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Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS'


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Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS'



SUNRISE, Fla. (AP) — Donald Trump accused President Barack Obama on Wednesday of founding the Islamic State group that is wreaking havoc from the Middle East to European cities. A moment later, on another topic, he referred to the president by his full legal name: Barack Hussein Obama.


"In many respects, you know, they honor President Obama," Trump said during a raucous campaign rally outside Fort Lauderdale, Florida. "He is the founder of ISIS."


He repeated the allegation three more times for emphasis.


The Republican presidential nominee in the past has accused his opponent, Democrat Hillary Clinton, of founding the militant group. As he shifted the blame to Obama on Wednesday, he said "crooked Hillary Clinton" was actually the group's co-founder.


Trump has long blamed Obama and his former secretary of state — Clinton — for pursuing Mideast policies that created a power vacuum in Iraq that was exploited by IS, another acronym for the group. He's sharply criticized Obama for announcing he would pull U.S. troops out of Iraq, a decision that many Obama critics say created the kind of instability in which extremist groups like IS thrive.


The White House declined to comment on Trump's accusation.


The Islamic State group began as Iraq's local affiliate of al-Qaida, the group that attacked the U.S. on Sept. 11, 2001. The group carried out massive attacks against Iraq's Shiite Muslim majority, fueling tensions with al-Qaida's central leadership. The local group's then-leader, Jordanian-born Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, was killed in 2006 in a U.S. airstrike but is still seen as the Islamic State group's founder.


Trump's accusation — and his use of the president's middle name, Hussein — echoed previous instances where he's questioned Obama's loyalties.


In June, when a shooter who claimed allegiance to IS killed 49 people in an Orlando, Florida, nightclub, Trump seemed to suggest Obama was sympathetic to the group when he said Obama "doesn't get it, or he gets it better than anybody understands." In the past, Trump has also falsely suggested Obama is a Muslim or was born in Kenya, where Obama's father was from.


The president, a Christian, was born in Hawaii.


Trump lobbed the allegation midway through his rally at a sports arena, where riled-up supporters shouted obscenities about Clinton and joined in unison to shout "lock her up." He railed against the fact that the Orlando shooter's father, Seddique Mateen, was spotted in the crowd behind Clinton during a Monday rally in Florida, adding, "Of course he likes Hillary Clinton."


Sitting behind Trump at his rally on Wednesday was former Rep. Mark Foley, R-Fla., who resigned in 2006 after allegations he sent sexually suggestive messages to former House pages.


Associated Press writer Jill Colvin contributed to this report.

-- © Associated Press 2016-08-11
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No a bunch of muzzlims just woke up one fine day and said….damn, looks like a great day to start a terrorist organisation.


America must take responsibility for its actions in destabilising iraq, libya  etc….they have created this entire mess.


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44 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

So who created and financed ISIS then?


Obama has personally authorised more killing of Islamist leaders than any other President. Trump is talking conspiracy nonsense, how anyone can believe in their heart that Trump should be the leader of the most powerful country in the world must have a screw loose.


Daesh first announced it's creation in 2006, with strategy & tactics primarily from disenfranchised Iraqi Ba'athists and copied in part from the AQI template "Management of Savagery". Plenty of accusations regarding financing, of which the Assad regime has partial responsibly by way of buying Daesh oil.

Edited by simple1
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1 hour ago, JHolmesJr said:

No a bunch of muzzlims just woke up one fine day and said….damn, looks like a great day to start a terrorist organisation.


America must take responsibility for its actions in destabilising iraq, libya  etc….they have created this entire mess.


Isis began in Iraq. And who destabilized Iraq?

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Obama also killed the Americans in Benghazi in 2004 as a state rep. in Illinois, at least that's what people are saying.


And he was coordinating the funding to the mujahideen from his high school in Kenya, so he founded Al Qeada too. At least that's what I was told.


After all, he was a "community organizer" (wink, wink, using dog whistle).

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it's his supporters that are scary.... and they didn't invent themselves, they were created.... check out the big rallies.... next we'll hear a story about how the sprinklers on Capitol Hill just didn't work and blah blah. a new Great Leader who will Save Us. it has worked time and time again.  but I don't want to visit home again. the Chinese system is looking better and better, or maybe it will all morph into one big Chinese system.

Edited by maewang99
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3 hours ago, simple1 said:


Obama has personally authorised more killing of Islamist leaders than any other President. Trump is talking conspiracy nonsense, how anyone can believe in their heart that Trump should be the leader of the most powerful country in the world must have a screw loose.


Daesh first announced it's creation in 2006, with strategy & tactics primarily from disenfranchised Iraqi Ba'athists and copied in part from the AQI template "Management of Savagery". Plenty of accusations regarding financing, of which the Assad regime has partial responsibly by way of buying Daesh oil.


You are clearly more informed than Trump.  Trump and his supporters really don't want to make the effort of finding the truth because it's way too complicated for their simple minds.  But yes, the seeds of ISIS were planted well before Obama came into office.  Trump--as usual--is spouting nonsense.  How this guy can get away with just making up crap is beyond me. 

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Obama is the founder of ISIS? Hmmm. So, I guess back in 2003, on President Bush's orders, the U.S. military invaded Iraq, threw out Saddam’s government, and then decreeing the dissolution of the Iraqi Army had nothing to do with giving ISIS a little motivation. Two hundred and fifty thousand angry Iraqi men with military training were out of work overnight.

Yeah, it sure sounds like Obama's doing all right.

I say let Trump speak, as he is doing a stellar job of self-immolation.

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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

He is not anti-American. He just thinks that Obama's policies have been disastrous and a lot of Americans agree with him.


You hadn't noticed? Trump is a poster boy for terrorist recruiters.


i say his language about Muslims and generally being a vulgar pretentious a**hole loudmouth conceited jagoff will increase attacks on Americans. 








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4 hours ago, DM07 said:

This brainless monkey gets a bit tiresome!:boring:

His whole aim is to write a book after its all over titled "10 ways to lose the Presidency" It will be a best seller and he will have his 365 days of fame. Thats The Donald. I think he is a cloaked liberal helping Hillary get elected.

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3 hours ago, Chicog said:

This bloke is such an idiot, but the media just let him get away with spouting rubbish upon rubbish.

Thankfully, the polls seem to indicate that the public don't.


Yes, it seems so recently.


Clinton Opens Up Double-Digit Lead Over Trump: http://www.nbcnews.com/politics/2016-election/poll-clinton-opens-double-digit-lead-over-trump-n625676

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20 minutes ago, elgordo38 said:

His whole aim is to write a book after its all over titled "10 ways to lose the Presidency" It will be a best seller and he will have his 365 days of fame. Thats The Donald. I think he is a cloaked liberal helping Hillary get elected.


Er... maybe to get someone to write a book (again).

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3 hours ago, Chicog said:

This bloke is such an idiot, but the media just let him get away with spouting rubbish upon rubbish.

Thankfully, the polls seem to indicate that the public don't.




Unless the polls show 100% which I doubt they do judging some of the posters on TV that actually believe the sun shines out of his arse,  he still is a danger to America and most of the world. 

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

I really would like to see, what happens, when a JOURNALIST would actually ask this baboon some questions!

Trump: "I am melting! I am meeeeeelllltttiiiiiiing...." 

Apparently what happens is that the journalist 'bleeds from wherever'. But only if the questions are difficult. Don't know how this happens but it seems and sounds like early Cronenberg. 

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21 minutes ago, bridge2bridge said:

Love him or hate him.

He does speak the truth.

Obama and Clinton could not lie straight in bed.


No, he does not. Lie upon lie come from his mouth, which he later denies.

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30 minutes ago, bridge2bridge said:

Love him or hate him.

He does speak the truth.

Obama and Clinton could not lie straight in bed.


You do not read many newspapers and you are not very bright!

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