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Trump on Obama and ISIL: "I was being sarcastic but..."


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2 minutes ago, DM07 said:


You find Obama's stance naive but you support Trump?

If Obama's policy and his reasoning is "naive"...what is Trumps?

The guy does not know the difference between Sunie's and Shiites...I guess, he thinks, they are something to eat, that has to do with raw fish!



What? Where's your head at?


only one has to do with raw fish.... The other is what bears do in the woods. :gigglem:

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It is amazing how he can speak at a fourth-grade level for hours on end. Certainly indicative of how the edumacation system has failed so many Trump supporters.


Some people, usually the cerebrally-challenged, love salesman. Most people with half a tool-box hate them. Senor Trump is a salesman.

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On 8/15/2016 at 4:05 AM, Skywalker69 said:

Why was IS formed in the first place?

The invasion of Iraq by Bush admin. and the dismantling of the secular albeit Sunni government and Army is what caused the vacuum. The Shia  government then persecuted the Sunnis. The Sunnis then supported the ISIS as protectors.  Invading Iraq after 9/11 would have been like invading Finland after Pearl Harbor. Trump should stay on these kinds of facts including Clintons support for removing strongman Ghadaffi  which again in the case of Libya created a vacuum and destabillized the country and led to ISIS inroads   

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:

The invasion of Iraq by Bush admin. and the dismantling of the secular albeit Sunni government and Army is what caused the vacuum. The Shia  government then persecuted the Sunnis. The Sunnis then supported the ISIS as protectors.  Invading Iraq after 9/11 would have been like invading Finland after Pearl Harbor. Trump should stay on these kinds of facts including Clintons support for removing strongman Ghadaffi  which again in the case of Libya created a vacuum and destabillized the country and led to ISIS inroads   


I see you just got your PhD in hindsight :rolleyes:  As you work on hindsight what you will find out by Nov 9th if that's how long it takes is that Trump doesn't know any facts.



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7 hours ago, DM07 said:


You find Obama's stance naive but you support Trump?

If Obama's policy and his reasoning is "naive"...what is Trumps?

The guy does not know the difference between Sunie's and Shiites...I guess, he thinks, they are something to eat, that has to do with raw fish!



I DO NOT support Trump, but I prefer his foreign policy to Obama's. This president has been a disaster as far as maintaining respect for the USA militarily. 

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20 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:


I DO NOT support Trump, but I prefer his foreign policy to Obama's. This president has been a disaster as far as maintaining respect for the USA militarily. 


I do realize you often aren't interested in facts, but as usual they don't support your perception.  



Unless of course, your measure of respect for the US military by the rest of the world I'd how many US servicemen are coming home in body bags.




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9 minutes ago, thaihome said:


I do realize you often aren't interested in facts, but as usual they don't support your perception.  


You do not seem very interested in facts yourself. I said respect MILITARILY. Your graph does not address that at all. It is a RED HERRING. ;)

Edited by Ulysses G.
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1 minute ago, Ulysses G. said:


You do not seem very interested in facts yourself. I said MILITARILY. Your graph does not address that at all. It is a RED HERRING. ;)

So you are using body bags as your measure otherwise how about you using a source for a change. 


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25 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

You are using sources that do not even support your argument. I am not going to take advice from the likes of you. :lol:

I wasn't giving advice, I was asking for the basis for your statement on respect for the US military.  You are, of course,  allowed to have an unfounded opinion, many do. It is normale practice though to preface those comments with: "I have no good reason for thinking this, ..."


Actually the survey I quoted does deal indirectly with the US military and support for the actions against ISIS. 




There is extensive global support for the U.S. military campaign against ISIS. A median of 62% across the nations polled say they support American military efforts against the militant group in Iraq and Syria, while a median of just 24% are opposed.

Fully 80% of Americans back the campaign against ISIS, including large majorities of Republicans (88%), Democrats (80%) and independents (75%). Across the border, roughly two-in-three Canadians support the military action, as do solid majorities in the EU nations surveyed.

The campaign also has support in the Middle Eastern nations surveyed, even in some countries where the U.S. and many elements of American foreign policy have been unpopular in recent years. More than three-in-four support the American military actions in Lebanon and Jordan, both of which share a border with Syria. Palestinians and Turks are also, on balance, supportive. Meanwhile, fully 84% of Israelis support the strikes against ISIS, including 87% of Jews and 69% of Arabs.


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3 minutes ago, Ulysses G. said:

So, every one is glad that we are going after ISIS. That does not mean that we are RESPECTED MILITARILY. We probably could have wiped them out in two weeks with a real leader.


What????  What is it with you armchair quarterbacks?  So you're suggesting that you know more than the Generals?  Sure, the US could have sent 100,000 troops into that mess and suffered 1,000's in casualties.  And still, it would be a mess.  God bless America that you're not the President as you clearly don't give a hoot about American lives.  Ditto the manchild Trump. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


I DO NOT support Trump, but I prefer his foreign policy to Obama's. This president has been a disaster as far as maintaining respect for the USA militarily. 


What foreign policy?

He alienated 1.6 billion people before he even got nominated!


And that's before you start on the Mexicans and women.



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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


I DO NOT support Trump, but I prefer his foreign policy to Obama's. This president has been a disaster as far as maintaining respect for the USA militarily. 


Trump has no foreign policy. He has not stated one yet. He just mumbles incoherently. The truth is his ideas seem to have been taken straight from the Miss Universe Pageants (that's the one he owns I think). When asked a question such as 'What would you like to achieve in the future'?  a standard Miss Universe reply will be "well i want to be a microbiologist and rid the world of all known diseases and then I want to find a cure for the planet and totally reverse global warming then make sure all the hungry people in the world get 3 meals a day and that every child in the world is educated to college standard ........and gets a free iPad"


Trump is the same " I will rid the world of ISIS very quickly because I will be the best Commander in Chief ever, ........I really will because I will be the best at war ever, better than any Generals. I will then return all the jobs in China and India and Mexico back to the USA, including the thousands that I have in my companies in China and India. I will balance all the books and get rid of all US debt because I am good with debt and nobody is better than me, and I will threaten the use of nuclear weapons so everyone knows I am willing to use them, even our allies will be threatened. I will also make a special relationship with Russia because Putin and I are close friends because we were both edited in to the same TV show and not forgetting I have some huge deals there so giving him a few concessions such as the US will leave NATO will set me up nicely for when I am impeached - no speech circuit required he he!


Yup, lets make America Great Again!

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18 hours ago, Andaman Al said:

Everyone in the know has known for many years that events in Iraq led to the Arab spring and subsequently the US recruiting 'rebels' to help overthrow Assad. The fact is that those rebels were bad guys and broke up in factions, many of whom went ahead and started ISIS. International arms trade is a dirty business. The US/UK/France gave Saddam ALL his chemical weapons, they sell weapons to whomever they want. The US under Reagan SOLD weapons to your number one enemy Iran. You are making claims like a schoolboy learning something for the first time. EVERY conflict the USA have been involved in or started since Vietnam has been dirty. So what is your point? If you are wishing to set some kind of legal precedence then go ahead, and HRC will then be in a long long queue of Americans that will need jailing. So many in fact they would need their own jail.


Trump knows nothing other than how to create personal wealth by dragging others around him into debt and then claiming bankruptcy.

Your ranting is reminiscent of someone that would be most at home with the rest of the genuine Trump support base, back in the 60's, in a large crowd with white pointy hats and a rope in your hand baying for blood. It is pathetic. It's all like you are learning how the world works for the first time. Well welcome, decades of US administrations have been precisely the same. Are you so naive you think it is Democrats or Republicans? Go learn some more, this time about the people that are really running the USA. You see unlike at election time, they don't change.


It's good to see that you agree with me: The system, a.k.a. the state, is corrupt to the core, by design. And now I'm not referring exclusively to the U. S. A., mind you.

The sad thing is, that you, for what ever reason, defend corruption, criminality because... It's nothing new, even if - or in your case, because - you can see it everywhere, all the time! Even you as somebody, who is in the know, obviously doesn't feel the urge to finally try to start changing this, while you could, holding bureaucrats and politicians responsible for their criminal deeds, in any state. It's exactly people with your mindset who make it so difficult to finally change the handling of state sponsored criminal behaviour.


I would be one of the first to cheer if the Bushes, Cheney et al., you name them, would go to jail for their committed crimes. The corrupted system is so sickening, at least for me, but unfortunately not for you.


PS: I have no idea why you are referring to Iran as MY number one enemy. My number one enemy is my own state and it's not the U. S. A., by the way.

If I were a U. S. citizen, I would have voted for Ron Paul, twice, breaking my principle of not voting, because voting means approving the state's rigged rules, which I don't.

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10 minutes ago, Andreas2 said:


It's good to see that you agree with me: The system, a.k.a. the state, is corrupt to the core, by design. And now I'm not referring exclusively to the U. S. A., mind you.

The sad thing is, that you, for what ever reason, defend corruption, criminality because... It's nothing new, even if - or in your case, because - you can see it everywhere, all the time! Even you as somebody, who is in the know, obviously doesn't feel the urge to finally try to start changing this, while you could, holding bureaucrats and politicians responsible for their criminal deeds, in any state. It's exactly people with your mindset who make it so difficult to finally change the handling of state sponsored criminal behaviour.


I would be one of the first to cheer if the Bushes, Cheney et al., you name them, would go to jail for their committed crimes. The corrupted system is so sickening, at least for me, but unfortunately not for you.


PS: I have no idea why you are referring to Iran as MY number one enemy. My number one enemy is my own state and it's not the U. S. A., by the way.

If I were a U. S. citizen, I would have voted for Ron Paul, twice, breaking my principle of not voting, because voting means approving the state's rigged rules, which I don't.


Confusing. So you say we should hold bureaucrats and politicians responsible for their criminal deeds. But that can really only be done by the people using their vote 'wisely', you then go on to say that you have a principle of not to vote. So you have a mindset of acceptance also according to your argument.


I am not a US citizen but I too would have voted for Ron Paul or this time Johnson/Weld. I do not understand where you have decided upon my 'mindset'. I clearly state that if you want to Jail HRC then fine, but please apply the same precedent to Bush, Cheney et al.


I referred to Iran and the arms deal simply because you are naively stating that HRC and Obama seem to be (as Trump says) willingly financing ISIS. The facts are that US politics are more corrupt than even Thai politics AND on a scale of finances that makes SE Asian corruption look completely amateur. It is the Multi-national corporations that are calling all the shots in the USA, not the puppet and his cohorts in the White House.

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1 hour ago, Chicog said:


What foreign policy?


a.) "America first will be the overriding theme of my administration".  "My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security first."


 b.) "Foreign policy realism," focused on the destruction of Islamic State militants and other extremist groups, rather than reshaping nations to an American ideal.


c.) Revamp U.S. immigration policy to stop issuing visas to people seeking to enter the country if they cannot be adequately screened ahead of time.


d.) "I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital ."


e.) "We're going to be working very closely with our friends in the Muslim world, which are all at risk for violent attacks."


f.) Reverse China's "assault on America's jobs and wealth" and to use America's "economic power" over China to bring Beijing into line.


g.) "We must make America respected again. We must make America truly wealthy again and we must, we have to and we will make America great again. And if we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever ever known."




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16 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:

Confusing. So you say we should hold bureaucrats and politicians responsible for their criminal deeds. But that can really only be done by the people using their vote 'wisely', you then go on to say that you have a principle of not to vote. So you have a mindset of acceptance also according to your argument.


I am not a US citizen but I too would have voted for Ron Paul or this time Johnson/Weld. I do not understand where you have decided upon my 'mindset'. I clearly state that if you want to Jail HRC then fine, but please apply the same precedent to Bush, Cheney et al.


I referred to Iran and the arms deal simply because you are naively stating that HRC and Obama seem to be (as Trump says) willingly financing ISIS. The facts are that US politics are more corrupt than even Thai politics AND on a scale of finances that makes SE Asian corruption look completely amateur. It is the Multi-national corporations that are calling all the shots in the USA, not the puppet and his cohorts in the White House.


Thank you for your reply.

Confused? Don't be: Frank Chodorov, Nonvoter


Absolutely no offence intended, but Johnson/Weld are absolutely NOT what NAP (one of the core principles of Libertarianism, at least for me) stands for.

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


a.) "America first will be the overriding theme of my administration".  "My foreign policy will always put the interests of the American people and American security first."


 b.) "Foreign policy realism," focused on the destruction of Islamic State militants and other extremist groups, rather than reshaping nations to an American ideal.


c.) Revamp U.S. immigration policy to stop issuing visas to people seeking to enter the country if they cannot be adequately screened ahead of time.


d.) "I will never send our finest into battle unless necessary, and I mean absolutely necessary, and will only do so if we have a plan for victory with a capital ."


e.) "We're going to be working very closely with our friends in the Muslim world, which are all at risk for violent attacks."


f.) Reverse China's "assault on America's jobs and wealth" and to use America's "economic power" over China to bring Beijing into line.


g.) "We must make America respected again. We must make America truly wealthy again and we must, we have to and we will make America great again. And if we do that, perhaps this century can be the most peaceful and prosperous the world has ever ever known."






As i said straight from his Miss Universe contests.


The $64 000 question being.............how! Each statement is from the land of fairy tales. HOW do you do that, as simply as it is stated?


Does it not hang badly with you your point f.)  Reverse China's "assault on America's jobs and wealth" and to use America's "economic power" over China to bring Beijing into line. - That your man saying it chose by virtue of profit to have his clothes manufacturing business operating out of China instead of the USA? What kind of man has the total lack of integrity to make such a statement when he has profited enormously from taking jobs away from Americans to give to poorly paid Chinese workers? He treats you as fools and in return you treat him as a saviour. Totally bizarre. 


As for the final point America will never be respected again if it allows such a man to take the highest office in the land.

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@Post 110 UG


Right. Here's some more delusions to add to yours. :facepalm:


Lap it up:


1. “I alone can fix it.”


2. “I will be the greatest jobs President god has ever created”


4. “I know more about ISIS than the generals do. Believe me.”


5. "I will be so presidential that you won’t even recognize me.”


6. “I’m going to announce that these are the judges, in no particular order, that I’m going to put up. 

And I’m going to guarantee it.”


7. “We’ve got to get rid of the $19 trillion in debt.”

"I think I could do it fairly quickly. I would say over a period of eight years”


8. “I would default on the national debt.”


9. “I would borrow, knowing that if the economy crashed, you could make a deal,”


10. "Look, nuclear should be off the table, but would there a time when it could be used? Possibly” 

"I am not—I am not taking cards off the table”


Let's not even bother with the Bloviator's fantasy ( and the Lemmings) of a "Wall" that will never happen.



Dunning Kruger.


Edited by iReason
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17 hours ago, Andaman Al said:


I see you just got your PhD in hindsight :rolleyes:  As you work on hindsight what you will find out by Nov 9th if that's how long it takes is that Trump doesn't know any facts.




Well you sure did not get any degrees in logic Hoss.

Fact 1. The invasion of Iraq was/is a disaster: Over $4 T. Over 4000 U.S. soldiers + at least twice as many serious injuries and complete destabillization of the country. Incompetence or something more sinister from Cheney  $ Co. ?

Fact 2.  The Obama/Clinton backed removal of Ghadaffi and subsequent mess in Libya and Benghazi disaster.

Fact 3. Trump pointed both above facts out. ( for those so misinformed or in state of denial)

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3 minutes ago, DM07 said:

If it is a briefing on HIS intelligence, I would rather call it useless!


Well Trump has suggested alignment with Russia in defeating ISIS. While U.S ( Obama /Clinton)  as well as the neocons , policy  insists on fighting two flanks : Against Assad (Shia) and  against ISIS (Sunni)

Now what is more stupid ?

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3 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Today, Trump gets his first official intelligence briefing. Scary.  


We can only hope and pray that they are giving him a "lite" version briefing. Who knows what he would disclose as he goes off half-cocked in some rampage against Clinton. Idiot.

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1 hour ago, morrobay said:


Well you sure did not get any degrees in logic Hoss.

Fact 1. The invasion of Iraq was/is a disaster: Over $4 T. Over 4000 U.S. soldiers + at least twice as many serious injuries and complete destabillization of the country. Incompetence or something more sinister from Cheney  $ Co. ?

Fact 2.  The Obama/Clinton backed removal of Ghadaffi and subsequent mess in Libya and Benghazi disaster.

Fact 3. Trump pointed both above facts out. ( for those so misinformed or in state of denial)


A question born of pure curiosity.....


did he (Trump) point out any wars, invasions, conflicts or conquests that left the players happy, content and smelling the roses, after the fact?


or was he simply informing the uneducated that wars cost money and lives, without nessesarily introducing nirvana at their end?


sorry... 2 questions

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13 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:

So, every one is glad that we are going after ISIS. That does not mean that we are RESPECTED MILITARILY. We probably could have wiped them out in two weeks with a real leader.


At the cost of how many civilian and US military lives?


And would that have been an acceptable price to pay?




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