Khan, father of slain U.S. Army Capt. Humayun Khan denied the accusation he was using his son’s death to advance Sharia Law.

He told host Anderson Cooper that he did not stand for “any Sharia Law because there was no such thing.” That statement contradicts his prior position he stated. According to a Breitbart News report, Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law, which includes the U.S. Constitution."


These people have no shame...:blink:




The Houston International Law Review is ranked among the top 25% of all law reviews given that it publishes intelligent discussions of vital contemporary issues. The same is true of the Texas International Law Journal, each of which has published Mr. Khan on Islamic law and Islamic states which Mr. Khan distinguishes as being different from Muslim practice in Muslim countries.


Here in fact is what Mr. Khan wrote in 1982, in his expert  BOOK REVIEW: HUMAN RIGHTS IN ISLAM report by the International Commission of Jurists. Geneva, Switzerland: 1982...


"Islamic state" and "Muslim state" are terms which cause much disagreement among Muslim scholars and can be blamed for the confusion they create in the minds of students of Islam and those who see Islam as it is practiced in Muslim countries.


"[regrettably enough, contemporary Islamic practice cannot be said to conform in many aspects with the true principals of Islam. Further, it is wrong to abuse Islam by seeking to justify certain political systems in the face of obvious contradictions between those systems and Islamic law.




And here is the statement by Mr. Khan that is grotesquely misrepresented in the fringe and extremist mass of highly financed rightwing extensively funded media, of which Breitbart is but one perp among dozens of slanderers. Mr. Khan did in fact write the following...

Dr. A.K. Brohi, former Pakistani Minister of Legal and Religious Affairs, is a hallmark in this book. It successfully explains the Islamic concepts of "right" and "just" in comparison to their Christian and Judaic counterparts. Brohi argues convincingly for the establishment of a moral value system before guarantees can be given for any kind of rights. To illustrate his [Brohi's] point he notes, "There is no such thing as human right in the abstract. First we have to locate the human being in a given social cosmos, view him against the background of a certain economico-political and socio-cultural conditioning before we can meaningfully talk about his rights."' 6


It is against this background that the contribution made by Islam fourteen hundred years ago of the Divine Element that can be seen as representing the manifestation somehow will not let man devalue man. 

Khizr Muazzam Khan*

* LL.B. 1974, University of Punjab, Pakistan; LL.M. 1982, University of Missouri;
Director, Islamic Center Houston.


Texas International Law Journal Vol. 18:239

Khizr Khan: Human Rights in Islam Review


And Mr. Kahn in his writing in 1982 quotes Niall MacDermot, Secretary-General of the International Commission of Jurists in respect of the different approaches to the concept of human rights as applied by most Muslims and by most Western peoples. Mr. Khan here quotes Mr. MacDermot in respect of the diversity yet unitary nature of human rights... 



"He [MacDermot] notes that "[m]any of the conclusions and principles are the same, but they are arrived at by a different route. The western dichotomy between economic, social and cultural rights and the classic
civil and political rights does not exist for you Muslims]." 2 Human rights in Islam are based upon the premise that man is God's representative on earth.3 "All human rights are part of a single whole, and include or perhaps.., are derived from our duties to our fellow men and women. All are united in the concept of the self-realisation and fulfilment of each person 4 in and through a community dedicated to the service of God."




So there is nothing in Mr. Khan's quotes that support or advocate radical jihad or any form of terrorism or jihad. Mr. Khan is not a secret Muslim jihadist terrorist in the USA. The lunatic and false rightwhingenoid media is simply doing their constant and unrelenting mangling of fact, reality, truth, i.e., peddling false and malicious reports that have no basis in fact or in reality. 


Same as Trump does all the time. So the shamless pararightwhinge and their noids get busted again.

Edited by Publicus
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