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Thailand approves plans to track tourists' phones


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7 minutes ago, snowgard said:

Wrong!!! They can't do this. The mobile providers don't track you over GPS. They track you with their Antennas and their Cell-IDs.


I think they can write a small app that resides in the SIM card  that could constantly turn on GPS and or  keep a record of recent cell tower connections and send the information back to a database via 2/3/4G or WIFI.

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2 hours ago, JImH2O said:

More info is needed, especially on the technical side. Like i said in another thread, i don't believe they can pull it off becaue they are simply too incompetent to achieve anything sophisticated as this.
But the day they force me to put their simcard in my phone so they can track me i will leave this country. I'm very keen on my privacy and don't use any social media etc., not even my big brother homecountry invades my privacy like Thailand is trying to do.

Completely agree. Also, the only people who will do this are people with nothing to hide. If someone is here illegally do the Thai authorities honestly think they will use a sim card registered in their own name? If they are up to no good they want to be off the radar, they are hardly going to carry a GPS tracker around built into the sim card linked to their own name.


I dont believe this will ever happen, if it does it is a terrible invasion of privacy and how they can say it is not is ridiculous. 



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I'm no smarty as far as moblile phones are concerned, but how do they get on  with phones that are locked to phone companies? I remember bringing a phone here some years ago and buying a sim, only to find it would not work as my mobile was locked to Vodafone? someone out there my know? 

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Won’t be long before the Junta start to round up the old sex pats that have been here for many years and put them into special foreigner training camps, a word of advice lads just watch out in the communal showers if you start to smell a funny smell get outside quickly if the doors are unlocked.  

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33 minutes ago, sydneyboy said:

??nker.  And you probably don't even live in Thailand.  Move on. We don't need your type here.  

<deleted>? Why?
I do live in Thailand. What's "my type"? Please tell me, i'd love to hear what kind of person i am.
Based on your language i see you fit very well in this idiocratic country.

Edited by JImH2O
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Sounds like some of the General's family or friends are in the telecom business, nice little earner for them, & they wouldn't care wheather it actually works or not.....

 It's not going to go down well with tourists though, mind you the rate they're going there won't be any soon.....

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6 minutes ago, thai006 said:

who care i have my sim 1 2 call  and they got my passport allready 1 year ago lol 

Of course they have your passport details, they did as soon as you entered the country. The issue is that they can track you where ever you are using the sim card in your mobile phone. This to me is an invasion of privacy, if you dont care about it then I respect that but many people do care. 


I believe that a line should always be drawn on the issue of privacy and people should not allow for Governments to step over it no matter what. Of course Thailand is not my country so all I can do is vote with my feet, but the day they effectively strap a GSP tracker to me is when I leave for sure.

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Fail to see how can enforce. Would be simple to have a "tourist SIM card & simply not use. Also have "local" card & use .

How will Gov't know why SIM to track?

First action, not give any "local" phone No. on Foreign National Information form or give O/S number. 

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2 hours ago, Basil B said:


How are they going to stop "Roaming" using a none Thai sim or just acquiring a Thai SIM card on the black market?

Exactly Basil B; exactly!

Maybe Thai authorities should also start monitoring where all the 'Pidgeotto' are located on 'Pokemon Go'. Or perhaps when my 'Pikachu' is beginning to evolve into a 'Raichu' first!

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The title of this thread is misleading. This is still in the proposal stage and not approved yet.


Stupid reasoning. If foreigners are on overstaying then they will simply dump the phones with the tracking sim cards, because they`ll have nothing to lose.


A million questions: how do they intend to track each and every person with the sim cards? What technology would they be using? How is this going to be financed?

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3 hours ago, JImH2O said:

They could block roaming and penalize anyone caught using a SIM card on a Thai persons name.
But that's not the point. If i have to resort to such tactics then i rather move to another country where they don't treat me like a criminal.

I don't think they would block roaming because that would prevent tourists having contact with friends and business contacts back home (you're not going to get a tracked SIM at the airport and notify everyone back home of your temporary Thai number). Something like that might have an impact on the tourist industry, especially for the so-called 'high quality' tourists (professionals etc) they say they want to attract.

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1 hour ago, TEFLKrabi said:

There is a practicality here of stopping every non-Thai when they enter the country and forcing them to give up their phones so that a local SIM can be inserted. It's so unlikely. Consider all those, for example, who have iPhones that are locked to their contractor. Not going to happen. 

And what about the large number of tourists who need access to their home country number and don't need a Thai number. I very rarely buy local SIMs when I travel even though I now have a dual SIM phone. I need business contacts back home to be able to contact me if need be. 

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If they wanted it to be effective then sub regulations would suggest penalties. Eg what would the fine be for having a broken phone or dead battery or leaving it behind (during Songkran etc). 

I think the purpose is to install expensive tracker equipment something NASA would be proud of and get a healthy kick back  before scrapping the project as unworkable. The aircraft carrier, blimp, submarine, not to leave out the anti flood projects etc come to mind....

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1 hour ago, bkkcanuck8 said:

I think it is funny that when I visited Vietnam it became obvious the difference between the two in a surprising way.  Thailand now seems like much more of a police state than Vietnam for the visitor on the ground.  Everywhere you turn you see police, but then most of them are not policing.  You have a government that seems to want to have all information about you, assign you a minder (a digital minder now - SIM -- rather than a person following you around).  In Vietnam it was just your normal SIM - did not even ask for a passport.  Almost every turn there seems to be someone who is suppose to report you - and it does not seem limited to just Hotels and entry/exit immigration.



Why worry? Talk's one thing, they have to do something to feel all important and stuff, but they'll <deleted> it up fer sure...



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not understand the need for the special simm since it is so easy to track on emei as well simm card number.


be happy Thai Government is open and tell what Western Countries do and not tell.


besides all the camera  and the wifi router tracking. and that all  without simm or emei. ;-)


not forget all your bonus point cards, expressway pass and motorway pass

al make a very good profile of you and what yu do did and probably will go to do.


be happy Thailand is the land of the smile.



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1 hour ago, JustNo said:

Can anybody enlighten me and show me another country EVER that has done this to foreigners? I mean exactly this with sim-cards. Because we know places such as Nazi Germany have done something similar .. :whistling:


They did the same in Saudi Arabia last year.


First you had register your sim with your id card and after a while unregistered sims stopped working.


Secondly once the sim was registered you had tio go back for fingerprinting in order to link your registered sim9s) to your fingerprint.

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With GPS always on most owners of modern phones would need plenty of pare batteries or power banks lol .

I don't think you will find it possible control gps on various cross platform phones via sim stk software. this is equivalent of bar talk by 6yr olds on 3rd bottle of sang-som ..

current network tech has more than enough tracking ability, all that needs improving is immigration & tourist police efficiency if they want get serious on tourist over stayers etc .

introducing idea for tourist mapping applications & safety would of been far smarter ... Most crime is not linked to tourists & most serious foreign criminals get here with paid help from the officials who meant be protecting this wonder land !

Cost would be huge financially & in impact on thailand as a cool holiday destination .

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3 hours ago, JImH2O said:

More info is needed, especially on the technical side. Like i said in another thread, i don't believe they can pull it off becaue they are simply too incompetent to achieve anything sophisticated as this.
But the day they force me to put their simcard in my phone so they can track me i will leave this country. I'm very keen on my privacy and don't use any social media etc., not even my big brother homecountry invades my privacy like Thailand is trying to do.


Well, actually your big brother home country does track you far more than Thailand does.

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