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Trump accuses Obama of being the 'founder of ISIS'


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It was President Bush who started the war and it was President Bush that set the withdrawal date for Americans from Iraq by the end of 2011, not President Obama. 

Fact is, Obama urged Iraqi Prime Ministe to approve  leaving a residual force behind.

Prime Minister Maliki made it clear that the Iraqi parliament would not allow US Troops to stay. Not even for five- or ten-thousand troops.

Now you know. 

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One needs to search deep and wide to find any mitigating evidence of Obama not funding, equiping, diverting arms to, training, and leading early IS, and later FSA/Al Nursa proxies. Its really impossible to offer Obama did not found ISIS. He actually really did. Jeez, a peculiar analogy, at a minimum, is contained in the IRS directives as to what constitutes a contractor and what an employee. If an employer provides you with money, equipment to do the job, transportation/vehicle, and roughly sets the conditions for that employment (McCain/State meetings with IS/FSA/AN proxies)- then that person is considered an EMPLOYEE for IRS tax withholding purposes. Why would Obama be held to account for even a more ridiculously low threshold for supporting terrorism (PS- for all the emotional dolts in the world: the US has variously conducted such projects since Tito, Gladio, Ukraine recently, Arab Spring, and numerous other locations). Obama created DAESH.


All IS primary equip from their vests to side arms are from America. Not one single glock firearm has been chased down with the metal impregnated serial on the trigger guard. Why? Because they all go back to the state department. I know, I spent over 12 months in Baghdad buying the local aks and pkms on the black market while State tried to bypass ITAR. All it could get it were the glocks. They are all with ISIS now. State still could not bypass itar by the time the US pulled out of iraq and so procured a forward deployed cache of arms in Libya and then routed them through Bulgaria/Turkey to IS- Fact! Obama and Hillary. Benghazi annex was significantly a front for two things: the buy back of serious weapons the US lost control of (including tagged weapons for geolocation tracking) and routing large arms cache through Turkish middlemen.


The US, on the eve of IS coming out party, was fairly appalled that the FSA/Al Nursa reps in DC would not move forward unless the US bought specific equipment. Very specific equipment. As Toyota themselves have made very clear, they would never have outfitted hundreds of hilluxes with rear bed weapons mount platforms had the US not been the party and the payer. We see these vehicles were precisely used on IS big, and first slickly produced Madison avenue ad firm coming out party, when they drove into Iraq in the curiously widely photographed grand entrance.  Wake up! From the slick beheadings in and out of studios to the iconic image of DAESH grand entrance, all of this was choreographed.


The US was also training early IS at the King Abdullah Counter Terrorism school outside of Amman, on a us funded contract, with former us special forces contractors paid through a cut out. While Obama obfuscated, disassembled, "nothing to see here, move along..." IS entrenched itself but more importantly, and rarely mentioned, is this caliphate thing, which is the goal. IS is a placeholder, sitting on an idea which gains legitimacy with every day of longevity- Obama's Caliphate! DAESH was always going to be deposed in days when it was time. DAESH could have been wiped out in a week, and any soldier worth his salt knows this. You do not even need boots to remain on the ground, just pass through the area. DAESH could have been wiped out long ago. It is the child of the US. On every single point and issue the US has performed deliberately feebly.


Lest fools be duped, IS is not a or the problem. IS is a distraction, a symptom at best. IS is not remotely what should be feared most. Perhaps folks need to wake up and look around. Western governments are equal to the threat of IS and islamic jihad. In fact, one deliberately employs the other as a cudgel to beat their own people. Obama has done more of islam and islamic terrorism than any other since their prophet, first four caliphs, and sala din. Period! Any measure, any matrix. Obama is the go to guy from islam.


Besides 1. personal/ad hominem attacks on me 2, emotionally protesting the truth by objection alone 3, fallacies of false analogies or non sequitar or appeals to authority 4, etc., I would love to hear how this is incorrect.




Edited by arjunadawn
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39 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

It was President Bush who started the war and it was President Bush that set the withdrawal date for Americans from Iraq by the end of 2011, not President Obama. 

Fact is, Obama urged Iraqi Prime Ministe to approve  leaving a residual force behind.

Prime Minister Maliki made it clear that the Iraqi parliament would not allow US Troops to stay. Not even for five- or ten-thousand troops.

Now you know. 

This is not entirely correct. The poison pill of optics often produces this as politicians appeal to reality and how they with reality to be remembered. This is a 1/2 truth spun poorly. This is NOT what happened.


Obama was unable to get the PM to permit US forces to remain under a SOFA agreement. Obama knew beforehand he would not get a SOFA approved after the Blackwater incident (the airwaves pondered this for a long time). America cannot leave troops without a SOFA. Iraq made clear for a long time they would not offer a SOFA. How on earth could the PM permit a condition which permits US soldiers and (especially) accompanying contractors to remain in-country with a SOFA agreement that immunized them to Iraqi jurisdiction? No, of course they could not. It was a false offer by Obama to craft optics; and Obama did not one time press a SOFA. If it was not an effort to craft optics then he is really a moron. Every dolt on earth knowing that asking the Iraqis to allow our troops to remain after they said no SOFA, and knowing the US cannot leave troops without a SOFA... please...


He is the only president (that I recall) has been unable to attain a SOFA. So, the 'fact is," this information is not true. "Now you know."

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7 minutes ago, up-country_sinclair said:


Yet another "walk back" from Trump.


He's unfit to even be considered for dogcatcher much less the highest office in the land.


If I were hired to give the guy advice on how to look like an idiot, confirm he has some loose screws, and lose this election, I wouldn't change a thing he has done since the GOP convention. :lol:

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11 hours ago, arjunadawn said:

This is not entirely correct. The poison pill of optics often produces this as politicians appeal to reality and how they with reality to be remembered. This is a 1/2 truth spun poorly. This is NOT what happened.


Obama was unable to get the PM to permit US forces to remain under a SOFA agreement. Obama knew beforehand he would not get a SOFA approved after the Blackwater incident (the airwaves pondered this for a long time). America cannot leave troops without a SOFA. Iraq made clear for a long time they would not offer a SOFA. How on earth could the PM permit a condition which permits US soldiers and (especially) accompanying contractors to remain in-country with a SOFA agreement that immunized them to Iraqi jurisdiction? No, of course they could not. It was a false offer by Obama to craft optics; and Obama did not one time press a SOFA. If it was not an effort to craft optics then he is really a moron. Every dolt on earth knowing that asking the Iraqis to allow our troops to remain after they said no SOFA, and knowing the US cannot leave troops without a SOFA... please...


He is the only president (that I recall) has been unable to attain a SOFA. So, the 'fact is," this information is not true. "Now you know."


Status of SOFA Agreements and related issues are covered extensively at the URL below with US military / contractor presence without SOFA agreements in a number of countries. With regards to Iraq the current situation is:


In June, 2014, in the aftermath of ISIS advances, the United States exchanged diplomatic notes with Iraq That provide “A&T equivalence” immunity from criminal And civil jurisdiction for U.S. forces which have been sent as advisers to Iraq to assist in addressing the current crisis.








Edited by simple1
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16 hours ago, arjunadawn said:

One needs to search deep and wide to find any mitigating evidence of Obama not funding, equiping, diverting arms to, training, and leading early IS, and later FSA/Al Nursa proxies. Its really impossible to offer Obama did not found ISIS. He actually really did. Jeez, a peculiar analogy, at a minimum, is contained in the IRS directives as to what constitutes a contractor and what an employee. If an employer provides you with money, equipment to do the job, transportation/vehicle, and roughly sets the conditions for that employment (McCain/State meetings with IS/FSA/AN proxies)- then that person is considered an EMPLOYEE for IRS tax withholding purposes. Why would Obama be held to account for even a more ridiculously low threshold for supporting terrorism (PS- for all the emotional dolts in the world: the US has variously conducted such projects since Tito, Gladio, Ukraine recently, Arab Spring, and numerous other locations). Obama created DAESH.


All IS primary equip from their vests to side arms are from America. Not one single glock firearm has been chased down with the metal impregnated serial on the trigger guard. Why? Because they all go back to the state department. I know, I spent over 12 months in Baghdad buying the local aks and pkms on the black market while State tried to bypass ITAR. All it could get it were the glocks. They are all with ISIS now. State still could not bypass itar by the time the US pulled out of iraq and so procured a forward deployed cache of arms in Libya and then routed them through Bulgaria/Turkey to IS- Fact! Obama and Hillary. Benghazi annex was significantly a front for two things: the buy back of serious weapons the US lost control of (including tagged weapons for geolocation tracking) and routing large arms cache through Turkish middlemen.


The US, on the eve of IS coming out party, was fairly appalled that the FSA/Al Nursa reps in DC would not move forward unless the US bought specific equipment. Very specific equipment. As Toyota themselves have made very clear, they would never have outfitted hundreds of hilluxes with rear bed weapons mount platforms had the US not been the party and the payer. We see these vehicles were precisely used on IS big, and first slickly produced Madison avenue ad firm coming out party, when they drove into Iraq in the curiously widely photographed grand entrance.  Wake up! From the slick beheadings in and out of studios to the iconic image of DAESH grand entrance, all of this was choreographed.


The US was also training early IS at the King Abdullah Counter Terrorism school outside of Amman, on a us funded contract, with former us special forces contractors paid through a cut out. While Obama obfuscated, disassembled, "nothing to see here, move along..." IS entrenched itself but more importantly, and rarely mentioned, is this caliphate thing, which is the goal. IS is a placeholder, sitting on an idea which gains legitimacy with every day of longevity- Obama's Caliphate! DAESH was always going to be deposed in days when it was time. DAESH could have been wiped out in a week, and any soldier worth his salt knows this. You do not even need boots to remain on the ground, just pass through the area. DAESH could have been wiped out long ago. It is the child of the US. On every single point and issue the US has performed deliberately feebly.


Lest fools be duped, IS is not a or the problem. IS is a distraction, a symptom at best. IS is not remotely what should be feared most. Perhaps folks need to wake up and look around. Western governments are equal to the threat of IS and islamic jihad. In fact, one deliberately employs the other as a cudgel to beat their own people. Obama has done more of islam and islamic terrorism than any other since their prophet, first four caliphs, and sala din. Period! Any measure, any matrix. Obama is the go to guy from islam.


Besides 1. personal/ad hominem attacks on me 2, emotionally protesting the truth by objection alone 3, fallacies of false analogies or non sequitar or appeals to authority 4, etc., I would love to hear how this is incorrect.




Donald Trump disagrees with you.


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On 8/12/2016 at 7:38 PM, arjunadawn said:

One needs to search deep and wide to find any mitigating evidence of Obama not funding, equiping, diverting arms to, training, and leading early IS, and later FSA/Al Nursa proxies. Its really impossible to offer Obama did not found ISIS. He actually really did. Jeez, a peculiar analogy, at a minimum, is contained in the IRS directives as to what constitutes a contractor and what an employee. If an employer provides you with money, equipment to do the job, transportation/vehicle, and roughly sets the conditions for that employment (McCain/State meetings with IS/FSA/AN proxies)- then that person is considered an EMPLOYEE for IRS tax withholding purposes. Why would Obama be held to account for even a more ridiculously low threshold for supporting terrorism (PS- for all the emotional dolts in the world: the US has variously conducted such projects since Tito, Gladio, Ukraine recently, Arab Spring, and numerous other locations). Obama created DAESH.


All IS primary equip from their vests to side arms are from America. Not one single glock firearm has been chased down with the metal impregnated serial on the trigger guard. Why? Because they all go back to the state department. I know, I spent over 12 months in Baghdad buying the local aks and pkms on the black market while State tried to bypass ITAR. All it could get it were the glocks. They are all with ISIS now. State still could not bypass itar by the time the US pulled out of iraq and so procured a forward deployed cache of arms in Libya and then routed them through Bulgaria/Turkey to IS- Fact! Obama and Hillary. Benghazi annex was significantly a front for two things: the buy back of serious weapons the US lost control of (including tagged weapons for geolocation tracking) and routing large arms cache through Turkish middlemen.


The US, on the eve of IS coming out party, was fairly appalled that the FSA/Al Nursa reps in DC would not move forward unless the US bought specific equipment. Very specific equipment. As Toyota themselves have made very clear, they would never have outfitted hundreds of hilluxes with rear bed weapons mount platforms had the US not been the party and the payer. We see these vehicles were precisely used on IS big, and first slickly produced Madison avenue ad firm coming out party, when they drove into Iraq in the curiously widely photographed grand entrance.  Wake up! From the slick beheadings in and out of studios to the iconic image of DAESH grand entrance, all of this was choreographed.


The US was also training early IS at the King Abdullah Counter Terrorism school outside of Amman, on a us funded contract, with former us special forces contractors paid through a cut out. While Obama obfuscated, disassembled, "nothing to see here, move along..." IS entrenched itself but more importantly, and rarely mentioned, is this caliphate thing, which is the goal. IS is a placeholder, sitting on an idea which gains legitimacy with every day of longevity- Obama's Caliphate! DAESH was always going to be deposed in days when it was time. DAESH could have been wiped out in a week, and any soldier worth his salt knows this. You do not even need boots to remain on the ground, just pass through the area. DAESH could have been wiped out long ago. It is the child of the US. On every single point and issue the US has performed deliberately feebly.


Lest fools be duped, IS is not a or the problem. IS is a distraction, a symptom at best. IS is not remotely what should be feared most. Perhaps folks need to wake up and look around. Western governments are equal to the threat of IS and islamic jihad. In fact, one deliberately employs the other as a cudgel to beat their own people. Obama has done more of islam and islamic terrorism than any other since their prophet, first four caliphs, and sala din. Period! Any measure, any matrix. Obama is the go to guy from islam.


Besides 1. personal/ad hominem attacks on me 2, emotionally protesting the truth by objection alone 3, fallacies of false analogies or non sequitar or appeals to authority 4, etc., I would love to hear how this is incorrect.





No credible sources are offered. Guess "credible" is up for debate as well, though.  Some of the details, events and motivations presented as facts, when they could be interpreted otherwise.

There is no disproving conspiracy theories.




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On 8/12/2016 at 7:38 PM, arjunadawn said:

One needs to search deep and wide to find any mitigating evidence of Obama not funding, equiping, diverting arms to, training, and leading early IS, and later FSA/Al Nursa proxies. Its really impossible to offer Obama did not found ISIS. He actually really did. Jeez, a peculiar analogy, at a minimum, is contained in the IRS directives as to what constitutes a contractor and what an employee. If an employer provides you with money, equipment to do the job, transportation/vehicle, and roughly sets the conditions for that employment (McCain/State meetings with IS/FSA/AN proxies)- then that person is considered an EMPLOYEE for IRS tax withholding purposes. Why would Obama be held to account for even a more ridiculously low threshold for supporting terrorism (PS- for all the emotional dolts in the world: the US has variously conducted such projects since Tito, Gladio, Ukraine recently, Arab Spring, and numerous other locations). Obama created DAESH.


All IS primary equip from their vests to side arms are from America. Not one single glock firearm has been chased down with the metal impregnated serial on the trigger guard. Why? Because they all go back to the state department. I know, I spent over 12 months in Baghdad buying the local aks and pkms on the black market while State tried to bypass ITAR. All it could get it were the glocks. They are all with ISIS now. State still could not bypass itar by the time the US pulled out of iraq and so procured a forward deployed cache of arms in Libya and then routed them through Bulgaria/Turkey to IS- Fact! Obama and Hillary. Benghazi annex was significantly a front for two things: the buy back of serious weapons the US lost control of (including tagged weapons for geolocation tracking) and routing large arms cache through Turkish middlemen.


The US, on the eve of IS coming out party, was fairly appalled that the FSA/Al Nursa reps in DC would not move forward unless the US bought specific equipment. Very specific equipment. As Toyota themselves have made very clear, they would never have outfitted hundreds of hilluxes with rear bed weapons mount platforms had the US not been the party and the payer. We see these vehicles were precisely used on IS big, and first slickly produced Madison avenue ad firm coming out party, when they drove into Iraq in the curiously widely photographed grand entrance.  Wake up! From the slick beheadings in and out of studios to the iconic image of DAESH grand entrance, all of this was choreographed.


The US was also training early IS at the King Abdullah Counter Terrorism school outside of Amman, on a us funded contract, with former us special forces contractors paid through a cut out. While Obama obfuscated, disassembled, "nothing to see here, move along..." IS entrenched itself but more importantly, and rarely mentioned, is this caliphate thing, which is the goal. IS is a placeholder, sitting on an idea which gains legitimacy with every day of longevity- Obama's Caliphate! DAESH was always going to be deposed in days when it was time. DAESH could have been wiped out in a week, and any soldier worth his salt knows this. You do not even need boots to remain on the ground, just pass through the area. DAESH could have been wiped out long ago. It is the child of the US. On every single point and issue the US has performed deliberately feebly.


Lest fools be duped, IS is not a or the problem. IS is a distraction, a symptom at best. IS is not remotely what should be feared most. Perhaps folks need to wake up and look around. Western governments are equal to the threat of IS and islamic jihad. In fact, one deliberately employs the other as a cudgel to beat their own people. Obama has done more of islam and islamic terrorism than any other since their prophet, first four caliphs, and sala din. Period! Any measure, any matrix. Obama is the go to guy from islam.


Besides 1. personal/ad hominem attacks on me 2, emotionally protesting the truth by objection alone 3, fallacies of false analogies or non sequitar or appeals to authority 4, etc., I would love to hear how this is incorrect.





I can't prove it's incorrect, therefore... 


I know it's not true because it's absurd, but that's beside the point. You can't argue with circular reasoning. 


arj-it's an intellectually dishonest arguement. Here is an example of what you're doing: 


Donald Trump is funding NAMBLA. I would love to hear how that is incorrect. "It's something I've heard, but I don't believe Donald Trump donated several million dollars to NAMBLA over the last several years. Still, if he did that would be a great reason to not release his tax returns. But look, I'm not here to say whether or not Donald Trump donated millions to NAMBLA, I'm just here to let you know that every candidate has released his tax returns over the last 40 years, so there has to be a reason he doesn't, and several very smart people are saying he contributed millions of dollars to NAMBLA."


Jesus was born from a virgin, performed miracles, was crucified, on the 3rd day he rose into heaven. I would love to hear how that is incorrect also. (I'm illustrating my convoluted point here. Personally, I don't believe the guy ever existed.) 


If you can't prove me wrong then I'm right? I believe you're throwing out a circular arguement. I don't want to waste the effort to investigate your bullshit, but  Alex Jones and you must be best mates. 


You can't say this nonsense and be taken seriously: "Obama has done more of islam and islamic terrorism than any other since their prophet, first four caliphs, and sala din. Period!" :gigglem:







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