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Obama: Trump ‘woefully unfit’ to be President


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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


While I tend to agree with most of your post, I do have a slight issue with overpopulation being an issue in the US. If you look at the population growth rate (year over year) it has actually been slowing since 2006 in not only the US but globally. In general it is thought that the US population will actually be stagnate in the near future and WW population stable around 2060. In Japan, they already have an issue with the population declining.



Japan is in critical life support situation. They are in danger of extinction because of no new births. America is an aging society, as is Thailand. Yes, population decline, aging...crap....

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16 minutes ago, Johpa said:


And by the way, not sure what you mean by "balanced economy", but FYI, you can not grow an economy without debt.


While I think your statement is likely true I do think that debt created to grow the economy should be discharged throough future balanced budgets or even surplus budgets. I don't think most "Keynesians" ever read Keynes.

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23 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Pinot, It's not clear whether the quote in your above post is someone else's words. 

I've seen many of your prior posts, and I don't think you're an Obama basher, so you might want to attribute the quote to whomever, if that's the case.


No that's MajortheLion's quote. I was struck by how completely wrong and crazy that was. Really an outstanding take from the bizarro world of wingnuttia. 

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44 minutes ago, oilinki said:

You know. It's obvious that those Hillary supporters say it's not the best idea to, You know, to jump into the fire, you know. Hillary folks say that it's a good idea. We say, ahm, our security says that we know the real truth, fire don't hurt us. Fire just makes us stronger!

We need a stop. You know, real stop. Litterally! You know. It's all bullshit, look at the lawyers. You know what I mean..

They, you know, are like the folks who work at the stock market! You know, it's just obnoxious. It's just against US!, you know. 

I be honest, you know. This is crap all the way all the way along.. aahm, anyway, yeah, you know.. ahm.. Trump is ahm, the king. He is the real King of United states of America! God Bless America. God Bless America. God Bless America!!

Almost every single news source is controlled by left wing supporters. You know, the stupid ones. Anyway. This is hard to say. Ahm.. Trump university was, if it had been Clinton university, been a disgrace. You know. 

God bless you all, you know. 


The MSM is controlled by the...oh, who cares. Conspiracies everywhere led by the biggest conspiracy lunatic of them all. Maybe the MSM finally figured out that Trump is a dangerously inappropriate candidate for President? I hope so. 


Thank you Buzzz for sharing. We're all a fan of this guy now. He's special. :clap2: Just like watching Hannity...with less energy


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1 hour ago, lannarebirth said:


While I think your statement is likely true I do think that debt created to grow the economy should be discharged through future balanced budgets or even surplus budgets. I don't think most "Keynesians" ever read Keynes.


A reasonable amount of public debt can be sustained indefinitely.  The last thing the economy needs is a surplus public budget as that, by definition, is taking money out of the economy via taxes thus shrinking the economy, or M1 if you will.


One of the only modern economists who seems to have any inkling as to what he is talking about is the Australian Steven Keen whose models do not rely upon obscure and complex algorithms that clearly have no basis in reality.  Keen is one of the very few modern economists whose models predicted the economic collapse of 2007/08 and his focus is upon the private banking sector creating money independently of public debt and that it is the high unsustainable level of that private debt that threatens the economy more than public government debt.  And yes, I am simplifying a complex dynamic economic system here.

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And the Trump folks yell together: GOD BLESS AMERICA! USA! USA! USA!

The younger generation is yelling OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD

Or OMG. What did just happen? OMG, OMG did someone got hurt?


The muslims, who believes the same god as the christians above, says Inshallah, Inshallah, Inshallah or Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. That's Oh My God, Oh my God.. or OMG in social media. 

Is there a reason for us, non religious Europeans, to think that utterly religious Americans and utterly religious western asians should not be treated as one and same entity as of religious nutters?

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Woefully unfit?

Most definitely.

Is it possible that true message has FINALLY sunk in?

Already over for the orange BLOVIATOR?

We can certainly hope so!



Donald Trump Is Out of Time

There may be three months to go until Election Day. But the race between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton is all but over.

Trump hasn’t simply run the Republican Party into the ditch. Trump is off-roading in mud pit and threatens to take the entire party down with him.




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2 hours ago, oilinki said:

And the Trump folks yell together: GOD BLESS AMERICA! USA! USA! USA!

The younger generation is yelling OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD, OH MY GOD

Or OMG. What did just happen? OMG, OMG did someone got hurt?


The muslims, who believes the same god as the christians above, says Inshallah, Inshallah, Inshallah or Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar. That's Oh My God, Oh my God.. or OMG in social media. 

Is there a reason for us, non religious Europeans, to think that utterly religious Americans and utterly religious western asians should not be treated as one and same entity as of religious nutters?


I suppose if a person is very intolerant, hearing people say "God bless America" or "Inshallah" is reason enough to call them "religious nutters". Personally, I choose to have a much more tolerant view of people's beliefs. Chanting "God bless America" or saying "Inshallah" doesn't harm anyone. Blowing people up does. I choose to draw the line where one's views manifests itself in violence against others.


Obviously you have chosen a different standard.

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3 minutes ago, Skywalker69 said:


Thats it all along, he was a 'plant' from the other party sent to infiltrate and destroy. 





Donald isn't even liked by his own people and yet there's still plenty of morons willing to vote for him for POTUS.  The article is right, he has no self control whatsoever.

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Just now, neverdie said:


Thats it all along, he was a 'plant' from the other party sent to infiltrate and destroy. 





Donald isn't even liked by his own people and yet there's still plenty of morons willing to vote for him for POTUS.  The article is right, he has no self control whatsoever.

if that´s the case, he have done a very good job. 55555

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1 minute ago, Skywalker69 said:

if that´s the case, he have done a very good job. 55555



Stranger er things have happened, especially in American politics, really anything is possible.


for example, jfk.


What will be interesting is to watch 'the donald' after he loses the election.  That stuff will be comical indeed.

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Anyway, if Donald becomes president, the handover will simply be made from one woefully u fit president to another, the process will be repeated again and again until the end of time.


Surely most people can see this is only a sideshow for what's really happening to the USA.

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5 hours ago, neverdie said:



Stranger er things have happened, especially in American politics, really anything is possible.


for example, jfk.


What will be interesting is to watch 'the donald' after he loses the election.  That stuff will be comical indeed.


Afterwards, Trump will be an even bigger name than before and you can bet he will capitalize it to the utmost. Even if he loses the election he still wins. How much more publicity can one get than by being a presidential nominee?! He will stay in the spotlight by criticizing every questionable move made by Hillary or the democrats. Fox News Special analyst anyone?


Heck, he will probably make a new reality show based on his political run.

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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Afterwards, Trump will be an even bigger name than before and you can bet he will capitalize it to the utmost. Even if he loses the election he still wins. How much more publicity can one get than by being a presidential nominee?! He will stay in the spotlight by criticizing every questionable move made by Hillary or the democrats. Fox News Special analyst anyone?


Heck, he will probably make a new reality show based on his political run.


We can only hope he becomes a target of some sort and ends up meeting mad Mohammed in a dark alley somewhere.


i pick Donald as a closet cross dresser, so there will be some twist to his ultimate demise.



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50 minutes ago, Silurian said:


Afterwards, Trump will be an even bigger name than before and you can bet he will capitalize it to the utmost. Even if he loses the election he still wins. How much more publicity can one get than by being a presidential nominee?! He will stay in the spotlight by criticizing every questionable move made by Hillary or the democrats. Fox News Special analyst anyone?


Heck, he will probably make a new reality show based on his political run.


Mega name-recognition doesn't necessarily translate to profits.


Here are four American men who are household names, once popular, but are now looked at disdainfully by American public:   OJ, Madoff, Nixon, Cosby.


Trump will be added to that list.  Already his name-franchising biz is wildly overvalued (by Trump himself, no surprise), ......and its value will further decline.   Imagine a large copper-colored  hotel with giant gold letters saying:  MADOFF along its roof line.   That's Trump in the near future.

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48 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Mega name-recognition doesn't necessarily translate to profits.


Here are four American men who are household names, once popular, but are now looked at disdainfully by American public:   OJ, Madoff, Nixon, Cosby.


Trump will be added to that list.  Already his name-franchising biz is wildly overvalued (by Trump himself, no surprise), ......and its value will further decline.   Imagine a large copper-colored  hotel with giant gold letters saying:  MADOFF along its roof line.   That's Trump in the near future.


Boy, I hope you are right. I can't stand one more second of Trumpmania.


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2 hours ago, boomerangutang said:


Mega name-recognition doesn't necessarily translate to profits.


Here are four American men who are household names, once popular, but are now looked at disdainfully by American public:   OJ, Madoff, Nixon, Cosby.


Trump will be added to that list.  Already his name-franchising biz is wildly overvalued (by Trump himself, no surprise), ......and its value will further decline.   Imagine a large copper-colored  hotel with giant gold letters saying:  MADOFF along its roof line.   That's Trump in the near future.

They committed pretty Horrific crimes though. Trump hasn't really done anything that killed anyone.

I am not a Trump fan for the record but i feel you're wrong here. Trumps sole aim was to raise the Trump brands profile. He never in a million years expected to get this far though, as we can see with his bat Sh1t mentalness

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Madoff is a horrible criminal that played a confidence scam game mostly with wealthy Jews that stupidly trusted him (his promises were too good to be true) but I never heard of him before he was arrested. trump I've heard of most of my life. I don't think they are apt equivalents. He literally stole their money. Perhaps trump "university" also stole people's money but at least those unfortunate marks got some kind of fake "course" for their mistaken payments. Of course trump has scammed many people over the years (B.S. condo projects. etc.) but he has very good lawyers and forces people to sign very crafty contracts that will probably continue to protect him from serious legal consequences.


As far as the question of trump's brand suffering if/when he loses, well that depends on the circumstances of his loss and how he reacts to it. He seems to be threatening fomenting violence and social unrest if he loses. If he does, he'll have many millions of supporters for that. I don't know if many of those people can afford his luxury brands though. He also has a family empire including Ivanka Trump that may largely be shielded from whatever happens to Big Daddy. I assume his business interests will be OK after a loss, and possibly even enhanced.

Edited by Jingthing
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Oh dear, it seems the Trump train is going off the rails.



Hillary Clinton has soared to a 15-point lead over Donald Trump in the race for the presidency, according to a new poll.

Clinton, the Democratic nominee, leads Trump 48 percent to 33 percent in the McClatchy-Marist survey released on Thursday.




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Out of the mouth of babes....







Raleigh, North Carolina (CNN)Indiana Gov. Mike Pence on Thursday fielded one of the toughest questions he's faced as Donald Trump's running mate - from 11-year-old Matthew Schricker.

"I've been watching the news lately and I've been noticing lately that you've been kind of softening up on Mr. Trump's policies and words. Is this going to be your role in the administration?" Schricker said at Pence's Raleigh, North Carolina, town hall.
Pence was at first taken aback. "What did you say that I've been doing?" Pence asked, to laughter. Schricker repeated: "You've been kind of softening up his words and policies."


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The Week They Decided He Was Crazy: Trump inflicts one wound after another on his campaign

"Politics is about trends and tendencies."

"The trends for Donald Trump are not good, and he tends not to change. 

"By the middle of the week the Republican National Committee was reported to be frustrated, party leaders alarmed, donors enraged: There was talk of an “intervention.” :cheesy:


Now known as Crazy Don. :crazy:

Lovin' it. 

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What a Shock=> Trump Implosion Stories Completely Fabricated by Liberal Media Hacks

Yes, checked my shocked face once again! :rolleyes:


The liberal media and Never Trumpers are cheering a Trump campaign “implosion.”

This comes after nonstop liberal attacks on Trump for responding to a Sharia supporting lawyer at the DNC Convention.

Trump was supposed to know you are not allowed to respond to attacks by Sharia supporting lawyers who support mass immigration from Muslim countries.

So now the media is cheering this “implosion.”



In your heart you know she's right...:)


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Of course the Bloviator is unfit for office on so many levels.

Hypocrisy being one of them.

Let's hope the Free Press continues to uncover the lies and immigration inconsistences of the mail order bride to Crazy Don.

If a basis is found, let's deport this illegal alien and prosecute the Bloviator for collusion.


Gaps in Melania Trump's immigration story raise questions


"Nude photographs published this week are raising fresh questions about the accuracy of a key aspect of Melania Trump’s biography: her immigration status when she first came to the United States to work as a model."


"The racy photos of the would-be first lady, published in the New York Post on Sunday and Monday, inadvertently highlight inconsistencies in the various accounts she has provided over the years."


"And, immigration experts say, there’s even a slim chance that any years-old misrepresentations to immigration authorities could pose legal problems for her today."



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The lefties who control the Lamestream Media are at War with Donald.


Regular folks...not so much :rolleyes:

To wit:


8,000 in Daytona Beach Cheer Trump, Jeer ‘Crooked Hillary


"Donald Trump addressed rival Hillary Clinton and President Obama on Wednesday in front of a cheering crowd of 8,000 supporters.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump attacked President Obama and rival Hillary Clinton in equal measure, much to the delight of a crowd of 8,000 at the Ocean Center Wednesday afternoon."



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Not so fast on Hillary’s bump! Pat Caddell says Reuters flat-out ‘cooked’ poll as part of media ‘jihad’ against Trump



Political strategist Pat Caddell knows a sham when he sees one, and he’s not afraid to call it out, big time.

Caddell was near disbelief by what he called a “cooked” Reuters daily tracking poll he claimed was rigged to favor Democrat Hillary Clinton.

“They not only changed their formula, to put Hillary ahead. They went back and changed the results, for a week of results where Trump was ahead, and then they turned those into Hillary leads,” he said."


They won't give up.  Next it'll be  "The people who cast the votes don't decide an election, the people who count the votes do".

Joseph Stalin

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On 3 สิงหาคม 2559 at 0:49 PM, Berkshire said:


So-called journalists on Fox News attack the President all the time.  If Trump is being attacked, it's because of something wild and crazy he's said.

Those aren't journalists. They are commentator that are brought in to give their OPINIONS.

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