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Trump goes on tear against media, not Clinton


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32 minutes ago, Andaman Al said:


Could you be so kind as to give a link and/or details of this most fair poll that puts Donald with a 50% lead. Thank you.



I normally don't help lazy people but seeing you were polite in asking, here it is.  I don't know if it's permitted but if it's missing then you will know why.



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3 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



I normally don't help lazy people but seeing you were polite in asking, here it is.  I don't know if it's permitted but if it's missing then you will know why.




Geez man, you can't be serious.  That's an extreme right wing website that has zero credibility.  You would believe that but ignore all the real polls?  These are the legitimate polls:




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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



I normally don't help lazy people but seeing you were polite in asking, here it is.  I don't know if it's permitted but if it's missing then you will know why.




Very enlightening article, and the author sounds just wing-nutty enough to qualify for the loony bin.


R.L. David Jolly holds a B.S. in Wildlife Biology and an M.S. in Biology – Population Genetics. He has worked in a number of fields, giving him a broad perspective on life, business, economics and politics. He is a very conservative Christian, husband, father and grandfather who cares deeply for his Savior, family and the future of our troubled nation.


It's quite creepy that you get your information from such "curious" sources.

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10 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



I normally don't help lazy people but seeing you were polite in asking, here it is.  I don't know if it's permitted but if it's missing then you will know why.




U huh. Trump is leading 67-19.

That's an amazing website you got there.

The next story down is all about How much Hillary hates rape victims. 

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38 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



I normally don't help lazy people but seeing you were polite in asking, here it is.  I don't know if it's permitted but if it's missing then you will know why.




Phew thank heavens for that, with ALL of those other pollsters clearly faking it, it's a relief that some right wing nut job has put together a REAL poll.




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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



You're the first. If you knew what super rich entailed, and it is certainly not Donald,  then I understand that you are not familiar with the term, so why use words that he has not expressed.  Oh, I understand, you have learnt from the lefties on how to change things around or add words that were never uttered in an attempt to sustain a criticism.   


Please enlighten me to how much wealth makes someone super rich? 10 billion, so he tells everyone but refuses to back up, is that poor?

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am not a Yank so it really doesn't matter as I cannot vote in the upcoming election.  However, as an outsider and following the election run up closely I can see, quite clearly, which person is being rag tagged by the press, the super rich, the political elite, certain black minorities and illegals. The bias and slander is unbelievable.  The style of reporting, who is being blamed for what and followed up by scurrilous posts from the so called and self professed savvy persons here on TVF leaves a lot to be desired.  Fair dinkum, if someone took a @@#$$###@ in a downtown street in Brooklyn, some how someone would find a way to link it to and ultimately blame Trump.


if one was to look at this in an analytical manner then the only conclusion that could be reached is that their afraid of Trump and know that he has the best chance every of winning.  I don't believe the polls are a true reflection of what the American people think as internal polls carried out by the Trump campaign show that he has a minimum 7 point lead over Clinton in the battle ground states.  Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 


It is also interesting to see the same BS proliferated by the Democrats being touted on here as genuine thoughts of some TVF posters.  Get real and use your own thoughts, not rehashing the prolific lies being espoused by others who will lose their place in the trough when, and here's my prediction, when Trump becomes the next USA President.  Oh that's right, one cannot be an individual and have their own thoughts of Trump, it has to be a regurgitated mish mash of the demonising statements put out by Democratic campaign, who clearly want to keep the country divided and are using fear and incredulous lies to decry their opponent.  I just wonder how many of you getting on the band wagon are actually Yanks, have the right to vote and will exercise that right when the day arrives.


All I can see is a magnitude of Trump haters, those who doubt his wealth, how he made it, it just goes on and on.  I doubt very much if half of you have made anything of your lives,  other then to sit behind a keyboard and lambast anyone and everything that you take a disliking to.  Good on you for expressing your opinion but let's make it balanced, not the one side, lopsided fits one.  I'd say that Trump is no angel but I cannot comment any further than that because I do not know the person and neither do many on here yet they perpetuate their bile as if they have known him for years, when in fact they know nothing of the guy.


Who gives a toss on the amount of  money he has but I would say it is a lot more than any of the whiners on here. I do see a few on here who obviously believe in fair play and post in that manner but get rag tagged for their contribution, yet day in and day out, the newscasts, (so called journalists) if you could call them that, the newspapers and other unknowns who are out to seek their 15 minutes of fame continue to incite divisiveness, rubbish others for their opinions and go along with the troupe in proliferating questionable statements that they purport to be fact.  Now I will sit back an await your critique and, well who cares how some of you handle it.  have a good day.:wai:




The same kind of stuff you write here was said in 2012 about Obama vs. Romney.  There was even a website called unskewedpolls.com which claimed to show that Romney was really in the lead.  Nate Silver, a statistics expert and the creator of fivethirtheight.com was especially targeted.  And I guess his performance proved them right. He only predicted correctly the winner in 50 states.  And next time you see him, please give my regards to President Romney.

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2 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:



You're the first. If you knew what super rich entailed, and it is certainly not Donald,  then I understand that you are not familiar with the term, so why use words that he has not expressed.  Oh, I understand, you have learnt from the lefties on how to change things around or add words that were never uttered in an attempt to sustain a criticism.   

Trump says he's worth about 11 billion dollars. That would put him at #90 on the list of the world's billionaires. I think in most people's understanding of the phrase, that would justify using the phrase "super rich" to qualify his wealth.

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11 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Trump says he's worth about 11 billion dollars. That would put him at #90 on the list of the world's billionaires. I think in most people's understanding of the phrase, that would justify using the phrase "super rich" to qualify his wealth.

Trump refuses to release his tax records, so I think you can take that with a pinch of salt.



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3 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:

I am not a Yank so it really doesn't matter as I cannot vote in the upcoming election.  However, as an outsider and following the election run up closely I can see, quite clearly, which person is being rag tagged by the press, the super rich, the political elite, certain black minorities and illegals. The bias and slander is unbelievable.  The style of reporting, who is being blamed for what and followed up by scurrilous posts from the so called and self professed savvy persons here on TVF leaves a lot to be desired.  Fair dinkum, if someone took a @@#$$###@ in a downtown street in Brooklyn, some how someone would find a way to link it to and ultimately blame Trump.


if one was to look at this in an analytical manner then the only conclusion that could be reached is that their afraid of Trump and know that he has the best chance every of winning.  I don't believe the polls are a true reflection of what the American people think as internal polls carried out by the Trump campaign show that he has a minimum 7 point lead over Clinton in the battle ground states.  Also another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 


It is also interesting to see the same BS proliferated by the Democrats being touted on here as genuine thoughts of some TVF posters.  Get real and use your own thoughts, not rehashing the prolific lies being espoused by others who will lose their place in the trough when, and here's my prediction, when Trump becomes the next USA President.  Oh that's right, one cannot be an individual and have their own thoughts of Trump, it has to be a regurgitated mish mash of the demonising statements put out by Democratic campaign, who clearly want to keep the country divided and are using fear and incredulous lies to decry their opponent.  I just wonder how many of you getting on the band wagon are actually Yanks, have the right to vote and will exercise that right when the day arrives.


All I can see is a magnitude of Trump haters, those who doubt his wealth, how he made it, it just goes on and on.  I doubt very much if half of you have made anything of your lives,  other then to sit behind a keyboard and lambast anyone and everything that you take a disliking to.  Good on you for expressing your opinion but let's make it balanced, not the one side, lopsided fits one.  I'd say that Trump is no angel but I cannot comment any further than that because I do not know the person and neither do many on here yet they perpetuate their bile as if they have known him for years, when in fact they know nothing of the guy.


Who gives a toss on the amount of  money he has but I would say it is a lot more than any of the whiners on here. I do see a few on here who obviously believe in fair play and post in that manner but get rag tagged for their contribution, yet day in and day out, the newscasts, (so called journalists) if you could call them that, the newspapers and other unknowns who are out to seek their 15 minutes of fame continue to incite divisiveness, rubbish others for their opinions and go along with the troupe in proliferating questionable statements that they purport to be fact.  Now I will sit back an await your critique and, well who cares how some of you handle it.  have a good day.:wai:







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3 hours ago, Buzzz said:

  Sorry I didn't read your entire post. 

Can't stop laughing at the "Trump leads the polls" statement. 


So so many conspiracy nuts are loose these days. 


Hats off to you for reading some of it. :thumbsup: 

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I will take the time to thank you all for posting a response, whether it be positive or negative, you are all entitled to your opinion, it's just that some I have to disagree with.  What I wrote I based on my observations only and not being in one camp or the other.  I have watched the media reporting, read newspapers and even many posts on TVF and am able to see clearly the bias levelled.  I don't know if its' fear, sour grapes or just the plain tall poppy syndrome that has given rise to the ungracious remarks being proffered by a few, although some are trying to say by many. 


After following the primaries, both for Hilary and Trump since they commenced way back when, it s my opinion that Trump, despite his inexperience, was able to caste aside 16 professional politicians in a fashion that one has to admire.  Whether you like it or not one has to be given his dues, regardless.  These so called professionals, the press and many others believed he wouldn't last, that he would go in the first round, then the third, etc., etc. Didn't happen and despite all the odds, he survived much to the disdain of many.  They are still trying to get rid of him and probably will right up until election day.  Those who cannot accept the will of the people are not fit to govern and only shows the contempt that they hold for those who voted to not only make Trump but also Hilary the nominees of their respective parties.


With Hilary, the darling of the left, she was to be the fait accompli, however, poor old socialist Bernie really took it to her.  He put up a bloody good fight, however, as he was not the anointed one, it appears he was the only one who never knew he had no chance.  One only had to see his facial expressions when he was in attendance at the rally where Hilary was anointed to see his true inner feelings.  Wasn't pretty I can tell you.


Now, I don't know a lot about either candidate, only what I have heard, seen and read, and I could be critical of both but that is not my point here.  I submitted a post, which I believed to be unbiased, as I was mainly critical of the press and those other sore losers, the Bushes, Romney, the 75 or so Republicans (Never Trump Brigade) Ted Cruz, Kasich, the list goes on.  They all call for unity, yet some of their rhetoric is so divisive that it is they who should be disowned.  They are doing more damage to their party then I believe Trump ever will.  And yes, I was critical of the Democrats campaign but not of Hilary, she is only telling what she has been given to read.  In the end history will highlight the type of person she is.  And given that most on here are old farts, then maybe many of us won't be around to see that outcome. But then, 2017 could be an interesting year.


I also wanted to find out how Trump, despite not having the millions in funds that the Democrats have, and is doing supposed to be doing badly, as many of you and the press would have us to believe, is, on average, according to those legitimate polls some of you espouse, only some 7 points in arrears.  Less  in some states, where they are neck and neck or in some where Trump is slightly in front.  So to find out I put in something controversial and boy, did it bring some out of the woods.  Some were complimentary in their responses, and thanks for that, whilst others were, well we can all see what they wrote, and again, thanks for taking the time to get involved.


Some responders were trying to be SA's,  someone said they didn't read all and another patted him on the back for even reading part of it.  Sorry but don't accept that as a human's natural instinct of curiosity would decree otherwise.  Others were on about conspiracy theories and some were less than complimentary.  But, as we are all anonymous, who really cares, as long as we still have the freedom of speech, which some clearly want to dispense with and shut down the debate by attacking the person rather than the subject.


However, regardless of the rag tagging, I was given what I was looking for.  All are able to see the style of many on TVF and  I now know how Trump does not have to spend millions on advertising,  (50 million + for the Democrats) and still only, according to those so called legitimate polls, be, on average, just 7 points behind and gaining.  Have you worked it out yet?  Again, thank you all for your input and one can only hope that you Yanks will be smart enough to read between the lines, understand where everyone is coming from and make the right decision come November, 2016.

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6 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



However, regardless of the rag tagging, I was given what I was looking for.  All are able to see the style of many on TVF and  I now know how Trump does not have to spend millions on advertising,  (50 million + for the Democrats) and still only, according to those so called legitimate polls, be, on average, just 7 points behind and gaining.  Have you worked it out yet?  Again, thank you all for your input and one can only hope that you Yanks will be smart enough to read between the lines, understand where everyone is coming from and make the right decision come November, 2016.

Except the polls show not that he's gaining but that he's been falling further behind.

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2 minutes ago, ilostmypassword said:

Except the polls show not that he's gaining but that he's been falling further behind.



And those polls are?  The last time I checked on CNN, and sorry, I can't recall the names of the polls but according to them what you have stated is incorrect.  And this was only this morning.  Just out of curiosity, how much further behind are you suggesting?

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11 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:



And those polls are?  The last time I checked on CNN, and sorry, I can't recall the names of the polls but according to them what you have stated is incorrect.  And this was only this morning.  Just out of curiosity, how much further behind are you suggesting?

Go to this page  http://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/2016/president/2016_elections_electoral_college_map.html

Scroll down to the electoral spread graphic.

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45 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


it s my opinion that Trump, despite his inexperience, was able to caste aside 16 professional politicians in a fashion that one has to admire.come November, 2016.



I don't know what is less admirable. An arrogant, vacuous, bullying oaf who triumphed by insulting and belittling his peers, or the fact that someone admires him for it.



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2 minutes ago, Chicog said:



I don't know what is less admirable. An arrogant, vacuous, bullying oaf who triumphed by insulting and belittling his peers, or the fact that someone admires him for it.





And some of the others didn't.  You just keep on proving my point with every response.  Have a great day.  :wai:

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On 17/08/2016 at 4:02 PM, Si Thea01 said:


another poll conducted in a most fair way, unlike the other BS polls, included 33 percent Democrats, 33 percent Republicans and 34 percent independents, in every one of the 50 states, a total of 50,000 voters.  Guess who it is showing as being out in front and by a mile, no sorry, not Hilary but Donald, who is on 69 percent, Hilary on 19 percent with the balance going to the independents. But I guess the obvious haters will come out and give us the unusual spiel as to why this is not correct. 



Why do you apparently blindly accept the truthfulness of such content? I'm curious, did you check the organisational sources of the poll and the websites promoting the content. All are aligned to the far right / evangelical Christian / conspiracy theorists.

Edited by simple1
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2 hours ago, Chicog said:

I don't even know what your point is, apart from the fact that you admire an arrogant, vacuous, bullying oaf who triumphed by insulting and belittling his peers


If you cannot understand then I ain't going to educate you.  One would have thought you were old and smart enough to work it out but it appears you're not and please, stop assuming as you have no idea who I admire.  Just take a seat nd think about it, then maybe you will realize but given other responses I won't hold my breath waiting.

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1 hour ago, simple1 said:


Why do you apparently blindly accept the truthfulness of such content? I'm curious, did you check the organisational sources of the poll and the websites promoting the content. All are aligned to the far right / evangelical Christian / conspiracy theorists.


Another one assuming something.  And you have a problem with whom they are aligned, doesn't mean what they have polled is incorrect unless one is aligned to the far left.  Maybe the other polls are incorrect given whom they are aligned with.

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22 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


If you cannot understand then I ain't going to educate you.  One would have thought you were old and smart enough to work it out but it appears you're not and please, stop assuming as you have no idea who I admire.  


I didn't have any idea who you admire until you said:



it s my opinion that Trump, despite his inexperience, was able to caste aside 16 professional politicians in a fashion that one has to admire.



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15 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:


Another one assuming something.  And you have a problem with whom they are aligned, doesn't mean what they have polled is incorrect unless one is aligned to the far left.  Maybe the other polls are incorrect given whom they are aligned with.


All of them?

So they're all wrong apart from the one poll you cherry picked that supports your belief?

Welcome to the world of Confirmation Bias.



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59 minutes ago, Chicog said:


All of them?

So they're all wrong apart from the one poll you cherry picked that supports your belief?

Welcome to the world of Confirmation Bias.




And here I was crediting you with being old enough and smart enough to work things out but then one shouldn't assume, should they?  Instead of rushing in, just read it over and maybe you can come to the conclusion that is there for all to see.  But if you rush in you effort to respond without reading, then you will miss it.  Or is it that when you read you cannot comprehend.  And stop assuming, it is not my belief.  And there you go again, putting in words that were never mentioned, you just add what you think the situation is but it really isn't.

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8 hours ago, Si Thea01 said:


Another one assuming something.  And you have a problem with whom they are aligned, doesn't mean what they have polled is incorrect unless one is aligned to the far left.  Maybe the other polls are incorrect given whom they are aligned with.


Reread my post, I did not assume, I asked you a question

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6 hours ago, simple1 said:


Reread my post, I did not assume, I asked you a question



Actually, you asked two questions, the first asking why did I apparently blindly accept the truthfulness of the content.  If that is not assumptive, then what is? 


As for the 2nd question, yes, I noted who was behind it, so does it, as you state, being aligned to the far right / evangelical Christian / conspiracy theorists, make this poll any less reputable  than the other polls?

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1 hour ago, Si Thea01 said:



As for the 2nd question, yes, I noted who was behind it, so does it, as you state, being aligned to the far right / evangelical Christian / conspiracy theorists, make this poll any less reputable  than the other polls?



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