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A place to feel at home but far from home


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Would anyone be interested into living inside a "farang" focused "mooban"?

Thailand it's a great place to be, from the weather to the cost of living, but there are also some pitfalls and native's habits which as a westerner i personally find a bit difficult to adapt myself to, so the main idea would basically be, to try to have the best from both worlds, by concentrating similar minded individuals into a specific area.

The advantages of uniting a large group of people with similar interests are pretty obvious, as the security factor, sharing common knowledge and troubleshootings, it will be a bit as the forum, just a real life thing rather than a virtual one, there are so many good things that might come up from it.

The fact that people coming from a geographical areas where the personal tastes and cultures match up, have been aggregating in the past as well as into the present times, it's nothing new, maybe in the past there has been a bit more solidarity between the expats abroad, but it's never too late to rediscover an healthier lifestyle.

I am really curious to know what are other people thoughts about it, share your ideas here if you like, have a nice day,

Khun You Youu.

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8 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Nope. If I wanted to live surrounded by westerners, I wouldn't have moved to Asia.


Okay thanks for sharing what you think.

Personally, i didn't relocate because i hate people similar to me, or because i didn't like the stuff i was used to, but i understand that we are not all the same.

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Where did I say I hated people similar to me, or I didn't like the stuff I used to? Don't put words in my mouth.


I just moved here to experience something different, not more of the same - I could have stayed at home for that.

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11 minutes ago, SoiBiker said:

Where did I say I hated people similar to me, or I didn't like the stuff I used to? Don't put words in my mouth.


I just moved here to experience something different, not more of the same - I could have stayed at home for that.

Sorry i didn't want to put words into your mouth, i just had the feeling that when you wrote that you didn't wanted to be surrounded by westerners, how to say, you didn't particularly appreciate having that company?


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Trying to establish yet another farang ghetto where people will feel justified living a segregated life, separate from those annoying locals is a very bad idea in my opinion.  I suspect there aren’t many countries which appreciate this kind of behavior based on the notion that you are somehow superior to the locals.  There is nothing healthy about what you are suggesting.

Edited by villagefarang
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Ha ha Villagefarang, that really made me laugh, thanks.

I have never suggested that living with people having similar habits and taste, would translate as being "superior" by any means, why would you think that?

Do you also feel that ThaiVisa it's a "farang ghetto", as you describe it?

If so, why would you be here instead of lets say a thai language forum?

I met many people telling me on how they dislike everything that comes from their place of origin, especially the other people as them, and how they would never ever do anything to help a fellow countryman in anything because the deep hatred they have against their similar and how they take pleasure in seeing others getting into troubles, not realizing how it was their very own attitude that put them into that situation into the first place, and how ridiculous they would look to tell this stuff to other westerners in a place that caters almost totally for foreigners......

I for one surely wouldn't want to have anythings to do with such people, luckily there are many others which share similar views to the one i hold, that's why forum as this are really useful, it's a bit as one of those matchmaking places.

Maybe i should put a subtitle on the thread "Thaier than thai please abstain" :))))

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I suggest sitting in on a Condominium AGM in which most of the participants are 'Farangs' before you launch your idea of a 'Farang Moo Baarn'. 


You'll find the lack of cooperation, back stabbing, bickering, crabs-in-a-bucket mindset and extremes of penny-pinching tightfistedness instructive. 



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2 hours ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Well, Nottocus, in a country with 70 million people around you, plus the random and less random millions of tourists, that's a rather strange choice

 And who are you to tell me how to live? 


Man….. I don't wanna live in ur farang village and buy whatever u are selling.




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9 hours ago, villagefarang said:

Trying to establish yet another farang ghetto where people will feel justified living a segregated life, separate from those annoying locals is a very bad idea in my opinion.  I suspect there aren’t many countries which appreciate this kind of behavior based on the notion that you are somehow superior to the locals.  There is nothing healthy about what you are suggesting.

Except farang countries - China town , many in Australia , A couple in England, Who knows about the Yanks

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10 hours ago, Khunyouyouu said:

Ha ha Villagefarang, that really made me laugh, thanks.

I have never suggested that living with people having similar habits and taste, would translate as being "superior" by any means, why would you think that?

Do you also feel that ThaiVisa it's a "farang ghetto", as you describe it?

If so, why would you be here instead of lets say a thai language forum?

I met many people telling me on how they dislike everything that comes from their place of origin, especially the other people as them, and how they would never ever do anything to help a fellow countryman in anything because the deep hatred they have against their similar and how they take pleasure in seeing others getting into troubles, not realizing how it was their very own attitude that put them into that situation into the first place, and how ridiculous they would look to tell this stuff to other westerners in a place that caters almost totally for foreigners......

I for one surely wouldn't want to have anythings to do with such people, luckily there are many others which share similar views to the one i hold, that's why forum as this are really useful, it's a bit as one of those matchmaking places.

Maybe i should put a subtitle on the thread "Thaier than thai please abstain" :))))


Dont post things on an open forum is you can't take the comments. In my country we look down on area's where migrants all live together. Why would it be any better here because we are a better kind of migrant. I am sure the locals won't see it that way. Wherever the migrants are more in number than the locals resentment grows. Village farang is totally right here.


You don't need to hate your own country to leave it, i just realize unlike you that we got idiots everywhere. Just that someone is Thai or foreign does not make him better or worse. I am sure you have had the neighbor from hell.. Good chance he was a local. Thinking that living with only people from your own country would somehow be better is crazy because you would need a real good vetting policy. But even that might not work. 


Good luck in your quest im sure there are some xenophobic minded people who like the idea. The only Thais they like are Thai girls that are their bed companion. I once met a guy like that a Dutch guy (i am Dutch) I have nver met a guy who was more negative about Thais especially Thai males. I guess he was afraid of them he was an older fat guy. Maybe he worried that his wife was having some guy on the side. I would hate to be surrounded by people like that.

Edited by robblok
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I would absolutely choose to live in a farang village if I could, but I don't think I represent the average farang in Thailand. For starters, I never wanted to be here.


Ideally, I want to live in a community similar to the one I grew up in: http://castlehills.com/


However, I think importing the Castle Hills model to Thailand would be virtually impossible. Also, the price of a house alone would exclude almost everyone from living there. 

Edited by Hornyskunk
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3 hours ago, anotheruser said:

lol I knew this would go well. Look at how people get along on TV, would putting them altogether in one place be a good idea? 

Most TV members are fine.

Edited by possum1931
Cannot find report button, do not want a warning or suspension for referring to some TV members as idiots. My apologies.
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