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The results to date (162, 162 and 178 medals according to Reuters) compared against the population of various countries.
India is not in the table; China in the lower end.
Grenada is statistically speaking an outlier.
Your as ever constructive observations are appreciated:


Country represented # inhabitants # Medals Medals per million
Grenada 110,694 1 9.03
New Zealand 4,438,393 8 1.80
Slovenia 1,983,412 3 1.51
Denmark 5,581,503 7 1.25
Hungary 9,897,541 12 1.21
Fiji 909,389 1 1.10
Lithuania 2,884,433 3 1.04
Jamaica 2,950,210 3 1.02
Australia 22,751,014 22 0.97
Estonia 1,265,420 1 0.79
Bahrain 1,346,613 1 0.74
Croatia 4,464,844 3 0.67
Switzerland 8,121,830 5 0.62
Sweden 9,801,616 6 0.61
Norway 5,207,689 3 0.58
Kosovo 1,870,981 1 0.53
Netherlands 16,947,904 9 0.53
Kazakhstan 18,157,122 8 0.44
Belarus 9,589,689 4 0.42
Georgia 4,931,226 2 0.41
Canada 35,099,836 13 0.37
Slovakia 5,445,027 2 0.37
Belgium 11,323,973 4 0.35
Italy 61,855,120 21 0.34
Mongolia 2,992,908 1 0.33
France 66,553,766 22 0.33
Puerto Rico 3,598,357 1 0.28
Cuba 11,031,433 3 0.27
Israel 8,049,314 2 0.25
United States 321,368,864 69 0.21
Russia 142,423,773 30 0.21
Germany 80,854,408 17 0.21
Japan 126,919,659 26 0.20
Azerbaijan 9,780,780 2 0.20
Ireland 4,892,305 1 0.20
Greece 10,775,643 2 0.19
Romania 21,666,350 4 0.18
Kyrgyzstan 5,664,939 1 0.18
Singapore 5,674,472 1 0.18
United Arab Emirates 5,779,760 1 0.17
Independent olympic athlete 12,000,000 2 0.17
Uzbekistan 29,199,942 4 0.14
South Africa 53,675,563 7 0.13
Spain 48,146,134 5 0.10
Poland 38,562,189 4 0.10
Portugal 10,825,309 1 0.09
Tunisia 11,037,225 1 0.09
Ukraine 44,429,471 4 0.09
Colombia 46,736,728 4 0.09
Kenya 45,925,301 3 0.07
Thailand 67,976,405 4 0.06
Argentina 43,431,886 2 0.05
Ethiopia 99,465,819 4 0.04
Iran 81,824,270 3 0.04
Venezuela 29,275,460 1 0.03
China 1,367,485,388 45 0.03
Malaysia 30,513,848 1 0.03
Brazil 204,259,812 6 0.03
Egypt 88,487,396 2 0.02
Vietnam 94,348,835 2 0.02
Turkey 79,414,269 1 0.01
Philippines 100,998,376 1 0.01
Indonesia 255,993,674 2 0.01

Have seen this done before in previous Olympics. Always good fun and a chance for the smaller nations to boast a bit :)

34 minutes ago, bark said:

My friend just left the USA a few minutes ago. Can you revise the medal table.

I want the true results.  thanks


And my cousin had triplets in Denmark. That should <deleted> up their score!


The ability to do summer sports are not the same all over the world. I argue that there need to be season index as well as certain sports can't be practiced all year in all countries. 


It's an event so corrupted by drugs, money and politics it is no longer worth watching.


An Australian ex-politician came up with an interesting proposition. Return the Olympics to Greece permanently, thus eliminating the corrupt process which decides the host city. Also giving the Greeks a badly-needed economic boost.


I don't understand why golf and tennis are included, the original Greek Olympics certainly didn't have these sports. Although it's interesting golf is the only sport where the only effective performance-enhancing drug in the past has been alcohol.





what if the size of the representing teams are applied, instead of the population?


it's the teams that are doing the hard yards for their medals, not the lounge lizards back at home

1 hour ago, bazza40 said:

It's an event so corrupted by drugs, money and politics it is no longer worth watching.


An Australian ex-politician came up with an interesting proposition. Return the Olympics to Greece permanently, thus eliminating the corrupt process which decides the host city. Also giving the Greeks a badly-needed economic boost.


I don't understand why golf and tennis are included, the original Greek Olympics certainly didn't have these sports. Although it's interesting golf is the only sport where the only effective performance-enhancing drug in the past has been alcohol.




The whole rotten circus needs to be cleansed from the very top to the very bottom. It won't happen though, and anyway I doubt there exist powerful enough disinfectants to do the job properly.

2 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Where is Great Britain? 


Team GB is actually GB+NI, isn't it? UK population is 64m, with 41 medals, gives about 0.64.


Could also normalise against budget, itself normalised for bang for buck local costs.


Ultimately, normalise against talent, or against number of medals won, and we all get 1.0 result, which seems fair to me.

14 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Where is Great Britain? 

Good question, seems lost in European Union in EXCEL, will update later today in Numbers. 

15 hours ago, SoiBiker said:

Where is Great Britain? 

Sorry, not so Great any more. no Scotland and no Green country. In two years, it will only be England and the Whalers.

5 hours ago, bark said:

Sorry, not so Great any more. no Scotland and no Green country. In two years, it will only be England and the Whalers.

Scotland hasn't left the union just yet, you know.

1 hour ago, SoiBiker said:

Scotland hasn't left the union just yet, you know.

Within two years, they will. I heard they will join Canada.

Today's update.
Great Britain is now devided under the United Kingdom, and the Koreas and Taiwan (Taipei) also added.

After the Olympics, time permitting will do the Income and GNP correlations.
Country   inhabitants medals medals/million
GRENADA GRN 110,694 1 9.03
CZECH REPUBLIC CZE 1,189,197 7 5.89
NEW ZEALAND NZL 4,438,393 10 2.25
SLOVENIA SLO 1,983,412 4 2.02
JAMAICA JAM 2,950,210 5 1.69
DENMARK DEN 5,581,503 9 1.61
BAHRAIN BRN 1,346,613 2 1.49
HUNGARY HUN 9,897,541 13 1.31
ARMENIA ARM 3,056,382 4 1.31
GEORGIA GEO 4,931,226 6 1.22
CROATIA CRO 4,464,844 5 1.12
FIJI FIJ 909,389 1 1.10
AUSTRALIA AUS 22,751,014 24 1.05
LITHUANIA LTU 2,884,433 3 1.04
NETHERLANDS NED 16,947,904 14 0.83
ESTONIA EST 1,265,420 1 0.79
United Kingdom GBR 64,088,222 50 0.78
CUBA CUB 11,031,433 8 0.73
MONGOLIA MGL 2,992,908 2 0.67
SWITZERLAND SUI 8,121,830 5 0.62
AZERBAIJAN AZE 9,780,780 6 0.61
SWEDEN SWE 9,801,616 6 0.61
NORWAY NOR 5,207,689 3 0.58
KAZAKHSTAN KAZ 18,157,122 10 0.55
KOSOVO KOS 1,870,981 1 0.53
BELARUS BLR 9,589,689 5 0.52
QATAR QAT 2,194,817 1 0.46
REPUBLIC OF MOLDOVA MDA 2,194,817 1 0.46
BELGIUM BEL 11,323,973 5 0.44
FRANCE FRA 66,553,766 29 0.44
IRELAND IRL 4,892,305 2 0.41
CANADA CAN 35,099,836 14 0.40
ITALY ITA 61,855,120 23 0.37
GREECE GRE 10,775,643 4 0.37
SLOVAKIA SVK 5,445,027 2 0.37
GERMANY GER 80,854,408 26 0.32
KOREA, south KOR 49,115,196 14 0.29
KOREA, north PRK 24,983,205 7 0.28
PUERTO RICO PUR 3,598,357 1 0.28
RUSSIAN FEDERATION RUS 142,423,773 38 0.27
UNITED STATES USA 321,368,864 84 0.26
ISRAEL ISR 8,049,314 2 0.25
JAPAN JPN 126,919,659 29 0.23
UZBEKISTAN UZB 29,199,942 6 0.21
ROMANIA ROU 21,666,350 4 0.18
POLAND POL 38,562,189 7 0.18
KYRGYZSTAN KGZ 5,664,939 1 0.18
SINGAPORE SIN 5,674,472 1 0.18
IOA IOA 12,000,000 2 0.17
UKRAINE UKR 44,429,471 7 0.16
SPAIN ESP 48,146,134 7 0.15
SERBIA SRB 7,176,794 1 0.14
KENYA KEN 45,925,301 6 0.13
SOUTH AFRICA RSA 53,675,563 7 0.13
TAIWAN TPE 23,415,126 3 0.13
AUSTRIA AUT 8,665,550 1 0.12
BAHAMAS BAH 9,780,780 1 0.10
PORTUGAL POR 10,825,309 1 0.09
TUNISIA TUN 11,037,225 1 0.09
COLOMBIA COL 46,736,728 4 0.09
ARGENTINA ARG 43,431,886 3 0.07
MALAYSIA MAS 30,513,848 2 0.07
THAILAND THA 67,976,405 4 0.06
BRAZIL BRA 204,259,812 11 0.05
ETHIOPIA ETH 99,465,819 5 0.05
IRAN IRI 81,824,270 4 0.05
TURKEY TUR 79,414,269 3 0.04
CHINA CHN 1,367,485,388 51 0.04
VENEZUELA VEN 29,275,460 1 0.03
MOROCCO MAR 33,322,699 1 0.03
ALGERIA ALG 39,542,166 1 0.03
EGYPT EGY 88,487,396 2 0.02
VIETNAM VIE 94,348,835 2 0.02
PHILIPPINES PHI 100,998,376 1 0.01
INDONESIA INA 255,993,674 2 0.01

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