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Polls show divided America with Democrats viewed more favorably after convention


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10 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

I got an L word for the Dems right now. 




As President Obama reiterates each day, and will continue to indicate each day from now to the election November 8th, don't just cheer -- VOTE !


Democrats in fact cannot wait to go to the polls election day across the nation to crush this lunatic Ignoramus and the 2016 crackpot Republican Party.


Each of us wants to guarantee that this election is the extinction event of the radical lunatic Republican Party of 2016.


This is why the moonbeam right is outright depressed.

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On 8/8/2016 at 8:36 PM, Pinot said:

The wingnuts seem to be getting more delusional? Desperate postings? 


Bad week for Trump. (snicker) 




This is in fact the beginning of the 12th consecutive week of the worst week of the Trump campaign. Sunday next week will be the beginning of the 13th consecutive worst week of the Trump campaign.


The meteor that is the election day extinction event of the Republican Party continues to hurtle dead on at the Republican Party with an ever increasing mass and intensity.


Continue to keep the champagne on ice. Cases of it.



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8 hours ago, Publicus said:




This is in fact the beginning of the 12th consecutive week of the worst week of the Trump campaign. Sunday next week will be the beginning of the 13th consecutive worst week of the Trump campaign.


The meteor that is the election day extinction event of the Republican Party continues to hurtle dead on at the Republican Party with an ever increasing mass and intensity.


Continue to keep the champagne on ice. Cases of it.




I think we can all agree...the guy is on a roll. I love that the Right points to his big crowds but if that was an indicator Justine Beiber would be President. 


Shame on Republicans for nominating this asshat. Then again, all 17 were pathetic.

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4 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


Only Justin Bieber is not running for President. :rolleyes:


Thx for the update.


Bieber would beat Trump for sure but Justin wuz born in Canada (which is almost the USA but not quite).


Pinot would beat Trump for Potus. You would lose badly to Pinot but not to Trump.


Just sayin  :D

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46 minutes ago, iReason said:

Just when you thought he couldn't go any deeper...





Damn, look at that explosion in August. That's the precise point where Trump realized that on one day everyone thinks the sun shines out of your ass and the next day everyone is complaining of sunburn - bad sunburn.




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On 14 สิงหาคม 2559 at 10:27 PM, Publicus said:


Wrong again because it's elementary (with apologies to Sherlock).


The greater the difference between the two candidates for Potus, the greater the turnout of voters. The reason is that people see the grand differences between the two so they want to be sure they get their vote in.


This is a huge difference election so Trump is going to get really routed on election day by huge numbers of voters going to the polls. Really huge. Really crushed. Nuked.


The 2000 election for instance indicated the opposite side of the principle. Voters saw so little difference between GW and Al Gore the turnout was low and the voting was close nationally, not just in Florida. The differences in that election were so paltry that the marginal Ralph Nader got enough of his few votes to cause chaos in the FL vote total and vote count. The Bush Mafia with Jeb as governor took full advantage of it.


Reagan in 1980 ran Carter out on a rail and four years later in '84 Reagan won 49 states against the sleepwalking Walter Mondale in his Thom McAn shoes. In 1992 Perot was so different (bizarre) from GHW Bush and Bill Clinton he got 19% of the popular vote (no states and no electoral college votes however) in a strong voter participation (of a lotta whackjobs).


With 270 Electoral College votes to win, GW Bush in 2000 got 271 ECV. The 51.2% national voter participation was one of the very lows in Potus election history. This one this year is going to be a whopper and Trump is going to get whopped and whipped.


In this election, with the standard 270 ECV needed to win, by the time the polls close at 8 pm in the Eastern Time Zone states, HRC will have accumulated 227 Electoral College Votes. By the time the polls close in the Central Time Zone states, at 9 pm Eastern Time, HRC will have won the election with a total of 295 Electoral College Votes.


After the states of the Mountain Time Zone close their polls at 10 pm Eastern Time, and the states of the Pacific Time Zone close their polls at 11 pm Eastern Time, HRC will have won 392 ECV.


If all does not go "well," the final ECV count would be no fewer than 360. Good and nice neat number anyhow. :thumbsup:

It's looking like HRC will win. I hope you remember your enthusiasm for her when it all turns to poo.

The saying "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.


However, it's not looking good for her with the state department/ Clinton foundation scandal looking like it might come to something. No doubt Wikileaks has some interesting info to come on that.

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4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

It's looking like HRC will win. I hope you remember your enthusiasm for her when it all turns to poo.

The saying "be careful what you wish for" comes to mind.


However, it's not looking good for her with the state department/ Clinton foundation scandal looking like it might come to something. No doubt Wikileaks has some interesting info to come on that.


The right has been working up and cooking up the magic brew and the concocted recipe for going on 30 years to bake the Clintons. Unsuccessfully and ever more desperately. Now the right has put its hopes on Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump, two losers in a ditch.


So even as US intelligence is likely to find and point out doctoring and even forging to the materials Russia-Wikileaks-Assange employed cybertheft to obtain from the Democratic party, the right will pursue with absolute acceptance whatever comes out of the triple axis. 


State Department will fare no better either. The long record of political failure over there on the right provides both the evidence and the proof of it.


People relying on Putin-Wikileaks-Assange-Trump are too far gone already to reason with. But we will proceed anyhow won't we. 

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6 hours ago, Publicus said:


The right has been working up and cooking up the magic brew and the concocted recipe for going on 30 years to bake the Clintons.


According to you, it is all a mirage, yet all the conspiracy theories about every Republican candidate for president are true. You are a true believer if there ever was one. P.T. Barnum would have loved you!

Edited by Ulysses G.
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19 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


According to you, it is all a mirage, yet all the conspiracy theories about every Republican candidate for president are true. You are a true believer if there ever was one. P.T. Barnum would have loved you!


According to moi Trump is an ignoramus who the former CIA director says is an "unwitting" agent or accomplice of Vladimir Putin (I'd say not so unwitting, but then yes, that's moi). Putin gave Assange a television talk show on a Russian national network. Assange and Wikileaks have never exposed Putin, Russia, Xi Jinping or the filthy rich corrupt party of either leader and of either leader himself. Wikileaks focuses against the United States.


Facts, facts, facts.


So, are you one of the independents researched over decades that are found to in fact be out at the fringes of either political extreme, rather than in between the two major parties. That is where many so-called independents are. Most independents are political marginals, not political in-betweens.


Independents who are in fact political extremists. Independents who believe they are clever to say, 'I am independent, and I will not vote for Trump, however, I agree with him that..." and then they go on in each instance to cite whatever Trump says as their own view also. That kind of independent. A Trump independent in a sheep's clothing.


The independent-minded smokescreen hasn't any smoke any more. It doesn't even have a screen. It's more like a plain old fashioned stink. 


It it sounds like a Trump, if it writes like a Trump, and if it attacks like a Trump, then it's a Trump. It will vote Trump and it has no doubt it will vote Barnum, er, Trump. It just won't ever say so. 

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1 minute ago, Publicus said:


According to moi Trump is an ignoramus who the former CIA director says is an "unwitting" agent or accomplice of Vladimir Putin (I'd say not so unwitting, but then yes, that's moi).


How can someone be an "unwitting" agent or accomplice? That is just plain silly and there have been plenty of CIA folks who have lied to the American people. In fact, IMO, Mike Morrell is one of them. He has lied for Hillary before.

He claimed" no cover-up about any aspect of the tragedy in Benghazi", but  Susan Rice and the administration told the American people Beghazi arose out of a video and demonstration. That was not true. In fact, Hillary emailed the truth to her daughter the first day that it happened. It was a planned terrorist attack.


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22 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


How can someone be an "unwitting" agent or accomplice? That is just plain silly and there have been plenty of CIA folks who have lied to the American people. In fact, IMO, Mike Morrell is one of them. He has lied for Hillary before.

He claimed" no cover-up about any aspect of the tragedy in Benghazi", but  Susan Rice and the administration told the American people Beghazi arose out of a video and demonstration. That was not true. In fact, Hillary emailed the truth to her daughter the first day that it happened. It was a planned terrorist attack.



So, you say you don't "intend" to vote for Trump. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

I don't intend to vote for either one of them. The only thing that gives me pause, is the Supreme Court picks.


People who see the election as turning on one single issue will vote based on that vitally important issue to them. On this basis, you would vote for either Clinton or Trump because it's certain one of 'em and only one of 'em will be nominating Scotus candidates to the Senate.


While you don't "intend" to vote for Trump, you certainly will not vote for Clinton. So, if I were running a field operation for either candidate in your area, I'd book you as a highly probable Trump voter, if not in the final analysis a definite Trump voter.


Speaking of which, your guys on your side are going to have to vote early and often...;)


New York Times: “Voting actually starts in less than six weeks, on Sept. 23 in Minnesota and South Dakota, the first of some 35 states and the District of Columbia that allow people to cast ballots at polling sites or by email before Nov. 8. Iowa is expected to have ballots ready by the end of September, as are Illinois and two other states.”


“The electoral battlegrounds of Arizona and Ohio are to begin voting on Oct. 12, nearly four weeks before Election Day. And North Carolina and Florida will be underway before Halloween.”


“Early voting has become a critical, even decisive factor in presidential elections: President Obama was sufficiently ahead in the early vote in Iowa and Nevada in 2012 that his campaign shifted resources from those states to others, according to former advisers, who also credited enthusiastic early voting in 2008 for his victory in North Carolina and elsewhere.”


Trump's Halloween shivers this year will extend from October 31st through November 8th. It will come hard for Trump and his rightwhinge fanboyz.


The only "battleground" states in this election are the red states of North Carolina, Georgia, Missouri, Arizona, Utah. Trump is losing in red states won by Romney, McCain, Bush, Bush, Reagan, Ford, Nixon. This is beginning to look like Herbert Hoover again.

Edited by Publicus
Typo; spacing.
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2 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


That's for sure.


You will vote for Trump and you know you will vote for Trump.


Your "don't intend" makes you a likely Trump voter. Your posts make you a for sure Trump voter. Your history makes you a certain Trump voter.


Nobody here exists in a neutral or an independent vacuum. You wanna trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes, then I'd suspect you'd also be a survivalist with your well stocked underground shelter/bunker.


Do keep in touch however.  :thumbsup:

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

How can someone be an "unwitting" agent or accomplice? That is just plain silly

No, that's pretty commonplace and pretty easy. It's done through ignorance and incompetence. Trump might say he doesn't 'intend' to further the interests of Putin, but his ignorance and incompetence ensures that he does precisely that. There you go, he is now an 'unwitting' agent or accomplice. 

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13 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


You are not much of a mind-reader. "Don't intend" means "don't intend." I don't like too many things about him.


Supreme Court will determine your vote in this election of the Potus.


You will vote for Donald Trump no matter what else, to include the nuclear codes in Trump's warm hands and hot head.


Enough of the political dancing.


Time to move along.

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6 minutes ago, Publicus said:


Supreme Court will determine your vote in this election of the Potus.


You will vote for Donald Trump no matter what else, to include the nuclear codes in Trump's warm hands and hot head.


Enough of the political dancing.


Time to move along.


Apparently you don't understand what the "Two-Man" Rule is.

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3 minutes ago, Neurath said:

 Trump might say he doesn't 'intend' to further the interests of Putin, but his ignorance and incompetence ensures that he does precisely that. There you go, he is now an 'unwitting' agent or accomplice.


That is not an agent or accomplice. That would be a dupe. An accomplice would be the kind of person who tries to makes dishonest excuses for Hillary when she blatantly breaks the law. Think James Comey and Mike Morrell.

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5 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:


Apparently you don't understand what the "Two-Man" Rule is.


You presume which is often risky and usually self-embarrassing. You presume a conclusion you like rather than an accurate conclusion. Donald Trump's ignorance can be contagious. 


So it's clear you'd be surprised by what this poster knows or does not know.


The question becomes, who wants one of two highly possible scenarios in respect of invoking the nuclear launch codes...


1) Trump and his chosen secretary of defense agree to launch because someone saw Putin climb into a tank armed with a nuclear warhead;


2) Trump and his chosen secdef argue and disagree over launching the nuclear arsenal, so Trump calls out the Second Amendment people to take care of the dissenting secdef.


Oh, and there may be a third scenario in which Trump waterboards the secdef until he agrees to the launch. 


The law does seriously provide that the secdef can agree but cannot veto Potus on the decision. So Potus would then dismiss the secdef for insubordination or some other serious 'deficiency' and go to the deputy secdef to get his concurrence. If the depsec doesn't concur, he cannot veto either, so Potus goes down the civilian titles at the Pentagon until he finds his Robert Bork character. (Potus has the sole authority anyhow rather than fight for hours to comply with the two-person rule in any such event.)


Don't presume I don't know. You make a fool of yourself in the clutch with such arbitrary and summary assertions because they're based in ignorance and arrogance. That would make you a big success in Beijing however, so you might consider that angle of it. It would be something to clutch onto given all else.

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1 hour ago, Publicus said:


Supreme Court will determine your vote in this election of the Potus.


You will vote for Donald Trump no matter what else, to include the nuclear codes in Trump's warm hands and hot head.


Enough of the political dancing.


Time to move along.


Yup. Agree. As you know, I do not like Hilary much, if at all, but I have concluded the world is safer, and the US will progress better with somebody sane, experienced, and competent, irrespective of party. She will have to be watched carefully for abuse of power, and closely held to account (which she will be and she has brought this additional scrutiny on herself), but that is the only alternative to this jackass of a clown Trump, who should never have gotten to this embarrassing point in American history.

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