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GOP frustrations with Trump mount as allies weigh options


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GOP frustrations with Trump mount as allies weigh options



DAYTONA BEACH, Fla. (AP) — Their party in crisis, Republicans' frustration with Donald Trump reached new heights on Wednesday as party leaders on Capitol Hill and inside New York's Trump Tower scrambled to persuade their presidential nominee to abandon divisive tactics that have triggered sinking poll numbers and low morale.


Party chairman Reince Priebus appealed to the New York billionaire's adult children to help amid new signs of a campaign in trouble.

Trump's operation has been beset by internal discord, including growing concern about general election preparedness and a lack of support from Republican leaders, according to two people familiar with the organization's inner workings.


One of the people said Trump privately blames his own staff for failing to quiet the backlash from his own party after he criticized an American Muslim family whose son, a U.S. Army captain, was killed in Iraq.


The inner tension comes as Priebus and handful of high-profile Trump allies consider whether to confront the candidate directly to encourage a new approach following a series of startling stances and statements. In the midst of the uproar over his continued criticism of the Khan family, Trump infuriated Priebus and other party leaders by refusing to endorse GOP House Speaker Paul Ryan's re-election.


The officials, including one with direct knowledge of Priebus' thinking, were granted anonymity to discuss internal strategy after one of the most tumultuous weeks of Trump's presidential campaign.


Trump on Wednesday dismissed suggestions that the GOP frustration was hurting his campaign, even as he openly contemplated an Election Day loss.


"Wouldn't that be embarrassing to lose to crooked Hillary Clinton? That would be terrible," he said during a campaign stop in battleground Florida. He also insisted, "We've never been this united."


The most powerful Republicans in Washington and New York's Trump Tower concede things will not change unless Trump wants them to.


"The candidate is in control of his campaign," campaign chairman Paul Manafort told the Fox News Network, highlighting his inability to control the nominee. "And I'm in control of doing the things that he wants me to do in the campaign."


Clinton, meanwhile, kept up her assault on Trump's business practices, holding up a Trump-branded tie as she spoke at the Knotty Tie Company in battleground Colorado.


"I really would like him to explain why he paid Chinese workers to make Trump ties," she told employees in Denver, "instead of deciding to make those ties right here in Colorado."


Trump blamed the media — "so dishonest" — for growing criticism of his recent statements and his unwillingness to accept guidance from senior advisers.


Privately, however, Trump has concerns about his own team.


He was deeply upset when GOP leaders "took the other side" during his ongoing quarrel with the Khan family, one person said, and blames his campaign staff for not keeping top Republicans in line. Another person said Trump is irritated that general election planning in battleground states isn't further along with less than 100 days until Election Day.


The internal tension is complicated by Trump's frequent travels without his senior advisers and his adult children, who wield significant influence in the campaign, the people close to the campaign said.


There's been no follow-through on a plan presented earlier this summer to have one of the children or son-in-law Jared Kushner travel with Trump most of the time.


While the children have made some appearances with their father — for instance, Eric Trump attended Tuesday's rally in Virginia — work obligations and other commitments, including a hunting trip the sons have lined up, have posed scheduling conflicts.


"I would say in the last couple of weeks, he has been remarkably underperforming and we'll see whether or not he can take a deep breath and learn these lessons," said former House Speaker Newt Gingrich on Fox Business News.


Trump's vice presidential nominee, Indiana Gov. Mike Pence, tried to put a better face on a recent difference during a phone interview with Fox.


Pence said he spoke with Trump Wednesday morning "about my support for Paul Ryan and our longtime friendship. He strongly encouraged me to endorse Paul Ryan in next Tuesday's primary. And I'm pleased to do it."


Trump stunned Republicans by telling The Washington Post in an interview Tuesday that he wasn't ready to endorse Ryan, who faces a primary contest in Wisconsin next week. Ryan has backed Trump despite deep differences on policy and temperament, and has encouraged other Republicans to unite behind the party's nominee.


Former Trump adviser Barry Bennett acknowledged signs of poor morale among the campaign staff he maintains contact with, but he also said it would be silly dismiss Trump's chances with three months before Election Day.


"This would be the end of any other Republican candidate in the history of the country. And he's only 5 or 6 points behind," Bennett said.


Indeed, Trump on Wednesday reported raising $80 million in July for his campaign and the Republican Party, a significant improvement from past months. Clinton raised about $90 million over the same period.


Privately, Trump points to his recent fundraising success, large rallies and decent polling against a seasoned candidate as evidence that his campaign is working well.


And his loyalists continue to stand behind him.


"The media is blowing this out of proportion significantly," said New Hampshire Rep. Stephen Stepanek.


Peoples reported from Washington. AP writers Julie Pace and Julie Bycowicz in Washington and Jill Colvin in New Jersey contributed to this report. 

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-04
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". ..after he criticized an American Muslim family "


Can someone please provide a link to what he said. I keep reading about this horrendous attack on them, but so far all I've come across are articles that state "he implied that perhaps she wasn't allowed to speak, because of her religion" which is not a qoute of what he said and if that is all he implied and it set odd this whole debacle then people have got some really thin skins:coffee1:

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From the OP:  "Their party in crisis, Republicans' frustration with Donald Trump reached new heights on Wednesday as party leaders on Capitol Hill and inside New York's Trump Tower scrambled to persuade their presidential nominee to abandon divisive tactics that have triggered sinking poll numbers and low morale." 


In other words, GOP wants Trump to go through a character transformation and miraculously become a decent person.  Hint:  Old people like Trump don't go through major character changes. He's spent 70 years becoming the dufus he is.  


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36 minutes ago, Alive said:

The GOP better enact plan B before it's too late. They could pay Bernie $500 million to run as an Independent. That might do it.


Don't need plan B; crooked Hillary scandals, as well as those of the Clinton Family Syndicate, will be made clear by more leaked emails before November.  It is the Demos, their billionaire globalization friends , neocon Repubs and MSM cohorts (in this distortion of information), that will be wanting a substitute before the elections.

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1 hour ago, SABloke said:

". ..after he criticized an American Muslim family "


Can someone please provide a link to what he said. I keep reading about this horrendous attack on them, but so far all I've come across are articles that state "he implied that perhaps she wasn't allowed to speak, because of her religion" which is not a qoute of what he said and if that is all he implied and it set odd this whole debacle then people have got some really thin skins:coffee1:

He also said father had no right to say the things he did. Trump does need a copy of Constitution, and test to see if he "gets it". It is called freedom of speech, dufus

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ClutchClark, I had at least respected your position until you just had to post some unflattering pictures of Hillary. This is a new low even for you. <sigh>


I guess you are now following in Trump's style of insults and 3 grade taunting. It will now make it harder for you to be taken seriously.


Edited by Silurian
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2 minutes ago, Silurian said:

ClutchClark, I had at least respected your position until you just had to post some unflattering pictures of Hillary. This is a new low even for you. <sigh>


I guess you are now following in Trump's style of insults and 3 grade taunting. It will now make it harder for you to be taken seriously.



Ah, I am just bored this morning.


The only point I was making is its very common for political handlers to "re-invent" their candidates quite often during a candidacy. 


Hillary has a much better knack at pulling it off.


Trump...not so much.


But thanks for earlier kind words.





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1 minute ago, ClutchClark said:


Ah, I am just bored this morning.


The only point I was making is its very common for political handlers to "re-invent" their candidates quite often during a candidacy. 


Hillary has a much better knack at pulling it off.


Trump...not so much.


But thanks for earlier kind words.






Understood. I know this election is a crazy one. For one, I wanted Kasich for the GOP nominee just like I wanted McCain to beat Bush back in 2000. But sorry, I just can't get behind a Trump presidency. The thought sickens me to the absolute core. I can't even stand listening to the man speak...makes me ill.


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1 minute ago, Silurian said:


Understood. I know this election is a crazy one. For one, I wanted Kasich for the GOP nominee just like I wanted McCain to beat Bush back in 2000. But sorry, I just can't get behind a Trump presidency. The thought sickens me to the absolute core. I can't even stand listening to the man speak...makes me ill.



I also wanted McCain in 2000 and Kasich this time around.


I have had a habit of turning my hearing aid volume down ever since GWB got into office. I turn it completely off for Palin, obama and Trump. 


I actuslly kept it on for Bernie. I didn't see eye-to-eye with him on most anything but he was honest in a Ron Paul way. 



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1 hour ago, Alive said:

The GOP better enact plan B before it's too late. They could pay Bernie $500 million to run as an Independent. That might do it.


Well, it would certainly keep Hillary from being elected...Trump too, for that matter. Was that the aim of Plan B? Thing is, IMHO, Trump has support because he speaks against the established way of doing things. The people are frustrated and angry. Both he and Sanders gave voice to this. While the focus is now on Trump/Sanders, no one is focused of the continuing cause of the frustration and anger. I predict more of the same until serious focus is placed on reducing the income/wealth gap. By the way, not limited to the U.S.. It is part of Brexit.

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Perhaps the GOP's frustrations will be over ridden after they realize it's all a concocted pile of propaganda by the Left Wing Media and their enablers. The folks are tired of mealy-mouthed pols and love a plain-speaking man.:)

To wit:


Trump’s Jacksonville Rally Draws 15,000


Some 15,000 people packed into the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida on Wednesday night to see Republican nominee Donald Trump.

“I wish the press would report the crowd like it is,” Trump stated as he looked out into the huge crowd at his campaign rally in Jacksonville, Florida.


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53 minutes ago, Boon Mee said:

Perhaps the GOP's frustrations will be over ridden after they realize it's all a concocted pile of propaganda by the Left Wing Media and their enablers. The folks are tired of mealy-mouthed pols and love a plain-speaking man.:)

To wit:


Trump’s Jacksonville Rally Draws 15,000


Some 15,000 people packed into the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida on Wednesday night to see Republican nominee Donald Trump.

“I wish the press would report the crowd like it is,” Trump stated as he looked out into the huge crowd at his campaign rally in Jacksonville, Florida.


Where have we heard this kind of thing before. Oh yes, it was 2012 and Romney was drawing huge crowds.  Here's what Peggie Noon wrote on Nov 5, 2012

"Romney’s crowds are building—28,000 in Morrisville, Pa., last night; 30,000 in West Chester, Ohio, Friday It isn’t only a triumph of advance planning: People came, they got through security and waited for hours in the cold. "


All hail President Romney!

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Donald Trump might have a chance to become President if he could simply act like a person with some dignity and couth. He cannot. He does not have the tempermanent to be President and he refuses to listen to his advisors. In addition, he has no plan. He relies on Ameerican's frustrations with  a stagnant economy and wage growth and plays to all the bias that surrounds it.   He tells people that the Mexians and others are taking their jobs which is a complete frabrication and that there are terrorists behind every door. He states our military is weak when its budget is the highest in the World at $630 Billion peer year. There is no way America will move forward if the man becomes President. He will involve America in more war; increase the defense budget; and cause trade frictions around the World.


Hillary Clinton while far from perfect will at least provide some stability to America. No one really cares about her emails or how many people Bill slept with. Americans want to know that there is someone stable in charge who will not start a war needlessly or cause constant conflict with both allies or potential enemies. There is no possible way that Americans should elect Trump. It would be a disaster for America and the World.

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The sad thing about this election is that the American people are clamoring for drastic changes  and neither Trump nor Hillary or any other person other than possibly Bernie Sanders can deliver. While Trump plays to this clamor- he will not stop money politics; he will not put in place a real immigration reform plan; he will not assist low and middle income workers and he will not be able to handle the foreign policy issues with skill and diplomacy.  Clinton is the lesser of the evils because she has the experience in all areas and even if she maintains some status quo and incorporates some of the Sanders agenda- this will buy time for America and Americans. 


The problem in America is that there is a lack of real dedicated leaders that really want to work for the American people and not themselves. I am afraid the only thing that will move America forward is another American Revolution with someone like a Sanders but hopefully younger who is charismatic and unselfish. The issue of income redistribution and inequality must be addressed and that is going to take a radical restructuring of the tax code to take away  from the 1% a huge amount of money and give it to the 99%. The current situation cannot go one much longer and if it does eventually the backlash will become greater; the chance of real violence an issue; and  the rise of a demagogue much worse than Trump  will be elected. 

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Trump is frustrating for everyone but his minions still are in goose step behind him. Something like 30% of the wingnuts see this idiot as their guy! 


The man simply cannot control himself. He cannot hold back even when it is manifestly in his interest to do so. What’s more, his psychological pathologies are ultimately self-destructive.


Trump biographer Michael D’Antonio, argues that Trump is not crazy but instead “sees the world as a constant struggle for victory and lacks a moral compass.” This guy knows Trump better than everyone. He absolutely nails him. He's a terrible damaged person.


He has no friends. He won't take advice. He's unable to grasp nuance in anything. Trump would make the worst President in history but 30% of the electorate see this idiot as their guy! Pathetic.   

"Nobody could have foreseen the failure of the levees behind Trump's mouth..."


If Donald Trump gets elected, Kim Jong-un will no longer be the craziest world leader...or have the worst hair.


I'm so sick of hearing about how the mainstream media is taking Trump down. They should have taken him down a year ago. Now you're stuck with him.


Som nom na. (Thai phrase meaning DESERVEDLY for the low-info minions)


MSM, my butt. :coffee1:


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28 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

The sad thing about this election is that the American people are clamoring for drastic changes  and neither Trump nor Hillary or any other person other than possibly Bernie Sanders can deliver.


Correct: They need to evict Republicans from the House if they want stuff done.


Added: And avoid populating SCOTUS with a bunch of senile god botherers stuck in the '50s.




Edited by Chicog
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*Deleted post edited out*


"And it seemed to fool Democrat voters."


You misunderstand, again. The average Democraic voters sees what a &lt;deleted&gt; disaster Trump would be as a president and don't really care if Hillary is angry or not.

It's better to have an angry woman as president than a petulant and ignorant man-child.




Even this guy!:


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It would appear that we are fast approaching the time when warnings and suspensions will have to be issued to those who cannot stay on topic.  


This thread is about the GOP frustions with Trump.   Stay on topic, please.


Some, but not all, off-topic posts and replies have been removed. 

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3 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Perhaps the GOP's frustrations will be over ridden after they realize it's all a concocted pile of propaganda by the Left Wing Media and their enablers. The folks are tired of mealy-mouthed pols and love a plain-speaking man.:)

To wit:


Trump’s Jacksonville Rally Draws 15,000


Some 15,000 people packed into the Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena in Jacksonville, Florida on Wednesday night to see Republican nominee Donald Trump.

“I wish the press would report the crowd like it is,” Trump stated as he looked out into the huge crowd at his campaign rally in Jacksonville, Florida.




Let me first point out that I detest Clinton. In my opinion, she is woefully ill qualified to serve as President. That said...


Sorry, but the fact that you have to cite Breitbart to support your argument defeats any credibility you seek. Yes, Trump can pack out an arena with his most ardent and delusional fans. Good for him. It massages and soothes his gargantuan ego. But it does nothing to ameliorate the train wreck that is his campaign. His staffers are either abandoning him or are swimming in circles due to a total lack of guidance. Even Mannafort admits he is no long able to persuade his boss. Trump refuses to see to the details of his campaign, ignores advice from any and all advisers, is incapable of implementing any form of self-control, is laughably easy to derail by simply tossing an insult his way, refuses to stay focused on the critical needs of a national campaign, has failed to offer the first detail of any of his so-called policy proposals (which only serves to further alienate undecided voters), has successfully turned away most every demographic except the most desperate and ignorant among those old, white, male Christofascists on the right who sense that their dominance of American society is on its way out...and these are but a few of his near endless list of massive failings. Simply the fact that he refuses to tend to the rapidly overwhelming needs of his campaign is indictment enough of his professed "abilities" to correct the problems of America. How do these failings provide any sense of confidence in a man who is supposedly so "great"? He should be in a double-digit lead over Clinton at this point, especially given her negative numbers vis-a-vis trustworthiness, but the Mouth That Roared can't stop lashing out at those who criticize him long enough to take advantage of her weaknesses. No, the man is an infant in adult clothing and, should he win, would be a disaster for not only the US but the entire world as well. Seriously, the man can't even grasp why we shouldn't use nukes. And this is someone you want having the nuclear "football" within arm's reach? Sorry, but the SS Trumptanic has put the GOP between a rock and a hairpiece, and the odds of the Democrats sweeping the Oval Office, Senate, and House are increasing daily which is precisely why Priebus and Co. are coming unglued.





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6 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:

^^^Traveler post #23.


Did the Breitbart news clip actually provide untrue reporting?


These days I don't trust many websites, 





The actual Breitbart article was nothing more than a series of tweets, however, IMO Breitbart is one of the worst when it comes to biased "reporting" on anything. I agree that there are few websites on either end of the political spectrum that can be trusted. I spend a lot of time "fact-checking" most stuff that is supposed to pass as "truth".

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19 minutes ago, Traveler19491 said:


The actual Breitbart article was nothing more than a series of tweets, however, IMO Breitbart is one of the worst when it comes to biased "reporting" on anything. I agree that there are few websites on either end of the political spectrum that can be trusted. I spend a lot of time "fact-checking" most stuff that is supposed to pass as "truth".




I am watching CNN right now and the bias against the Trump campaign by the young blonde-haired correspondent named Kate Balduon is palpable.


Its an amazing piece of bias and this is CNN.


What news station is a voter supposed to watch to receive unbiased reporting? 





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Apparently his campaign manager manafort, his kids, and his top donors are freaking out at this point, at their inability to reign him in. They have a meeting, and he swears he can keep it under control. and then someone says something, or he reads something, and he goes off. And I mean goes off. He is a man child, with the emotional development of a 12 year old boy. Is that who we want to have codes to the nuclear arsenal? 


They do not understand why he won’t let the Khan thing go. It is a monumental miscalculation on his part. You just do not insult a dead veteran, even if they were Muslim. Especially when you have been the beneficiary of 5 (five!) deferments from service. He was so scared to fight, so petrified of being on the front line, he did everything in his power, and used all of the influence of his rich dad, to avoid doing the very thing he is insulting brave people for doing. 


He is in meltdown. and with the temperament he is showing, I am very worried about him getting us into wars. Someone would insult him and he would start dropping bombs. To say he does not have the temperament to be president is one of the great understatements of our era. 

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51 minutes ago, ClutchClark said:




I am watching CNN right now and the bias against the Trump campaign by the young blonde-haired correspondent named Kate Balduon is palpable.


Its an amazing piece of bias and this is CNN.


What news station is a voter supposed to watch to receive unbiased reporting? 







What planet do you live on? If you think there is a network left in the US that does not have a political bias, please let us all know, so we can watch it. Of course CNN has bias. As does Fox, and all of the networks. Even the newspapers have bias. Since when don't they? CNN is a modest counterbalance to Fox. 

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