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Policeman shot dead in private car - girlfriend claims his gun went off accidentally


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2 hours ago, soc said:

Could have got the girl as well?

Does that happen a lot? Two people hit by the same bullet from an accidental shooting?


Yeah could have been worse, his shot may have hit a fuel tank of aircraft fuel next to a bonfire with a stack of highly inflammable fireworks behind the orphanage and maternity hospital with OAP annex...

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6 hours ago, ddavidovsky said:

He could have shot himself in the groin and died that way.

Come to think of it, he could have shot his girlfriend - that would have been much worse.



All a matter of perspective.


i am sure the deceased would have far prefered that it was his girlfriend who had been shot.

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1 hour ago, choff56 said:

A citizen of Thailand with common sense  should have known to locate the femoral triangle in the upper anterior region of the thigh and make an incision, using whatever sharp object is available at the moment, to find the femoral artery and clamp it off using a pair of roach clips. To add insult to death, it's common knowledge that the streets of Bangkok are full of incision making tools. Even a piece of glass from the top of some Hiso perimeter wall could have been used. 

The comment will probably go over like a pregnant pole-vaulter for some people, for others they will think you are serious and want to argue about it.

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14 hours ago, animalmagic said:

I spent quite a few years teaching the Glock pistol in a law enforcement environment and even wrote a few training programmes having undergone specialist Glock training in USA provided by the company itself.  The first safety is a trigger within a trigger that requires a proper grip and application of the trigger finger onto the trigger itself to release the trigger safety before the trigger can be depressed further to discharge a bullet.  Although I don't discount it as impossible to inadvertently do that I would suggest it is difficult if the owner is compos mentis and remembers there is a gun in the bag in the first place; I agree with the above post that a suitable holster should preclude that from happening.

The caliber of the weapon is really irrelevant as any gunshot damage to the femoral artery in the thigh could cause massive bleeding that may result in death within 30 seconds.



Well said animalmagic. I love the Glock and I think it's cool you used to teach how to use it.


So this Thai guy reached for his ID.  Where?  Was the ID card in the bag with his gun?  What an idiot. Even in a car with the proper holster, the gun typically sits along your hip off to one side, unless you're one of those who carries the gun over your nuts. Here's another thing to think about.  How is it that the gun decides to discharge right when he gets stopped by the police and only at that given moment?


Hey! We have to blame someone because we shun responsibility so lets blame the gun manufacturer in order to save face.  They don't flat out say it was the fault of the gun, but the wording and mentioning the details of the gun implies that it was the gun's fault. My wife read this story and the first thing she said to me was that "Glocks are dangerous."  That was her understanding after reading the story in Thai. I had to tell her, "no they're not." 


Also, if you're going to carry a loaded weapon, why would you put it in a bag?  The time it would take to open the bag and get the weapon would result in your ass being dead as a door nail by the perp. A good holster is what you want.  I personally like, KT Mech, Dara, Blackhawk Serpa, and the Blackhawk pancake.

Edited by Uncle Pecker
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7 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Does that happen a lot? Two people hit by the same bullet from an accidental shooting?


Yeah could have been worse, his shot may have hit a fuel tank of aircraft fuel next to a bonfire with a stack of highly inflammable fireworks behind the orphanage and maternity hospital with OAP annex...

Good try, but no banana.

l always thought that you had a vivid imagination.


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7 hours ago, ClutchClark said:


All a matter of perspective.


i am sure the deceased would have far prefered that it was his girlfriend who had been shot.



While I'm sure the man who died would rather live, only a sick individual would rather they killed another through their mistake rather than themselves.


A diseased thought process indeed.

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:



While I'm sure the man who died would rather live, only a sick individual would rather they killed another through their mistake rather than themselves.


A diseased thought process indeed.


Relax...it was just a light-hearted comment. 


No need to get your knickers all knotted.


But come to think of it...Ask the TVF community how many of them are willing to give their life for their Thai girlfriend.

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2 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

Wow!!! Stunning, articulate and almost Swiftian retort.


Pure nonsense of course.



What is nonsense?

That you didn't win a banana?

We can't go just handing them out to everyone, you know.

You have to earn them & your childish posts just don't cut the mustard.


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12 minutes ago, soc said:

What is nonsense?

That you didn't win a banana?

We can't go just handing them out to everyone, you know.

You have to earn them & your childish posts just don't cut the mustard.


Cut the mustard,  to put on a banana  ?    :facepalm:

Is that Cordon Bleugh cuisine  ?

Edited by NongKhaiKid
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3 hours ago, soc said:

What is nonsense?

That you didn't win a banana?

We can't go just handing them out to everyone, you know.

You have to earn them & your childish posts just don't cut the mustard.


Ah he irony of your final sentence...sigh.

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On Wednesday, August 03, 2016 at 0:51 AM, colinneil said:

Night out with the girlfriend, he should not have had a loaded gun in his bag.

He has paid the ultimate price for his stupidity.


Perhaps he was fearful that his wife would show up?!

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