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Obese people and brain function


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Interesting article I read recently and thought I'd share it with folk here as it might concern some of you more than others.


It might also explain the behaviour of some of the folk that post here at TVF.


The message; Take care of your body as obesity clearly has negative effects on ones mental function!  





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i saw a similar article yesterday (I can't find it now) which suggested that significantly underweight people may have the same brain problems as significantly obese people. I guess we had better walk a fine line!

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8 hours ago, JJGreen said:

Pick on the fatties. Nice one



Hello JJ,


Please show me where anyone is picking on anyone.  This is merely a medical research article that warns obese people about the possible ramifications of being obese.


its a good idea to warn folk as they can simply try to reduce their weight and improve their lives.


for some folk, not all, but some they just need to get off their backsides, do a bot of exercise and stop eating crap.


im sorry if this evidence hurt your feelings.

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One of the articles (in the Daily Mail, I think) made it clear that obesity does not affect intelligence, but it may well open the way for a series of serious conditions.


This is not "picking on fatties" (what a derogatory comment you made there), as the articles go on to mention that people seriously underweight can suffer similar consequences. Might I suggest that you do some reading before leaping in with derogatory terminology.


There is a wealth of reading on this disturbing topic, not least a searchable entry in Facebook where folk have been discussing this and the detrimental effects of high carb diets. Interesting reading, and not, repeat NOT, an "attack on fatties".


If you feel that this thread in some way impinge on your lifestyle, don't look at it as an attack, read and maybe you can learn something helpful.

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Seems to me there are lots of reasons for changes in the brain. Excessive weight or lack of may be two. Other reasons: genetics, bad diet, drugs including alcohol and cigarettes, environmental toxins, not using your mind, too much or too little physical activity, culture, playing US football and what else?

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1 hour ago, Rob8891 said:



One of the articles (in the Daily Mail, I think) made it clear that obesity does not affect intelligence, but it may well open the way for a series of serious conditions.


This is not "picking on fatties" (what a derogatory comment you made there), as the articles go on to mention that people seriously underweight can suffer similar consequences. Might I suggest that you do some reading before leaping in with derogatory terminology.


There is a wealth of reading on this disturbing topic, not least a searchable entry in Facebook where folk have been discussing this and the detrimental effects of high carb diets. Interesting reading, and not, repeat NOT, an "attack on fatties".


If you feel that this thread in some way impinge on your lifestyle, don't look at it as an attack, read and maybe you can learn something helpful.


Some folk just can't see their toes MrRob.....bit like they can't see the forest for the trees.



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But the brain being the"control" centre can have a much wider implication on all the bodies systems.


In my opinion obese people are "weak" and unable to control themselves, clearly have psychological issues as many studies have proven. Its those psychological issues that are often the root cause of the obesity. Eating for self loathing, psychological trauma, comfort eating and so on. They often have to resort to drastic methods to correct the problem but of course some cant even do that as they have to "want" to do it, not just say they do.

There was a good series on TV about this, and the doctors would ask the people concerned to demonstrate they "want" it by losing a specific amount of weight in a month, if they could do that and show it, then they would be considered for further help and even surgery to assist them.

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Unless you act to address the emotions behind why you overeat, you could be facing long-term problems. If you have a very high body mass index (BMI) — that is, your weight is significantly more than what is generally considered healthy for your height — you may be increasing the risk of many serious health conditions, including hypertension, heart disease and stroke, Type 2 diabetes, gallbladder disease, chronic fatigue, asthma, sleep apnea and some forms of cancer.



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I saw thiss fat guy in Thailand, he was wearing this huge striped shirt, it reminded me  of the style of a circus tent.  Anyway, a bird had deficated on him, on the shirt and I thought it must have been his pet parrot that had done it, until I got closer to him and realised how big he and the shirt actually were.


It must have been a pelican or a prehistoric dinosaur flying thing, there must have been 10 litres of bird Crap on that shirt and it barely covered the top pocket of the shirt.


anyway, clearly this guy was having mental issues and his BMI score must have been

40 ++++++++++++++++ at least.  His state of mind was rather unique ..... I don't think they have a rating for that.  Poor guy, if he wernt stuffing his face with cakes I would of felt sorry for him.


Anyway, you see big guys in LOS all the time, some could be tourists, some could be expats.  I hope they read this thread and take some sort of action to help themselves. Some of them must be at real risk, I guess if they had any real friends their friends would help them with that.


very sad indeed.


Edited by neverdie
Typos again
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I pick on my fattie friends all the time.  They just pick on me for being a skinnie.


None of us do much sport.  We walk to the shops and the pub.


I did dance for two hours the other night, great fun.  My legs felt like they were dead the next day!!  Most exercise i've done in about ten years.

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