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Billionaire Warren Buffett ready to take on Donald Trump


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Howbri: "DUH! Perhaps they don't "all think he was an idiot" as you claim! Given the alternatives, there clearly was no choice just as there is in this upcoming election. COMMIES VS. CAPITALISM. I'll take the latter every time."


Gore was much better presidential material than Bush Jr.  could hope to be.  Gore got more votes, and would have won Florida, if Supreme Court right wingers had not intervened to hand it to Bush.  During the recount, there were violent Republican thugs (with baseball bats, etc) who actually broke into the rooms where the recount was going on in order to disrupt the process.  It's true.  Research it, if interested.


With Gore as prez, the US would not have gone into the second Iraq war, and untold suffering would have been avoided.

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4 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Gore was much better presidential material than Bush Jr.  could hope to be.  Gore got more votes, and would have won Florida, if Supreme Court right wingers had not intervened to hand it to Bush.  During the recount, there were violent Republican thugs (with baseball bats, etc) who actually broke into the rooms where the recount was going on in order to disrupt the process.  It's true.  Research it, if interested.


With Gore as prez, the US would not have gone into the second Iraq war, and untold suffering would have been avoided.

Are you saying a country as mighty as the USA fixed an election? Wow and look at the consequences of the average citizen being more interested in getting supersized and watching Oprah. 

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Couple of interesting things here. Why is is it that all these billionaires are coming out and supporting Clinton. Is it because the Democrats (used to) support the working man and that is where their loyalties lie, or would it be because Hilary will deliver them more profit and war and an easier access to their place at the public finance trough?


Was reading that in the last 40 years the candidate with the most money has won every US election, currently Hilary has 3 times as much money as Trump and still rising. Thus statistically she will win, and of course all these rich donors and Wall St banks don't want anything in return.


And finally why is it that any candidate in the US that even hints that they don't want to go to war is immediately branded a traitor and attacked by the media? In all wars the rich get richer and the poor end up as canon fodder, there is no nation on earth that could conceivably attack the US and win, so why the constant beating of the war drums and fear mongering?

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19 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Buffet will take TEN people to the polls. How big of him 55555555555555555555555555


I hope Trump never releases his tax returns as it seems to be driving his opponents crazy :D. His supporters don't care about them.


11 hours ago, Pinot said:


His supporters should. They really should. Don't you want to see the bullshit level? They'll (taxes) eventually come out and you know it's going to be a disaster. Let's see em. Face up to it now, he's a bullshitter. 



This is what I truly don't get.  Trump knows that his core supporters will support him no matter what.  He's publicly said that he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters will still support him.  So WHY NOT RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS???  It could reveal that he pays zero taxes, is in bed with Putin, and is not as wealthy as he claims.  And his supporters will still support him!  Or will they?

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6 hours ago, howbri said:

DUH! Perhaps they don't "all think he was an idiot" as you claim! Given the alternatives, there clearly was no choice just as there is in this upcoming election. COMMIES VS. CAPITALISM. I'll take the latter every time.

A new low has been reached...:coffee1:

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54 minutes ago, Berkshire said:




This is what I truly don't get.  Trump knows that his core supporters will support him no matter what.  He's publicly said that he could shoot someone in broad daylight and his supporters will still support him.  So WHY NOT RELEASE HIS TAX RETURNS???  It could reveal that he pays zero taxes, is in bed with Putin, and is not as wealthy as he claims.  And his supporters will still support him!  Or will they?


Two reasons he won't release the returns:


1. They will disclose details that will allow the forensic accountants at Forbes and others to determine that his true net worth is much less than he claims and brags, possibly not even a billionaire - smoke and mirrors Trump.

2. They will disclose details that show how stingy and mean he is as a billionaire, and that his charitable giving is pathetic compared to other people of this net worth. He will be scorned for that.


He'll never release them.

Edited by keemapoot
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1 minute ago, keemapoot said:


Two reasons he won't release the returns:


1. They will disclose details that will allow the forensic accountants at Forbes and others to determine that his true net worth is much less than he claims and brags, possibly not even a billionaire - smoke and mirrors Trump.

2. They will disclose details that show how stingy and mean he is as a billionaire, and that his charitable giving is pathetic compared to other people of this net worth. He will be scorned for that.


He'll never release them.

But that doesn't matter for the Trumpets because he's running against Anti-Christ!

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6 hours ago, howbri said:

DUH! Perhaps they don't "all think he was an idiot" as you claim! Given the alternatives, there clearly was no choice just as there is in this upcoming election. COMMIES VS. CAPITALISM. I'll take the latter every time.

How quaint and 1950s like.

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30 minutes ago, keemapoot said:


Two reasons he won't release the returns:


1. They will disclose details that will allow the forensic accountants at Forbes and others to determine that his true net worth is much less than he claims and brags, possibly not even a billionaire - smoke and mirrors Trump.

2. They will disclose details that show how stingy and mean he is as a billionaire, and that his charitable giving is pathetic compared to other people of this net worth. He will be scorned for that.


He'll never release them.

Perhaps they would  show very clearly that his claim to fame of being a great businessman is bogus in the extreme - that he is up to the gills in unrequited debt that can only be expunged by his finagling it so the he or his companies get contracts to build a wall - a wall that turns out to be as useful and successful as Trump University. In the meantime he's busy building and reinforcing walls between people. He really is a disaster as a human being - a great big bloated Id with no empathy or shame or humility. Releasing Tax returns? Nah, that's for the little people, the losers, not the Donald.

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1 hour ago, Neurath said:

Perhaps they would  show very clearly that his claim to fame of being a great businessman is bogus in the extreme - that he is up to the gills in unrequited debt that can only be expunged by his finagling it so the he or his companies get contracts to build a wall - a wall that turns out to be as useful and successful as Trump University. In the meantime he's busy building and reinforcing walls between people. He really is a disaster as a human being - a great big bloated Id with no empathy or shame or humility. Releasing Tax returns? Nah, that's for the little people, the losers, not the Donald.


Yes, also very possible, maybe probable. For sure, whatever will be disclosed will not be favorable to him or expose his story of success as a fabrication, lie, or exaggeration. This one of the reasons, along with his refusal to contribute to charities, other true self-made successful billionaires like Mark Cuban, Michael Bloomberg, Bill Gates and all the Silicon Valley bunch have contempt for him publicly said what a phony he is.  He'll never release them.

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*Removed post edited out*


Yeah, too right! Lyin, cheatin, stealin, livers off the government teat like Bloomberg, Cuban, Buffet, Gates and all the other Communist sympathizers. In fact, ANYONE who wants Trump to release his tax returns is obviously a welfare cheat, a fraud and and advocate for do nothing accomplish nothing nothings. I'd like to punch em in the face, really, punch em soo hard in the face. 

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6 hours ago, Rancid said:

Couple of interesting things here. Why is is it that all these billionaires are coming out and supporting Clinton. Is it because the Democrats (used to) support the working man and that is where their loyalties lie, or would it be because Hilary will deliver them more profit and war and an easier access to their place at the public finance trough?


Was reading that in the last 40 years the candidate with the most money has won every US election, currently Hilary has 3 times as much money as Trump and still rising. Thus statistically she will win, and of course all these rich donors and Wall St banks don't want anything in return.


And finally why is it that any candidate in the US that even hints that they don't want to go to war is immediately branded a traitor and attacked by the media? In all wars the rich get richer and the poor end up as canon fodder, there is no nation on earth that could conceivably attack the US and win, so why the constant beating of the war drums and fear mongering?

You are aware Buffett supported Obama?  Makes sense he'd support Clinton.  And you are aware of how he made his money?  Hardly by profiting off war.  Though these are good conspiracy theories.


Methinks you read the wrong publications.

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*Deleted post removed*


Trump applied for and got gov't kick-backs for his apt(s) rent several years in a row.  In order to qualify, an applicant has to claim they earn less than $600k/yr.  That's probably another reason Trump won't show his tax returns, because it will prove he cheated the NYC gov't (among other things).

....and trump claiming "I'd love to show my tax forms, but I'm being audited."   There are 3 things wrong with that statement: 

#1.  He lies.  He would hate to release his tax forms.

#2.  Being audited, even if true, doesn't preclude showing tax forms.  Nixon did it while being audited.  Trump is more corrupt than Nixon.  That's a pretty low bar.

#3.  He could release tax statements for prior 2 or 3 years.  They're not being audited.

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8 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Trump applied for and got gov't kick-backs for his apt(s) rent several years in a row.  In order to qualify, an applicant has to claim they earn less than $600k/yr.  That's probably another reason Trump won't show his tax returns, because it will prove he cheated the NYC gov't (among other things).

....and trump claiming "I'd love to show my tax forms, but I'm being audited."   There are 3 things wrong with that statement: 

#1.  He lies.  He would hate to release his tax forms.

#2.  Being audited, even if true, doesn't preclude showing tax forms.  Nixon did it while being audited.  Trump is more corrupt than Nixon.  That's a pretty low bar.

#3.  He could release tax statements for prior 2 or 3 years.  They're not being audited.



Oh yeah the holier than holy Buffett, who advocates that rich people should pay more taxes, the buys an American company and moves it to Canada for tax reasons.



Burger King, Warren Buffett under fire for Canadian inversion deal

Oh yeah, and Buffet paid a lower tax rate than his house maid.



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54 minutes ago, Neurath said:

Yeah, too right! Lyin, cheatin, stealin, livers off the government teat like Bloomberg, Cuban, Buffet, Gates and all the other Communist sympathizers. In fact, ANYONE who wants Trump to release his tax returns is obviously a welfare cheat, a fraud and and advocate for do nothing accomplish nothing nothings. I'd like to punch em in the face, really, punch em soo hard in the face. 

"I'd like to punch em in the face, really, punch em soo hard in the face."


I hope your hands are bigger than the Trumpets' hands. It will make the task SOOO much easier!:whistling:

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15 minutes ago, Berty100 said:



Oh yeah the holier than holy Buffett, who advocates that rich people should pay more taxes, the buys an American company and moves it to Canada for tax reasons.



Burger King, Warren Buffett under fire for Canadian inversion deal

Oh yeah, and Buffet paid a lower tax rate than his house maid.



But Buffet wants that to change.

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34 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump has no obligations to show his Federal or State Income Taxes.

Whistling in the dark boys...:)

And Obama had no obligation to show his birth certcertificate. But he did it when the "Birthers" cried and threw hissy fits like the big babies they are.

If you don't understand that this is not about "obligations" then you really haven't grasped much at all (much like your preferred candidate). After the "Birther" fiasco, if  there ever was a case of "put up or shut up", this is it.

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9 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

But Buffet wants that to change.



What he want to change?



"How can you hammer a deal for tax policies when the very person your signature tax policy [The Buffett Rule] is named after is involved -- and argues that it is not tax motivated?" Krueger said.

"The White House cannot paint this as a black-and-white issue, and Buffett's involvement shows that it is more like 50 shades of grey," Krueger said.

Burger King and Buffett defended the deal, which is one of the largest and highest-profile tax inversions so far.



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16 minutes ago, MZurf said:

"I'd like to punch em in the face, really, punch em soo hard in the face."


I hope your hands are bigger than the Trumpets' hands. It will make the task SOOO much easier!:whistling:

Don't you worry about that, don't you worry at all. There's no problem for Neurath in that department, no, no problem whatsoever ..... in fact my hands are Yuge, really, really, Yuge. The Yugest, I have the Yugest. Muslims hate me because of my yugeness. They can't judge me. They shouldn't even be here. Neurath calls for a complete ban on everything until we understand what the hell is going on. We can find out by waterboarding. Babies....Crying Babies.....And women with bloody whatevers. A wall, a wall, my Kingdom for a wall.  

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump has no obligations to show his Federal or State Income Taxes.

Whistling in the dark boys...:)

Why is he whistling in the dark boys? Seems a strange thing for him to do. Still, I'm pretty sure that whistling in dark boys can be done whilst releasing tax returns - Donald is multi-talented and can surely multi-task. He managed Malania whilst married to Marla Maples after all.

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1 hour ago, Boon Mee said:

Trump has no obligations to show his Federal or State Income Taxes.

Whistling in the dark boys...:)


Bon's right! (You may not have seen me write that before.) 


"Trump admitted that there is something in his tax returns that will cause him to lose the election." http://www.politicususa.com/2016/07/31/trump-admits-lose-election-releases-tax-returns.html


If we can't whistle, can we at least dance?



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