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Polls show divided America with Democrats viewed more favorably after convention


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26 minutes ago, iReason said:

Take a look at what the Trumpeteer's bible, Fox Views says:



"Little bump"?  :cheesy:

More like a glorious thrashing in the works. :thumbsup:





All lies..according to Hillary.

These polls are certainly made up of non voters.....that now are being allowed to vote.


Crazy world.


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1 minute ago, slipperylobster said:



All lies..according to Hillary.

These polls are certainly made up of non voters.....that now are being allowed to vote.


Crazy world.


Just like in 2012 when the polls were lying, too.  They actually showed Obama ahead.  I bet you and President Romney still get a good chuckle over that.

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Just now, slipperylobster said:

With out the illegal vote.... Hillary does not even come close.

Crazy Democrat wingnut judges already rigging the vote.  


No documentation required.  lol


give me a frickin break.  




Just a question:  When your boy Trump gets buried in the general, what are you going to do?  Jump off your balcony?  Bury your head in the toilet bowl?  Inquiring minds want to know...

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5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Just a question:  When your boy Trump gets buried in the general, what are you going to do?  Jump off your balcony?  Bury your head in the toilet bowl?  Inquiring minds want to know...



Love that democrat deflection.

Be proud, boy.

Cannot win, so go to your toilet humor.   I expected no less.












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26 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:



Love that democrat deflection.

Be proud, boy.

Cannot win, so go to your toilet humor.   I expected no less.



Win?  What's there to win?  I just don't want to lose.  If Trump becomes President, America loses.  Big time.  Luckily, there isn't enough stupid people in America for that to happen.  So HRC will be President. 

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3 hours ago, CaptHaddock said:


I don't think this kind of analysis is wrong so much as just lazy.  You paint with such a broad brush that the only course of action left is violent revolution, which I might support, but is more likely to result in a military dictatorship than a Nordic-style state with a strong social welfare program and low inequality.


The only practical political course that can help the working class is the Democrat program.  Yes, I know that Bill Clinton through his Treas. Sec., Robert Rubin, supported the strong dollar policy that contributed to hollowing out US manufacturing for the benefit of financial services sector.  Just to begin with.  But such social welfare as the US worker still enjoys all came from Democrats and are defended only by Democrats today: Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid.  The Republicans want to destroy all of these programs pushing ever larger segments of the population out of the middle class and into poverty which the rich get richer.  If the Republicans get their way children will be back working in the mines and Peter G. Peterson-funded  economists will be explaining patiently why economic reality makes it a regrettable necessity.


The working class will do better when unions are supported, the right to organize is defended, the minimum wage is raised, Social Security is expanded into a genuine national pension system, university level education is free, and the eligibility age for Medicare is gradually lowered to make the single payer option available.  Only the Democrats will support any of that, much more so after Bernie's heroic efforts.  Now the Democrats don't support that program as strongly as I would like, but the alternative is what?  Dream of a worker's paradise brought about by revolution?


59 minutes ago, slipperylobster said:

Hillary is popular with minority groups such as "Black Lives Matters" and other left wingnut clubs.  Illegals love her.  12 year old girls...(they cannot vote anyways), and the misguided.   


Misguided as in cannot look beyond the 2XL pantsuit....just think it would be cool to have a democrat as the first female president.  They had Obama..(a total failure)..and now think it would be cute to have a lady.


No other reason to vote for her.  Nobody came up with a single positive thing that would make Hillary a good choice.   


Well, her election would piss you off. That's a good enough positive reason for me.

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Here's a poll in the form of the line from Las Vegas...


To be elected President November 8th


HR Clinton has odds of 2-7 or the percentage probability of 78.8%

DJ Trump has odds of 5-2 or the percentage probability of 28.5%


Winning Party (no names)


Democratic 1-4 or 80%

Republican  5-2 or 28.5%

Independent 66-1 or 1.49%


Gender of winner


Female 1-4 or 80%

Male  3-1 or 25%

(An odds line without precedent.)


Madam President. 

Edited by Publicus
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On 3 สิงหาคม 2559 at 4:10 PM, CaptHaddock said:


Well, technically speaking Bush II was a deserter, not a draft-dodger, since he simply failed to report for his last year.  Nevertheless it is remarkable that the right-wingers didn't seem to hold it against him.


It is remarkable to me how right-wingers like yourself buy into the propaganda that describes a fantasy world.  I realize that I am not going to be the one to persuade you that the hordes of idle, illegal immigrants living high off of government largesse are no more than a figment of the collaborative imaginations of Fox News, Rush Limbaugh, and the rest.  The actual evidence is that illegal Mexican immigrants overwhelmingly hold jobs, pay taxes, including payroll taxes from which they will never benefit, break the law less often than native Americans, and came here in hopes of getting a better life for themselves and their children just like my ancestors did.  But then you probably believe that crime is a huge and growing problem along with teen pregnancies, global warming is a conspiracy, Jesus loves you, gold is safe, the dollar will collapse from Fed printing, hyper-inflation is just around the corner, and the Second Amendment is about your right to own a personal gun that will make you safer.  None of this is true, but the reverberations in the echo chamber of right-wing media persuade you that it has been independently confirmed.  Maybe you're a working class guy whose income has stagnated for the last thirty years, in which case you have my genuine sympathy and you are right if you believe you have been screwed politically, but it wasn't Islamic terrorists who were screwing you over, but the tax policies of Reagan and the two Bushes that made the rich so much richer at your expense.


Trump did indeed fall for the bait, because he is really rather a stupid fellow.  Better hope that HRC wins so that the next bait he falls for isn't Putin's.

Oh dear oh dear. I'm anything but right wing. I want state control of essential services, like health, electricity, water, railways etc, and at least one major bank. I also want to pay for it by taxing the rich till their eyes water.

However, that doesn't mean I want to support the idle bludgers that infest western societies and especially my home country.

Crime is indeed a problem in my home country.

Teen pregnacies are a problem in my home country.

Global warming is true, but there is no conclusive proof it is caused by humans.

I owned guns because of the crime in my home country. They made me feel safer.


Maybe you're a working class guy whose income has stagnated for the last thirty years

It wasn't enough to live on back home, but I didn't cry poverty and expect working people to support me. I got off my butt, travelled half way around the world and ( legally ) worked in a country that paid  better wages.

I'm not American, so why would Reagan or the Bush's affect my wages?


I want Trump to win, because I don't think Clinton has the will or the guts to do anything about Islamic terrorism, and Islamic terrorists WILL be screwing me over.

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Runaway Trump Train Picks Up Speed As Aides Can’t Grab The Controls  :clap2::cheesy:

Paul Manafort isn’t quitting, but is said to be “frustrated.” The RNC is distancing itself.

Even Trump’s kids seem powerless (sub-title)


"WASHINGTON ― Paul Manafort, Donald Trump’s campaign chairman, has had success dealing with,

hard-to-manage dictatorial types from Imelda Marcos of the Philippines to Jonas Savimbi of Angola,

to Viktor Yanukovych of Ukraine."


"But he is described by close friends as “frustrated” beyond measure by his inability to manage Trump in any sense."


"Reince Priebus, the pliable chair of the Republican National Committee,

went to extraordinary lengths to legitimize Trump, 

but now the RNC is throwing up its hands and distancing itself."



Crazy Don.

All alone at the helm of the Clown Train.


Excellent!  :thumbsup:


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5 hours ago, fasteddie said:




35 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


2 hours ago, slipperylobster said:
1 hour ago, thaibeachlovers said:



I want Trump to win, because I don't think Clinton has the will or the guts to do anything about Islamic terrorism, and Islamic terrorists WILL be screwing me over.


Is there something special about you that attracts Islamic terrorists?  Some pheromone maybe?  Are you living in Iraq or Syria? If you're living in Thailand do you think your chances are greater dying from Terrorism than from an automotive accident?

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Yes, every single poll is rigged eh?






Aug 8, 2016

Hillary Clinton is riding high in the polls in the wake of the Democratic National Convention, leaving the beleaguered Trump campaign to ponder its next step.

Real Clear Politics gives Clinton an average lead of seven points in an amalgam of 11 recent polls, all of which tipped her to carry the US presidential election.




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I see that Thai Visa  has a small but quite rapid group of left wing extremists, this is all fine and dandy but I really wonder why all the animation and vitriol is needed if these few souls really believe in what they post.  I mean nobody but a madman stands in their front yard and faces east at 5AM  and shouts to his neighbors that everyone should gather around because I proclaim that the Sun will rise in a few minutes, methinks that these few souls here "doth protest too much" as the Bard of Avon put it.  Surely if Hillary Clinton is a shoe in to be elected President and the House and Senate fall to the Dems, then everything will be right in the world, songbirds will sing, lolipops and roses will fall from the heavens and there will be peace and harmony in the world :rolleyes: So if this is the case then why all the anger and hatred towards conservative talk radio or Fox News or even your fellow posters here on TV?  Could it be that all that pent up hostility and inability to listen to an opposing viewpoint actually may be signalling something else :whistling:

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@Post 137 linksman00


Well, the fact is, in my experience on TV, the only posters that use the words: hate or hatred are the Trumpeteers.


It seems to come easy for them.


As does anger.

And hostility.

And the inability to process facts.



As for the rest:

"the House and Senate fall to the Dems, then everything will be right in the world, songbirds will sing,

lolipops and roses will fall from the heavens and there will be peace and harmony in the world"


It's just pointless gibberish...



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49 minutes ago, linksman00 said:

I see that Thai Visa  has a small but quite rapid group of left wing extremists, this is all fine and dandy but I really wonder why all the animation and vitriol is needed if these few souls really believe in what they post.  I mean nobody but a madman stands in their front yard and faces east at 5AM  and shouts to his neighbors that everyone should gather around because I proclaim that the Sun will rise in a few minutes, methinks that these few souls here "doth protest too much" as the Bard of Avon put it.  Surely if Hillary Clinton is a shoe in to be elected President and the House and Senate fall to the Dems, then everything will be right in the world, songbirds will sing, lolipops and roses will fall from the heavens and there will be peace and harmony in the world :rolleyes: So if this is the case then why all the anger and hatred towards conservative talk radio or Fox News or even your fellow posters here on TV?  Could it be that all that pent up hostility and inability to listen to an opposing viewpoint actually may be signalling something else :whistling:

Well linkman00 Advanced Member, so just because one don´t want a narcissistic sociopat to be the worlds most powerfull man one is a "leftie" So the republicans that will wote for HRC is "lefties" as well? :cheesy:

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1 hour ago, linksman00 said:

I see that Thai Visa  has a small but quite rapid group of left wing extremists, this is all fine and dandy but I really wonder why all the animation and vitriol is needed if these few souls really believe in what they post.  I mean nobody but a madman stands in their front yard and faces east at 5AM  and shouts to his neighbors that everyone should gather around because I proclaim that the Sun will rise in a few minutes, methinks that these few souls here "doth protest too much" as the Bard of Avon put it.  Surely if Hillary Clinton is a shoe in to be elected President and the House and Senate fall to the Dems, then everything will be right in the world, songbirds will sing, lolipops and roses will fall from the heavens and there will be peace and harmony in the world :rolleyes: So if this is the case then why all the anger and hatred towards conservative talk radio or Fox News or even your fellow posters here on TV?  Could it be that all that pent up hostility and inability to listen to an opposing viewpoint actually may be signalling something else :whistling:

When you see people sitting on a deathly-faulty fun park ride, it's only good manners to raise one's voice in warning so giving them a chance to jump off before intransigent fact meets infantile fantasy.

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2 hours ago, linksman00 said:

I see that Thai Visa  has a small but quite rapid group of left wing extremists, this is all fine and dandy but I really wonder why all the animation and vitriol is needed if these few souls really believe in what they post.  I mean nobody but a madman stands in their front yard and faces east at 5AM  and shouts to his neighbors that everyone should gather around because I proclaim that the Sun will rise in a few minutes, methinks that these few souls here "doth protest too much" as the Bard of Avon put it.  Surely if Hillary Clinton is a shoe in to be elected President and the House and Senate fall to the Dems, then everything will be right in the world, songbirds will sing, lolipops and roses will fall from the heavens and there will be peace and harmony in the world :rolleyes: So if this is the case then why all the anger and hatred towards conservative talk radio or Fox News or even your fellow posters here on TV?  Could it be that all that pent up hostility and inability to listen to an opposing viewpoint actually may be signalling something else :whistling:



It's been going on here since the website opened the Forums function, such as World News to mention but one such discussion board. The political side that is up or has just won an election, or a coup, crow and celebrate it. The side that is down, behind, or has just lost, licks it wounds.


The pile-on that is occurring in this 2016 quadrennial election of the Potus is the norm. There is nothing remarkable about it. Nothing exceptional, nothing out of the ordinary. Except the current pile-on is against the psychopath ignoramus crackpot lunatic madman Donald Trump who to the horror of the civilised world wants to be Potus.


Trump is not running a political campaign, rather, he's running a rightwhinge bitching tour. It is a tour of racial animus and social exclusion. It is a tour that reads the Constitution in the same way they read the Bible....and the Koran. And worse. So the losing end in this one is going to have to do what the losing side does every time, which is to just suck it up.


It is hard indeed for the extreme pararightwhingenoid political mob to whom Donald Trump is their Godsend. Trump's wildman candidacy and his disastrous campaign is like the slow death by illness of a member of the family. It's very hard while it's happening and it is a blow when it does occur;  recovery from it is a long and painful process that really never stops. Except it is politics and the government, the culture and the society -- the philosophical and ideological future. 


It's all about the future of the nation that the political paranoids are in a continuous state of extremism about. We in the dominant moderate and American political middle and center-left are seeing what it would mean to have the armband torchlight right in charge of the country, so it is a relief to see that it will not occur. Not presently and not going forward.



(And I said all that without mentioning the uniquely American fascists and their movement currently underway and failing miserably.)

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trump already toast?:coffee1:





Donald Trump needs a miracle to win

Journalistic neutrality allegedly forces us to say that the race isn’t over until November, and most media organizations prefer to hype the presidential contest to generate viewers and readers rather than explain why a photo finish is unlikely.

But a dispassionate examination of the data, combined with a cold-blooded look at the candidates, the campaigns and presidential elections, produces only one possible conclusion: Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump in November, and the margin isn’t likely to be as close as Barack Obama’s victory over Mitt Romney.



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Wikileaks’ Assange Suggests the DNC Murdered One of Its Own—Huh?

Throwing a new wrinkle into this dirty laundry hamper of a presidential election, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is now suggesting that a former Democratic National Committee staffer who was shot to death in Washington, DC last month may have been killed in retaliation for leaking embarrassing DNC emails to his organization.

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10 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Pretty bizarre and totally unbelievable. What's more likely, Assange is Putin's poodle. 






Shakeup at the DNC: CEO and two staff resign in the wake of the hacked email scandal



The Democratic National Committee (DNC) is experiencing further cuts in the wake of the WikiLeaks email hack. On Tuesday (2 August), the organisation announced that three top officials had resigned and further reshuffling was in the works.

Committee CEO Amy Dacey, Communications Director Luis Miranda and CFO Brad Marshall left the organisation, staffers were informed earlier in the day. According to Politico, the DNC's announcement praised the three for their work but those familiar with the situation claimed their resignations were heavily encouraged.




Was murdered DNC staffer behind email leak? WikiLeaks offers $20k reward as conspiracies swirl




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For the information of everyone notwithstanding the lunatic crackpot politically paranoid right and their wild claims, the most recent polling of selected 'battleground' states....


Iowa: Clinton 41%, Trump 37% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

Kansas: Trump 44%, Clinton 39% (SurveyUSA)  (Romney won Kansas by 22-points)

Missouri: Trump 44%, Clinton 42% (Remington)

North Carolina: Clinton 43%, Trump 41% (Public Policy Polling)

Ohio: Clinton 49%, Trump 45% (Quinnipiac)

Ohio: Clinton 43%, Trump 38% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)

Pennsylvania: Clinton 52%, Trump 42% (Quinnipiac)

Pennsylvania: Clinton 48%, Trump 37% (NBC/WSJ/Marist)


This comes in what is the 11th consecutive worst week for Donald Trump and his national pararightwhingenoid traveling tour of unmitigated and unprecedented political and personal horrors.

So the state polling surveys do provide some refreshing relief.


As I'd noted many months ago, if Trump is the nominee -- as it has turned out he is -- the months of campaigning will be ugly and harsh, but Trump as the Republican party nominee will be good, because on election day he will be cremated by the broad centrist middle national electorate. And that will be the political death of the extremist lunatic fringe crackpot right and of whatever viability they may have enjoyed in past decades.


Better days are coming for America.

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On 8/9/2016 at 11:58 PM, Jingthing said:


I'm pleased to add that..


New York Times: Of the donors who gave at least $200 to Jeb Bush, Gov. John Kasich, Gov. Chris Christie or Senator Lindsey Graham in the Republican primaries, more of them have also contributed to Mrs. Clinton than to Mr. Trump, according to Federal Election Commission filings through June.”


“Those crossover donations are adding up. Mrs. Clinton has received $2.2 million from donors to candidates who dropped out of the Republican presidential primary, about $600,000 more than Mr. Trump has received from such donors, the filings showed.”


The deeper the Trump campaign of horrors goes into the hole, the less money it will get. It has already lost more votes than it has lost money coming in compared to Romney or McCain. It's the old saying that money isn't everything but it sure is better with it than without it.

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On 8/9/2016 at 11:58 PM, Jingthing said:

trump already toast?:coffee1:


Donald Trump needs a miracle to win

Journalistic neutrality allegedly forces us to say that the race isn’t over until November, and most media organizations prefer to hype the presidential contest to generate viewers and readers rather than explain why a photo finish is unlikely.

But a dispassionate examination of the data, combined with a cold-blooded look at the candidates, the campaigns and presidential elections, produces only one possible conclusion: Hillary Clinton will defeat Donald Trump in November, and the margin isn’t likely to be as close as Barack Obama’s victory over Mitt Romney.





Further indications as the Clinton campaign moves into red states and shifts resources to red states where Trump is faltering....


“Representatives of Hillary Clinton’s campaign phoned state Democratic leaders in Arizona and Georgia this week to alert them of plans to begin transferring funds to hire more field organizers in those states,” the Washington Post reports.


“Polls in both states — which Republican nominee Mitt Romney carried in 2012 — show a tightening race between Clinton and Donald Trump. The move by the Clinton campaign suggests a bid to expand the number of battleground states in play in November.”


“A Democrat familiar with the campaign’s plans said the outlays in Arizona and Georgia would be “in the six figures” for now, with plans to use the money to hire staff.”



Hiring full time and part time staff means identifying Democrats as well as Independents and even Republicans as volunteers to expand the people involved in recruiting in their neighborhoods, communities, in their social groups and organisations, and to do phone and face to face outreach and to distribute literature about HRC and the campaign. And a GOTV structure and organisation for election day (Get Out The Vote) to include transportation to the polls.


Trump meanwhile is obsessed with making stupid and menacing statements rather than organising and operating a structured and serious campaign.

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