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Voting in the referendum of the draft constitution starts


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1 hour ago, scorecard said:


A constitution written be a red / shin government : the themes / the content / the direction would all be very obviously in your face aimed at a constitution which opens the way for the shin family (with lots of promises to their leaches, business cronies and hangers on, there selfish ignorant incapable appointed supporters in high government office who can't see the woods for the trees and don't want to) gaining more power. Plus it would contain clever clauses to whitewash past crimes and convictions and kill current legal actions, and bring the convicted man home. (Note convicted in a real court fo a serious crime and most certainly not a political beatup.)


No doubt that would make you a happy man hb, and screw any gains to get a better deal for all Thais and get better and more honest capable and sincere people into government.


Now hb tell me all of the above ain't true and convince me with real details that a red / shin government would produce a balanced constitution which would push out corrupt politicians etc.  Go for it hb.


You clearly missed the point of the post.  I'm not surprised.  The nature of a constitution written by a PTP government is a strictly academic question, since the Thai military will never allow it to happen.


The question, which has not been answered, is:  Would you accept a constitution written by a PTP government and submitted for approval under the same restrictions imposed by the military for their constitution.  Just to refresh your memory, the restrictions were:


1.  No "impolite" discussion of the draft constitution.


2.  No independent monitoring of the vote or the count.


3.  The choices are between accepting the constitution and the current government, or rejecting the constitution and keep the current government while it decides on a constitution to impose on Thailand.


Would you consider a referendum conducted by the PTP with these restrictions to be valid?

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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

You clearly missed the point of the post.  I'm not surprised.  The nature of a constitution written by a PTP government is a strictly academic question, since the Thai military will never allow it to happen.


The question, which has not been answered, is:  Would you accept a constitution written by a PTP government and submitted for approval under the same restrictions imposed by the military for their constitution.  Just to refresh your memory, the restrictions were:


1.  No "impolite" discussion of the draft constitution.


2.  No independent monitoring of the vote or the count.


3.  The choices are between accepting the constitution and the current government, or rejecting the constitution and keep the current government while it decides on a constitution to impose on Thailand.


Would you consider a referendum conducted by the PTP with these restrictions to be valid?

the referendum has always been a mute point due to the conditions under which the constitution was drafted.  The conditions under which the referendum was held is a reflection of the junta.


The junta doesn't have any interest in democracy and they may very well not even understand it (I leave open the possibility that they are complete dolts). But it is 100% clear they have no interest in democracy or human rights or any concerns for the Thai people beyond those with whom they partner. 


So why have a referendum if it is so obviously a charade?  One gentleman has written about this. You'll find it on Prachatai's home page at the moment (links not working at the moment?)





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1 hour ago, heybruce said:

You clearly missed the point of the post.  I'm not surprised.  The nature of a constitution written by a PTP government is a strictly academic question, since the Thai military will never allow it to happen.


The question, which has not been answered, is:  Would you accept a constitution written by a PTP government and submitted for approval under the same restrictions imposed by the military for their constitution.  Just to refresh your memory, the restrictions were:


1.  No "impolite" discussion of the draft constitution.


2.  No independent monitoring of the vote or the count.


3.  The choices are between accepting the constitution and the current government, or rejecting the constitution and keep the current government while it decides on a constitution to impose on Thailand.


Would you consider a referendum conducted by the PTP with these restrictions to be valid?

PTP wrote that constitution and then largely ignored and abused it years ago, it basically had no power to stop abuse and corruption and was too easy to amend and/or ignore, exactly why it failed, a constitution needs to be able to hold people to account including government and needs to protect the systems and processes that maintain justice and law - PTP/Thaksin systematically abused it and or ignored it - exactly why we are were we are 

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4 minutes ago, smedly said:

PTP wrote that constitution and then largely ignored and abused it years ago, it basically had no power to stop abuse and corruption and was too easy to amend and/or ignore, exactly why it failed, a constitution needs to be able to hold people to account including government and needs to protect the systems and processes that maintain justice and law - PTP/Thaksin systematically abused it and or ignored it - exactly why we are were we are 

The PTP wrote what constitution?  Are you bothering to read what you are replying to?

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14 minutes ago, heybruce said:

The PTP wrote what constitution?  Are you bothering to read what you are replying to?

I very seldom read your posts because you have no clue what you are talking about and flood these threads with abuse and nonsense...............your hero Thaksin is gone for good ..... get over it and move on

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10 minutes ago, smedly said:

I very seldom read your posts because you have no clue what you are talking about and flood these threads with abuse and nonsense...............your hero Thaksin is gone for good ..... get over it and move on

And yet you reply to them, with absolute nonsense, totally detached from reality. 


Thank you for clarifying that.

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15 minutes ago, halloween said:

But Thailand seems to have missed out on the agrarian revolution. Which puts it in the position of having large numbers of people earning very little wanting their lifestyle supplemented with the earnings of others, and using their political numbers to elect anybody willing to pander to their demands.

So when "the lid comes off" and they get what they want, will that improve their productivity?


Wanting their lifestyle supplemented with the earnings of others? How about wanting fair recompense for their labour? How about a redistribution of wealth in society? You are a long way from getting a grasp. Do you wear a top hat?

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32 minutes ago, baboon said:

It is telling that you are calling for those of us who speak our minds honestly and in good faith to be "hunted down and locked up" as one might do with an animal, because you do not share their opinion. People who interestingly enough do not wish the same to happen to you and indeed defend your right to say what you do, no matter how unpalatable we find it.


Be careful what you wish for, Smedly. You just might get it.

there are a few posting on TVF that go well beyond simply posting an opinion in a discussion and are very obviously much more actively involved with divisive elements in Thailand, I don't regard you as one of them so wind your neck in 

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