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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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11 minutes ago, dunroaming said:

I fear that the republicans only have themselves to blame here.  Once they saw the hatred that Trump was stirring up, very successfully at the time, they should have known then to dump him .  To run a campaign based on ludicrous  racist rants is always going to end in failure in a civilised country.  The ill-informed mob will happily get behind the moronic Trump but after the circus dies down most people realise the man is just a joke.  This is a real missed opportunity because Clinton is highly unpopular and could easily be toppled with a candidate with half a brain.  Unfortunately the republicans cannot find a candidate that qualified.


I am slightly amused by the early supporters who loved him because he was telling them how it was. Now he calls his truth sarcasm.

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7 hours ago, Ulysses G. said:


Liberal spin. He has real dificiencies, but that is not a legitimate one. 

Really? Trump has a track record of piling up his businesses with unsustainable debt, and then having them file for bankruptcy. No major US company has filed for Chapter 11 more than Trump’s casino empire in the last 30 years. His company even missed a $53.1 million bond interest payment. Does that sound lie a good businessman? The very scary thing is that he could do for America what he has done to his investors, bond holders, vendors, and contractors.

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23 minutes ago, alanrchase said:

A good read is Googling Donald Trumps latest tweets. The man is teetotal but comes off as a bar room drunk.



He claims to be sober. But, that is becoming increasingly hard to believe. Just look at his complexion. I realize he spends five hours a day in a tanning bed. But, still. He always looks drink to me. Or perhaps out of his mind on coke. But sober? Hardly.

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3 minutes ago, lifeincnx said:

Really? Trump has a track record of piling up his businesses with unsustainable debt, and then having them file for bankruptcy. No major US company has filed for Chapter 11 more than Trump’s casino empire in the last 30 years. His company even missed a $53.1 million bond interest payment. Does that sound lie a good businessman? The very scary thing is that he could do for America what he has done to his investors, bond holders, vendors, and contractors.


He is the King of debt. Was that sarcastic? Off topic but Enron comes to mind. The Smartest Men In The Room. Donald tells me he is the smartest man in the world.

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2 minutes ago, spidermike007 said:



He claims to be sober. But, that is becoming increasingly hard to believe. Just look at his complexion. I realize he spends five hours a day in a tanning bed. But, still. He always looks drink to me. Or perhaps out of his mind on coke. But sober? Hardly.

Did anyone catch his bizarre and hyper press conference during the DNC. He was taking many questions rapidly and mostly shooting hyper weird answers. Before that, I hadn't thought that he was on drugs or actually had a mental condition (lack of sleep) that mimicked being on drugs. Watching that made me suspicious. How can an old man like that have so much energy with almost no sleep (widely reported) if there isn't something artificial going on. 

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13 minutes ago, fatyank said:

the US election is nothing but a farce.


its just to rubberstamp one of two candidates that has been bought and paid for by corporations



Obviously true to some or a large extent but there is a difference in party approaches, for example taxation policies towards the rich and ideology of supreme court picks. A difference that indeed DOES make a difference. 

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43 minutes ago, lifeincnx said:

Really? Trump has a track record of piling up his businesses with unsustainable debt, and then having them file for bankruptcy. No major US company has filed for Chapter 11 more than Trump’s casino empire in the last 30 years. His company even missed a $53.1 million bond interest payment. Does that sound lie a good businessman? The very scary thing is that he could do for America what he has done to his investors, bond holders, vendors, and contractors.



And you are leaving out the part about him repeatedly abandoning debt owed to small business people. These are the people who need it the most. He has done this dozens, if not hundreds of times. He is currently involved in 3,500 lawsuits. 2,500 are against him and his companies. 1,000 are his own suits. He loves to sue more than anything else in life. It is a huge thrill for him to break a person financially. He does it for fun, and kicks. He regularly does it in his acquisitions. I have heard this first hand, from several people I knew, who were involved in commercial real estate, when I lived in NY in the 1980's. He is a very mean, small hearted, uncharitable, tightfisted man of little character, and possesses the kind of hostility not seen since Charles Taylor, Ho Chi Minh, Benito Mussolini, Mullah Omar, Tojo Hideki, Haji Suharto, Josip Tito, Michel Micombero, Kim Il Sung, Pol Pot, Hun Sen, Joseph Stalin, Adolph Hitler, Idi Amin, Chairman Mao, Alexander the Great, and Genghis Khan. 


And if given the power, I am quite convinced he would be capable of a lot of the genocide these guys committed. The man is completely amoral. 


And in my opinion he would be capable of some of the same kinds of atrocities, if given the power. He is a power hungry, uncontrollable megalomaniac. 

Edited by spidermike007
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3 hours ago, JHolmesJr said:

The media is certainly anti trump because he doesn't give them their meaningless PC soundbite lies …like lyin hillary does.

And if anyone even dares to examine trumps motivations objectively they shut them down.





What this proves is how thoroughly the Neocons have inflitrated and taken over both parties, turning the Republicans and Democrats into the War Party.  Anybody who threatens that, whether Sanders in the primary or Trump in the general finds the media, who drink out of the Clinton Foundation's pool of cash, colluding with the Democrat and Republican establishments and the Neocon dominated press, which includes CNN, FoxNews, Weekly Standard, National Review, and the major networks. It may take an all out revolution to rip these parasites off the levers of power and put them all in a dungeon.

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27 minutes ago, Jingthing said:

Did anyone catch his bizarre and hyper press conference during the DNC. He was taking many questions rapidly and mostly shooting hyper weird answers. Before that, I hadn't thought that he was on drugs or actually had a mental condition (lack of sleep) that mimicked being on drugs. Watching that made me suspicious. How can an old man like that have so much energy with almost no sleep (widely reported) if there isn't something artificial going on. 

he does have the traits of a complete and utter cokehead.

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9 minutes ago, Usernames said:


What this proves is how thoroughly the Neocons have inflitrated and taken over both parties, turning the Republicans and Democrats into the War Party.  Anybody who threatens that, whether Sanders in the primary or Trump in the general finds the media, who drink out of the Clinton Foundation's pool of cash, colluding with the Democrat and Republican establishments and the Neocon dominated press, which includes CNN, FoxNews, Weekly Standard, National Review, and the major networks. It may take an all out revolution to rip these parasites off the levers of power and put them all in a dungeon.



Not quite sure about your rant. Would agree if you are blaming the military industrial complex. Big money involved. They do not really need wars to finance themselves as weapons have a use by date. A war will probably give a higher turnover. Took part in a war once and quite unbelievable to me was that we ran out of bombs. Will accept you have a bit of a point.

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8 hours ago, maewang99 said:

CNN is biased?  are you kidding?  it's almost like watching North Korean TV.  example.  you will not see one interview with Noam Chomsky..... and he is still very much alive and quick witted as ever.  which is great. but you will never see him on CNN and.... MSNBC... holy cow batman!  the bat light would have to be raised over Gotham before we ever see such a moment in our "democracy".  pro Hillary?  yeah.. pro establishment... and vomiting out Trump as fast as it can.... but to call it left or right is ridiculous.  as Larry Summers was quoted, a politician is either an insider or he or she will be vomited out.  left or right.    

Actually,  CNN puts Chomsky on fairly regularly,  last time I could find was after the Charlie Hebdo attacks.


I do doubt that Trumpists want him discussing Trump on CNN as he says if Trump is elected the entire planets is doomed.



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Here's a quote from the Divider, a day ago in Connecticut: "There's a business which is going to go out of business: The NY Times.  I love it."  a minute later, "They're garbage. They're a garbage paper."


That quote from "The greatest jobs president ever" (his own boast).  


If you want to know what The Divider is spouting, below is his most recent stump speech. Unless you're a Trump fan, brace yourself.  It's a terrible speech.  All, I repeat all the comments on Youtube are spouting on about how crappy the speech is.  Several of the comments insist The Divider is spoiling to lose on purpose.  I don't think so.  I think he wants to win, and has decided that spewing as much piss and puke as possible will get him there.  


I predict The Divider will lose 48 states.  He may win Wyoming and Montana.  You can quote me on that, on November 9th.    It could well be a 50 state sweep.  Wouldn't surprise me, but would fill me with glee, knowing the majority of American voters aren't xenophobic ignoramuses. 






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22 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

All, I repeat all the comments on Youtube are spouting on about how crappy the speech is.  



You can't be serious. Who cares about comments? A bunch of far left/right partisan nuts obsessively spam those sites and their comments are completely biased. Just look at this one.

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Another example of the historic decimation in progress of the ignorant Bloviator:

Young voters flee Donald Trump in what may be historic trouncing, poll shows

"WASHINGTON — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is consolidating the support of the Millennials who fueled Bernie Sanders' challenge during the primaries, a new USA TODAY/Rock the Vote Poll finds as, 

Republican Donald Trump heads toward the worst showing among younger voters in modern American history." :clap2:


"I get worried about the bigoted element of our country, and that they will stick with Trump regardless of his stupidity,"

says Elizabeth Krueger, 31, an actress in New York City who was among those surveyed."


"Trump's weakness among younger voters is unprecedented, lower even than the 32% of the vote that the Gallup Organization calculates Richard Nixon received among 18-to-29-year-old voters in 1972, an era of youthful protests against the Vietnam War."




Sec. Clinton shellacking the buffoon Trump 56% to 20% with those under 35. :facepalm:

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@Post 76 Boom:


Trump: When audiences get bored I use ‘The Wall'


"Donald Trump told the New York Times’ editorial board that his go-to applause line for sleepy crowds is about building a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border."

“You know, if it gets a little boring, if I see people starting to sort of, maybe thinking about leaving, I can sort of tell the audience,


I just say, ‘We will build the wall!' and they go nuts.”



Playing the Lemmings like a fiddle. :cheesy:

Edited by iReason
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1 hour ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's a quote from the Divider, a day ago in Connecticut: "There's a business which is going to go out of business: The NY Times.  I love it."  a minute later, "They're garbage. They're a garbage paper."


That quote from "The greatest jobs president ever" (his own boast).  


If you want to know what The Divider is spouting, below is his most recent stump speech. Unless you're a Trump fan, brace yourself.  It's a terrible speech.  All, I repeat all the comments on Youtube are spouting on about how crappy the speech is.  Several of the comments insist The Divider is spoiling to lose on purpose.  I don't think so.  I think he wants to win, and has decided that spewing as much piss and puke as possible will get him there.  


I predict The Divider will lose 48 states.  He may win Wyoming and Montana.  You can quote me on that, on November 9th.    It could well be a 50 state sweep.  Wouldn't surprise me, but would fill me with glee, knowing the majority of American voters aren't xenophobic ignoramuses. 






OK, I went to the effort of watching all 18 mins. It is a must watch. If everyone can make their way through this video it will take away the need for any further debate on here about Trump. It leaves you in no doubt whatsoever what an imbecile this man is. Anyone with a braincell that can watch this and at the end still offer any kind of support for this man to be President is missing all the neurons from their one brain cell. I was not sure whether the crowd were actually booing at him at one stage. That politics has descended to someone of this calibre courting support of millions of people shows how moronic both he and that support base is.


I understand folks wanting to make America great again but this guy is NOT the answer. You have to laugh when he says he will stop and penalize those companies that hire people in from other countries and move their businesses to other countries. So he has applied for 2500 + temporary visas for workers to go to America and take jobs from Americans and outsources all his clothes manufacturing to Bangladesh and China. You cannot make this stuff up. I just feel insulted that he believes he can stand there and spout this utter nonsense.  God Bless Help America.

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4 hours ago, boomerangutang said:

Here's a quote from the Divider, a day ago in Connecticut: "There's a business which is going to go out of business: The NY Times.  I love it."  a minute later, "They're garbage. They're a garbage paper."


That quote from "The greatest jobs president ever" (his own boast).  


If you want to know what The Divider is spouting, below is his most recent stump speech. Unless you're a Trump fan, brace yourself.  It's a terrible speech.  All, I repeat all the comments on Youtube are spouting on about how crappy the speech is.  Several of the comments insist The Divider is spoiling to lose on purpose.  I don't think so.  I think he wants to win, and has decided that spewing as much piss and puke as possible will get him there.  


I predict The Divider will lose 48 states.  He may win Wyoming and Montana.  You can quote me on that, on November 9th.    It could well be a 50 state sweep.  Wouldn't surprise me, but would fill me with glee, knowing the majority of American voters aren't xenophobic ignoramuses. 







Now that is a great campaign speech....if you are a moron. 

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19 hours ago, ALLSEEINGEYE said:

Pretty easy to see who is truly brainwashed here. Don't let any facts get in your way.


Stop watching so much FOX (not) news.


Murdock's sons are taking over FOX so you'll be happy to know that ALL news networks will be left-wing progressive. Now all the news will be identical without ANY opposing idea's. That should comfort you as you can just drink the cool aid without the discomfort of contradicting views. Pravda from the USSR period would be green with envy if they could see how well the US MSM is brain washing the masses while they just eat it up. 

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1 hour ago, TimTang said:


Murdock's sons are taking over FOX so you'll be happy to know that ALL news networks will be left-wing progressive. Now all the news will be identical without ANY opposing idea's. That should comfort you as you can just drink the cool aid without the discomfort of contradicting views. Pravda from the USSR period would be green with envy if they could see how well the US MSM is brain washing the masses while they just eat it up. 



Amazing the BS the right wing throws up. 

The 200 or so Schools of Journslism in North America are turning out 50,000 "liberal" graduates every year. 

All of these students are in on some liberal  brainwashing conspiracy. 

The few honest conservatives that somehow slipped thru Journslism classes get jobs at FOX or some conspiracy website. 


Recently, a friend of mine (a very stupid friend) that watches FOX, told me with a straight face that all the media is purposely brainwashing us and FOX is the only news he watches. 

"FOX is fair and balanced."

Yes , he actually told me that. LOL


He spends his days doing Hannity impressions with anyone that will listen.

Sadly he goes on and on about Obama the community organizer, purposely destroying America, Hillary and Bengazzi, she's going to jail, Pelosi is a bitch, or the war on Christmas or gay bathrooms or the Confederate flag, liberals are unpatriotic and will take the guns, climate change is a hoax, God made the universe in 6 days or my favorite one, planned parenthood.....Did you see that poor baby's brain?!!!! They sell baby parts!!


Sad, what right wing media does to these guys. 








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26 minutes ago, Buzzz said:

Sad, what right wing media does to these guys. 



The left wing is even worse, mostly because they have pretty close to a monopoly on the news business. However, they are all trying to convince us of their ideology. The media on the right just provide a different perspective. 

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1 hour ago, Ulysses G. said:


The left wing is even worse, mostly because they have pretty close to a monopoly on the news business. However, they are all trying to convince us of their ideology. The media on the right just provide a different perspective. 


Can you then agree Trump is THE DIVIDER par excellence?!


Take this blog and amplify it up to the size of Neptune, and you get an idea of the massive schisms Trump is trying to create.  I say 'trying' because he's only succeeding fully with his 14% fan base.  The others who are paying attention know that all people have basic decent tendencies.  Yet the same people can be riled up by hate-filled rhetoric by a demagogue.  The difference is:  Liberals acknowledge that, and don't grab their guns to show who's right.  Trumpster conservatives can't see the light, and keep hugging their guns (while sitting in a dark corner facing the inside of their front door) hoping a bad guy will break through the door - so they can blast him to smithereens.  They hope upon hope that will happen before they croak.  It would be the the crowning moment of their miserable little lives.

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3 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:


Can you then agree Trump is THE DIVIDER par excellence?!



Not really. Actually, I agree with lots of his positions - like vetting Muslim immigrants and throwing out ILLEGAL aliens. However, he keeps altering his positions and saying stupid things. I would not be sure what I would be voting for.

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1 hour ago, Buzzz said:



Amazing the BS the right wing throws up. 

The 200 or so Schools of Journslism in North America are turning out 50,000 "liberal" graduates every year. 

All of these students are in on some liberal  brainwashing conspiracy. 

The few honest conservatives that somehow slipped thru Journslism classes get jobs at FOX or some conspiracy website. 


Recently, a friend of mine (a very stupid friend) that watches FOX, told me with a straight face that all the media is purposely brainwashing us and FOX is the only news he watches. 

"FOX is fair and balanced."

Yes , he actually told me that. LOL


He spends his days doing Hannity impressions with anyone that will listen.

Sadly he goes on and on about Obama the community organizer, purposely destroying America, Hillary and Bengazzi, she's going to jail, Pelosi is a bitch, or the war on Christmas or gay bathrooms or the Confederate flag, liberals are unpatriotic and will take the guns, climate change is a hoax, God made the universe in 6 days or my favorite one, planned parenthood.....Did you see that poor baby's brain?!!!! They sell baby parts!!


Sad, what right wing media does to these guys. 



There aren't that many other Americans around my little beach town, but half of them are wingnuts! I would like to talk football or basketball, but that's not possible. It immediately becomes, "Hillary is the devil" or "the MSM is stealing the election, blah, blah blah". You can't even joke your way out of it because they have zero sense of humor. The other "normal" US expats (and everyone else) all agree with me, all you can do is avoid them and try or steer any conversation away from politics. Of course the other normals and I are high fiveing each other over Trump's daily ridiculous goofs.


Most of the other expats are horrified by Trump. The hardcore Brexit idiots think he is a blood brother. They like his comforting racism and xenophobia. The low-info contingent isn't exclusively American.  


The poor wingnuts, I think you'll want to keep the sharp objects away from them following the election, when the Republican party will come to a cataclysmic conclusion. :violin:







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3 hours ago, TimTang said:


Murdock's sons are taking over FOX so you'll be happy to know that ALL news networks will be left-wing progressive. Now all the news will be identical without ANY opposing idea's. That should comfort you as you can just drink the cool aid without the discomfort of contradicting views. Pravda from the USSR period would be green with envy if they could see how well the US MSM is brain washing the masses while they just eat it up. 


Oh please. Don't tell me there is anyone in that family with an ounce of journalistic integrity. 


Relax, take a deep breath, you'll still get your 24 x 7 dose of koolaid for years to come.

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8 minutes ago, Pinot said:


There aren't that many other Americans around my little beach town, but half of them are wingnuts! I would like to talk football or basketball, but that's not possible. It immediately becomes, "Hillary is the devil" or "the MSM is stealing the election, blah, blah blah". You can't even joke your way out of it because they have zero sense of humor. The other "normal" US expats (and everyone else) all agree with me, all you can do is avoid them and try or steer any conversation away from politics. Of course the other normals and I are high fiveing each other over Trump's daily ridiculous goofs.


Most of the other expats are horrified by Trump. The hardcore Brexit idiots think he is a blood brother. They like his comforting racism and xenophobia. The low-info contingent isn't exclusively American.  


The poor wingnuts, I think you'll want to keep the sharp objects away from them following the election, when the Republican party will come to a cataclysmic conclusion. :violin:







You were doing so well till you tried to tie Trump to Brexit. There is not a racist bone in my body, and i have 3 succesful businesses ( no bankruptcy!) one of which is dependent fully on the UK economy. I was Brexit to get rid of the ridiculous wasteful financial burden and UK laws being overwritten by extreme left wing idiots. Look at the trade figures. Europe needs the UK and they are not going to want to stop trading are they.  Trumps fantasy policies can hardly be compared to the Brexit situation.

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