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Dozens of Republicans say party should stop funding Trump


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Dozens of Republicans say party should stop funding Trump




More than 70 Republicans have signed an open letter to their party chairman urging him to stop funding Donald Trump’s campaign.


In their letter, first reported by Politico, they said Trump’s “recklessness, incompetence and record-breaking unpopularity” risked turning the presidential election into a landslide for his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.


They said the party should focus its resources on getting members of Congress re-elected, to prevent it from “drowning with a Trump-emblazoned anchor around its neck.”


Clinton’s lead over Trump in opinion polls has widened in recent days, while a growing number of Republicans have warned they won’t support their party’s nominee.


Trump the billionaire did not seem worried his party could cut him off.


“All I have to do is stop funding the Republican Party,” he said in a Fox News interview.


Many Republicans have voiced exasperation with the provocative tone of Trump’s campaign.


In his latest remarks, the real estate mogul called Clinton and president Barack Obama the “co-founders” of the militant group calling itself Islamic State.

Clinton said the comments should disqualify him from the race.


-- © Copyright Euronews 2016-08-13


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18 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.

Caligula is rumored to have made a Horse a Senator. Trump is capable of something like that. His inconsistency should give pause to conservatives thinking that his nominations to the court would satisfy them.

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I don't think so. IMO, all the "crazy" rhetoric is nonsense. However, I still do not trust him. He is too all over the place with his beliefs and he tells too many lies to justify changing his positions. He is probably better than Hillary, but that is not saying much. We are screwed either way. 

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That's right, Repubs.  Give the finger to your constituents who selected Trump from among the slim pickin's you had on offer.


And then it will be another 20 or 30 years before any of you will see the inside of the White House.


I'm not a fan of Trump.  But I love the fact that he alone has allowed Republican voters to show the party leaders what they think of them and their politics of obstruction.  Now the Repub leaders can learn from the situation, or they get even more obstructionist.  


You've made your own bed.  Now, sleep in it.

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The Republican party ended up in a terrible position with the worst possible candidate.   There are 'rules' and Donald broke all of them.   It's unprecedented.   The Republicans had a long list of very well qualified conservatives, from the far, far right, to the center right.   Almost any of them given the resources of the party and Koch brother's could have beaten Hillary.   


Whether you are a liberal or a conservative, the country needs direction to get things done.   If it heads down the wrong road, then the country can turn around and go a different direction.   With Trump, it will end up in the ditch with wheels spinning.   


The Republican party should do a lot more than just quit funding Trump.   They need to replace him with one of the 16 or so that started out in the campaign.   

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.


Right wingers keep harping on this...which as usual, is patently false.  I doubt Hillary would choose an extreme left judge.  But even if she did, so what?  What's going to happen exactly?  The Supreme Court doesn't make law, it only interprets it.  The notion that "traditional America" will be destroyed is nonsense.  Unless you mean the traditional America that's racist, homophobic, misogynist, religiously intolerant, etc., then destroying that would be a good thing. 

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5 minutes ago, Berkshire said:


Right wingers keep harping on this...which as usual, is patently false.  I doubt Hillary would choose an extreme left judge.  But even if she did, so what?  What's going to happen exactly?  The Supreme Court doesn't make law, it only interprets it.  The notion that "traditional America" will be destroyed is nonsense.  Unless you mean the traditional America that's racist, homophobic, misogynist, religiously intolerant, etc., then destroying that would be a good thing. 

Good point. If what the Republicans fear is that Clinton would nominate judges who if confirmed would destroy traditional America, they are at the same time claiming that the Constitution allows for widely even wildly various interpretations. If this is the case, then how much so for the interpretation of religious tracts like, say, the Koran. The republican's worry puts paid to the notion that there is anything essential about the meaning of the tracts themselves. They mean essentially what they are interpreted to mean. Sometimes one likes it sometimes one doesn't (we call this correct and incorrect interpretation.)  So much for an essentially intolerant Koran. Like lots of us, like our constitution, it swings both ways. 

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2 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.

Please define 'traditional America'.

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This is all BS. A few sore losers would like to stop helping Trump.


TODAY Reince Priebus, the chairman of the National Republican Party went out of his way to travel and introduce Donald Trump at another HUGE and excited Trump rally. Hillary can't draw enough of a crowd to fill a Starbuck's coffee shop.


Watch this excitement AND the determination of the National Republican Party Chairman. Now you know what you can do with the title of this thread.  Cheers.


PS  The chant from the crowd at 3:21 about Hillary is "Lock her up."




Edited by NeverSure
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3 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

I can understand their chagrin, but if Trump loses, Hillary will pick the Supreme Court judges and bye, bye traditional America. Taking a chance on Trump is probably better than that.


Trump picking S.Court nominees is almost as scary as the picture of him having his fingers on the launch buttons of 77 mukes.  Here's a question for Trump supporters:  By being a candidate of a major party, he is required to be briefed by CIA, FBI, Pentagon, etc on top secret issues.  How do you feel about that?  I would rather China and Russia have the protected files from Skunk Works, than Trump being privy to America's top secrets.


1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

This is all BS. A few sore losers would like to stop helping Trump.


TODAY Reince Priebus, the chairman of the National Republican Party went out of his way to travel and introduce Donald Trump at another HUGE and excited Trump rally. Hillary can't draw enough of a crowd to fill a Starbuck's coffee shop.


Watch this excitement AND the determination of the National Republican Party Chairman. Now you know what you can do with the title of this thread.  Cheers.


PS  The chant from the crowd at 3:21 about Hillary is "Lock her up."


Besides screwing himself and many other people/institutions, Trump is also screwing Priebus and Ryan and other old-thinking stalwarts.  The Divider is putting them in the awful predicament of having to support a dangerous unelectable candidate AND he's kicking their careers in the shins.  In other words, The Divider is dragging down career politicians and the Republican party with his losing ways. It's fun watching from the edge of the mosh pit.

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17 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC



Inline image 1


Believe above just about sums up why not Trump.


"...citing an unnamed source who claimed he had spoken with the GOP presidential nominee."


Typical lies and hyperbole from Hillary's bitch Joe Scarborough of the shamestream media.





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This is what most Republicans really think about Trump.  To summarize:


[Republicans who support him “all know in their gut that he’s nuts.” He also said, “They’re certainly not profiles in courage at the moment.”]



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2 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Besides screwing himself and many other people/institutions, Trump is also screwing Priebus and Ryan and other old-thinking stalwarts.  The Divider is putting them in the awful predicament of having to support a dangerous unelectable candidate AND he's kicking their careers in the shins.  In other words, The Divider is dragging down career politicians and the Republican party with his losing ways. It's fun watching from the edge of the mosh pit.



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1 hour ago, NeverSure said:

This is all BS. A few sore losers would like to stop helping Trump.


TODAY Reince Priebus, the chairman of the National Republican Party went out of his way to travel and introduce Donald Trump at another HUGE and excited Trump rally. Hillary can't draw enough of a crowd to fill a Starbuck's coffee shop.


Watch this excitement AND the determination of the National Republican Party Chairman. Now you know what you can do with the title of this thread.  Cheers.


PS  The chant from the crowd at 3:21 about Hillary is "Lock her up."




Went out of his way to travel and introduce Trump at a rally? Out of his way????? The man is the Chairman of the party for which Trump is a candidate for President for Christ's sake. Out of his way? It's his job man, his job! The very fact that anyone says Preibus went "out of his way" establishes precisely what it sets out to disprove - If you don't have a second pair of pants, you might just have to smile and wear the pair with the huge shit stain. 

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Do Trump's staffers know Trump's record on not paying workers?  ....particularly their final payments on jobs done?


Do they think Trump will pay them their final paychecks in November, when the poll numbers show The Divider has soundly lost?   If they believe that, then they'll believe Bernie Madoff gives great investment advice.

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36 minutes ago, lopburi3 said:

Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC



Inline image 1


Believe above just about sums up why not Trump.


and why's that then...?  WHO is this 'foreign policy advisor'?  or is it another DNC lie?  you really believe Trump said this?  wow just wow!

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9 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

The career politicians are furiously fighting Trump due to the fact they stand to lose millions from the hangers on and the lobbyist. 


Au contraire.  Career politicians usually brown nose a prez candidate ad nauseum, hoping (like Christie, Carson, Palin) they'll get a plum appointment when their guy gets elected.


The fact that increasing numbers of career Republicans are jumping ship, is proof they're waking up to the reality that Trump is not only going to lose, but he's going to lose big time, and drag a lot of 'down ballot' candidates down with him.  


Trump doesn't mind, he can always peddle vodka or some other poison water that he himself won't drink.  Even if he's facing going broke again, there will always be rich people willing to take pity on him and bail him out.  He'll land on his feet, .....though franchising his name won't be as lucrative.

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12 minutes ago, Pimay1 said:

The career politicians are furiously fighting Trump due to the fact they stand to lose millions from the hangers on and the lobbyist. 


I really do wonder about this. Otherwise, I do not see how they could help Hillary win. 

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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


I really do wonder about this. Otherwise, I do not see how they could help Hillary win. 


Many career Republicans are dumping Trump because he's detestable.  Some, but not all of them are going to back HRC.  Look at it this way:  if you back the winner, then she may look a bit favorably upon you and submit your name for something cushy like an ambassadorship to Denmark or.....


If you back loser Trump, you'll be lucky to get a Christmas card.

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24 minutes ago, Berkshire said:

This is what most Republicans really think about Trump.  To summarize:

[Republicans who support him “all know in their gut that he’s nuts.” He also said, “They’re certainly not profiles in courage at the moment.”]



 I see. Sooo - the 16 other Republican primary candidates who couldn't beat Trump in the primaries would each make a better and more competitive candidate in the general election? 


Trump won the primaries going away and YOU think these huge cheering crowds "all know in their guts that he's nuts"?


I'd do a "gut check" to see who it is that's really nuts.  :thumbsup:



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