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When you arrived in Thailand for the First Time.

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1982 December and met a lovely lady who suggested we go to Phuket.
Ended up on Kata Noi with a pocket of 500 notes,nobody could give me change so I signed a lot. Was magical ,totally untouched paradise, stayed for 2 months and cost 500b a week

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First arrived in Don muang in april 92, people had said it was going to be very hot but it was fine until I stepped out of the airport when I realised that I was in fact in an oven. Got the only non air conditioned taxi with 2 dutch guys I had met on the plane to banglampu took almost 3 hours and several stops to buy water. Went straight out on it and got wrecked on meakong managed to get back to my tiny room and sometime during the night my fan stopped working so woke up in a pool of sweat but no hangover. Met a kiwi guy in hello guesthouse while having breakfast then we decided to explore we got picked up by a couple of friendly thai blokes and ended up doing the tailor, jewellery shop and brothel had a fantastic day and we ended up going to some club where we were the only falangs and felt like we were being treated like kings. The next morning I woke up and realised that I had spent about 3 to 4 weeks of my budget in that one day the kiwi was even worse of has he had bought a ring mistaking kiwi dollars for us dollars. I will never forget that day and don't have any regrets about it, it was a great learning experience and i'm sure I wasn't the first nor will I be the last.

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It really depends when you first arrived, like I wss lucky enough to get the GFE, and also indulge every sexual fantasy. I think, to get the full benefit from Thailand, you need to come here with a certsin sexual tension. 

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