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Thai police: Bomb suspects remain at large, declares country is back to normal


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3 minutes ago, Eric Loh said:


If it happens again, the next day is back to normal. The can is always there to be kicked down the road. 


Something is definitely amiss...


"Normal" is not a word often used on the streets, here in Thailand


Edited by slipperylobster
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It is no surprise that Thai authorities go out of their way to rule out Malay-Muslim separatists as potential perpetrators of the string of bombs in the upper south on 10-12 August. It is after all what they always do.

A story with title - Bombs, facts, and myths in southern Thailand And Truth shouldn’t also be a casualty after Thailand’s 10-12 August bombings. 



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2 hours ago, djjamie said:

"She said out 14 bookings for this weekend, 5 had cancelled, while 3 others had simply not checked in and 2 other bookings had arrived on Saturday morning, a day later than planned"


Goodness me. This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!


I would not be so quick to say don't be scared. I understand they have a job to do in creating calm, but I would certainly still be on edge at the moment.

with uncertainty  in the air it will take some time for normalcy to return. sure anyone will edgy.

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"He also said the results of DNA evidence taken from the locations of the bomb blasts will be ready by Sunday and that police expect to issue arrest warrants soon."


.........once suitable Burmese DNA is collected?            :whistling:!

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

the situation in Thailand had now returned to normal as there had been no further incidents.


He told people they no longer needed to be scared and could go about their lives as normal.

Surely a bit early to say, and a dangerous provocation to whoever is behind this.

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1 hour ago, Thian said:

In Europe they have negativ traveladvice for Thailand now. It was on tv.


Also many tourists who wanted to leave Hua Hin or Thailand in general.


How can they say all is safe without arresting the bombers? Did they promise to never do it again? Is there allready a reward from some millions for the police whenever they catch a bomber?

Of course you can declare it safe if you know who the bombers are but aren't in any position to arrest them...

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2 minutes ago, baboon said:

Of course you can declare it safe if you know who the bombers are but aren't in any position to arrest them...


Statements like "it's safe" are very dangerous imo, it might trigger the bombers to do another attack. These bombers don't play games by placing 2 bombs next to eachother with different ignitiontimes.


They better put a big reward on the arrest of them.

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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Pol Gen Pongsapat said that while police did not believe the bombings were an escalation of the violence in the south, the devices used were similar and could be have been supplied by the same group of people.

There were 63 bombings in Southern Thailand over the period immediately before and after the referendum, all pretty similar in methodology and scale. The Authorities prefer to ignore 50 of them and concentrate on the others which differ only in that they were outside the 3 separatist provinces. Spokesmen are able to remain straight faced while confidently stating that although they don't know who did it they are pretty sure who didn't. If it was Thai-Malay linked, they will look in all the wrong places and never catch the perpetrators, which may suit their agenda just fine, especially if they can stitch up some political enemies in the process.

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2 hours ago, 55Jay said:

You are the first post in the thread.  Nobody said a thing about tourist numbers.  


Are you suggesting the female hotelier quoted in the article, is lying about the current state of her bookings?  


Best you return to your parallel universe and argue with your imaginary friends.

The hotel lady suggested or implied tourist numbers have subsided due to this tragedy. Of course I am not suggesting she lied. I never said she did. I am more than confident she is telling the truth. She has no reason to lie.


What I said is (if you read my post) "This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!"


Have a great evening and stay safe.




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3 hours ago, rooster59 said:

Pol Gen Pongsapat said that while police did not believe the bombings were an escalation of the violence in the south, the devices used were similar and could be have been supplied by the same group of people.

There were 63 bombings in Southern Thailand over the period immediately before and after the referendum, all pretty similar in methodology and scale. The Authorities prefer to ignore 50 of them and concentrate on the others which differ only in that they were outside the 3 separatist provinces. Spokesmen are able to remain straight faced while confidently stating that although they don't know who did it they are pretty sure who didn't. If it was Thai-Malay linked, they will look in all the wrong places and never catch the perpetrators, which may suit their agenda just fine, especially if they can stitch up some political enemies in the process.

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3 hours ago, PatOngo said:


Yes, no need to be scared or on edge, your hero's have it in hand!

Hang on. Read my post again.


I said...."I would not be so quick to say don't be scared" and I said "I would certainly still be on edge at the moment."


I don't think I could have said it any simpler.


I however respect your view point so will not make condescending comments about "heroes"


Have great evening my friend.

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If I am reading that right, he is saying that as they haven't had any reports of more bombings that will occur, it is safe.


Does that not strongly imply they had warnings about this bombing? If they expect a warning whenever one occurs....surely that expectation is based on something, especially considering he is talking about warnings in relation to these bombings.

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12 minutes ago, djjamie said:

Hang on. Read my post again.


I think she is telling the truth. She has no reason not to. I suggested...."This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!"


I don't think I could have said it any simpler!


I however respect your view point so will not make condescending comments about "parallel universes" to belittle you.


Have a great evening my friend.

I think the issue is more the straw man you are arguing against....the only person that has mentioned anything about tourist numbers(outside the hotel owner, who you agreed with) is you.


And that was in the first post, no one even had a chance to bring it up before you started arguing against them.

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15 minutes ago, djjamie said:

Hang on. Read my post again.


I think she is telling the truth. She has no reason not to. I suggested...."This is the subjective data that some on this forum fall back on to gauge tourist arrivals. We will only see the impact of this violence on tourist numbers when looking at tangible objective data. In other words facts!"


I don't think I could have said it any simpler!


I however respect your view point so will not make condescending comments about "parallel universes" to belittle you.


Have a great evening my friend.

In other words, you are as tone deaf as the Chamber of Commerce guy (in a related thread), the bobble head Minster of Tourism and the Thai police who claim everything is back to normal after 2 days of well coordinated bomb attacks for which the suspects are still at large.   Yeah, let's argue about money and tourism data.  

Edited by 55Jay
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